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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl


    I am not aware that they are bariatric-appropriate. If your NUT doesn't approve then I certainly would listen. You have to read labels carefully.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help i might have hurt my Stimson

    Then go to your PCP and/or find another surgeon. If you have insurance, see if they can refer you to someone else.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help i might have hurt my Stimson

    If you are in physical pain then you need to talk to a physician. As was noted above, we aren't doctors. What do you mean by: "Doctors office isn't helpful"? Do you have a therapist? Once you address the immediate physical problems it would probably be helpful to talk with someone about your depression and why you ate too much.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Pain and Pain medications

    I don't see a question. Something shows up in the preview but I don't see anything when I open the message. Am I missing something? (I am on my phone.)
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    As of today...

  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Trouble finding a variety of foods I can eat well...

    I don't have a lapband, so please take this with a grain of salt, but you seem to be eating an awful lot of carbs, even if you are putting cheese on them. Have you talked to your NUT?
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    An unexpected NSV for the Bobster!

    It is strange to remind myself to try something I couldn't do before and find that I can. It reminds me how often my physical limitations may actually be mental.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    After Surgery Food

    Follow your surgeon's instructions. Mine was clear liquids for the first week, with the exception of Premier Protein and a couple of approved ProtiDiet Soups. Some clear liquids that have protein are Isopure, ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates, and bone broth. Getting your protein and fluids is critical. If you are I doubt about what you are allowed, call your NUT and ask.
  9. I think a slight fever is fairly normal but you might want to call your surgeon just in case. Were you given a list of symptoms to look for when you were discharged? If anything feels it seems out of the ordinary don't be afraid to call and ask.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    How do I start eating beans?

    I'm not a vegetarian, but have made a pot of black Beans in my slow cooker a few times. I just tarted with dry beans and added some Water and broth (I used beef but you could use vegetable or just water). I put in some dried onion and seasonings (random stuff from my spice drawer - Mexican spice and Moroccan spice I think). Near the end I mixed in some Rotel tomatoes and a can of fire roasted tomatoes so it came out kind of soupy. I added a block of cream cheese, too. I ate beans for days!
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self aware

    I don't because even though I am honest with myself, I prefer to remain anonymous on the Internet. Maybe someday.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    I use a lot of Pace Picante Sauce and other salsa, too.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    Do you use the nutritional yeast before you roast the vegetables or after?
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stall (if you can call it that)

    Actually, I don't think 2 days with no change on the scale really counts as a stall. For me, a stall has to be longer than a week. That said, stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. If you plan to lose a substantial amount of weight, then you will experience stalls. Almost everyone experiences their first stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    I use Greek seasoning a lot, too. I'll have to check out Jalapeno salt. I do have Bourbon salt! .
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    How to Handle (Rudeness)

    I agree with what everyone has said. Another thing I have noticed is that even though everyone who has WLS (or is even considering it) is overweight or obese, that may be the ONLY thing they have in common. Obesity is a disease that affects all kinds of people. There is a wide range of people with different levels of life experience, age, education level, self awareness, common sense, socioeconomic class, and physical, emotional and intellectual capacity and capability. It takes all kinds!
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self aware

    I have generally been very good about putting my head in the sand and avoiding things like my size and weight. For a long time I even avoided knowing what my weight was when I was weighed at the doctors office. As part of the process of preparing for WLS I had to decide to be fearlessly honest with myself about my weight/obesity (I always hated that word and felt very uncomfortable using it, even when I was super morbidly obese). I truly believe that being rigorously honest with myself and with my medical team are critical to my being able to succeed.
  18. Have you at least had a PCP checking your bloodwork? You definitely need to find a PCP.. Tell him or her what you told us and ask for blood work.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    What would you do different?

    Thank you for the advice! I don't know, but didn't the heating pad hurt your incisions? And I just remembered I need to check my ice pack situation! Thanks! I used my heating pad for my shoulder/gas pain and because I was freezing!
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    How to help my daughter

    This is a tough question. I am not a mom, but I am a daughter and I know first hand what a mine field food and body image issues can be between mothers and daughters as well as fathers and daughters. As a former college student and also someone who has worked with a lot of college students here are some of my initial thoughts. College is the time when she really does need to learn what works for her. Trying new things and making mistakes is part of the process. Some of the danger areas related to weight gain as well as other risks that I see in college are: excessive drinking, lack of sleep, learning disordered eating behavior (dorms and sororities can be really dangerous places for anyone who is susceptible to eating disorder behavior), freedom to eat or not eat whatever or whenever you want, and lack of money/scarce funds. College is a time where she is learning to be independent. A parents role shifts from that of close supervision to trusted advisor. (That shift can be smooth or rocky depending on a lot of variables.) Good habits like a regular exercise routine, time management, and nutrition skills and knowledge can be helpful. What she has learned up to now and what she is learning in school both formally and informally will come into play. In my opinion, many of the key success skills related to succeeding in college are time/life management/balance issues. What can you do? I think the best thing you can do is love her, and be supportive in a nonjudgmental way. Instead of focusing on what you think she should do, work on developing an open and honest dialogue with her. Be honest about what you are going through: struggles and successes. Listen carefully to what she is concerned about but instead of telling her how to handle something, help her to explore solutions. Some recovery phrases come to mind: Your role as mother is shifting more to that of trusted advisor, so sharing your experience, strength, and hope is what is important. Hopefully, as she sees the changes you have been making and the results from those changes, she may be interested to learn more about what is working for you. Be open and honest but try to resist the urge to tell her what she should do. I know how hard it is to refrain from advice giving and try not to do so unless asked. But, look for openings when she is genuinely interested to talk about what you have learned along the way, whether it is related to nutrition tips or even sharing an easy recipe that you found that might be easy to make in the dorm, etc. I know this is disjointed. After thinking about this more I may have more thoughts. I would love to hear what others have to say.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    One of the reasons for stalls...

    Yep. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Vitamins and supplements

    Not really. I started mine 2 weeks post-op. I was pumped with so many vitamins in the hospital that I was good to go for a few weeks Cool. Could you post a picture?
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ladies swim suit suggestions

    When I was smaller I like to get suits from Lands End. I am looking forward to getting suits from them again.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Feed Me ....puhlease

    One of my favorite clear and calorie free beverages is Harney & Sons hot cinnamon spice decaf tea. If you don't have that brand available you might want to look for a good herb tea.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    50 pounds down! But...

    It's not that it's coffee per se (unless coffee messes with your stomach) as much as it is caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, so any Fluid in caffeinated coffee won't help you meet your fluid needs and may require you to need more fluid. I agree with others. Fifty pounds is great. But, if you are unhappy with your progress, consider going back to basics and make sure you are getting in ALL of your Protein and fluids. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
