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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein Shakes - Do I have to?

    You don't have to drink your protein if you are cleared for other foods. It just helps you get in your protein when you are on liquids or can't eat a large enough volume of regular food to get in all your protein. Their is nothing magic about protein shakes.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Wasting food mental issue

    This. I grew up in a large family so shopping with mom meant a cart (or two) full and lots of family-sized packaging. After 30 years of being single, living alone, and not cooking very much, it still feels odd to buy individual items (I.e., one onion or one tomato) instead of the jumbo bag. I find I prefer to "market" -- what I call going to a small or specialty store and picking up a couple of things for a few meals -- going to a grocery store, or even worse, a warehouse store, brings out my hoarder tendencies. I currently have a very small kitchen with a small refrigerator/freezer so it doesn't take much to fill it up. It probably works that way for most people and is a struggle. Now, I am trying to channel my inner Parisienne (for small amounts of high quality, delicious food), with a little of my inner farmer's granddaughter (for fresh, locally sourced, delicious food).
  3. If you're having trouble with your shoulder it's definitely gas. It's such an annoyance! I've been lucky enough not to get shoulder pain. My surgery was on 11/10. And every since then my shoulder has been in pain! It never goes away.... ???????? nothing is helping me. ???????? Everything except of that is great! I'm able to drink 26-30 ounces a day. Which is good I guess, I have been able to do light workouts, and I haven't been in pain minus the shoulder issue. I just want the pain to go away! ☹️☹️ Have you tried a heating pad?
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Am I on target?

    Believe your doctor.
  5. You used to be he word "lie" several times in your post. Have you really been lying, or just being private. To me there is a big difference between deliberately misleading someone and keeping something private. Non Scale Victory
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    New Milestone !

    Congratulations, what a great update!
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Water and Protein Question

    Yes. Getting enough of both is critical for healing, weight loss, and general health. Also, it is critical to take your vitamins and supplements as directed.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Opinion on pecans- nuts

    I agree with everyone else. Nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats. You just have to watch portions. And, since the texture is so rough, make sure you are cleared for nuts (and seeds) before trying them.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Regretting it already..(day 1)

    I am so glad to hear you are on the mend. You are definitely worth caring for and treating yourself with care and kindness is the best way to heal. Thanks for the update.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Shopping for pre-op diet...suggestions?

    Were you given a list of approved shakes? I like premier Protein. chocolate is my favorite but so also like vanilla and strawberry. I also like GNC Lean shake 25 (orange cream is my favorite). If you go to GNC they can let you taste some samples.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Don't do that!"

    I can understand having doubts, but please don't take medical advice from some random person you have never met or from well-meaning but ill informed friends and family.
  12. I agree with this to a point. But, there were a couple of folks who very tactfully and kindly shared with me that they had surgery. I would never have known since I only met them after they had lost weight. Both of the instances (unrelated) was after we had developed more than a nodding acquaintance. It was clear they were being vulnerable and sharing private information with me because they cared. It wasn't in order to shame me -- that makes a HUGE difference. They set a great example on how to share my story in a compassionate way. If it weren't for them planting the seed in my brain that it was possible I wouldn't have eventually considered surgery. I am very grateful to them.
  13. You are not doing anything wrong. None of us lose at a constant rate. All of us experience periodic stalls and the fist one usually occurs somewhere around three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all your Protein, fluids, and Water. Take your Vitamins as directed. And, exercise. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Adding a New Medicare Advantage Plan

    No, I don't know but would suggest you talk to your surgeon's insurance coordinator. He or she may know or may be able to help you find out.
  15. I am pretty open about my experience when asked, but I don't bring it up on my own. The other day I did have someone who worked at my wellness center and who knew I had lost a significant amount of weight ask me in front of someone else who she was trying to convince to consider surgery how I did it. When I told her, she said "I thought so." and asked if I would talk to him. It may have been awkward for him, so I just sat down quietly with just him and shared a bit of my story of what made me consider surgery, my fears, and my experience. She had already introduced him to someone else who had the same surgeon as me so it wasn't completely out of left field. I also have another acquaintance who recently attended a seminar and is pursuing surgery. I would like to think my experience encouraged her. I try not to imply that anyone else "should" have surgery. I just share how it works for me when asked. Edited to add: I don't share about WLS at all on Facebook.
  16. You are doing great. Please talk to your therapist about realistic expectations. Also, keep in mind that clothing sizes are just crazy. For those of us who start out higher on the weight scale (like me), there is a lot of space between clothing sizes. The closer you get to goal, the more frequently you will change sizes. Also, we all lose weight at different rates and from different areas at different times. If you start losing from top to bottom, you may see changes in your face, neck and shoulders first. Also, the most dangerous fat, that around our internal organs, may barely register with you at all. (Remember that important pre-op liver-reduction diet? It wouldn't make any difference to your clothing sizes.) Clothes and measurements are just one way of seeing progress. The scale is one way of seeing progress. Fitness level is another. Health status (like blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc.) are others. I am sure you can think of others. Please be patient, you are early in the process and will be needing new clothes soon. Just follow your program (get in all of your Protein, fluids, and vitamins), and exercise, and the results will come. Also, Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Any ideas for protein packed veggies?

    Melted cheese! Add cheese to just about any vegetable and it increases the Protein content.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Wasting food mental issue

    The documentary I mentioned above is called JUST EAT IT. The interview with the filmmakers can be found here: http://www.npr.org/tags/141123294/food-waste
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Wasting food mental issue

    It is a big issue, especially in a culture where food is abundant but we are hard wired to survive famines. There is a new documentary out about food surplus (a different term for food waste). I can't remember the title, but the filmmakers were interviewed on NPR this week. Another documentary I recommend is THE GLEANERS AND I (French) about waste in the food supply. Just remember, you are not a garbage can. Eating something you don't need is not better than throwing something away.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Discriminating Scales

    I agree that letting the numbers on the scale dictate your life is crazy. Weighing multiple times a day, on multiple scales, is not healthy. I would recommend that early in the process only weigh at you doctor's office appointments (with your surgeon's office being the number to track). If you happen to weigh on another scale that is wildly different (as happened with your sleep doctor), just ignore it. Life is too short!
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Apps you're using for logging you're food?

    I use MyFitnessPal and it meets my needs just fine. Yes, initially, when your calories are very low, if you "complete" your entry for the day you get a notice that your calories are too low. You can ignore that notice, or not complete the entry. It does NOT affect the functionality of the app. Edited because I left out an important word: NOT. Chanel's the whole meaning of the sentence.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl


    Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Thanksgiving post week 3

    Follow your plan. If you need ideas talk to your NUT. Healing safely is your number one priority. That should include getting in all of your Protein and fluids. By week three I was starting soft foods, which meant I was eating a lot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. One idea, if it fits in your plan, is to try a seasonal Greek yogurt (like pumpkin) with pumpkin pie spice or something similar. Don't risk your health by eating something that is not in your program.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Turmeric capsule

    Have you talked to your surgeon about an alternative or to see if he or she has any suggestions?
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    new to this

    Losing 80 pounds since the end of Aigust is awesome. Congratulations!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
