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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    so frustrated

    That is great news. I was reading through your previous posts and it sounds like you were on a supervised diet previous to April. Wouldn't that count?
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Personal Style -- How will I dress as a thin woman?

    Here is another good blogger. Jennifer Scott is the author of the book Lessons from Madame Chic. She endorses the idea of a 10 item wardrobe. http://dailyconnoisseur.blogspot.com
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Here fishy fishy....

    Follow your NUTs instructions. I was allowed tuna on week four. You WILL get to have fish but I am guessing that right now is not the time.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Wanting to love myself.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know first hand how devastating disappointment and disapproval from those we love can be. Congratulations for embracing this change and opening up to us about your story. Both are very loving things to do for yourself.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Just some basic questions

    If your program is like mine then all you need to do is fill out the paperwork. Mine took some time so don't put it off. Some of the answers required some phone calls and others required some thought. Best of luck on starting this exciting journey.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stall? Any advice?

    How do you define eating right? Are you getting in all your protein and water? What is your protein goal?
  7. Best of luck with your surgery. Trust the process. The chances of a smooth surgery and recovery are on your side.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Could use some advice

    It is very common to have erratic emotions soon after surgery. As you are aware the way you have dealt with uncomfortable emotions up to now has been with food and that is no longer an option. That, coupled with the hormone changes that occur as you lose fat, this stage of post-op recovery can be difficult. We all have to learn how to deal with stress and emotions in a constructive way without using food or turning to other destructive substances and behaviors. So do you have a therapist? A therapist is invaluable for helping learn new and healthy ways to cope. So is a good support group. In the meantime, until you find someone who can help, here are some ideas for things you can do: Cry Punch out your pillow Take a walk Scream Take a shower Write in a journal Stroke a pet Talk to a trusted friend Take a nap Sing at the top of your lungs along with your favorite CD Dance I am sure other people on these boards can give you some good ideas, too. Just know that: 1) these initial mood swings will even out and things will get better; but 2) unless you learn some healthy ways to cope, you are in danger of sliding back into bad habits and/or developing new ones.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Terrified: Eating too much 3 1/2 week out?

    Wow, only 600 calories a day at 9 months post op? Are you getting in all your protein every day? That seems really low. What does your NUT say?
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Your body is a wonderland!

  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Barely reaching 400 calories/day!

    Keep sipping away at the liquids and Protein (yogurt, etc.). If I remember correctly, my mouth was dry early out, too. I wouldn' t worry unless you aren't getting fluids down. Keep working on it. It gets better every day as the swelling goes down. Also, stay off of the scale. You are still swollen and healing from surgery. I don't know what resources are available in Egypt, so your surgeon's office would be a great place to start for suggestions about protein sources. I do know yogurt is a good place to start. Keep us posted on the n how you are doing.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Barely reaching 400 calories/day!

    Try ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrate or Isopure if you are on clear liquids. Both can be ordered online. I also could get the ProtiDiet through my surgeon's office. I think you can get Isopure at places like GNC.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    70lbs! Need support

    Congratulations! I love how your smile gets bigger with each picture,
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Curious and confused

    Do your research, ask questions, read, and repeat! Ultimately, you and your surgeon will need to weigh the risks and benefits for each procedure based on your specific needs and issues. I was sleeved April 20 and couldn't be happier with my choice of surgeon and procedure. Best of luck with your journey.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stall? Any advice?

    This is a normal part of the process. Just focus on getting in all your Protein and Water and stay off the scale.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stalling at week 3

    What you are experiencing is a normal part of the process. Focus on doing your best to get in all your Protein and Water and stay off the scale.
  17. My surgeon does mostly sleeves. I am sure that the band is still a viable option for some people. As in most things, as procedures and innovations are refined and adapted, and more data/experience is accumulated, there become more options.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Like why is easy for others and so hard for me

    So if you aren't tracking your food, how do you know if you are getting enough Protein? At the very least I would recommend tracking your protein in something like MyFitnessPal. Getting enough Water and protein are critical for healing as well as optimal weight loss. Everyone goes through stalls. It's how our bodies work. You can't control the scale, but you can make sure you get in all the required protein and water. Edited to add: if you plan out your meals and Snacks (with protein every time) throughout the day, it will help you get through a long day more easily.
  19. Getting the sleeve was/is a life-or-death decision for me. I chose life. It is just a tool. But, it's s powerful tool that helps with physical hunger, metabolism, body chemistry, etc. I still need to do the mental, emotional, and spiritual work. You can be successful in treating your food addiction but you have to use ALL your tools and support resources. With the help of your surgical team and your therapist, along with support groups and/or recovery groups, family, friends, a faith community, or whoever you trust to help you through, you can do it. Best of luck to you and keep us posted. This site is an awesome resource for both information and encouragement.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help! Bills

    Lucky you! As you probably noticed, the U.S. healthcare system is a massive cluster &@$!.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Needing something to control appetite

    There are lots of other flavors. Try Syntrax Nectars they are think and fruity, or they have an iced tea one, not like milkshakes. Chike and Click and BSN Syntha 6 make coffee/latte/mochacchino ones. I found a snickerfoodle one I love. Quest makes a great Peanut Butter cookie one. There's a brand that comes in a clear bottle whose name is escaping me now it comes in fruity thin flavors too like grape and alpine punch and green apple, not thick milkshake ones. Make your own with unflavored Protein powder in a blender with frozen fruit or Greek Yogert, throw in some torani syrup. If you get the protein in you won't be starving. Oh and for what it's worth I've never liked the Premier either, even though it's praised all over the board. You have to find what works for you. I think you are referring to Isopure. I wouldn't use fruit pre-op.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Needing something to control appetite

    The point of this whole process is not to starve. Post-op, it is a challenge to eat enough. Don't give up yet. Have you talked with your NUT and/or a therapist?
  23. Carnation Instant Breakfast (no sugar added) might also be an option for you and is relatively inexpensive. I like GNC Lean 25 shakes. GNC seems to have frequent sales. I just ordered Premier shakes from costco. They are currently on sale with free shipping.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein Shakes

    I wouldn't add berries for the pre-op diet. The intent of the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver so you have to avoid sugar and carbs.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Needing something to control appetite

    I agree, rather than suppress your appetite you need to get in your protein. You want to go into surgery as healthy as possible, and starving and medicating yourself will only hurt you.

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