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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. In addition to seeing a therapist, you might also want to explore something like Overreater' Anonymous. The OA.org website has meeting scheduled as well as literature and podcasts. I truly believe you can be successful after WLS if you are open to using every resource available to you.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calorie intake

    My protein goal from day one was and is at least 100 grams of protein. If you eat protein first and eat healthy foods, avoiding starches, then you really don't need to focus on calories. Are you at least tracking your protein?
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Eating before its time ..

    Protein is so important my surgeon overrode my NUT and allowed us Premier Protein during the clear liquid phase. He said there is no physical reason we couldn't get three a day as soon as we were cleared for liquids. In large part I credit getting in enough protein for the relative ease of my recovery. From what I learned from my surgeon early in your recovery getting in enough protein is much more critical to both recovery and weight loss than limiting calories.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    explain carbs please

    Carbs come in your vegetables and fruits. I avoid starches (rice, Pasta, bread, starchy vegetables). If you are confused about your food plan, why not talk with your NUT? Did he/she provide you with a written plan? I have a notebook from my program and at least 10 pages of it is related to eating healthy post-op.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    I Don't Know What to Eat! Help!

    A piece of whole wheat bread has 14carbs. A half cup of refried beans has 12. Not a huge difference. Beans are obviously better for the Protein but nothing awful is going to happen from consuming a slice of bread. The carb monster doesn't exist. Except the refried beans has protein and the bread does not. Especially early out you have to allocate the room you have for food with the priority given to protein --- at least that is how I understand it.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Keeping a Positive Attitude

    I am so, so sorry you had such an awful week and were so disappointed about not being able to start with your students. You must be an awesome teacher to have former students care about you so much, to visit you in the hospital. I am so glad you were able to get some treatment. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you have a restful and uneventful weekend so you can safely return to the classroom on Monday.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help..idk what to do

    @@Sleeved Me, I am confused, too. You "had the lapband on Monday" but are sore where "they took the stomach portion out"? Do you know what procedure you had?
  8. My surgeon will not perform the surgery for anyone who is not smoke free before surgery and committed to staying smoke free post-op.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Psych Eval Questions

    Relax! (I know its easier said than done.) As long as you are open and honest, chances are pretty darn good that you will be approved. If by some chance you aren't approved, it probably won't be a hard "No", but a recommendation that you address any issues that may keep you from being successful. This is just an assessment to see if you are prepared for surgery and can give an informed consent. Mine was very helpful and I left with some recommended reading and feeling good about my decision. It's not there to trip you up but to help you.
  10. For the clear liquid phase: sugar free Popsicles, clear liquid Protein drinks (like Isopure sand ProtiDiet Liquid Beverage concentrate), broth, and Water enhancers (like Mio, Crystal Light). We have a local Sonic so I got a bag of Sonic ice. Best of luck with your surgery.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Feeling left out

    As others have mentioned, you should be able to eat at the Chinese buffet, but you have to choose carefully. Our local buffet usually has fish and shrimp. My sister-in-law is Chinese and previous to my surgery when we all went to the buffet I always marveled at her tiny portions. She usually got fish. The good thing about the buffet is you can pick and choose and focus on the Proteins.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl


    Congratulations on this month's weight loss and for not gaining over those previous six months. You have received some great advise. In addition to blood work and checking in with your surgeon you might also want to check in with your NUT. Focusing on getting in your Protein and fluids is the best way to stay on track. Best of luck and keep us posted.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    5 Months Out and Loving life

    Congratulations! You really are a beast. I am most impressed with your being able to get out of the pool without the ladder. I can't remember the last two I was able to do that.
  14. If your daughter can't work, have her contact your state's vocational rehab office. Since I am on disability retirementI was able to go through voc rehab and the paid for my surgery. Their goal is to help people get back to work. It is certainly worth exploring.
  15. Get the records you do have and then see if your current PCP will write a letter on your behalf. Don't give up before you have even started.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl


    I had a massage today and it was great! Good thing I'm not shy because I did need help getting on and off the table but it was worth it.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl


    I would run it by your NUT. I am not very familiar with Herbalife but I have heard that it is very high carb and has other additives.
  18. Have you been to any doctor in the last five years (GYN, clinic, primary care) where your weight was recorded?
  19. Inner Surfer Girl


    I bought mine from my surgeon and online at Bariatric Choice. Now that I think about it, my favorite is actually WonderSlim Dark Chocolate that I got from Bariatric Choice. I like it as is or with the addition of PB2.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Any 450-500 lb 2015 sleeves out there?

    I was over 500 at my highest weight. I was sleeved April 20 and was at 430 the last time I weighed.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    how much are you eating after 1 month?

    I was actually responding to the OP. But, for you, keep working at it. It is so critical that you get in enough protein.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Surgery scars

    I've just been using Palmer's Cocoa Butter or Palmer's Cocoa Oil.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    how much are you eating after 1 month?

    Are you eating protein first? Are you reaching your protein goal every day? What does your NUT advise?
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Anyone thrown your scale away?

    Don't invest in a new scale. Even though my home scale was weighted for my weight, it never word weigh accurately when I was at my highest weight so I only weighed at my doctors. That worked great for me post-op because every time I weighed at the doctors I showed a significant loss. I didn't have to agonize over stalls like many folks on here. Now that I am further out and my scale weighs accurately I still don't weigh very often. Certainly no more than once a week and usually every two or three weeks. If you follow your program, and do what you are supposed to do, you will lose weight. Since I don't lose weight at a constant rate, weighing frequently doesn't give me any information that is of value to me. What the number on the scale says does not change my Protein, Fluid, and exercise goals.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Need help.

    Are you in the U.S.? Are you eligible for public assistance and/or Medicaid? The reason I ask is that in my state (Kentucky) it seems that Medicaid covers weight loss surgery.

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