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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl


    Be careful with ketchup. My surgeon spent about 30 minutes in our pre-op session talking about the evils of high fructose corn syrup which is in EVERYTHING, including most ketchup.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Long term side effects... Is it all worth it?

    To add: I only experienced some diarrhea and constipation in the first few weeks after surgery.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Long term side effects... Is it all worth it?

    I am not at goal, but from reading many, many posts in this site I haven't seen a lot of these side effects you have mentioned. As to reflux, if you experience reflux before surgery, your surgeon may suggest the bypass. As to the reduced libido, based on posts on this site, I feel it is safe to say that the exact opposite seems to be more common. I am sure some folks with more experience and who are at goal can respond with more detail. For me, the only side effects I have experienced are: increased mobility and regaining my life. Best of luck with your decision.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help and support needed!

    I can't help you with your question about the puréed stage since I didn't have one. I went from full liquids to soft foods. Did your NUT give you any guidelines or suggestions? As to stalls, stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the weight loss process. Everyone stalls. And most people experience their first stall about three weeks post op. Just follow your program. Focus on reaching your Protein and Fluid target every day. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. And exercise. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Post op diet

    Try some crushed ice or sugar-free Popsicles if you want something to chew. Hang in there. It's not forever. You can do this!
  6. Inner Surfer Girl


    Not everyone has a pre-op liquid diet. Different surgeon's may have different requirements. Mine was similar to an Atkin's phase 1 (high Protein, very low carb). So for me, fruit and bread were not allowed but I could have bacon! Most pre-op diets are designed to shrink the liver so that there is more room for your surgeon to maneuver during surgery since he or she has to lift the liver out of the way to reach your stomach. All I can suggest is to follow your surgeon's instructions and focus on what you can have instead of what you can't. It is only for a short time and is for your benefit. I know it's hard, but hang in there.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Food and liquids together

    My surgeon never instructed us to not eat and drink together and my NUT said that those guidelines were for bypass and not sleeve so I am following my surgeon's instructions.
  8. I did it in two major phases. I started with gradually switching from pop to something else (I drank a lot of iced tea). Once I weaned myself off of the carbonation I started switching to non-carbonated, non-caffeinated drinks (like Water, crystal light, etc.) As @@Kindle suggests, slowly substitute one kind of drink for another. If you drink several Diet Cokes a day, try substituting one for something else, then in a few days, substitute two, and so on.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Sweet Tooth

    Between protein shakes, protein pudding, sugar-free Popsicles, Mio drops, calcium chews, yogurt, fresh fruit, quest bars, etc., I never feel deprived from something sweet and/or chocolate.
  10. I am so sorry about your loss. That has got to be so devastating. Sending hugs and prayers your way. I know grief can make everything particularly challenging let alone a major stressful life change like WLS. Please be gentle with yourself and consider accepting help dealing with your grief. My church had a grief recovery group that I have found helpful. You may also want to talk with a counselor or therapist. As to your Vitamins, I order all of mine online. I get the Bariatric Advantage calcium chews (from Bariatric Choice and the BariatricPal store). I get the rest of mine from drugstore.com. You also might consider taking the list to your local pharmacy when they aren't busy to see if they can help you find what you need. For Protein supplements, consider trying different sample packets until you find what works for you. Also, keep in mind that your tastes may change between pre-op and post-op. The good thing is that you don't have to have all if this figured out today.
  11. I am so sorry to hear this. If you haven't yet done so, you might want to see if you can talk to a therapist or counselor. You can see if the therapist who cleared you for surgery can see you or can recommend someone to you. A good book I recommend quite frequently is called The One Life Solution by Dr. Henry Cloud. It addresses the issue of setting boundaries and finding balance between work and life. You have come so far. You deserve to have a rich and full life. I hope you are able to find a way to experience life in the best possible way.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Thoughts after listening to an OA speaker

    Very well said. It is hard to explain when you are in the food, but being numb really sucks, especially in comparison to feeling your feelings. I have never been to an OA meeting where I didn't hear something I needed to hear at that time.
  13. Congratulations! I love to read posts like yours!
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Misfit Shine

    No, I meant Misfit. It is a different brand/device. Since I want to wear it while I swim I think I will really need a working band. I am too buoyant to reach the bottom of the deep end if I drop it!
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Huge milestone and hope for the New Year

    Congratulations! This is so awesome!
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    On 2016 I am going to...

    That is a big step but you are worth every penny!
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    NSV: Hiked a mountain trail

    Congratulations! This sounds awesome. I grew up in the mountains, but it has been decades since I have been able to hike up hill. This is an NSV I am looking forward to!
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    I have been to gym everyday and still in stall!

    Doesn't sound like you are getting enough protein in, hence the reason why your body isn't giving up the weight. Can you make an appointment specifically to speak with the NUT? I am getting over 60 grams of protein with just my protein drinks which is the amount my nut requires. I have a book that my dr's office requires us to read and understand before they will do surgery. I looked it up again today and they said 60 grams, which means any and all I get from my food is extra protein. I am getting over 60 grams of protein with just my protein drinks which is the amount my nut requires. I have a book that my dr's office requires us to read and understand before they will do surgery. I looked it up again today and they said 60 grams, which means any and all I get from my food is extra protein. You may need more of you are exercising a lot. 60 grams might be a minimum. Also, have you considered switching up your exercise? I have heard it is good practice to have rest days between days when you do weight lifting, etc. Ultimately, you will stall. It is normal. But, you want to maximize your nutrition and optimize your workouts anyway.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl


    Since the masseuse at my wellness center was having a sale on massage certificates for Christmas, I bought myself three! Merry Christmas to me! Since my next major milestone is fast approaching I may be scheduling my next massage in a week or so.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Piercing headache after strenuous exercise

    Are you staying hydrated?
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    On 2016 I am going to...

    Thanks for the advice! One of my short term goals is to write every day. Just getting back to writing at least 300-500 words daily is a baby step I need to commit to. Maybe posting here can count toward that! I have collected many of my posts in Scrivener, so I do have a start. Let me know how I can encourage you as you write your novel! I am so much better with helping others write than actually doing it myself...I need to work on that.
  22. It's not either or. You should be trying for both. Fortunately, all of your fluids count so drinking a protein shake counts as a fluid. My surgeon was emphatic about the importance of both.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Does everyone's hair fall out?

    I didn't notice any. I did cut my hair short soon after surgery after wearing it really long for decades so maybe I just didn't notice.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can't drink my water!

    Try sugar free-Popsicles, Water enhancers (like crystal light, Mio drops, etc.), decaf tea, Herb infusions (like mint "tea"), clear broths/soup, etc. Try room temperature, try warm, try ice cold. Just keep trying and working at it. Plain water was the hardest thing for me to drink I initially. It took a while for me to be able to drink it in significant amounts.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Food and liquids together

    Actually, according to my NUT, with the sleeve there shouldn't be a problem with sipping liquid with food since we still have our pyloric valve. I wouldn't drink a large glass of Water, but sipping should be fine. You might also want to try a bit of gravy with dryer foods/meats. Also, make sure you are taking small bites and chewing really well. The not drinking restriction is for bypass patients who do not have a pyloric valve.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
