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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. I agree, maybe dial back the exercise. If you are exercising twice a day but not increasing your protein and carbs then you are probably setting yourself up for slow loss. Have you talked to your NUT? Your calories and protein seem low for someone who is exercising as much as you are.
  2. It is normal. I would recommend slowing down even more. Take even smaller sips (practically drips) and try Popsicles and crushed ice/ice chips. That way the liquid just melts down your throat. You are going to be really swollen for a while so just go slow but keep trying. It does get much better.
  3. Yes, we all go through stalls. After losing a large amount the first three months, I didn't lose anything the fourth month. By keeping with my program I continued to see physical progress and the scale has started to move again. You said you are losing a pound a week. That is not a stall. You are still losing. Ignore what your tracker app says you SHOULD be losing. It isn't God. It doesn't know your body. It only uses a standard formula that is based on averages. Our bodies are complex systems, not simple machines. If you follow your program and do what you are supposed to do (get in all your Protein and Water and exercise), then you will be fine.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Any 450-500 lb 2015 sleeves out there?

    At one week out I was just doing some walking. I didn't really start any significant exercise post-op until I was cleared to get in the pool.
  5. Thanks for this! It is just so sad that the FDA cannot regulate these products more strongly. Whatever happened to truth in advertising?
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Feeling Like a Failure

    If you aren't happy with your progress then yes, you could do something different. But, different from what? You didn't put any details about what you are doing in your post. Are you reaching your Protein goal every day? Are you getting in at least 64 oz of Fluid? Are you tracking your food? Are you avoiding starches? Are you exercising? If you feel like you aren't making the progress you expect, it might be time to go back to basics. Best of luck.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Consultation this Monday

    Don't give up. Can you start saving? Can you get a 2nd job? Can you have a yard sale, or two, or three? Can you look for a different insurance policy during open enrollment? Can you borrow the money (from family, your 401k, etc.)? Do you qualify for services through Voc Rehab? Put on your thinking cap. If you have decided this is right for you, you can find a way.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Diet post op

    First congratulations on the weight loss. Second, if you are eating ice cream, why do you even have it around? When you say tea is a vice, what do you mean? Are you drinking sweet tea with sugar? Are you drinking caffeine? There are lots of substitutions for tea: try herbal infusions, or decaf tea. I am four months out and still focused on the basics: eating Protein first, getting at least 100 grams of protein a day, and drinking 64 oz of Fluid a day. I try to choose lean and lower fat Proteins and avoid starches. I am also in the pool almost every day the weather allows. If you need some motivation, try to regroup and revisit why you want to lose the weight. You get to decide how well you want to follow your program.
  9. At least 64 oz. It may take some time to work up to 64 oz. but its important to try your best to get there. Edited: because apparently autocorrect is insane.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Do you weigh yourself everyday? Bad/good?

    Except that is not an accurate way to tell how your body reacts to specific foods. If you ate a box of donuts and the scale showed a pound loss the next day when you weighed; and then ate nothing but good Protein and vegetables the next day and you showed a gain on the subsequent day you would conclude that the box of donuts is good for your weight loss and the good protein and vegetables is bad for your weight loss? I think not. We have to understand that our bodies are complex systems and not simple machines.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Eating before its time ..

    Try the Premier Protein, too. I like it better than Muscle Milk.
  12. I have to admit there were two pieces of limited edition Blenko glass I wanted so I allowed myself to spend the money as a birthday/10o pound loss reward. I am good at rationalizing things like that!
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    From your experience

    I agree. I actually started trying to chew at least 20 times for each bite. It was quite enlightening.
  14. I have an awesome surgeon and he does almost all sleeves. It sounds to me like she has a bias toward RNY. Maybe she is more comfortable with it. It wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion if you think the sleeve is right for you and she isn't on board.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl


    I also got another brand that was Dark Chocolate and only had to/got to eat three of those!
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    MEGA Stall - Need some tips to break it

    Maybe your body just needs to stall right now. Maybe you need more carbs and protein since you are working out so much. Maybe you could call your NUT and see what he or she has to say since it is bothering you so much.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    From your experience

    I found it helpful to wean myself off of carbonation and caffeine gradually and to get at least 64 oz of Water a day. I also practiced eating slowly and mindfully.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Freaking out about NSAIDs

    Talk to your surgeon and your PCP. They can weigh the risks/benefits of your pain meds based on your own specific needs. I was given a whole list of meds to avoid post-op and NSAIDs are pretty standard. But, for folks with complex medical histories the best advice should come from your medical team.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    I have no personal experience to share, other than lots of my male friends being unavailable because they are gay, and a few friends of friends having gone through something similar to your situation. I just know that you are not alone. And, you will get through the next 10 minutes and the next. Life won't look the same for you after this new information, but isn't that also what happens with anything significant, like WLS. It sounds like you are dealing with this in a healthy way: counseling, talking, sharing your feelings. Trying not to give advice and platitudes is hard! Sending hugs and prayers your way.
  20. I am so so sorry you are having to deal with this. It is so hard to watch someone we love self-destruct. I can't help but think that it is somewhat like how my family felt as I gained so much weight. I don't have first-hand experience to share but hope that you won't let this derail you from taking care of yourself. Whatever happens with him and your family, by taking care of yourself first you will be in a much better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state to deal with whatever happens. Don't be afraid to ask for help, cry, and lean on trusted friends for support. We are here to listen, too.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    How can I prepare for my post-op life?

    If you have a GNC near you, I know they offer samples. You can also order a same pack of Syntrax nectar Protein drinks directly from the manufacturer. Carnation Breakfast Essentials (no sugar added) are fairly inexpensive. Another place that adds up is your Vitamins. Once you have a list of your Vitamin requirements keep an eye on sales. I get most of my vitamins from drugstore.com, but know you can also get most of them at places like Walgreen's. Watch for sales.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    twinings indulgence teabags

    I am a fan of green tea but even though it is lighter than black tea it still has caffeine. I know that right after my surgery I wasn't suppose to have caffeine. Later my NUT is allowing me one cup of tea a day. If you aren't allowed caffeine, then herbal infusions are great (mint, camomile, and other herb "teas"). I would check with my NUT but these sound good as long as you are getting in enough non-caffeinated Fluid.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Sleeve vs. Bypass

    I had the sleeve so I could get to a point where I can exercise. If I had had the bypass, it would be the same. I started at a very high weight where walking was difficult. Before surgery I had not been exercising/moving at all. Pre-op I got an exercise peddler and started pedaling with my hands in front of the tv for an hour a day. Even though I knew I wanted the sleeve, I was preparing for weight loss surgery period. Now, I am able to get in the pool every day (weather permitting) and love it. I am looking forward to being able to take long walks, hike, bicycle, take yoga and dance classes, and eventually learn to surf. Exercising is such an important part of my new life. As my NUT pointed out to me, part of being healthy is exercising.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Hi everyone! I'm new

    Welcome to this site. As others have mentioned it's a great place for information and support. I don't recall seeing anyone else post from Poland so you may be the first. When you are able to start eating real food you may have to share some weight loss surgery friendly polish recipes! In the meantime, focus on getting in your fluids and Protein and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl


    I use the Bariatric advantage 250 mg and chew 5 a day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
