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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    any tips for meals or how to add more protein?

    What is your protein target? Mine is 100 grams. Since we can't metabolize more than 25-30 grams of protein at a time, there is no way I could meet half of my protein requirement at any one meal. I have to eat 4+ times a day. If you are making protein oatmeal with more than 30 grams of protein you still need to make up that difference. It doesn't make sense to have mega doses of protein at one meal.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Scared to eat different foods

    Its so hard to not have carbs when they are in everything I eat. Even oatmeal so I don't worry so much about them. I just try and make sure that they are as low as possible . My nut told me no fruit because there is too much sugar but I have a Halo or Cutie or 2 almost every day. I don't actually eat them just suck the juice out. Sounds weird but it satisfys me. Everyone is different, In my opinion, you would be better off eating the halo or cutie rather than just sucking out the juice. The juice is where all the sugar is and the flesh and pulp is where you get the Fiber. You might as well just be eating straight sugar if you think just sucking out the juice is somehow a good alternative. SMH.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not really losing

    Yes. Getting enough water is critical.
  4. You could just cook regular oats and add Protein powder. As for high protein prepared, I have eaten the Quaker weight control oatmeal and Bariwise oatmeal.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Worried for my mom

    I am so sorry she is having such a rough time. It sounds like she is truly going through the ringer. It sounds like getting to the root of her problem will take some professional help. When you give detail about her food consumption as well as attitude and skills around eating healthy, it sounds like she needs to work closely with a NUT (our term for a dietitian/nutritionist). I know I was given a detailed post-op food plan. Her issues might be related to her surgery, allergies, or something completely different. As to eating healthy, it is critical for my success to take a very proactive interest in learning new skills: like cooking! Does she have a counselor or therapist and/or attend support group meetings? The psychologist who did her clearance might be able to see her and/or refer her to someone. Participating in here is also very helpful. Does your mom have access to a smart phone? If so, using an app (like MyFitnessPal) is also very helpful. If not, she really does need to track her food. That is the only way I can KNOW I am getting in all of my Protein and fluids every day. She has to get in enough protein and fluids to heal and to lose weight. What is her protein target? Here is what I know works for new: I HAVE to: Follow my program. Weigh, measure, and track my food. Eat slowly, and mindfully. Get in at least 64 oz of Water every day. Get at least 100 grams of protein every day. Avoid added sugars, starches, and fried foods. Try to eat clean, whole foods when possible. Take all of my Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise. (I joined our local wellness center and swim at least 3-4+ times a week.) Weigh infrequently (no more often than once a week). I hope this helps.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Liver shrinking diet.. Help!

    My pre-op diet was basically Atkin's phase 1 so I didn't have restrictions on protein volume but I wasn't allowed to have fruit, sugar, or starches. What are your guidelines? I found it helpful to focus on what I could have instead of what I couldn't have. Drink lots of Water, decaf tea, Herb tea, etc. sugar free Popsicles are great to snack on. Can you have a lot of non-starchy vegetables? That is where you can fill up without a big calorie/sugar/carb hit if it's allowed. As my NUT said, keep reminding yourself that this is only for a short time. We can do anything for two weeks! It will get easier.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Get that Anger OUT!

    Here is a link to the story I heard on NPR that someone mentioned above: http://www.cpr.org/news/npr-story/when-loved-one-dies-overdose-what-happens-family
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Surgery on 3/21

    Definitely praying. It has got to be sobering and scary seeing complications and death first-hand so close to your surgery date. According to my surgeon, the biggest risks are pneumonia and blood clots. Just make sure you do everything you are asked to do (walking, breathing with an incentive spirometer, etc.). I wish you all the best. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    I need to do this, no matter what

    Welcome, Mico. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Am I allowed to at least send a virtual hug? I hope you are able to recover well from your pneumonia. Going into surgery as healthy as possible is the best way to avoid any major complications. I was sleeved April 20, 2015 (am coming up on my 1 year Surgiversary). I can honestly say this was the best decision for me and that it has saved my life. I was one fall and one "diet" away from being bedbound. I have a long way to go still but I am already getting my life back. I wish you all the best with your surgery. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Got my new Fitbit Charge HR

    I swim with Misfit Shine. It is branded by Speedo so I can set up the app to track my laps which is very cool.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not really losing

    How much Water are you drinking? (Your post is unclear.) You don't mention Protein. How much protein are you getting in every day? The 2 shakes would give you 60 grams. Working out 6 times a week for two hours a day seems pretty intense. Are you eating and drinking enough to support that level of activity? What does your NUT advise? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  12. Inner Surfer Girl


  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stopped losing at 11 months post op

    First, you need to get more Fluid. 50 oz is low. My target is at least 64 oz and I am usually well over that. What is your Protein target? Are you reaching that target every day? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Just Wondering....

    I choose not to weigh daily. Early out I only weighed at doctors appointments. Now, I weigh infrequently. It is better for my soul.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Thinking about a sleeve

    My question is, how long does it restrict how much you can eat? Is it 30 minutes? An hour? Getting under 400 pounds will get me close to a BMI of 50 and then my insurance will require me to pay for weight watchers which I know will be a farce. I think around 380 is when I start to hit 50 BMI. As others have noted it depends on what you eat. Also, I don't judge by feeling "full" but by being satisfied. If I eat a healthy, high Protein meal, slowly and mindfully, I am satisfied with that meal and don't get hungry for several hours. I usually have to remind myself to eat a snack or next meal before I feel hungry. Especially since I am always drinking Water or other fluids between meals. It is really hard to describe the difference between pre-op and post-op. I THINK the issues you are most concerned about are really non-issues post-op. The biggest issues post-op are more related to relearning new food behaviors and how to live life without the benefits of using food for self-medication (mood regulation, stress relief, etc.). The biggest lesson is learning the difference between head hunger and real hunger. A good therapist and/or support group (like OA) can be invaluable.
  16. That is awesome! You should be so proud of yourself! So in just under a year you have lost 200 lbs? That's amazing. If you don't mind sharing how much more to do you plan to lose or what is your goal weight? You can pm me if you'd like or you don't have to answer at all I understand that it's very personal for some. Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App It's on my ticket but you may not be able to see it on the app. I started at 565 and am now 360ish. My tentative goal weight is 150 but that is just an arbitrary number. I will have to see what my body wants to do.
  17. I just passed the 200 pound loss mark. I weigh over 200 pounds less than my highest weight. I still have a ways to go but have done better than I could have hoped. I was sleeved April 20, 2015 and still going strong.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    any tips for meals or how to add more protein?

    Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or leftovers are some of my go-to's for breakfast. If I am eating out eggs are a good choice. I like an egg mcmuffin with an extra egg and eat either no English muffin or half a muffin.
  19. The fact that he is even attempting to eat like this at 8 weeks post op is a huge red flag.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Get that Anger OUT!

    I heard that same story and it was very impactful. Wasn't it that their children had overdosed? It was a few weeks ago but well worth the listen.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    3 week stall

    How are you doing in getting in all of your protein and fluids? The sooner you can regularly hit those numbers the sooner you will feel better (based on my experience).
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Young and ready to change

    I agree! This is a great opportunity to learn new habits and create a new normal. You both have awesome lives ahead of you. I can't wait to hear about your journeys. Carpe Diem.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Story - Failure in Gastric Bypass 2012

    I am so sorry for your loss and for your struggles and challenges. As you are being treated for alcoholism then you know the first step is accepting that you need help. I am glad you recognize that. I agree that you should make an appointment with a surgeon, a NUT, and even a psychologist first thing to talk about your stays and goals. If you haven't had blood work in a while they will definitely need to check your Vitamin levels etcetera. See if the bariatric program has a support group. If so, attend. You may also want to find a 12-step group like OA (OA.org). A good therapist will be critical for helping you recover and move forward in a positive way. It is never too late to be successful and create a life that you deserve. Sending hugs.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    My not exactly textbook postop course so far

    I am so glad you are home and hydrated and that your fall didn't hurt you more. Take care of yourself!

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