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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Feeling amazing!

    This IS amazing and so inspirational. I too find myself looking forward to being able to do more physically and not be as limited. I am already making a great deal of progress on the water. Looking forward to being able to do more on land.
  2. Yeah, I know. A friend actually treated me to a 90 minute massage a couple weeks ago. She kidnapped me and drove me there herself. The masseur was quite appalled and advised me to "get some more work done ASAP" . I have two more gift certificates for massages that clients have given me but just can't seem to find the time. Guess that's a goal I should work on! Your Hawaii reward sounds heavenly. Can I come? I don't even need to surf.... I'd just be happy to lay in the sand and make Vitamin D all day. Of course you can come! I personally think regular massages should be covered by insurance as a wellness benefit.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    What can I do with...Ricotta Cheese

    I am not a culinary expert but I don't know know why not.
  4. @@Kindle, from what you have posted about your day-to-day job, I would encourage you to get a regular massage just because you deserve it. By the way, my ultimate reward will be a trip to Hawaii to learn to surf. I have NO IDEA how I am going to pay for it, but since I won my last trip to Hawaii, I have faith that it is going to happen somehow.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    So confused-Weighing less=less protein?

    I am glad you are finally discovering this. My concern/question is why have you not been tracking your protein with the goal of meeting your protein goal all along? Did you not receive any nutritional education from your surgeon, NUT, and/or bariatric team? This is such a vital part of post-op nutrition it is still amazing to me that so many people seem to not know this. I really am just curious. Edited to add: never mind, I just realized that it was your surgeon giving you this advice. SMH.
  6. I just reward myself for everything! Some of my recent rewards. Massage: I schedule a massage after a significant milestone. Blenko glass - I happen to love Blenko glass. There were a couple of pieces I was eyeing so I rewarded myself for a significant milestone by buying them. I am already eyeing another piece! Flowers - I buy myself flowers just because. (I stopped at Trader Joe's last weekend and in addition to good, fresh food, I came home with a pot of hyacinths, a pot of tulips, and a bunch of sunflowers). Food - I don't really use food as a reward, BUT, when I eat out I treat myself to delicious, nutritious, real food instead of crap whenever possible. The benefit is lots of good leftovers. I also allow myself to treat myself to good, fresh vegetables, tomatoes, etc. I am looking forward to visiting the local farmers market as the weather improves and all the spring veggies start coming in.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    I am going to Hell....

    Good question. I was wondering the same thing myself.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    What can I do with...Ricotta Cheese

    I understand. I use the phone app so it isn't always obvious what forum posts or in.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    10 Weeks Out

    Congratulations! It sounds like you are doing great.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help need breakfast ideas for traveling

    Have fun. I haven't been there is decades, but I loved Toronto when I was there. It is a beautiful city.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    What can I do with...Ricotta Cheese

    You are welcome. Yes, this site has a recipe section. This post is in that section. Drill down under Food & Nutrition > Recipe Sharing
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gaining instead of losing

    So that means I just have to keep pushing to get enough protein since I don't get enough Exactly.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    What Y'all Think- III

    I think exercise is critical for health. I exercise because 1) I want to be healthy, 2) I enjoy it, 3) I can, and 4) it helps keep my metabolism stoked. The key is finding something that you can do to get moving. Whether it is punching in the air because you I am not able to get around very well or if you are bedbound (I do lots of arm exercises when I am watching tv), pedaling an exercise peddler with my hands because standing and walking are difficult (this really helped me reach my exercise goals pre-op), walking for short distances around the house (I did this post-op), taking a Water aerobics class or just running or walking in the water (I did a lot of this once I was cleared to get in the water after surgery), pushing a cart around a store (I am starting to be able to be on my feet longer than I used to so can spend more time browsing), or swimming laps for a mile in addition to doing water weights, water aerobics, etc. 4 plus times a week (my current exercise routine at over 9 months post-op), I couldn't imagine being as successful at my weight loss and regaining my health without exercise.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gaining instead of losing

    Your correct, that was the answer to the questionSo, what is your protein target? How much protein are you eating every day? The answer I am looking for would have very specific numbers. My answer is: my protein target is 100 grams a day. I get at least 100 grams every day. This may not have been clear. Please fill in the blank: My protein target is: _______ grams per day. I am getting on average _____ grams of protein a day.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help need breakfast ideas for traveling

    Another idea is protein soup. You could take protein soup packets (I like ProtiDiet tomato basil and creamy chicken). Most hotels have hot water for coffee so you could make that in your room.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help need breakfast ideas for traveling

    Yes, I use water to mix Syntrax, either with a spoon or a blender cup. If your hotel has a fridge you might want to get some single serve yogurts or cottage cheese. If you are ordering in a restaurant then yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, etc. are usually on most hotel and restaurant breakfast menus. As far as fast food, most fast food restaurants that have breakfast have eggs. You don't necessarily have to have "breakfast" food for breakfast either. Tuna could work for breakfast, too.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Tuna Garden Cream ( Looking for Feedback )

    This sounds interesting but probably too complicated for me.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gaining instead of losing

    Your correct, that was the answer to the question So, what is your protein target? How much protein are you eating every day? The answer I am looking for would have very specific numbers. My answer is: my protein target is 100 grams a day. I get at least 100 grams every day.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Awkward Lunch Hours

    Sounds like you may be on to something. You have a great attitude. Just take care of yourself, be open and friendly, and do your thing. Their loss.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    5 month post op exercise?

    I swim: laps, Water aerobics, etc. As soon as I was cleared to get in the water I have been in the pool.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    4.5 months out and requesting guidance

    I would suggest you give your NUTs suggestion a try. Upping your calories doesn't automatically mean you up your carbs. You can eat more Protein and/or fats. Also, not all carbs are equal. Try upping your complex carbs (vegetables, whole grains). Starches are what I try to avoid. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but eating more may be exactly what your body needs. If following your NUTS advice or suggestion inspires so much fear, you may want to consider talking to a counselor or therapist about why that is so. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    I am going to Hell....

    Wether or not it is fried, 3-5 small shrimp are not that dense. Track it in your tracker and move on. For me, the thought of fried anything doesn't appeal to me at all, but I love grilled shrimp. It is helpful to look at your choices in context and not as black or white/good or bad.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help need breakfast ideas for traveling

    How are you traveling (driving, flying, train, other)? Where are you staying (hotel, etc.)?
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gaining instead of losing

    I am so sorry you aren't getting the results you want. Without more specifics and information about what you are doing it is hard to offer suggestions. How far out are you after surgery? What is your Protein target? Are you tracking, weighing, and measuring your food? Are you reaching your protein target every day? Are you getting at least 64 oz of Fluid? Are you avoiding starches and added sugar? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as instructed? Let us know what doing everything your doctor told you means and hopefully we can offer some ideas. Surgery done on Feb 8. And I do everything from portions to avoiding to all my Proteins and vitamins, I'm in the mushy stage an I can't eat because I'm not even hungry just thirsty I went back to reread your response. You HAVE to eat, even if you don't feel hungry. You HAVE to get in enough protein and fluid so you can heal. Losing weight will happen, but is a secondary goal right now to getting enough nutrition so you can heal from surgery and function.

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