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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Shortness of breath after Gastric Bypass?

    She needs to keep using her spirometer. It wouldn't hurt to giver her surgeon a call. Pneumonia is a big risk with any surgery.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Loathing protein!

    You can always use herbs and spices to add flavor. Sauces and gravy can add moisture (especially to drier meats) as well as flavor. Pace picante sauce is one of my standard condiments. I also like different mustards.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Why no NSAIDS ?

    Even my surgeon said he runs into this with other docs. He had someone post-op, out of town, at an emergency room and spent a great deal of time on the phone trying to educate the doc who wouldn't prescribe narcotics. I don't know what the solution is other than seeing if you can get your surgeon to advocate for you with your other docs.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Really, What is the Straight Skinny Post-Op?

    I was sleeved April 20 and have experienced most of this. Yes, my tastes have changed somewhat. Immediately after surgery it was harder to eat because I wasn't hungry and nothing seemed appealing. Even Water tastes/ed different. That said it was very exciting to introduce new foods (cottage cheese, refried Beans, grilled salmon) and really love them yet be satisfied with a small amount. Greasy or sugary foods are not appealing to me at all. Fresh, whole foods taste great. The highlight of my week is that I bought two fresh peaches this week and have had one for "desert" for two meals. Before surgery, I was always hungry. Post-op my default is not hungry. Will all this change? Maybe. But for now I am enjoying my changed relationship with food.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self Pay Questions for First Consult

    You need to ask your surgeon. Its only offered through the surgeon and the rates may be based on his or her complication rate, etc.
  6. I also think these rules vary by state.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl


    I focus on Protein. This early out if you just keep individual foods low carb then you really don't need to worry about carb counts. You only have so much room, so if you get in your protein you don't have much room for anything else. Unsweetened (no sugar added) applesauce and peaches were fine by my NUT, but I don't have more than one a day. I like Dannon Light and Fit yogurt. Its protein to carb ratio is pretty good. I liked the ProtiDiet pudding because it has protein already in it. You can also make your own protein pudding, just make sure you use sugar-free pudding mix and low-fat milk (I use 1%). Choose low or lower fat cheeses when possible. I also liked the ProtiDiet soups (creamy chicken and tomato basil). I used those a lot because I was tired of everything being so sweet. For my second week of soft foods I was able to add soft fish (like tuna, tilapia, and salmon). If in doubt, reread your program materials and call your NUT. I know mine is very helpful with ideas. Just remember: protein, protein, protein. And Fluid, fluid, fluid.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Why no NSAIDS ?

    Definitely loop your surgeon in with your pain doc. My surgeon warned us that other docs not understanding your surgery can unwittingly cause problems (for instance prescribing steroids, even a long time after surgery, can cause leaks). Not to scare you but you need to be very cautious.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Anyone 400lbs or more who had VS

    I started out over 500 pounds and was sleeved April 20 of this year and couldn't be happier with my choice. Ultimately, its a decision that you need to make in conjunction with your surgeon. Best of luck.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl


    When I was on soft food I ate a lot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. I also had refried Beans pretty often. You can also still have liquids like Soups, puddings, and of course Protein shakes. A lot of folks like ricotta bake. I found it a little rich for my taste. I know it gets pretty boring but this phase will pass. Hang in there.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    No NUT?

    It sounds to me like your surgeon is providing you with everything you would get having a NUT. I don't think you are missing anything.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self Pay Questions for First Consult

    Ask if your surgeon offers Blis insurance. My surgeon requires it for all self-pay patients. It's like an extended warranty for your surgery to cover complications that wouldn't be covered by your insurance.
  13. I chose it because it seemed to have the best risk vs benefit ratio for me. My cousin who had the lapband told me that if she did it again she would have the sleeve. And, my surgeon has had great results with the sleeve and no longer does lapbands.
  14. The whole idea of not buying prepared foods is just so mind boggling. I have talked to some formerly homeless people and that is a real challenge. The whole assumption that everyone has access to refrigeration and kitchen facilities really needs to be revisited. Actually, our whole approach to meeting basic needs is insane.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl


    Just an update... I made an appointment for a massage for this coming Thursday. I am really looking forward to it.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Water tasting funny? 5 days PO

    Unfortunately, if your surgeon won't allow artificial sweeteners then Water enhancers are out. How about trying herbal infusions like mint or other herbal "teas"? It will get better.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weight Stall, help!

    This is a very normal part of the process. Just focus on getting in all your fluids and protein and follow your surgeon's instructions. You are still recovering from surgery and this goes with the territory. Stay off the scale and you will be much less anxious.
  18. Yes, plain Water was difficult for me early out. You can try different temperatures (room temp worked best for me) or adding water enhancers like crystal light. At four months out it is getting easier for me to drink plain water but I still rely on water enhancers to get a lot of my water in. Just keep sipping.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    17 gastric sleeve in Louisiana

    I agree. Go to a weight loss seminar. I would recommend you find a Center of Excellence. Even if a surgeon is hesitant about the surgery for anyone under 18 if you start the process now you will be ready by the time you are 18.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Newbie concern

    Welcome to the site! I am newly sleeved so don't have first-hand experience. What I have noticed on these boards anecdotally is that as people get healthier they seem to be better able to take care of other health issues (knee replacements, other surgeries) and chronic conditions. I can only imagine that being healthier in general would better equip me and my body to deal with or even avoid other health problems.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    College Anyone?

    I am well past my college years but have worked in higher ed for years and taught a freshman seminar class for quite a few semesters. I also have a couple of degrees! I would recommend that you get and use a calendar and plan out your meals, Snacks, and exercise time along with your classes, study time, social time, sleep, etc. put everything on your calendar. You can join a group fitness class and/or schedule time in the recreation center for gym time or swim time (or whatever you like todo) and treat it like all of your other classes. You can join an intermural or club team. Sports are fun ways to exercise and meet people. In college, there are clubs for everything. Especially if you are on a large campus, take advantage of the opportunities to walk. Enjoy your time at school but be smart about your time and your priorities. Being healthy and fit will definitely be a benefit to your academics so don't put your food plan and exercise (and sleep!) on the back burner. Stay in touch Let us know how you are doing and what works for you.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gastric bypass in Kentucky!

    Best of luck with your surgery. Who is doing your surgery? I was sleeved April 20 with Dr. Weiss at Georgetown. I couldn't be more pleased with my recovery so far. (I started at a super high BMI and had the sleeve.) The best advice I can give is learn as much as you can, read, and ask questions. Do everything you are asked to do by your surgeon and team. Focus on getting in your Protein and Water, stay off the scale, and follow your pre- and post-op diet plan to the letter. If in doubt, ask questions. I know my NUT has been extremely helpful and is reachable by phone and email. Best of luck and keep us posted on how it's going.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Why Am I Dropping Weight So Slowly?

    Can you help me? I take in 80-100 grams of Protein a day, speed walk on the treadmill for 1/2 to 45 min a day and incorporate some chicken, veg & fruit, and get all my Water plus some in. I am not losing how I think I should be. Any suggestions, corrections? Have you talked to your NUT? You may just be on a normal stall.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Afraid I'll gain the weight back...

    So use sunscreen. Seriously, swimming/water exercise is great exercise for most everyone.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Another question

    I agree with what everyone else has said. One major difference I have noticed between pre-op life and post-op life is that it takes a different mind-set and a different focus that I have noticed that many people (including me!) have difficulty adjusting, too. Pre-op, we are focused on minimizing food (calories, volume, etc.) while battling hunger and our bodies desire/need for nourishment and an almost infinite capacity. Post-op, the focus changes to maximizing our nourishment with a much smaller/limited capacity and less of a desire/need to eat. Unless I am really hungry, my default state now is to not be hungry. Sometimes I have to remind myself to eat. Before, my default state was hungry. The focus now is to maximize Water and Protein. Before it was to minimize calories. What I am trying to say is that don't let the fact that you are able to drink/eat anything at all freak you out. It is a learning process as you get used to your new reality. Just keep sipping away and focus on your plan. Get in all your water and protein the best you can and you will be fine.

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