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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    I messed up

    I doubt you caused a leak but you certainly ate too much, too early, and too fast. One of the reasons we are recommended to follow a certain food plan is to avoid what happened to you -- feeling sick and uncomfortable. Our food plans are based on others' previous experience. Sometimes we ignore the best advice and have to try things on our own. Sounds like you have experienced first-hand the results of eating too much, too fast, with the wrong texture. Hopefully, the results will give you a bit more motivation to be more patient with the process. It is recommended for your benefit.
  2. I have to eat frequently throughout the day even if I am not hungry in order to get in all of my protein. I also eat protein first and only eat vegetables and fruit after I eat my protein if I still have room. If you are able to eat all those vegetables then you should have no problem getting enough protein. You just have to commit to do it. Try setting reminders on your phone if you need reminders to eat.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Taking pills post-op

    I didn't have any trouble taking my meds the day after surgery.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    B complex?

    I get a B-1 with Thiamine supplement from Drugstore.com that meets my surgeon's requirements. It's not chewable, but it is really tiny. I think the brand is Nature Made.
  5. I like adding PB2 to the WonderSlim dark chocolate flavored protein pudding. It tastes pretty darn good. You can also try adding PB2 to chocolate protein shakes.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help! My body is backsliding!

    I am so sorry that your Lupus has reappeared. Definitely talk to your doctor. I hope they can help you feel much better soon.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Infused Water

    They have all kinds of special pitchers and bottles, but I just cut up the fruit and put it in a regular pitcher and filled it with water. You can use different fruit and herbs.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Infused Water

    My new favorite thing is infused Water. I ate at a local restaurant last week and the had cantaloupe-infused water. Since then I have made peach-infused and watermelon-infused water. I did use green tea with mint in the peach infusion but the others have been just water. Next time, I plan to use some fresh mint. If you drink infused water, what is your favorite?
  9. What a wonderful trip. I am so glad you could enjoy it so fully.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Going in for the BIG reveal....

    This is so good to hear!
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Infused Water

    I have some dried hibiscus that I got a while ago. I wonder how long it keeps. I'll have to try it.
  12. I can't answer for whether a surgeon will consider you as a candidate or not. In the U.S., in addition to the surgeon, most people have to meet insurance company requirements, too which almost always require that you are at least obese. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor. Even if you aren't a candidate for surgery, you can start making changes now. Whether or not you have surgery you can still consult a good dietitian or nutritionist and even a therapist to help you break the yo-yo dieting cycle. Best of luck.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Inspirational Quotes

    Whether you are waiting on a surgery date, insurance approval, or wanting the scale to move faster, I thought this one applied.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Baked Swai Fillet

    Yum! I was just curious because I have used either foil or parchment paper but never both at the same time.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ashland, Ky

    No, I am not in Ashland but just wanted to say "hey" from central Kentucky. My surgeon is Dr. Weiss. I was sleeved April 20 at Georgetown.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Over It

    It sounds like you are doing great to me. I know that no one will lose weight rapidly all the time. What are your choices right now? If you give up and stop eating healthy you certainly won't lose any faster. If you really do want to try something different, why not increase your Protein a little bit by aiming higher or committing to getting your 80 grams every day instead of 60-80 grams. I hate to hear you sound so discouraged when you have come so far. What else can you measure your progress by besides the numbers on the scale? How do you feel? Do you take your measurements? What can you physically do now that you couldn't do before surgery?
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help! Got questions about my daughter!

    Six weeks should be fine but some things to consider/plan for: She won't be able to lift any weight for a while, so she needs to make sure she is cleared before she starts toting around a full backpack. She will need to carefully plan out her days so she can get in all her Protein and Water. She doesn't need to get dehydrated. If she does have any limitations or complications, she needs to let the school know. Most colleges have some sort of a disability services office (check with the Dean of Students). Even though she has her own kitchen, it doesn't hurt to make friends with the food services folks. Many of them have nutritionists on staff and can help her make good choices. A lot of colleges also have their dining services food in MyFitnessPal.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Had an epiphany today!

    I wasn't bashing you, just responding to your post based on my experience. I think it's great that you only ate 3 small bites of cake. That is something to Celebrate.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Had an epiphany today!

    You need to learn to stand your ground and set some boundaries. This is not healthy. A simple "No, thank you." with a smile is a good place to start. And you may have to keep saying it. You have to set the tone for how you allow others to treat you.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Such a learning curve... Now the hard part begins

    Strange. I was told to have Protein at every meal and no more than 20-25 grams at a time. Since my goal is 100 grams a day so that works out to at least 4 to five meals/snacks. Only after I eat protein I have vegetables and fruit.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Consultation this Monday

    I'm glad you didn't see it. Will you have access to other insurance options when open enrollment starts?
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Consultation this Monday

    Oops-- I posted without thinking. Not a good idae sorry for the response I just deleted if you saw it. Don't do something rash. Make sur you think through how you get the money very carefully. A title loan is probably not the best way to go.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    Welcome to BariatricPal. I commend you for reaching out, asking for help, and being willing to try something new. I don't have experience with regain. I was sleeved on April 20 and have a long way to go, but I have been reading and researching about WLS for sandpit two years. Congratulations on losing the weight you have and for regaining your health and your life. That is quite an accomplishment. All I can suggest if you aren't where you want to be is to go back to basics. Are you getting in all your Protein and Water every day? Are you tracking your food? Have you talked with your NUT lately? Take a deep breath and look at how much you have accomplished. Then, look at one or two things you would like to change or adjust and start today. Be sure and keep us updated on how you are doing. This is a great site for support.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Going in for the BIG reveal....

    Jenifer, thank you so much for the update. Still praying and sending more hugs. I can only imagine how scary this is for you but can only believe that more information can only help his treatment.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Really, What is the Straight Skinny Post-Op?

    I hope your surgery went well and you have an uneventful recovery, Be sure and let us know how you are doing when you are up to it.

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