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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    6 days post op! Help!

    It's not unusual to be obsessed about what you can and can't eat this early out. I kept my manual out and read and reread it constantly throughout the day as I decided what I should eat next. The day I progressed to a new phase was so exciting as I looked forward to trying something new. Who knew that cottage cheese and refried Beans could be such a treat? Since you are on-the-go all day, you definitely need to plan ahead so the option to eat off your plan isn't even available. You will make it!
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calories per day?

    That seems really low. I don't think I have heard of a protein goal under 60 grams. May I ask what your starting BMI was?
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    6 week stall

    As long as you are getting in all your Protein and fluids, taking your Vitamins, and exercising some, you will be fine. Stalls are part of the process. If you feel you MUST do something, consider upping your fluids and/or protein. If it worries you too much, consider making an appointment with your NUT.
  4. I suggest that people not be afraid to talk to the person ordering and/or catering the food. It's perfectly acceptable to let them know about any special dietary needs.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calories per day?

    Don't forget to plan out when to take your vitamins, too.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl


    Glad to hear. I know it's a big worry, but leaks are actually pretty rare. If you avoid NSAIDs and steroids, don't smoke, and follow your surgeon's instructions and food plan, the chances of experiencing a leak are very, very small.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calories per day?

    I forgot to add: I am down over 130 pounds from the week before surgery.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calories per day?

    When I was on liquid and soft food I mostly ate: Protein shakes, protein pudding, liquid beverage concentrate with protein, protein Soup, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, refried Beans, tuna, soft fish (like salmon and tilapia), melted cheese on everything!, etc. I tried to make sure almost everything had protein but also had no sugar added diced peaches, pears, and applesauce, as well as V8, and soft vegetables like green beans and squash. For protein shakes I like: Premier Protein, GNC Lean 25, ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates, and Syntrax nectar. My surgeon said that there is no physical reason someone couldn't drink 3 premier protein shakes (90 grams protein) the day after surgery, so I just committed to getting it all in even if that meant not going to sleep until I had reached my goal. If your protein goal is 60-80 grams, I would recommend working very hard to get in at least 80 grams every day. I think you will feel better and it will help with healing and weight loss. Plan out meals and Snacks of no more than 20-25 grams of protein each time for the day. Keep in mind that early out those meals and snacks may sort of run together because you are going to be sipping and eating something all day. Plus, the more you can include protein in your fluids, the easier it will be to reach both your protein and 64 oz Fluid goals. Good luck and just keep working at it. And make sure you record everything because if you are like me, I can't remember what I ate or drank 10 minutes ago!
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Waist training?

    There is at least one thread about this topic on here so you may want to do a search and see what other's have to say. My take is that at the effects are at the very least temporary and not at all effective over the long run. At the worst it can be dangerous (crush your ribs and organs, and make it hard to breathe properly). Definitely talk to your surgeon about something like this, I do know some folks use binders soon after surgery just for support and find them helpful.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Below Drivers License weight!

    I plan to get a new license when I go register my new car sometime this week. For my last license I finally decided to be accurate about my weight so now it is really off!
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calories per day?

    What is your Protein target? The amount of protein you are required to get in will have the biggest influence on whether or not your calories are reasonable. In the first few weeks, since you are so limited in how much volume you can consume, it really is more important to focus on getting in all your protein. The number of calories is less important than the quality of your calories. My target is 100 grams of protein a day and I track it in MyFitnessPal. I have been able to reach that target every day since my second day home from the hospital. Once I was able to start eating regular foods my calories naturally increased. Now, at over four months out I am usually between 1000-1300 calories/day but mostly right around 1200. It is unfortunate that even as a self-payer you haven't had the support of a NUT. I am fortunate that even as a self-payer, my program fee includes nutrition education and access to my NUT for as long as I need her.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    So excited

  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    obsessing about weight loss?

    I think it takes a while for our self-image to catch up with reality, especially with such a drastic change. Do you have a counselor or therapist who can help you adjust? From what I can tell, this is a very common issue when you lose a significant amount of weight.
  14. @@BLERDgirl, sometimes I think we are twins!
  15. Inner Surfer Girl


    I didn't, but I seem to recall a page in my surgery manual that had a list of symptoms where it was recommended to call the surgeon right away: fever and sharp pain may be two. If you think you are experiencing something unusual or out of the ordinary, why not call your surgeon? I know mine has a 24-hour number for questions just like this. Don't wait for answers from strangers on the Internet if you think something is wrong.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Shot down

    I agree with @Elode. Also keep in mind that when you are newly post-op and still on liquids, your nerves and emotions are pretty raw and close to the surface. You may hear something in a response that wasn't intended. Many of us are careful not to encourage deviations from your doctor's orders because the consequences of doing so can be serious and even life-threatening. It is not that we don't understand the struggles, it is because we do. It may be just anecdotal, but when I had my one-week post-op follow-up and nutrition class, it seemed that the people who had the hardest recovery were those who chose to "cheat" on their food plan.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not loosing weight! Help!

    Ummm... This needs to be pinned! Like a, "come here when you hit the three week stall" post! Great explanation Babbs! This question is posted almost daily. I bet there are hundreds of threads on this very topic on this site, but a large number of people never read them, or must not think it applies to them. You will learn a lot if you read through this site. You can also use the search function to find posts related to specific issues.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Struggling day 7 post op

    Are you getting in all your protein and fluids? At one week post-op I was pretty much sipping something all day long just to get it all in. I wouldn't have had the time or room to eat something not on my plan. As my NUT reminded us, the liquid phase is not forever. You will get to eat soon enough. Don't risk setting back your recovery or causing complications by advancing your foods too quickly. Early out I used ProtiDiet soups (tomato basil and creamy chicken) that I got from my surgeon's office in addition to protein shakes and fruit-flavored protein drinks to get in all my protein. I liked having a savory option. A lot of people like the Unjury chicken soup flavor, too.
  19. Congratulations! This is a big milestone. I bet you look awesome in your new clothes and feel even better.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Top 10 Signs of Junk Science

    I do feel sorry for health and science writers because they are often asked to distill some very complicated research down into a form that average people can understand. Usually, what most people want to know is what will instantly and easily solve their perceived problem. We don't like uncertainty and ambiguity. We want THE ANSWER.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not loosing weight! Help!

    Don't be depressed. What you are experiencing is very common. You are recovering from major surgery which included lots of IV fluids and swelling. Plus, almost everyone experiences a stall about week three as your body catches up to the trauma. As long as you focus on following your post-op instructions, reaching your Protein target, and staying hydrated, you will be fine. If the number on the scale is going to depress you, then stay off the scale.
  22. Thank God for the pool and weather warm enough to still swim outside.

    1. magicalwoman


      Can you have a pool party.............I'll come!

    2. Inner Surfer Girl

      Inner Surfer Girl

      Sure! Everyone is welcome. (Now if I could get off the computer long enough to head over.)

  23. Thank God for the pool and weather warm enough to still swim outside.

  24. Only you can decide if this is right for you. I have much more weight to lose than you and was sleeved on April 20 at age 50. I now weigh less than I have in the past decade. For me, the worst part of the process was the pre-op fear and anticipation. It is scary to step off into the unknown. What I do know is that if I had backed out at the last moment or postponed, I would still be stuck where I was pre-surgery. Now I feel so much better, am regaining my mobility, and am more optimistic about life than I have been in years.

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