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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Guys, keep your comments to yourselves

    I am squarely in the camp of believing that catcalls are completely inappropriate and a form of assault. Whether they are "complimenting" or "criticizing", they are unwelcome and very disturbing.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    What vitamins would you recommend?

    My surgeon's office gave me a list of required Vitamins. Pre-op I was required to start extra D3 in addition to my Multivitamin and extra Iron because my iron was low. Post-op I have a list of required vitamins (that includes those from pre-op) and a recommended schedule for taking them.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Honest Opinions Needed -- photo included

    You look great in both but I like the black and white on better.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl


    I wasn't a big drinker before surgery. I really have no desire to drink. I am nine months post op and have not drunk any alcohol since before surgery. Will I drink in the future? Maybe. If so, it will be once in a blue moon and very little. Alcohol is just not a priority for me.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    I made some black beans on my slow cooker yesterday. Very warm and comforting.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Water and Obesity Connection

    Having quality Water is so important. I was talking with my mom about my grandmother the other day and how hard it was to get her to drink water. She drank a lot of coffee. If I were my grandmother I wouldn't have drunk much water either. Whenever I visited her I couldn't stand the water. The municipal water tasted awful.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Good cholesterol ... suggestions needed!

    Off the top of my head: Avocado Olive oil Dark chocolate Nuts Beans Red wine? Here is a link that may help. I didn't read the whole thing but I trust Eating Well for nutrition information. http://mobile.eatingwell.com/nutrition_health/cholesterol/improve_cholesterol_levels_with_these_7_super_foods
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Lets talk Tea....

    Here is a link to Elmwood Inn Fine Teas that I mentioned in a previous post. http://store.elmwoodinn.com/
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Lets talk Tea....

    I also love tea accoutrements like tea cups and saucers, mugs, teapots, tea spoons, tea tins, etc.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Anyone else gauge food by protein?

    Yep. I do. I've also noticed it has become more trendy. Pre-packaged food and restaurant menus are more frequently posting Protein numbers prominently on labels. Even weight watchers seems to have jumped on board.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Lets talk Tea....

    I love tea and herbal infusions, too. I went a bit tea nuts when I was weaning myself off of carbonation (before I went decaf), so I have a ton of tea. Now that I am post-op and mostly caffeine free, my NUT said I can have up to one cup of caffeinated tea a day and the rest has to be decaf. I have loose tea. Blends. Bags. Sachets. Pyramids. Herbs. I even bought a bag of sassafras bark and bags of peppermint and spearmint at an Amish store last week! My favorite: Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice (I have both regular and decaf and really can't tell the difference with the decaf which was a nice surprise). We have a local tea shop (Elmwood Inn) which makes some lovely blends. They sell on their website if you are interested in trying some of their teas. I love the Kentucky Blend hot and it also makes a great iced tea. I drank a lot of it the summer I gave up carbonation. I have a green tea/rose blend that is really nice. There are several others I like (Serenity has chamomile, etc.). I can't remember them all. I have several. Between Harney & Sons, Elmwood Inn, Tazo, Luzianne (I am southern afterall), and Chinese teas, I think I have more space devoted to tea in my pantry than actual food. I also make a lot of iced tea with green tea and mint in the summer.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    7 weeks out

    Please don't feel discouraged. Our bodies are complex systems, not simple machines. I highly recommend you stay off the scale, especially early out. Your body is healing from major surgery and adjusting in many ways. Getting in all of your Protein and fluids and following your post-op food stages should be your primary focus. If you are still having difficulty reaching those targets at seven weeks, I highly recommend you make an appointment with your NUT to talk about strategies. It is so critical. None of us lose weight at a constant or steady rate. Most of us experience slow downs, fluctuations, and stalls periodically. Almost everyone experiences their first stall about three weeks or so after surgery. By seven weeks, you should really be doing everything you can to get in ALL of your protein and Fluid, every day. Follow your program. Track your food. Make sure you are getting in ALL of your protein and fluid. Take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed. Exercise. And, Stay off the scale. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Unrealistic expectations

    Thank you for sharing about your struggles. I don't think it is uncommon at all to feel some regret and struggle, especially soon after surgery. You are healing and you hormones are all over the place. Also, you are probably in some serious food withdrawal. If you haven't dealt with your food/eating issues before surgery, it is difficult to cope at first when your primary coping mechanism is no longer available to you. I do agree with your advice about seeking help with both your depression and eating issues with a therapist. I am convinced that all the years I have spent on therapy and dealing with my food addiction have paid off in helping me be successful after surgery. It is never too late to ask for and accept help. For now, please focus on following your post-op plan and do everything you can to get in your Protein and fluids. That and walking will help you feel much better soon. You can do this!
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Walking Girl's VSG Story :)

    Best of luck with your surgery and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Surgery Monday. I'm about to back out!

    Can't wait to hear how you are doing. You have been in my prayers.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl


    I do remember when they wheeled me into the OR how busy and well lit it was. (Not like you see on TV medical dramas.) My surgeon was even checking his phone off to the side.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl


    You are so mean. I gave my mom my phone with strict instructions not to give it back to me until I was no longer loopy.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl


    I remember having to scootch myself onto the really narrow (at least it felt like to me) operating table. Then I was coughing and trying to catch my breath when I woke up.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Tai Chi

    My exercise of choice is swimming so since I have been snowbound I haven't gotten much exercise. I took a Tai Chi class several years ago. Last night I dreamt of Tai Chi. I may have to see how much I can remember and see if I can find some YouTube videos for a refresher. So, today, some very strange Tai Chi is going to be happening at my house!
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    the darn stall

    It will happen! Just follow your program and stay off the scale. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Favorite Protein Powder?

    My favorite supplements for the liquid phases were: Premier Protein ready to drink, GNC Lean 25 shakes (especially the Orange Cream), Syntrax Nectar (especially fuzzy navel) ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates, ProtiDiet tomato basil and creamy chicken soups, ProtiDiet hot chocolate, and WonderSlim dark chocolate pudding.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Advice on tracking food in MyFitnessPal please?

    Definitely talk to your doctor about your concerns, especially your depression. You might also want to consider seeing a therapist or counselor. As to MyFitnessPal, you can find it online through the App Store if you want to download the app to your phone or other device.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    New Here

    Welcome and best of luck with your surgery. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein & Water Concerns

    Thank you! 100g a day? Wow. And here am I whining about 65! haha. Do you eat veggies as well? Yes, I eat veggies and some fresh fruit on occasion.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein & Water Concerns

    Welcome and congratulations. It sounds like you are doing great. I am of the opinion that getting in your Protein and Water is the primary goal. How you do it is up to you. Yes, getting most, if not all, of your protein from food would be ideal but as you noted, it isn't easy. I was sleeved in April and with my goal of 100 grams of protein a day, I still use supplements (just not as frequently as I did in the beginning). I also have to eat frequently throughout the day in order to get it all in. As to the water, you just need to keep working on it. It is critical to get enough fluids. I use a lot of water enhancers (Mio drops, etc.), decaf tea, etc. to get in my fluids. I try to make sure I drink at least one 24 oz water bottle of water a day and the rest of my Fluid comes in different forms and in different temperatures. Try setting short term goals: for instance, drink am 8 oz cup of water or tea before you leave the house, etc. You can do it!

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