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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl


    You and your body will love this. Best of luck. Walk, walk, walk, and sip, sip, sip!
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Story

    Of course I am interested! Welcome and best of luck with your surgery. It sounds like you have a great deal of support at home with your kids which will be so helpful with your recovery. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stopped losing at 11 months post op

    One thing my surgeon advised to completely avoid is high fructose corn syrup. Most processed food uses it. I would bet that the uncrustables have high fructose corn syrup in addition to the starch in the bread. I would get a Jif to go cup before I would eat a PBJ sandwich.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Accomplished a HUGE goal. 5k race

  5. I too liked seeing all of the other patients in the support group meeting. I found it interesting that Ashley's mother had bypass. The awful way she speaks to her daughter is terrible. To find out she had bypass, too was interesting because I would have thought it might have made her more supportive and compassionate. I hate it when they show the person's family criticizing her weight while eating badly themselves. I also found it surprising that we don't hear more from Dr. Now about Protein and fluids. His focus on calories and only eating three times seems like really old-school dieting advice.
  6. In the first weeks after surgery, I probably re-read the food plan pages in my manual several times a day.
  7. My guess is that even puréed raw vegetables would still be too rough/jagged. According to my NUT all of the food phases are based on texture.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Self Compassion

    One of my favorite resources for my WLS journey is Experience Life magazine. I was looking for a sensible health and fitness magazine so subscribed to it without ever having read or seen it just based in the topic descriptions. I stumbled upon a GREAT resource. Every issue is full of helpful information and wisdom. Yes, there have been one or two articles that were a bit out there, but by in large I have found a great deal of helpful inspiration. I just received the recent issue and there are several great articles (one on exercise motivation is particularly appropriate for many of us), but wanted to share the article on Self Compassion here: https://experiencelife.com/article/cultivate-self-compassion/ If you are struggling with self compassion I encourage you to read it. I would love to hear your thoughts.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is it normal to be afraid ?

    I was 51 and this was my first surgery ever. I was afraid. It is perfectly normal to be afraid and anxious. This is major surgery. The good thing is that was the worst part of my whole experience: the pre-op fear. I couldn't have hoped for a better surgery or recovery experience or even dreamed of better results so far. You can do it! "Feel the fear and do it anyway!"
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Embrace the Stall

    For some reason I couldn't see this post until I quoted it. Did you use a funky font or something?
  11. @@jintycb, I just added another item to my bucket list: walking with you in a royal park.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Needing some honesty please

    Have you considered attending some OA meetings and/or working the steps around food? When you read the Big Book and change the words alcohol and alcoholic to food and compulsive eater, does it still apply? I agree with others, the sleeve is not a magic cure buy it has been a miracle for me. That said, I think the reason I am seeing results is in part because of the mental work I have done around food up to now and in part because I have radically changed the way I eat. I too recommend you start tracking your food with MyFitnessPal or a similar app. Focus on getting enough Protein (at least 100 grams since you are a guy and an athlete). Avoid starches, added sugars, and fried foods. Completely cut out anything with high fructose corn syrup. Choose healthy, whole foods instead of pre-packaged processed foods. Eat good fats. Take Vitamins (at least a Multivitamin and possibly D3). Exercise (sounds like you are already doing so). Wean yourself off of caffeine and carbonation. I would suggest you check in with a good NUT to talk about your goals: losing weight, running, etc. so that he or she can help you determine the level of macros you need (protein, fat, and carbs) for your activity level and to lose weight. One of two things will happen. Either you will lose the weight and not need surgery, or you may decide to still have surgery but you will be better prepared. Keep in mind that whether you have surgery or not, when losing weight you WILL experience stalls. It's how you deal with those stalls that will determine your success. Keep us posted on how you are doing and what you decide.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Almost 3 weeks post-op

    Definitely call your surgeon's office.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl


    I am so sorry. Sending hugs.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Question Alert

    Keep in mind that no one know how much everyone who has ever had surgery has done over time. There is no master database of all of that information in addition to the fact that the number would be forever changing. What doctors go by is data derived from a specific set of people over a specific amount of time. As others have mentioned if you focus on what you are in charge of: your Protein, Water, exercise, Vitamins, food choices, and attitude, you will do great.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Question Alert

    The predicted weight loss is based on results from a few specific studies. They are estimates and not predictions. Is it possible to lose all of your excess weight? Yes. Is it possible to lose very little of your excess weight? Yes. Is it possible to lose part of your excess weight? Also, yes. As far as I can tell is that the only real limit is how much effort you choose to put into following your program. If you do what you are supposed to and don't give up when you stall or experience difficulties, then you can lose all or most of your excess weight.
  17. Welcome! I didn't have a drain. Not all surgeon's use one. My follow-up appointments (off the top of my head) were: One week One month Three months Six months Nine months (we skipped this one because of the weather -- they sent me an order for my blood work so I got than done locally) My one year is coming up this month. Personally, I would recommend you putting your needs first. The last time I put off something at the request of my supervisor I was layer off. No one will look out for your needs better than you.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    First time posting! Broth prep?

    Welcome aboard! I didn't cook much, especially pre-op so it wasn't an issue for me. If it's something you are making anyway and want to freeze some then by all means do so. But, I think you will be surprised at how far things stretch immediately post-op when your portion size is so small. I know that some people have mentioned freezing Soups and broths in ice cube trays.
  19. Interesting. My surgeon was adamant that I do everything I could to get in all of my Protein as soon as possible. He said that there was no physical reason any of us couldn't get down three Premier Protein shakes (90 grams protein), the day after surgery. I am convinced that getting in all of my protein and fluids has been a major critical success factor in healing and weight loss. Interesting. My surgeon was adamant that I do everything I could to get in all of my protein as soon as possible. He said that there was no physical reason any of us couldn't get down three premier protein shakes (90 grams protein), the day after surgery. I am convinced that getting in all of my protein and fluids has been a major critical success factor in healing and weight loss.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Embrace the Stall

    Your protein seems low. What is your protein target?
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    chia seeds? are they safe for sleeves?

    This sounds like a great question for your NUT. I would certainly wait until you are cleared for seeds before trying them.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Caloric intake @ Stage 2

    What is stage 2 for you? Mine was full liquids. Calories are relative and secondary to Protein. What is your protein target? Are you reaching it every day?
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    One year out 80lbs down. Why can't I lose

    It doesn't sound like you are getting enough Protein or eating often enough. Are you tracking your food? Are you reaching your protein target every day? (What is your protein target?) Are you getting AT LEAST 64 oz of Fluid a day (more of you are exercising)? Are you avoiding starches, added sugars, and fried foods? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed? Have you talked to your NUT lately about your concerns?
  24. I've lost 200+ pounds so far and am still afraid to even get down on the floor because I am not confident I will be able to get up (with or without help). The last time I fell was pre-op. I fell in a gravel parking lot and had to call EMS to help me get up. Not fun. It sounds to me like you are doing great. Just imagine what you will be able to do in the next 12 weeks let alone the next 12 months.

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