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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing a substantial amount of weight. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. One thing that I am curious about is that you are working out twice a day. That may be excessive depending on what you are doing and what you are eating. Have you talked to your NUT and/or a trainer about making sure your nutritional needs are being met and that you have enough rest/recovery time between workouts? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall I use to be a workout finatic and use to going hard in the gym that was never the problem. I run outside in the am and do taebo at night. Not lifting weights yet so but says its fine Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App Even though you may not have had a problem before surgery, I would still recommend you talk to your NUT to make sure you are eating enough for your exercise intensity.I have already and everything is fine Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App Great! Then you should be fine.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Liquid Diet

    One day at a time. In addition to shakes, drink lots of Water, crystal light, Herb tea, etc. Focus on what you CAN have instead of what you CAN'T, and keep reminding yourself that this isn't forever. You can do anything for two weeks. It is definitely worth it!
  3. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing a substantial amount of weight. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. One thing that I am curious about is that you are working out twice a day. That may be excessive depending on what you are doing and what you are eating. Have you talked to your NUT and/or a trainer about making sure your nutritional needs are being met and that you have enough rest/recovery time between workouts? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall I use to be a workout finatic and use to going hard in the gym that was never the problem. I run outside in the am and do taebo at night. Not lifting weights yet so but says its fine Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App Even though you may not have had a problem before surgery, I would still recommend you talk to your NUT to make sure you are eating enough for your exercise intensity.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl


    Whether it makes sense to you or not, just follow the procedure required by your surgeon and insurance company.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    1st appt last week! Too food to be true!

    To add, I had a pretty significant delay in my process because of financing issues. You just have to have faith that everything happens for a reason and as long as you do your part, it will happen when it is supposed to happen.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    1st appt last week! Too food to be true!

    It must be frustrating that you have such a tight deadline for meeting the requirements and losing insurance coverage. I wish you all the best. All I can suggest is that you make everyone aware of the tight deadline, especially your surgeon's patient coordinator and stay on top of all of your clearance requirements and appointments, Write everything down and use a calendar. Stay proactive, polite, patient, and persistent. The time will go by quickly and there really is a lot to do in the next 6 months.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    I've been stalled a month please help!

    Almost everyone experiences their first stall about three weeks after surgery. You just can't let stalls and the numbers on the scale discourage you. They happen and are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    I've been stalled a month! Please help.

    It is entirely possible that you may not be eating enough, especially if you are exercising regularly. 800 calories seems really low this far after surgery. What does your NUT advise? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  9. Inner Surfer Girl


    For me that was the easiest part of the whole process. One minute I was shifting onto the operating table and the next minute I was waking up in recovery.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Pre-Op NSV!

    Congratulations! This is awesome. The whole process of WLS is rewarding in so many different ways.
  11. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing a substantial amount of weight. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. One thing that I am curious about is that you are working out twice a day. That may be excessive depending on what you are doing and what you are eating. Have you talked to your NUT and/or a trainer about making sure your nutritional needs are being met and that you have enough rest/recovery time between workouts? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Needing advice

    Congratulations on your weight loss. I was sleeved in April, too. I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Have you talked to your NUT about your concerns? Are you still following your program and getting in all of your Protein and Fluid every day? Even though you have stopped seeing your trainer are you exercising regularly? Without knowing more about what you are doing it is hard to help you with specific suggestions. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  13. I just ran across a good suggestion on how to use string cheese in a snack. Even though I am quite happy eating cheese plain, this looks pretty tasty. http://www.sargento.com/recipes/smart-snacks/tomato-basil-n-cheese-snack?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&linkId=21417989 What is your favorite way to eat cheese sticks or hard cheese?
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Taking meds day of surgery

    Ask your surgeon and write everything down. I had very specific instructions about what to take the day of surgery (including meds my cardiologist prescribed for 3 days before and 3 days after surgery -- I called to see if that included day of surgery, which it did). For the meds I took day of surgery I was told to use no more than a very tiny sip of Water. Best of luck with your surgery.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Embrace the Stall

    I talked with my massage therapist today about stalls. It was the first time I had seen her so I told her briefly about my journey and that I have lost a significant amount of weight and have a significant amount more to lose. Most of her questions were about extra skin. I told her I had noticed that stalls were when I noticed that my skin tended to tighten up, Once I was on the table she said she thought my skin looked really good. It's probably because I drink lots of Water, stay moisturized, but also because my body is doing a lot of work.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Embrace the Stall

    It's been a couple of weeks so bumping for the new folks!
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Starting number

    I use the highest weight I know about.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Just got sleeved yesterday

    Just keep sipping. You might want to try different temperatures: from ice cold, to room temperature, to hot tea or broth. Also, Mio drops or crystal light might help you to drink the Water more easily. sugar-free Popsicles and crushed ice also count toward your fluids. The next few weeks sipping and walking may feel like a full time job but staying hydrated and getting in your Protein will help you heal and feel much better sooner.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Awkward Lunch Hours

    I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I know how much of our culture both personally and professionally involves spending time together for meals. They probably feel as awkward and uncertain as you do. Maybe you could invite them to lunch, or organize a group lunch or potluck at work? Maybe bring in something that is bariatric-friendly that they might enjoy so you can share with them? Or, organize a group outing that doesn't revolve around food (bowling, painting, or something like that). They just may not know how to be around you or may be afraid that they will "tempt" you away from what is working for you. I find it helps to assume that people have the best intentions until I have evidence to the contrary. I would love to hear what other people suggest.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    A Significant Milestone

    It took me a while because of the snow and my physical therapy, but I finally got my massage today. I promise not to wait so long for my next one. I still have two certificates left and definitely have to use them before they expire in June.
  21. I love getting massages.

    1. Valentina


      OMG! We finally disagree on something. ;( With my Fibromyalgia, just the idea of a massage hurts. I hurt just walking in a crowd and having people bump against me. Most people love massages though. I guess I'm the odd one out here.

    2. SassySenior


      Well ... let me make your day. (Oh, ha ha ha. I thought you said "messages." LOL Super congrats on your weight loss journey. I started at 431, got the sleeve and now weigh 330 on a good day. My arthritis (and now back injury) keep me from exercising. Was all set the do physical therapy in the pool. (Yay!) But we had a storm that day and my back was killing me. Couldn't go anywhere. I don't get on here much, but would if you wanna continue your journey with a right sized cyber friend. Lemme know.

  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fluid intake

    It's not good. Getting enough fluids is a challenge. But, keep in mind that you can count all fluids. That means you can count: sugar-free Popsicles, crushed ice, Protein supplements, broth, herbal or decaf tea, Water with crystal light, Mio drops, or other enhancers, as well as plain water. The sooner you can reach your hydration and protein goals, the better you will feel and the easier you will heal. Just keep sipping. The last thing you want is to wind up in the ER because of dehydration.
  23. What do your post-op instructions say? It is a clear liquid. As to acidic, are you required to avoid acidic foods?
  24. Initially, right after surgery I kept myself busy by sipping. Sipping and walking is pretty much a full time job! Once you are able to do other things you could color, knit/crochet, read, watch tv, etc.
  25. I took an extra pair of underwear (just wore home what I wore to the hospital -- a loose dress), lip balm, biotene, heating pad, a pillow for the ride home, and my mom!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
