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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Side Dish Help

    Just to add, simply adding something like sliced fresh tomato or avocado makes a good side for me. It doesn't have to be fancy.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Before and after, showing for the 1st time

    Congratulations! Just beautiful!
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Beginning my journey!

    You have received some great advice. A few things I focused on pre-op were to: Wean myself off of carbonation and caffeine gradually. Increase my Water consumption. Eat more healthy, whole foods and fewer processed foods. Exercise more. Pre-op I was pretty immobile. In the summer I was able to swim some in our pool at home but was not able to do so in the winter. I got an exercise peddler and peddled with my hands in front of the tv. I worked up to peddling at least 60 minutes a day. I also got some resistance bands and Dumbbells. Post-op, once I was cleared to get back in the pool, my exercise of choice is swimming. Now I swim as often as I can and was able to join our local wellness center that has an indoor pool. I swim laps, do ab work and water weights, and take an occasional water aerobics class. Walking is a great way for many people to get started exercising, but if you have access to a pool, I highly recommend you consider water exercise. It's great on the joints.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Scary straight

    It doesn't hurt to revisit your goals and to go back to basics. Do you journal? Try writing out a list of what you can accomplish now that you couldn't do before surgery and what you still want to do. How is your life different? What do you want your life to look like? Another thing that helps me is to reward myself. I have chosen to schedule massages when I get to some significant milestones. It gives me something to look forward to. You may also want to consider making an appointment with your NUT to revisit your goals and/or attend some support group meetings. In the meantime. Follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and Water. Take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed. And, exercise. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Almost 9 months out

    None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. I was sleeved in April and my weight loss has slowed with periodic stalls, but the physical changes I have been undergoing have been tremendous. I am becoming more mobile and more active and am still shrinking. Just continue to follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. And, exercise. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    6 months post op

    I am having about 600-800 calories per day. I just started exercising again last week. Hope I see some results again. What is your Protein target? Mine is 100 grams a day, which means I have to eat frequent small meals and Snacks. Skipping meals is a huge red flag. That is a very bad habit to get into for anyone but especially if you are trying to lose weight. It wrecks your metabolism. Have you talked to your NUT lately? If not, I would suggest you make an appointment. In the meantime: Follow your program. Track your food. Focus on getting in all of your protein and AT LEAST 64 oz. of Fluid every day. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. And, exercise.
  7. I won't count as one of your ten because I am a Sleever, but wanted to welcome you. I think your surgeon's idea of asking you to talk to people who have had the surgery is great. Best of luck with your surgery.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    My 2 MONTH Post-Op Progress Report

    Congratulations! It is so exciting to see you go from couch potato to hiker in such a short time. That is so encouraging and motivating.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Adding Swimming to my Exercise Routine

    I am a huge fan of any kind of swimming and Aqua exercise. Currently I swim laps (can only really propel myself with backstroke), do Water weights/ab work, and take occasional water aerobics classes. If you are new to swimming and water fitness you might want to consider taking some water aerobics classes or even sign up for a private lesson or two to get some tips. I am also sure the pool staff can give you some tips or ideas. You can do all sorts of exercises with weights, noodles, kick boards, etc. I've learned a lot of exercises and techniques throughout the years just taking a variety of water aerobics classes.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    When did you start exercising?

    I didn't do more than walk some until I was cleared to get in the pool (about 4 weeks post-op if I remember correctly).
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Confession from a perfectionist

    Thank you so much for sharing your struggles with us. I know how hard it is to let go of perfection. There is a reason I am currently reading Brene Brown's The Gift of Imperfection. You sound so tired and overwhelmed in your post. I hereby give you permission to do things imperfectly and most of all to have fun! Keep sharing!
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Happy birthday to me.

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday! This is awesome!
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    100 pounds gone

    Congratulations! This is awesome!
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    8 months out

    These are some of the critical success factors for me: Eating slowly and chewing thoroughly. Eating protein first. Focusing on reaching or exceeding my protein and water targets every day. Taking my Vitamins and supplements. And, exercising.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Side Dish Help

    One of my go to's is green beans. Starting with my soft phase I often add green beans to my meal. I like the single serve green beans but my absolute favorite are green beans from Lee's Chicken. I often keep a large in my fridge and add one or two tablespoons to my meal. Easy.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise Woes...Anybody with me?

    Get in the pool. You will love it. I know I do. If it weren't for the pool I wouldn't get much exercise at all. I can do things in the Water that I could never do on land. It is so worth it.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Almost 10 years later

    Congratulations on your success and thank you so much for posting. I am following so I can learn.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Family likes to eat out

    I'm not sure who told you that, but it makes zero sense (at least to me). Why would a hearty low fat soup be empty calories? Why wouldn't a 150 calorie Protein shake also be "drinking your calories"? I did speak to my surgeon about soup/liquids versus solid food and she told me that it made no difference other than how full you feel (very much with solid foods, not so much with soup). A few weeks ago we had lunch at PF Changs and before I ordered, I went to their web site and looked at calories. I end up having a cup of Hot and Sour Soup (80 calories) and Pan Fried Shrimp Potstickers (190) -- quite a treat, low carb, and only 270 calories. That said, you must be well informed when you order Chinese. There are a lot of high calorie dishes that look healthy! Check out this vegan magnet -- "Hand Made Butternut Squash Dumplings" - 1110 Calories! https://www.pfchangs.com/menu/nutrition/main/ It's not about the calories, it's about not filling you up. A chunky soup can be pretty filling if you focus on eating the chunky bits, as I do. But otherwise soup is basically eating and drinking at the same time, which we aren't supposed to do because it flushes the solids through more quickly and doesn't keep your stomach full as long. This is one instance where I think you get different advice between RNY and sleeve. I think Sleevers can handle liquids and Soups better than bypass folks because we still have a pyloric valve. I love soup. I don't eat it often but I don't avoid it.
  19. I have a lot more than 200 pounds to lose and both I and my surgeon were confident in choosing the sleeve.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Nervous and Hopeful

    Best of luck and congratulations. It sounds like you are off to a great start.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Green Tea Tastes Like Feet

    I am in the camp who loves tea: green or otherwise. My absolute favorite is Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice (it comes in regular and decaf). It is naturally sweet and comforting, especially when it is cold out. I like to brew some mint along with my green tea. Last night I had a cup of Harney & Sons Valentine blend (chocolate and rose). It wan't decaf but I am allowed one cup of non-decaf tea a day. I have a good green tea and rose blend from our local tea shop (Elmwood Inn, they ship all over and blend some lovely tea). The last time I was there I picked up some blueberry decaf which is delish. I just picked up bags of peppermint, spearmint, and sassafras from one of our local Amish stores. Did I mention I love tea and Herb infusions!
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Homemade Chicken Bone Broth over prepackaged?

    It sound delicious. For those of us who don't cook, my NUT also suggested organic bone broth is a better alternative to the more common stock found at grocery stores because it has more Protein.
  23. One of the keys to success of this process is to find ways to cope with stress without resorting to food. As a stress eater, I have spent a lifetime dealing with this issue. It's a learning process. Ultimately, it comes down to making choices and setting boundaries for me. Some tools and resources that you may need to consider using: a good therapist or counselor; a support group like a bariatric support group and/or a twelve-step recovery group like OA (OA.org); regular exercise; a spiritual practice; etc. I am sure others can give you some ideas. A few good books I recommend regularly (some related to WLS specifically and some not): The One Life Solution by Dr. Henry Cloud (about integrating work and life, setting boundaries, etc.). I can't recommend it highly enough to someone in your situation. Eat it Up! (written by a therapist who works with WLS patients). The Language of Letting Go (by Melodie Beattie). When Food is Love (by Geneen Roth). In addition to regular exercise, I have found that finding a creative outlet is very important to me. Whether it's as simple as coloring in a coloring book, taking a painting class, writing, or practicing my photography. Creativity is a great outlet for stress for me. You may need to experiment to find what you need. As another poster mentioned, you will need to learn to take it a day at a time a live in the moment. Best of luck with your journey and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  24. I didn't have one. Ask if they use one or not. From what I can tell most don't. They will have you up and walking pretty quickly so you really won't need one.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    4 weeks out, will any multi Vitamin due ?

    My multivitamin is just a regular generic one (similar to centrum).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
