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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Constantly ...

    I am curious about what you mean. Do you feel this way because it is unclear to you what you are supposed to do? Do you know what to do but choose not to do it? Are you doing what you are supposed to do but think that somehow there is a "right" way and a "wrong" way? I personally find what I am supposed to do to follow my program is simple (but not necessarily easy). What can you do to gain more confidence? Do you have a counselor or therapist you can talk to? Getting upset with yourself when you are doing your best can't be helpful. What can we do to help?
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    TACO BELL it is

    No, and have had no desire to do so. I didn't have a puree phase (transitioned from full liquids to soft). When I was on soft foods I ate refried Beans with melted cheese. When I was cleared for it I had the beans with either ground taco meat or chicken.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl


    @@Queen of Crop is a lovely woman who is part of the BariatricPal community. She is a veteran and has written a book about her experience.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl


    This is a great strategy. When I was newly sleeved I only weighed at doctors appointments. Now that I am further out I try not to weigh more than once a week.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    NSV at 2.5 Years Post-Op

    This is awesome. Any chance we might see you on Project Runway someday?
  6. Just how experienced is your surgeon anyway? His recommendation is so far from anything I have heard I am really curious.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    HCG diet and sleeve

    You do know that you are responding to a post from 2010, right?I know this is from 2010 but I wanted to put my 2 cents in. I did hcg 3 times. Each with injections and 42 days. Followed thru with each phase. Lost 50 pounds each time. Only to regain. Now 7 years later and 60 pounds heavier, I realize I need more. Am in preop diet stage. Soon as I lose last 8 pounds, I can schedule surgery. Aiming for april. Sent from my SM-N920T using the BariatricPal App Welcome aboard and best of luck with your surgery.
  8. It sounds like you know what to do. As to carbs, I don't avoid all carbs, just starches and added sugars. A good complex carb like oatmeal should be fine. A hug protein oatmeal would be even better. As to advice about stalls, my best advice is to Embrace the Stall! and read this for some ideas: http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall I do but I don't know what I am doing I never posted "big numbers" like others except for the first 2-3 weeks post-op. For example, fruits wise, someone told me that I should not be eating bananas. Had no idea about this. Also don't see it in the packet I was given. Also, Snacks wise. I hate Greek Yogurt. So I have Wheat Thins multigrain crackers with Peanut Butter or hummus or string cheese. Or I have nuts. Today I cut up celery and also have carrots that I can have with the peanut butter or hummus. I am trying to plan to munch on that (or some grapes that I bought at the grocery store last night) rather than going for Doritoes or Cookies while I work. But I would really LOVE some new ideas for healthy snacks. Am I better off eating a PBJ sandwich as a small meal than eating the snacks if the snacks are going to be as bad as Doritoes/cookies and keep me from grazing? I also haven't been tracking my protein. Just been focusing on eating a lot of high protein foods in general. It sounds like you need to get away from the idea that every meal or snack needs a bread or cracker. You can eat peanut butter, hummus or string cheese plain or with a non-starchy vegetable. I personally don't avoid bananas but am aware they are higher in sugar/carbs. This might be more important for someone with DS. Whatever you do, focus on protein first and tracking your protein so you KNOW you are reaching your protein target. If you eat protein first, then non-starchy vegetable, then you may or may not have room for whole fruits. There shouldn't be much room left for breads and crackers. Since you don't like Greek yogurt do you like cottage cheese?
  9. Inner Surfer Girl


    There are several books you may want to look at. I don't know if one book has everything you need. Alex has a Big Book of Gastric Sleeve. I think there is also a Big Book of Weight Loss Surgery and/or Big Book of Bypass. You will need to look and see. I like Eat it Up by Connie Stapleton. There are lots of cookbooks. Eating Well after Weight Loss Surgery is one I have. For general eating issues: When food is Love by Geneen Roth. Our own Queen of Crop has a book about her first year's experience.
  10. Hi, Since your post seemed the most detailed I was hoping I could follow up with some questions. I was re-reading the nutrition packet that my surgeon and his nutrition team provided me post-op and it says to avoid butter and margarine. I have read that other DSers have this because our bodies absorb only 20% of fats. I have been using an olive oil dairy free butter by Smart Balance ( I use it only this Sara Lee multi-grain bread that I found that is just 45 calories. Here's the nutrition information: Calories 45, 2%. Total Fat 0.5g, 1%. Sodium 85mg, 3%. Sugars 1g *. Fiber 2g, 10%. Whole Grain 8g. I tend to have bread with eggs in the morning. I also use the bread to make a PBJ sandwich for lunch. The school cafeteria has some really healthy and not too expensive fish/chicken options every day so I tend to have that with steamed veggies for lunch. I also throw a lot of tofu into lean ground meat that I cook, though I just started cooking on Sundays at the beginning of this year. I successfully cut out juices, potatoes, Pasta, and rice from my diet for the most part. I make brown rice once a week at most. Really, the main thing messing me up (I think) is that I am having donuts/muffins that are 300-500 calories a day and also Cookies or the occasional bag of chips (the individual portion size but still) when I am stressed out about assignments or as I am writing papers. I justify this by saying that I "need fuel" since I am in class/studying for about 14 hours a day. In examining the "bad" stuff that I am eating, I could easily estimate it to be the 500-700 calories a day that if I were to cut, would result in 1-1.5 pounds of weight loss a week. And if I continue going to the gym, I am guessing I could up that weight loss to 2 pounds even. That's still not the "big" losses that others on this board seem to achieve but I would be happy with even 1 pound a week! I am hoping it's not too late to re-learn all of this. Ask away. I'll answer what I can based on my knowledge and experience. I am not sure about the fats question. Since I was sleeved I don't have the same fat absorption issues that you might experience. I avoid fried foods, but don't really limit good fats. I use olive oil a lot. If I am going to have butter, then I have butter (life is too short for fake butter). I find that I just don't want as much fats as I would have used previously (a little dab will do it). When it comes to bread, whole grain is best. I don't eat bread very often, but when I do it is good quality whole grain and usually only one piece. (For instance a piece of Avocado toast or an open-faced sandwich). I USUALLY skip the bread entirely and just eat the insides. Life is too short to eat cardboard. If you are like me you just need to go cold turkey from the junk food: muffins, donuts, cookies, potato chips are poison and not fuel. As long as they are in your system, your brain is going to come up for a rationalization for why you HAVE to have them. Look for high-protein alternatives. As to healthy snacks. Pre-portioned packaging is your friend. Either buy individually portioned bags or take the time to portion out bulk items like nuts. My post-swim "treat" is usually a bag of Mr. cheese o's and a V-8. Mr. Cheese O's, Quest Chips, Kay's Naturals or other protein snacks are good substitutions if you HAVE to have a pre-packaged, portable chip or snack. They aren't cheap so it makes it easier for me to ration them. It isn't too late! If you make smart choices 95% of the time you should do great! Plus, the better your nutrition, the easier it will be for you to focus on your studies. I only wish I had known this in grad school.
  11. It sounds like you know what to do. As to carbs, I don't avoid all carbs, just starches and added sugars. A good complex carb like oatmeal should be fine. A hug protein oatmeal would be even better. As to advice about stalls, my best advice is to Embrace the Stall! and read this for some ideas: http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Were You 10 Weeks Out

    Twyford will be a bit of a culture shock after London. We moved here from Bedford 6 years ago, just down the M1 from Leicestershire. Bali is 3.5 hours away for us so not too bad. I've no history of blood clots thankfully but will probably take some aspirin. If I can do half as well as you in 5.5 months I will be so chuffed. I will take a look at your blog, I need all the help and encouragement I can get. Definitely talk to your surgeon before you take aspirin since it is an NSAID.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help with saddnes

    Do you have a counselor or therapist? This is a big change physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you have been used to managing your feelings and moods, depression and anxiety with food you have got to learn some new, healthy ways to cope. Please find a counselor or therapist to talk to. See if you can find a bariatric support group and/or 12-step recovery group like OA (OA.org). Follow your program. In the meantime, try taking a walk and getting some sunshine. I also recommend that you read a book like Eat it Up! by Connie Stapleton or When Food is Love by Geneen Roth. You will get through this, and it is ok to cry. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
  14. Both your calories and protein are really low. Based on everything I know and my own experience you have got to get in more: protein, calories, and Water. You need least 64 oz of water/fluid a day. Until you can get in the required nutrients, nothing on the scale matters. Your body is fighting back hard.
  15. Here is an excellent blog post/list for those of us who struggle with eating and weight. http://www.fitwoman.com/blog/2016/02/04/the-binge-eating-diaries-its-time-for-jacki-to-say-goodbye
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Were You 10 Weeks Out

    What is Bali bellie? Is it similar to Montezuma's Revenge?
  17. Wow. It sounds like you are dealing with a lot of life. I didn't have DS, so don't know if the post-op program is significantly different from a sleeve post-op program (I don't know why it would be). The first thing I would suggest is that you talk to your PCP and/or look for a good therapist to address your depression. Since you are in grad school you might want to consider talking with someone at your school's counseling center if they have one. I also suggest that you go back to basics. Make sure you are getting at least 64 oz of water/fluid every day. Track your food. Meet or exceed your Protein target every day. Did your NUT and/or surgeon give you a protein target? Mine is 100 grams a day. 80-100 grams a day may be a good place to start until you can get a good target from your program. Avoid starches and added sugars. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Get regular blood work to check your Vitamin levels. Exercise regularly. It will help with your stress level, depression, and with weight loss. With everything you are dealing with, time management is going to be key. Make sure you plan time for meals, Snacks, and exercise. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Were You 10 Weeks Out

    By ten weeks I was was cleared for most foods. My incisions had healed over and I was cleared to swim at about four weeks. I don't know why you couldn't travel. I would just recommend that you run it by your surgeon. Sounds like a fabulous trip to me! I hope you have a wonderful time.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    HCG diet and sleeve

    You do know that you are responding to a post from 2010, right?
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Out of the mouth of babes

    Here is to droopier soggy boobies!
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    NSV Victories!

    This is great, but I would also caution you about buying clothes more than a season ahead. You may blow past the plus sizes by winter-time.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Personal Questions needing answered

    Are you taking a PPI? If not, what you may perceive as hunger may in fact be acid. And/or, you may be experiencing "head" hunger. It is common to crave food when we are used to using food to regulate out moods and it is no longer an option after surgery. As to the constipation, in addition to the Miralax, make sure you are getting in all of your fluids. Miralax only works with enough Water in your system, plus the hydration will also help relieve your constipation. Some diluted prune juice may help, too. You may also want to talk to your doctor if either the cravings/hunger and/or the constipation persists.
  23. One of the things I found helpful both with the pre-op diet and post-op diet was to focus on what I CAN have instead of what I can't. If there is something you can't eat or don't like then find an alternative. Your NUT, along with the folks on BariatricPal, can help you do that. Another thing that helped me was that I made up my mind to do everything I was asked to do by my medical team, even if I thought I couldn't or was afraid to try. You may find that post-op there are things you thought you don't like that you do -- tastes do change.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    NSV at 2.5 Years Post-Op

    I lucked out. I had a friend who was returning to grad school and needed the money. We came up with a good skirt pattern and then I had her make me a skirt every month. I paid a flat rate per skirt plus the fabric. I was really spoiled!

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