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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Food was never the problem.

    Love it!
  2. I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling. I don't have any specific experience so all I can really suggest is that you talk to your NUT. Best of luck.
  3. Congratulations on the weight loss. You look great! I am nowhere near my "goal" weight so take this with a grain of salt. In choosing my "goal" weight, I pretty much pulled a number out of the air. I have NEVER been anywhere near that number so I have no idea if it's a good one or not. As I get closer to that number I am sure I will have to come up with something more REALISTIC (either higher or lower) based on input from a variety of professionals. I know that some of the variables that go into that number will be: 1) muscle/fat ratio, 2) how much excess skin I have, 3) how I feel, 4) where my body wants to be, and 5) how I look. Height, frame, muscle mass, etc. seem to me to be better measurements than just the number on the scale.
  4. I would look for one that works with bariatric/weight loss surgery patients.
  5. The key for me is not to go for feeling "full", but to feel satisfied. Try practicing eating mindfully: eat slowly, take small bites, chew thoroughly, and put your utensil down between bites. This is really helpful for me.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    WLS Orientation: The Journey Begins!

    Welcome and congratulations on deciding to take such a big step. That was the hardest part of the whole process for me. I was sleeved April 20, 2015 and couldn't be happier with my decision, my surgery, my recovery, and my progress so far.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help: 1st Family Gathering Post Op

    So, the trick to traveling with Deviled Eggs is don't assemble them till you get there. Put all the egg white "cups" in a big zippie bag, and mix your filling up and put it in another zippie. When you get where you are going, arrange the cups on a plate, cut the corner of the filling bag, and pipe the filling into the cups. Takes like 30 seconds and takes a ton of hassle out of Deviled Eggs. Thanks! I learned something new today.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fatigue, Overwork & Other Stressors that Effect Eating

    Being healthy is so much more than the numbers on the scale. You might want to talk to your doctor or a therapist about health strategies. Some critical success factors, that I am continuing to learn and refine over the years: Following my post-op program, which means: getting at least 64 oz of Fluid, 100 grams Protein, taking all of my Vitamins and supplements and doing some sort of exercise, every day in addition to avoiding starches and added sugars, eating mindfully, and choosing healthy, nutritious foods as often as possible. Getting enough restful sleep. Avoiding carbonation and caffeine. A spiritual practice. Journaling, praying, meditating, reading, sharing, etc. Expressing and practicing my creativity. Staying connected to other people. Spending time alone to recharge. (I am an introvert with extrovert skills). Treating myself with kindness. Forgiving myself and others. Gratitude. Some important things I have found I have to make time for are: swimming, massages, creativity, and restful sleep. Another area that I think is critical is finding a healthy job/career. After years of working, I am currently on disability. When I return to work I absolutely must be careful to find a healthy workplace. No more toxic, soul-sucking jobs for me!
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Much Stomach is Taken Out?

    ... And, how much your stomach has stretched throughout the years.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    addiction to carbs/need advice

    There is a difference between complex carbs and simple carbs. It's the starches (simple carbs) and added sugar that we as a society eat way too much of because they are cheap and filling (at least in the short term).
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Much Stomach is Taken Out?

    It's probably acid. Were you prescribed a PPI?
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Much Stomach is Taken Out?

    Since the fundus is removed (the stretchy part of the stomach), then the percentage is relative to the size of your stomach. Ultimately, what is left for the sleeve is about the size of a banana. Since everyone's anatomy is different it does vary and the amount that is removed is less important than what you do with what is left.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Slow loss, eating more

    I don't know if any of us can give you information about averages since so many variables can influence the rate of weight loss. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. That said, 60 grams of Protein seems really low. Is that the protein target you were given? Frankly, you MAY not be eating enough. Definitely talk with your NUT about your goals.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Around 6weeks out & down 40lbs! Yippee!

  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    When will it stop?

    My understanding is that biotin may help with regrowth but won't do anything to prevent hair loss which is an after effect of the trauma of surgery/anesthesia, and the result of low Protein. Are you getting in all of your protein every day and taking your vitamins and supplements as instructed (not just biotin)?
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self-Sabotage & why I eat crap

    Congratulations on deciding to put in some work in dealing with the internal/head issues. Even though you don't have plans to see a counselor or therapist right now, there are some other tools and resources I would recommend that you consider. There are many good books available related to eating issues and/or weight loss surgery. One I recommend frequently is Eat it Up! by Dr. Connie Stapleton. She just posted an article on this site and is a therapist who works with WLS patients. I believe there is a companion workbook, too. OA meetings and literature. Go to OA.org and you will find lots of information, podcasts, meeting lists (both in person and virtual), etc. Just about anything by Geneen Roth. I like When food is Love especially. Anything by Melodie Beaty. I frequently recommend The Language of Letting Go. I am currently reading Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection. Even though it's not a book about eating issues, it hasn't taken long for eating and body issues to come up. Even though you currently don't have plans to find a therapy st or counselor, I hope you don't discard the idea completely. A good therapist can be a tremendous asset. Best of luck in your journey.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    How soon after the surgery can i have alcohol?

    This is a great question to ask your surgeon and/or NUT.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    800 - 900 cals a day?

    You don't mention Protein at all. Right now (and every day from here on out) your primary focus should be on getting enough protein and fluids. Are you following your post-op food program? What is your protein target? Are you getting AT LEAST that amount of protein every day? Are you getting AT LEAST 64 oz. of Fluid? Are you tracking your food so you know the answers to these questions? Are you avoiding starches and added sugars? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed? Are you cleared for exercise? Walking is great until you are cleared for me strenuous exercise. It is very important that you follow your program. If you are unclear about what you need to do, then ask your NUT. Even though it can be helpful to get an idea about what other people are doing, ultimately you need to follow your program.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Cardiac Clearance?

    I had to see a cardiologist and he ordered an ultrasound that I had to go back for, so depending on what tests he needs and how quickly they can get you in for the test and he can read the results it could vary. So, my answer is, it depends.
  20. This is a great question for your NUT. Calories are going to be relative to your Protein target as well as your activity level, etc. Why not check in with your NUT?
  21. I am so glad to hear this. For me, one of the biggest benefits of going through this process is to get to practice rigorous honesty. I have to be rigorously honest with myself and the professionals in whom I am entrusting my life in order to succeed. Withholding information could be fatal.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Chewing Time

    Use small utensils (like a toddler spoon, appetizer spoon, or even the tip of a teaspoon), take a small bite and try to chew slowly 20 times. Count each chew in your head. Put your utensil down. Either what you are chewing will dissolve before you get to 20 or be mush. Concentrate on the flavor and texture of your food as you chew. After you have swallowed that bite, then you can pick up your utensil and take another small bite. Repeat. It is probably very different from the shovel, swallow, shovel routine that is so easy to get into. I noticed that when I eat that way I am not tasting my food and thinking about the next bite before I have finished taking the current bite. You may find that you actually enjoy the taste of your food when you slow down. I noticed that I do.
  23. Protein and hydration are both critical for healing. Try bone broth. It has more protein than other broths. As someone else mentioned, try a clear Protein Drink like Isopure. I really liked the ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates early out. They gave them to me in the hospital undiluted over a bit of crushed ice and they worked great. You might also want to try a lighter protein supplement like Suntrax nectar. Keep sipping and keep trying, it will get easier,
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    This Week I Failed

    Boy do I understand!
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Info for food we eat

    I use MyFitnessPal and read labels, too. In a pinch I use google.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
