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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Has anyone skipped a meal...

    No. If I only ate when I was hungry i would never get in all of my Protein. That said, my definition of a "meal" seems to be slightly different post-sleeve. I eat frequent small Snacks and meals throughout the day so I don't really have well-defined breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Georges's Restore?

    Many years ago I gave up refined sugar and sweeteners for a period of time. One of the things I learned was that many of the things I always automatically added sweetener or sugar to didn't really need it. For instance, I had always added sweetener to "unsweetened" Cereal. Come to find out that even "unsweetened" cereals generally have sugar in them already. Fortunately, I've always preferred unsweetened tea!
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    3 Week Stall

    Staying off the scale is a great strategy.
  4. Why are you freaking out? What you are describing is completely normal, especially with liquids. I don't know what you are expecting. When I eat too much, especially in the early days after surgery my signal was a small burp (especially with liquids) and/or a runny nose. Just stick to measured portions, eat (or drink) slowly, chew thoroughly when you get to more dense or solid foods, and you will be fine.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    2 days post op

    Be careful with ketchup. It has a lot of sugar and most usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup which my surgeon is vehement about avoiding.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Struggling with forgiveness horse related

    You may want to try widening your circle of friends. None of us can get all of our needs met from just or two friends, especially if you no longer have close family members.
  7. I agree, it's probably a mix of fluctuating hormones, and the loss of food as a mood stabilizer. Also, make sure you are staying hydrated. Especially since you mention waking up angry, some of this might be due to dehydration.
  8. I am toying with the idea for an article and could use everyone's help. I have noticed that we frequently have threads about how insulting and rude some people can be when commenting on our weight loss. Whether they mean to be kind or rude, it seems that there doesn't seem to be a very good sense of how to talk about such an obvious change or even if talking about it is acceptable. Some of us hate it when no one comments, others hate it when someone does comment. Since most of us aren't French, we never have really learned the fine art of giving and receiving compliments (without it turning into a back-handed compliment or criticism). What are some examples of comments or compliments that you have received that you found particularly helpful? What kinds of comments make you feel good about your success? What do you like to hear from friends and family and not co-workers? What do you like to hear in a professional setting? I know that there are no hard and fast rules but I would like to figure out a way to provide some guidance on how to address such obvious changes, especially in the workplace. I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    I need help/a kick in the pants

    This. Get rid of the junk. See if there is a bariatric support group nearby and consider talking to a counselor or therapist. Even though you had your surgery in Mexico, that doesn't mean you can't create your own support team.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    I need help/a kick in the pants

    They told me 60g protein was goal, 80 for men. They said get the protein, drink the Water, take it easy on the carbs, and exercise. That's what I know. 600-800 calories a day but they didn't say if that was with or without exercise. My surgeon's protein targets are: All men and anyone with a starting BMI of over 50 -- 100 grams Everyone else -- 80 grams You said you noticed that you lost better when you upped your calories. It is probably because you haven't been getting enough protein and calories.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Thank God for these Forms!

    Glad we can help. This really is a caring and very helpful community. I am happy you have joined us.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl


    My NUT suggested organic bone broth because it has more protein than regular packaged broth.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    I need help/a kick in the pants

    Congratulations on your progress so far. It sounds like you have done really well, especially with so little information and post-op support. I am not a NUT but here is what I think, based in my own experience and understanding. I suggest you find a good bariatric NUT and make an appointment. Track your food. How else will you know whether or not you are reaching your nutritional targets? 60 grams of Protein is really low. Were you never given a protein target? Mine is at least 100 grams, a day, for life. 60 grams is very low and I would consider that a bare minimum for someone just out of the hospital, not someone who is actively trying to lose weight and is exercising. The protein target is a minimum. The same with the Fluid target. It is a MINIMUM of 64 oz. a day. You need more calories. For someone who is exercising as much as you are, you need more calories. Carbs are not the enemy. Starches, added sugar, high fructose corn syrup and processed carbs are what are unhealthy. Willpower is a bunch of hooey. Feed your body delicious, nutritious food and it will be easier to bypass the crap. Critical success factors for me: Follow my program. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Focus on getting in all of my protein and fluids, every day. Take my Vitamins and supplements, every day. Exercise. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not Eating Well (6 weeks - post op)

    Welcome to the site. It is hard and counterintuitive, but you have got to get in your nutrition in order to lose weight but also to heal from surgery. Follow your program. Focus on getting in at least 64 oz of Fluid, every day. Focus on reaching your Protein target, every day. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. (Walking is a great way to start.)
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Georges's Restore?

    Probably? Have you tried it? How do you know unless you try it?
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fruits on soft foods stage?

    Didn't your NUT provide you with a list/written food plan? What does it recommend?
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt

    I haven't applied for disabilty yet. I plan to apply this week...I've been putting it off, and I've been in pain from surgery. Prayerfully I will be approved. I think it would help me to feel I have some money coming in. Recording him would be great...except in our arguments...I get so hurt and angry, that I have said mean things too. So, no go on that! As someone who is on disability, DON'T PUT IT OFF. The process is not easy and can take YEARS. You need to start the documentation process as soon as possible. There are two kinds of disability: regular Social Security or SSI. Unless your disability is on a specific list of extremely severe disabilities (what I think of as the no-brainers -- like being a parapalegic), then you will most likely be denied. I was denied and then had to get an attorney for an appeal and go through the hearing process. Get a REPUTABLE attorney. Our state just went through a disaster where a shyster lawyer was finally indicted and all of his clients are at risk of losing benefits (not just the fraud cases). You really can't count on disability until you have it in hand. Best of luck.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    12 days post need ideas for low sugar drinks

    There are a variety of Water enhancers. I don't know if you will have different reactions than you did with crystal light but you could try some other brands. I like Mio. Try herbal or decaf tea, either hot or iced. I also like ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates: there are a variety of flavors. You can try infusing your water with something like mint and/or cucumber, etc. V8 is also one of my favorites.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl


    I am so sorry you aren't feeling supported. It is very common to feel anxious and fearful in the weeks before surgery. They are also probably feeling anxious and fearful, too. I think we all need reassurance from our loved ones. The problem is that they may not understand what we are going through or what we need. Sometimes we may not know that ourselves. Be gentle with yourself and try giving your family the benefit of the doubt. Being very specific about what you need in the way of support is also helpful. Instead of expecting some general support be sure and ask for what you need. Be specific (i.e., can you watch the kids while I gather the things I need for the hospital?) We do understand what you are going through so feel free to lean on us for moral support. Best of luck with your surgery.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    So sad

    I think this is probably the biggest reason many loved ones object to surgery. I am so glad he was able to recognize it and share it with you. I bet he will become your biggest cheerleader!
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Struggling with forgiveness horse related

    Do you pray? Do you have a God box? It sounds a little Whoo Whoo, but it works for me. Write on a piece of paper what you are concerned about/what you want to let go/forgive/resent and date it. Pray, turning it over to God asking God to bring you resolution and peace and then place the paper in the box. It can be remarkably freeing.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fruits on soft foods stage?

    I had no sugar added applesauce and no sugar added diced peaches.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fear of Losing

    In my opinion, the longer you wait the worse it will be. If you wait another 10-20-30 years you will most likely be a lot bigger and your skin will be less resilient.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is losing 30 pounds in 30 days do able?

    Is it possible? Maybe. Why 30 pounds in 30 days before surgery? Is this something your surgeon is expecting? Is this a self-imposed deadline? I started at a considerably higher weight than you and losing 30 pounds in 30 days before surgery might have been possible but it wasn't something I could control.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Helpful items needed For After surgery.

    I have a couple of those. I love them. When my nephew comes to visit it's the first thing he grabs. He loves it and I can always send him to get things from under my bed or behind things. It's a win-win.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
