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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Heart Broken--feeling TOO much

    I know I definitely used food to keep from feeling. It is hard to deal with intense feelings. Go ahead and punch a pillow. Go ahead and cry in the shower, I know that being afraid to show my feelings is one way I got into the shape I did. I also used to work in a legal environment and know first-hand that they are not nurturing environments to be in. Do you have a therapist? A good counselor or therapist will help you learn new ways to deal with stress, anger, and uncomfortable feelings. It is important to learn healthy coping skills for both you and your son. It is so great to hear that you chose to take a walk and share your feelings here rather than eat. That is a HUGE accomplishment. Sending prayers and hugs your way.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help weight lose

    You are "supposed" to lose a certain amount every week. None of us lose weight at a constant are steady rate. We all have periods of rapid weight loss and periods of no weight loss (stalls). Almost everyone experiences their first stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program and focus on getting in all of your Protein and Water. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  3. Inner Surfer Girl


    Not free, but look for a massage school (for inexpensive massages) or a cosmetology school (for inexpensive facials, mani-pedis, etc.).
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I could have more clearly stated that the DS was developed as a two step process for people who needed to lose weight before they could safely undergo bypass but because the first part (sleeve) was so successful they started using it as a standalone. My understanding is that the DS is a variation on the bypass. I am a layman so the final word on all of this should come from your surgeon
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Happy Dance

    Done. I scheduled a massage for next Friday.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Happy Dance

    Just wanted to do a little virtual jig. I am down OVER 200 pounds from what I consider my highest weight. I have a long way to go, but it's officially a miracle as far as I am concerned. Here is to getting stronger and more mobile every day! Now, off to the pool!
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    NSV at 2.5 Years Post-Op

    This is great! I actually found someone to see for me when I was at my highest weight and it was great. Unfortunately, I have since moved and still haven't found someone to take in all of the skirts I had made just for me. Since I chose all the fabrics I want to keep them and recycle them as I lose weight. I need to start looking for a good seamstress again!
  8. By the way, the priority is getting in your protein and making sure the texture is appropriate for the stage you are on.
  9. I didn't have a purée stage. As far as I can tell there is nothing magic about purée other than its a way to get more flavor and nutrition in with a semi-liquid/soft texture. If you like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, refried Beans, tuna, Protein shakes, etc. then I don't see any reason to force yourself to eat something you don't like.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Think You're Too Heavy to Exercise?" -- articles

    Pre-op, I was pretty immobile and even my favorite form of exercise (swimming) was difficult. I got an exercise peddler and peddled it with my hands while watching tv. I worked up to an hour a day. It really helped me prepare for surgery and to get to a place where I can now exercise much more easily. A fitness tracker is also helpful. Even if you can only exercise a few minutes at a time, it helps me to keep track so I can see how small increments can add up.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Desperate cry for help...

    Not all is lost. It is not too late. You can turn things around. I was sleeved so can share what works for me, but you probably need to talk with folks who have had bypass for more insight. Here are the critical success factors to look for: Find a good bariatric NUT so you can discuss your specific goals and needs. Track your food. (I use MyFitnessPal.) Drink at least 64 oz of water/fluid a day. Find out what your Protein target is and eat at least that amount every day. Mine is 100 grams. 80-100 grams would be a good ballpark to aim for until you can talk to a NUT about your specific needs. Take your vitamins and supplements. Again, a bariatric NUT and/or someone who has had RNY can help with developing a Vitamin regimen. At a minimum make sure you are taking: a Multivitamin, D3, calcium, B1, B12, C, K, and Iron. Get your blood tested regularly to check your blood levels. This will also help you determine what vitamins you need to take. For bypass, don't drink and eat at the same time. Eat protein first. Eat slowly and mindfully. Avoid starches and added sugars. Exercise regularly. This is a great site for support, so participating on this site will help you keep your head in the game. You also may want to see if you can find a good counselor or therapist, attend bariatric support groups, and/or 12-step recovery groups like OA. A good book you may want to read is Eat it Up! by Connie Stapleton. She also posts on this site so you may want to read her posts here, too. You have already had some great success without guidance, so with some structure you should do great! Keep us posted on how you are doing. Not all is lost. It is not too late. You can turn things around. I was sleeved so can share what works for me, but you probably need to talk with folks who have had bypass for more insight. Here are the critical success factors to look for: Find a good bariatric NUT so you can discuss your specific goals and needs. Track your food. (I use MyFitnessPal.) Drink at least 64 oz of water/fluid a day. Find out what your protein target is and eat at least that amount every day. Mine is 100 grams. 80-100 grams would be a good ballpark to aim for until you can talk to a NUT about your specific needs. Take your vitamins and supplements. Again, a bariatric NUT and/or someone who has had RNY can help with developing a vitamin regimen. At a minimum make sure you are taking: a multivitamin, D3, calcium, B1, B12, C, K, and iron. Get your blood tested regularly to check your blood levels. This will also help you determine what vitamins you need to take. For bypass, don't drink and eat at the same time. Eat protein first. Eat slowly and mindfully. Avoid starches and added sugars. Exercise regularly. This is a great site for support, so participating on this site will help you keep your head in the game. You also may want to see if you can find a good counselor or therapist, attend bariatric support groups, and/or 12-step recovery groups like OA. A good book you may want to read is Eat it Up! by Connie Stapleton. She also posts on this site so you may want to read her posts here, too. You have already had some great success without guidance, so with some structure you should do great! Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Bariatric Realities

    Great article. I do agree that we still have a lot to learn about obesity, food addiction, etc. I do disagree that we can't learn more without quantitative evidence based studies. There should be lots of studies that can be done qualitatively using social science methodologies. Think of the research that Brene Brown has done around shame. These aren't "medical studies" but do seek to answer questions nonetheless. I look forward to reading more.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    6 months out

    Sounds like you are doing great to me. Just keep following your program and your head will catch up with your body.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Preop NSV

    This is awesome!
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Happy Dance

    Yes, I plan to try to schedule a massage for next week. Yes, I plan to try to schedule a massage for next week.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Think You're Too Heavy to Exercise?" -- articles

    Whew. I think I got them all.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Think You're Too Heavy to Exercise?" -- articles

    Duplicate post
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Think You're Too Heavy to Exercise?" -- articles

    Duplicate post
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Think You're Too Heavy to Exercise?" -- articles

    Duplicate post
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Think You're Too Heavy to Exercise?" -- articles

    This is great. There are some very practice ideas and suggestions in this series. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is not currently exercising as well as those of us who are exercising at a higher weight. Thanks for sharing this.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I understand from everything I have learned that this is actually why the sleeve was developed -- to help patients lose enough weight to have a bypass. But, when they found how successful it was, they quit doing the second phase of a bypass and started doing more sleeves for everyone. The BIGGEST risks for surgery are blood clots and pneumonia -- both of those risk go way up the longer you are on the table and under anesthesia.
  22. I agree. One of the reasons I participate in BariatricPal so frequently is because it is anonymous AND is not tied to Facebook. This is something we should all be mindful of. In addition, remember that anything you post here or elsewhere can be searchable, so please don't post private information (like email addresses and phone numbers) online. I see too many people do this and don't think they realize how vulnerable they are.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    Great! If you are like me you will be able to rest so much better at home. Just make sure you keep sipping and walking! Great! If you are like me you will be able to rest so much better at home. Just make sure you keep sipping and walking!
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Still feelin ill

    I am so sorry you are still experiencing difficulty. Have you talked to your surgeon about your concerns? By this far after surgery you should be able to get most if not all of your protein from food. How are you doing eating food?

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