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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Take it as a compliment! And congratulations on the weight loss.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    I had a terrible day UGH! Help?

    I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with this. I would suggest you find some healthy alternatives. If you are craving chocolate, can you try some chocolate Protein shakes, chocolate Calcium chews, or even chocolate pudding? WonderSlim has a dark chocolate protein pudding that is pretty good. Also, Quest has a double chocolate chunk bar that I like a lot. Protein Hot Chocolate is also a good way to get a chocolate fix. If all else fails, try a small sized version of good quality dark chocolate. If I am going to indulge, I would choose quality. As for the chips, you might try to find some protein chips for crunch. I recently discovered Mr. cheese O's which are really crunchy. They have become my post-swim snack pretty frequently. I am sure other folks have ideas that may help.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Plateau at 3 weeks post-op. Seriously

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process. Almost everyone experiences their first stall around week three. (@@Babbs always posts the best explanation.) This will not be your last stall by a long shot. Just keep following your program. Make sure you are getting in all of your Protein and fluids, and take your Vitamins as directed. You will be fine. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  4. It's a right of passage...at least you were prepared. I feel sorry for the folks who have no idea that it's going to happen. Has it really already been three weeks since your surgery? Wow, time really flies.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    For the physically active sleevers...

    That another reason I like classes. For example, you could sign up for a belly dancing class and then when it's over sign up for a Salsa class, etc. My Wellness Center and the YMCA I belonged to before I moved also offer drop-in classes so you don't have to commit to just one. There is an option to try different kinds of exercise. This is great if you like variety or get bored easily.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    My befores Picts at 304lbs

    You are shrinking!
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    29 Months Post-Op

    Congratulations! You are an inspiration.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    For the physically active sleevers...

    The only exercise I have consistently loved is swimming. For me the motivation is how good it feels. Once I was cleared to get in the pool (after my incisions had healed), I got in our pool at home every day weather permitted during the summer. Once I reminded myself how good it felt it became easier until I started to look forward to it. Now that it is colder I joined our local wellness center. It is still a bit of a challenge to get there, but once I get into the pool it's hard to get out. One thing that has always helped me throughout the years is to find some classes to go to at a specific time. That way I am less likely to put off going and after a few classes I look forward to the social interaction. Find something that is fun and enjoyable and you will be much more likely to participate if you are like me.
  9. Welcome! You are at the beginning of quite an adventure. My advice? Practice being both patient and persistent. Don't let the pre-op process discourage you, it really is designed to make sure you are as prepared as possible for a safe and successful surgery. Learn as much as you can. Ask lots of questions, and if you don't understand something, keep asking questions until you do. My program gave me a three-ring binder full of information and I added to it throughout the process. It became my bible. Document everything. Especially if you are having to deal with insurance, write down everything you are told and keep good records of any contacts you make. Participate on this site. There is lots of information, inspiration, and encouragement. (There can also be drama and nutty behavior -- keep in mind that we are all at various stages of the process which can include exhibiting erratic behavior). With the help of your NUT, start incorporating healthy habits into your routine: drinking lots of Water, eating mindfully, choosing healthy foods, and exercising. Weaning myself from carbonation and caffeine was very helpful. Be willing to accept all the help you can get. Consider finding a good therapist or counselor, attend support groups (like a Bariatric support group sponsored by your program, a 12-step group like OA, and/or other similar support group). I learned so much about myself, the disease of obesity, nutrition, etc. through this process. I bet you will, too. Best of luck with your journey and keep us posted with how you are doing.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self Care Isn't Selfish...3 Tips to Make it Possible

    Setting boundaries is a very important skill to learn. I just finished reading a book written by a therapist who works with weight loss surgery patients that had some excellent advice about setting boundaries. It's called Eat it Up! and I highly recommend it. Another is called The One Life Solution, Dr. Henry Cloud. I would definitely recommend both to those of us who have had weight loss surgery and struggle with boundary issues.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    At a stand still

    I avoid starches (rice, Pasta, bread, potatoes, starchy vegetables) for the most part. I don't avoid carbs altogether, I just minimizing them by focusing on Protein first and choosing lower carb foods. As long as you are getting in all of your protein, you really won't have much room for carbs early out. You weight loss sounds great. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process. You will continue to stall while you lose weight. We do not lose weight at a constant rate. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  12. Try some premier Protein, or other Protein shakes, too. You really need some protein with your fluids. Try bone broth (it has a higher protein content than other broths according to my NUT). Best of luck and just keep sipping slowly. It does get better.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl


    Congratulations on making exercise a priority. I just want to caution you to take it slow and easy, especially if you haven't been exercising for a while. Do you have a trainer? Don't forget to schedule rest days and/mix up your exercise. Having your muscles "screaming at you" doesn't sound like a very healthy thing. Plus, an injury can really wet you back. Best of luck.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stalling out already...

    What is your Protein target? If you are only getting 50 grams of protein and your target is 70 grams, then you have room for at least two Snacks of 10 grams each (or another meal of 20 grams). You don't get bonus points for going hungry. We need the nutrition.
  15. It doesn't have to be out of a can, it just needs to be a thin, smooth consistency. No chunks or solid pieces.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stalling out already...

    Are you getting in all of your protein and fluids?
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein Options

    In addition to the sweet shakes, I used protein soups. They really saved me early out because I found all sweet, all the time, too much. My surgeon's office sold ProtiDiet tomato basil, and creamy chicken. I also got some Unjury chicken soup. Having warm soup was also a good alternative to cold shakes.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    New Life

    I can see why you would be happy. Congratulations! This is great progress.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Regret, depression & anxiety

    @@anna9/15, how are you doing?
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Favorite Meal!

    One of my favorite easy meals is very simple. Sliced fresh, ripe tomato, and cottage cheese with lots of fresh ground black pepper. Sometimes I add some Kalamata olives.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self Care Isn't Selfish...3 Tips to Make it Possible

    A very important thing to do is actually use your vacation time and take your sick days if you are sick. Even if the culture at your workplace seems to discourage it, you have to take care of yourself. The same goes for taking meal breaks and other breaks. A former colleague of mine recently passed away from complications due to an illness and I am convinced the fact that he never took sick days and worked on his vacation days was a major contributing factor in his death. Life is too short.
  22. Look for soups like Cream of Chicken (that don't have any chunks) and thin them out with extra water, broth, or milk so they are more runny than thick.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    HELP! i need quick tips!

    Herbal infusions? What's that? Herbs steeped in hot Water. (Like mint, chamomile, etc.)
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    HELP! i need quick tips!

    All of the above and hot herbal infusions (herb "tea"). And lots of rest.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Confused by Soup

    Here is a webpage with a good description of how the pyloric works: https://drsimpson.net/07_surgery_stories%20(SS[/url])/7_SS_02/gastric-sleeve-surgery/gastric-sleeve-surgery-m.html https://drsimpson.net/07_surgery_stories%20(SS)/7_SS_02/gastric-sleeve-surgery/gastric-sleeve-surgery-m.html For some reason this link won't post correctly. You may have to copy the url.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
