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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl


    Sleep apnea isn't the only thing that can cause sleep issues. I hope you are able to figure this out or find something that helps.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    1 Year Anniversary and 200lbs Down!

    Awesome! Congratulations. You must be thrilled.
  3. Yes, it is normal. None of us lose weight at a constant or steady rate. We all experiences of slow weight loss or periodic stalls. Almost everyone experiences their first stall about three weeks after surgery. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  4. Inner Surfer Girl


  5. By the way, do you like turkey, chicken, other poultry, pork, beef, tofu, beans, legumes, green leafy vegetables, etc.? There are many sources of protein available.
  6. Sounds like you need to sit down with your NUT to come up with options that work for you. I also suggest you keep an open mind. After surgery you really do have a new palate and may find you actually like some things you didn't before.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Eating Disorder

    Yes, I have seen what appears to be people developing eating disorders after surgery on these boards. I have seen people with unaddressed/untreated eating disorders on these boards. I have seen people with disordered eating on these boards. I have seen people have or develop body dysmorphia. I have seen people who are practicing alcoholics on these boards. I have seen people transfer addictions on these boards. The bottom line for me is that seeking help early for whatever your issues and challenges are is a good thing. Your NUT is a great resource for determining if your approach to eating and food is healthy. Listen to your psych eval recommendations. If that involves getting a counselor or therapist, then get one. If you just need help dealing with change, then get one. Attend bariatric support group meetings and/or twelve step recover meetings (OA, AA, CODA, NA, ALANON, GA, etc.) if you need them. WLS is not a magic bullet. It is a catalyst for a whole range of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and psychological changes. As we become healthier we may find that we are confronted with issues that we had buried or avoided for years by eating. That along with hormonal changes and fluctuations can be challenging. For me, WLS is about getting healthy. I hope this helps answer your question. Is there a particular reason his statement resonated with you?
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Cold medicine?

    I have taken two Tylenol in my life and drinking is hardly on the menu. The physician said a Tramadol is much better than Tylenol due to liver failure complications. It depends on how far you are after surgery. I wasn't allowed Tramadol for the first six months. I don't know about now. If in doubt, always call your surgeon's office.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Cold medicine?

    I hope you feel better soon. I had an awful cold and my mom was about three days behind me. You might also want to try saline for the congestion. I like Ayr (I think that is how it is spelled). It comes in a mist or a gel.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Best clear protein drink

    I liked the ProtiDiet liquid Beverage Concentrates. They gave them to me in the hospital and I used them a lot in the first few weeks. Initially, I ate them over crushed ice with a spoon. Later I was able to dilute them. Now, I add them to my Water bottle on occasion. I also like some of the Syntrax Nectars. Fuzzy Navel is my favorite. Some people like Isopure. I tried it but it wasn't my favorite. Keep in mind that you can continue to use clear supplements once you advance to later stages. I recommend trying some samples before you buy a lot. I got a sampler pack from Syntrax of their different flavors which was helpful. My surgeon's office sold the ProtiDiet concentrates and I also order them online. You can also check a store like GNC or The Vitamin Shoppe.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Mature female sleepers needed

    I am not nearly as ancient as you (I am a mere 51), but I have had a great experience. I was sleeved April 20, 2015 and started with a super high BMI. I couldn't be happier with my progress so far.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein during hospital stay!

    Mine gave me crushed ice, jello, and ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates. I ate the beverage concentrate undiluted over crushed ice initially.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    4 months out and EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED!

    I agree. Have you talked to your NUT?
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Obesity And Socioeconomic Status

    Here is an interesting article about some research into obesity as it relates to poverty. I don't think the results are definitive, but definitely interesting. http://www.psmag.com/business-economics/how-inequality-creates-obesity
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Obesity And Socioeconomic Status

    I agree. I think our bodies and brains have long memories when it comes to any period of food deprivation. I didn't grow up poor either but we had a relatively large family so if you didn't eat something, someone else did. There weren't a lot of leftovers. Plus, I was always on a diet from a very young age which I am convinced programmed me to eat when food was available not just when I was hungry.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Shiann Friesen

    Just some thoughts after watching the video: Yes, that was extremely lousy customer service. (My editorial: if Walmart wants effective customer service, it would pay its employees more and train their employees better. They don't care.) Walmart's legal department is there to provide advice to and protect Walmart. Demanding to talk to their legal department isn't going to do her any good. She sounds Canadian. In the US, even though size discrimination is objectionable, it isn't illegal. The obese are not a protected class. Protection for gender identification is murky at best. If think she would benefit from writing about her experience in a clear and concise way. The highly edited video was distracting and disjointed. She could have made her point more clearly and with much more impact with some thought and effort. I applaud her communicating about something she is passionate about.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    4 months out and EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED!

    What are you doing, other than falling asleep at work? Are you getting a good 8+hours of sleep a night? Are you exercising? Are you drinking at least 64 oz of non-caffeinated Fluid a day? Are you reaching your Protein target? Are you taking all of your Vitamins and supplements as recommended? Are you avoiding starches and added sugar? Without more information, all I could do is guess.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    This sounds good. Where do you get it? Do you get it at an Asian market or would it be available at a regular grocery?
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    Honestly one of my favorite things to make now that I have discovered it is from the pioneer woman cookbook my roommate bought this christmas (for herself -- but she is not a cook!) It is a mustard cream sauce that is basically a mix of dijon mustard with whole grain seeded mustard, garlic, salt, pepper, a little cooking wine and some cream. I sometimes have had to put in a little bit of corn starch to thicken it up but only a sprinkle! This is really good on chicken which is how it is prepared in the original recipe, but it also goes well with pork. (Not sure how good it would be with beef or fish... haha.) Not low calorie depending on your choice of ingredients but I only use a tiny bit on my meat so it should be fine. This sounds delicious.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Cold medicine?

    I had good results with the liquid Tylenol Multisymptom (both day and night versions). What Tylenol cold product are you taking?
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Mindful Eating

    Here is a good blog post about Mindful Eating. Since starting to prepare for WLS and since surgery, I have tried to eat more mindfully and slowly. I have found that by slowing down, taking smaller bites, chewing thoroughly, and really paying attention to what I am eating, I can really savor and enjoy the food I am eating. I also find that I am satisfied with smaller amounts of quality, fresh, nutritious, and delicious foods when I am practicing eating mindfully. Do you practice mindful eating? How has your approach to eating changed since WLS? http://www.mindful.org/how-to-set-up-a-daily-mindful-eating-practice/
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    8mo post op- stalled since 12/3

    How much you should eat is based on a number of factors such as your exercise level. But, the primary factor is your Protein target. Are you tracking your food? What is your protein target? Are you eating at least that much protein every day? Are you getting in all of your fluids? (At least 64 oz. a day.) Are you taking all of your Vitamins and supplements as recommended? Are you avoiding starches? Are you eating healthy fats and carbs? Have you talked to your NUT about your concerns? We would need to know more to help you, but the best source of information about your specific nutritional needs would be your NUT. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    There probably are but I only participate online with BariatricPal. It has been a great resource for support, encouragement, information, and inspiration. It also is a great way to find something to do if I need a distraction (it is very addictive!). I like the anonymity of this site. Just keep in mind that it is open to he world to read, so if you wish to remain anonymous, don't post anything that will identify you.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Flu 3 weeks post op

    I am so sorry to hear you are miserable. I wasn't sick right after surgery, so I cannot even imagine. Being sick sucks as it is. All I can suggest is to do your very best to stay hydrated and get in your Protein. Bone broth, chicken Soup (without the noodles), and hot decaf or herbal tea might help. I recently had a really bad cold-like illness and Lliquid Tylenol Multisymptom (day and night versions) really seemed to help. A heating pad may help. Be gentle with yourself and get lots of rest.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
