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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. I am a lap swimmer again!

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Awesome! Now go live up to that Fabulous Screen Name!!


  2. I am a lap swimmer again!

  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Do you eat your exercise calories?

    It would make more sense to up your Protein and healthy carbs (which will give you more calories) than to just upping your calories. A donut will give you more calories but it won't be what your body needs. If you are only eating 800 calories a day you will need more calories if you are working out. Rather than limiting calories consider maximizing protein.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Camera, bring it or no?

    Glad to hear you had such a good recovery. By the way, I downloaded the Camera Plus app to my phone and have been playing with it a little bit.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Turkey Burger

    My surgeon stressed that we need to read labels carefully and not eat anything with high fructose corn syrup. If you try a sauce, just make sure you use a BBQ sauce that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup or lots of sugar.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Pre Op Exercising

    My mobility was extremely limited pre-op so I got an exercise peddler and peddled with my hands while I watched TV. I aimed for at least 60 minutes a day (usually in chunks of 10-30 minutes). Now that I am more mobile and the weather is better (I was sleeved in April), I try to get in the pool everyday. I am fortunate enough to have a pool at home.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Inpatient or Outpatient

    Mine was also considered outpatient. I was told the 24 hour clock started after the surgery so I spent one night in the hospital. I didn't have any complications so was glad to be able to go home the next day. I was able to rest much better at home. If I had had any complications and needed extra time they would have admitted me. I think a lot of this terminology just has to do with insurance billing and coding.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    How do you break a stall?

    Why are you trying to keep to 900 calories? That seems really low for as far out as you are. What does your NUT advise? My NUT advised me to keep between 900-1000, but honestly I have a hard time getting in 800-900 daily. It's strange, the 900 was keeping me dropping up until this point. I can feel myself hungrier than before and of course able to fit in more food, but the fear of overeating is preventing me from eating more I suppose. Do you think up-ing my intake would help break the stall? I am more active than I was before, perhaps my body is holding onto weight? It's quite a battle Actually, I do think it would help to up your Protein and healthy carbs some, especially if you are exercising a lot. Believe it or not, eating too few calories can be more detrimental to your weight loss than eating too many. But, stalls do happen and are a natural and important part of the process. When you respond to a stall by cutting calories (protein in particular) you are starving your body from what it needs the most.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Camera, bring it or no?

    This is so great to hear! I hadn't seen a post from you since you were scheduled for surgery so I was a bit worried! Did you get a chance to take some photos while you were in Mexico? How did it go?
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Anyone else with lymphedema?

    I still don't wear pants so am also curious if someday I will get to wear jeans and boots, too! If you are like me, it may just be more noticeable to you now because everything else is shrinking so fast. I have been surprised how quickly my thighs, especially my inner thighs, are shrinking. It shakes up my perceptions!
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    No protein powders?!?

    My surgeon specifically told us, with a shake in hand as an example, that he expected us to be able to drink three premier proteins a day the day after surgery in order to get enough protein.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    No protein powders?!?

    Well, powdered milk and powdered egg whites ARE protein supplements and added to milk sound an awful lot like protein shakes.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Anyone else with lymphedema?

    I have it too and carry most of my weight in my lower body. My right leg has been shrinking faster than my right so I am a bit lopsided! My PA at my last surgical follow up said she would be worried I was losing too fast except that a lot of my list weight is due to the Fluid in my legs. I talked to my PC at my last appointment about seeing a physical therapist about my legs. I saw one before surgery and she recommended we hold off on treatment until after surgery. My PC seemed to think that I didn't need to see a physical therapist right now as I am losing weight so rapidly and it should make a difference in my legs. It just may take some time. I have heard of people on here who do have treatment, even after they have lost weight, so that still might be something I will need to do. I don't know how your body will lose the weight. Mine is certainly unpredictable! What does your doctor say?
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Turkey Burger

    I didn't have Bypass but the sleeve so don't know if your program would be different or not so my answer may or may not be applicable. I eat turkey burger patties all the time. If you are far enough along on your program to have ground meats then they are a great choice. I find that I like mine with a little bit of gravy so that they are a bit more moist than the plain ones.
  15. Our bodies are complex systems and not simple machines. Believe it or not, you will probably lose more rapidly once you are able to get in more calories. The important thing is that you get in your Protein and Water. The weight loss will happen.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Question about psych eval

    Mine was done by the person on staff through my bariatric program. Are you required to find your own or does your program have someone they recommend?
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Do you eat your exercise calories?

    No. I do record my exercise, but calories are not my primary focus. I focus on making sure I get in my protein.
  18. Focus on getting in all your Protein and Water, and stay off the scale. You have recently had major surgery and are still recovering. What you are going through and feeling is a VERY NORMAL part of the process. I am so glad you noticed the change in your body and the size of your clothes. Most people at this stage are so focused on the numbers on the scale that they miss this very real indicator that they are losing fat. There seems to be at least one post on this topic almost daily so please read these forums. You will see that you are not alone and that you will get through this phase.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Portion Control vs Low Carb... Ready, go!

    Portion control and high protein. Focus on getting in all your protein and making healthy choices and the rest takes care of itself.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    How do you break a stall?

    Why are you trying to keep to 900 calories? That seems really low for as far out as you are. What does your NUT advise?
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    What Are Your Hobbies?

    Swimming, reading, photography, writing, movies, ...
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    48 hour pouch test

    Congratulations on your weight loss! I am so sorry you are unhappy with your weight gain and hope you find a workable solution. Are you still tracking your food, especially your Protein? Have you talked with your NUT lately? I hope the porch test works for you (even though you have a sleeve and not a pouch) but would think that going back to basics would help. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Best of luck.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Kept my head straight

  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protien bars

    You can also get Quest bars directly from quest. I also get them from drugstore.com.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ready to give up on trying to lose weight

    It sounds like you are at a place most of us experienced with conventional dieting. I am very familiar with where you are. It's one of the reasons I chose WLS. It is frustrating. Since you aren't required to lose weight I wouldn't stress about it too much. This isn't all or nothing. You could still follow the diet you are on with some planned treats or splurges. My surgeon just wanted me to go into the surgery as healthy as possible. What are your surgeon's expectations and requirements? If your surgeon requires a two-week pre-op diet them that would be the time to buckle down and not deviate from your program. What worked for me pre-op was to focus on small, specific changes that would help me succeed post-op: weaning myself off of caffeine and carbonation, drinking a lot of Water, focusing on Protein, and exercising. I agree that even if you are injured you can find something to do that will get you moving. Best of luck and don't let discouragement derail you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
