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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    3 month long stall?

    I am sorry to hear you aren't doing as well as you would like. You are still losing weight and seeing positive physical changes, which is a good thing! What does not following your plan 100% mean? Without more specific information it is hard to offer advice. Are you tracking, weighing and measuring your food? Are you eating slowly, taking small bites, and chewing thoroughly? Are you eating Protein first? What is your protein target? Are you getting in all of your protein every day? Are you getting at least 64 oz of Fluid every day? Are you avoiding starches and added sugars? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as instructed? Are you exercising? What did your NUT advise you to do at your last visit? Are you doing it? Let us know. There is no reason you can't continue to lose. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  2. Good topic but I disagree with the phrase "panic time". I HOPE that I never get to a point where the numbers on the scale instill panic. Concern, yes but not panic.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Food variety

    I found a link to an article that talks about the Japanese diet and variety: http://foodwatch.com.au/blog/fast-food/item/lessons-from-japan-eat-like-a-japanese-copy.html
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me

    @@CowgirlJane, welcome to the Chapel of Love birthday club. We need to have a very special party. Edited to include @fat_free.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me

    What a great story. There is a metaphor for this topic in there somewhere.
  6. Congratulations and best of luck with your surgery. See you on the other side!
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Happy Valentine's Day

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!
  8. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-) Forgetting to eat "most of the time" is not a good habit to get into. If you need to, set a reminder on your phone. Right now, your primary focus should be getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day,
  9. Thanks for replying I've been telling myself not to be disappointed, but it doesn't always work that way does it? But you're right - I'm just happy to be losing weight in general and making my life better. I'll get there, no matter how long it takes. I'll try to expect only 2 or 3 lbs from now on, and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised on occasion! My advice? Try not to "expect" anything. None of us loses at a constant or steady rate. Sometimes we lose rapidly, sometimes not at all. Our bodies are complex systems and not simple machines. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Non-scale victories

    Congratulations! This is awesome. They will keep coming. My latest? I can see my ankles.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me

    Mine is the 19th!
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    WLS & College Life

    Following because I am really interested in the answer to your questions and to your experience. I am not a college student but have worked in higher Ed administration and am very passionate about helping college students succeed. Be sure and explore all of your resources. If you have a disability services office let them know if you need any accommodations, especially in the initial weeks and months after surgery. Keep in mind that you won't be able to lift anything heavy for about a month (think book bags, etc.). Also, be sure and schedule your Water, meals, and Snacks so you don't get dehydrated and get enough Protein. Once you are cleared for exercise then scheduling your exercise, just like you schedule a class, will be helpful. Best of luck with your surgery and keep me posted on how you are doing,
  13. No, I don't eat meat all day but I do eat protein all day. In addition to meat (mostly turkey, tuna, fish, and chicken), I eat a lot of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, Beans, and some nuts.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me

    Mine is Chapel of Love by The Dixie Cups Edited because Love is not Live autocorrect!
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Inspirational Quotes

    I found this on Facebook today and thought it was very appropriate for WLS folks. What are some quotes that inspire you on your journey?
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Inspirational Quotes

  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    4 months post op and I am loving it!

  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Pain under boobs

    Definitely call your surgeon's office. My surgeon has a 24 hour phone number for just this kind of question. We aren't doctors.
  19. If you need to obsess about something, then obsess about getting in your Protein and Fluid. It sounds like you are doing fine, but personally, the fact that at five months out you are struggling to get in only 60 grams of protein is a little concerning.
  20. One book I recommend often is Eat it Up! by Connie Stapleton.
  21. I think what you are going through is very normal. If you have used food to cope with change, uncertainty, and stress in the past and no longer have it to use now, you are bound to feel uncomfortable and even grieve not being able to use it. Also, as you lose fat/weight all of the hormones that are stored in fat are being released into your system. Many of us experience erratic emotions when that happens. It will get better. This is a great time to talk to a therapist or consider attending some support group meetings to learn how to deal with changes without using food. To repeat, it will get better.
  22. What's up with sonic ice? You got me curious lol I have one about 25 min away but never go. It's my favorite crushed ice. It is crushed really fine. When I was newly sleeved, Sonic crushed ice plain or with ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrate helped me stay hydrated. Now, I like to add it to my Water bottle with Water Enhancer.
  23. If you are fortunate enough to live near a Sonic, get a bag (or a few cups) of Sonic ice.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    addiction to carbs/need advice

    For me, the only way to not crave carbs is to not eat carbs. Going cold turkey is hard. I would caution you to make sure that if and when you eat carbs, make sure they are healthy. Avoid starches and added sugar. If you must feel you must eat something off plan, then try making sure you eat something on plan first, preferably protein-based. If you feel you MUST eat something crunchy then eat something healthy like raw vegetables. It is hard, but if you are like me, the sooner you get starches out of your system the less you will crave them.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    i need some advice/help

    Is this a repost?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
