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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    My story

    Welcome and thank you so much for sharing your story. It sounds like everything is aligned for you to have a successful surgery. I wish you all the best.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Internal Integrity

    One of the things I have learned through years of dealing with my eating issues is how important it is to be rigorously honest with myself.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    I DID IT! I Reached My Goal!

    Congratulations! This is awesome.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Addicted to weighing

    Get rid of the scale.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weight loss stalled

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the weight loss process. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls and most of us experience our first stall about three weeks after surgery. Are you following your program? Are you tracking your food? Are you getting in ALL of your Protein and Fluid every day? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed? Are you exercising? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Almost a year out and only lost 64lbs

    You have received some great advice above. Why not make an appointment with your NUT to talk about your goals and strategies for reaching them? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Am I loosing weight too fast?

    I agree with everyone above. None of us loses at a constant or steady rate and none of us loses at the same rate as someone else, As long as your medical team is happy and you are following your program then you are fine. This is a post about stalls, but there is also information about assessing your progress. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weigh Ins

    Right after surgery I only weighed at my doctors appointments.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Pissed off! Need to vent

    You've gotten some great advice here. What does your NUT advise? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    This season and the last few they cover a year which usually starts when they first seek help and not when they have the surgery. The first season or so covered longer periods (maybe five years?). They have gone back and done updates on some of the folks.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self doubt

    I was convinced I was the one person this wouldn't work for. I think we all have that fear. I was wrong.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    400+ pounds?

    I just broke the 400 pound marker. I was 396.6 the last time I weighed.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    I am watching this now on my DVR and it sounded to me like Dr. Now was mad/aggravated at Chad for not telling him he wasn't taking the medicine because he couldn't afford it. He said Chad had to take it and if he had told them they could figure something out. (As a note, if anyone is reading this please be upfront with your doctors about everything. They can't help of you keep them In the dark.) When Chad was first talking about not wanting to tell Dr, Now he couldn't keep his food down I knew he was in trouble. Why in the world folks don't call their surgeon when they are having difficulties is beyond me. That is the first person you should be talking to. (I see that too often on here, too.) My grandmother used to try to avoid taking some of her meds because of the expense (even after she had paid for them). As I used to tell her, it's still cheaper than going to the ER or being admitted into the hospital.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    ProtiDiet protein hot chocolate Harney & Sons hot cinnamon spice decaf tea Chili Refried beans Pot roast with roasted vegetables Meatloaf Meatballs
  15. Inner Surfer Girl


    It depends on how far out after surgery you are. Early out I ate a lot of refried beans. Later, I ate the insides from a taco (sometimes with beans), even further out I was able to do the meat and vegetables from fajita.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Winter Campfire Cookout

    Could you do hobo packets (foil wrapped pouches)? You could make chicken, fish, or other meat with vegetables. I'm not sure about cooking and reheating but you could prep ahead of time and then grill when you get there.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Scared and ????

    I think the things that helped the most were to learn as much as I could and to decide up front to do everything I was asked to do even if I thought I couldn't.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl


    im scared of the surgery but i read all these wonderful stories and it motivates me. i just wished i had my dad support. i am a daddys girl lol! i wish he can be there the day of the surgery im getting so emotional about it. Is he not planning to be there? Have you asked him? I am 51 years old and still a Daddy's girl. He was all for the surgery because he has always been the biggest critic about my weight, the one who understands the least (due to his own personal experience), and the one whose opinion can hurt the most for me. I asked my mom to go with me and she stayed the whole time. What really surprised me was that my dad left work and came to stay the whole time I was in surgery. I hadn't asked him to come and really didn't expect it, but it meant a lot. That is a long way of saying if it is important to you, then please let your dad know. Sometimes we make assumptions without actually being honest about what we need.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Just starting... again

    Welcome! I wish you the best of luck. I truly believe that things happen when they are meant to. Sounds like it is your time now.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    People Suck!

    She is an idiot.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Scared and ????

    I understand your fear. This was my first surgery ever and I had no idea what to expect. I just knew that without surgery I was going to die much sooner and my quality of life couldn't get much worse. I was sleeved April 20 of 2015 and I couldn't be happier with my surgery, my recovery, and my progress so far. I still have a long way to go but have already improved my quality of life tremendously. I experienced very little pain and no nausea. I wouldn't say the first few weeks after surgery were easy but they were much better than I anticipated. You have to do what is right for you, but for me the worst part of the whole experience is where you are now: that time of uncertainty right before surgery. Like many people, the only regret I have is that I couldn't do it sooner, but all in all the timing has worked out great for me.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    What can I do with...Avocado?

    I made my second trip to Aldi this week and came home with a couple of avocados. I like plain avocado, or a garnish or extra with Mexican food but don't buy them very often so am not quite sure what else I can do with them. How do you like to eat and/or prepare fresh avocado?
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Adding Swimming to my Exercise Routine

    My swim cap is my friend! Plus, both pools I swim in are salt water do the chlorine isn't as strong.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Almost 9 months out

    Without knowing what you are doing (or not doing) it is hard to give specific advice. Are you following your program? Do you eat slowly and chew thoroughly? Do you track your food? Do you eat Protein first? Do you meet or exceed your protein target every day? Do you get at least 64 oz of Fluid every day? Do you avoid starches and added sugars? Do you take your Vitamins and supplements as directed every day? Do you exercise? Have you talked to your NUT lately about your goals? With more information we can be more helpful. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Hair loss...does it ever come back?

    I have really thick hair (fine in texture but a lot of it). I was sleeved in April and haven't noticed any significant hair loss so far. I used to wear my hair long but soon after surgery I cut it short and get frequent trims. I also have been able to get at least 100 grams of Protein a day almost every day since the second day after surgery and take my Vitamins.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
