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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm BAAACCCKKKKK to the land of the internet ...

    Welcome back!
  2. Thanks!! I enjoy drinking. We mainly drink at home on the weekends ans grill etx. I live in a foreign country so entertainment is limited. It's going to be strange to figure out what do to now on the weekends. Sounds awful....I know. Good to know I can still be a social drinker if I want. Although I know my taste for it may change after surgery. Thanks for your honesty!!!! Sent from my GT-I9190 using the BariatricPal App As someone who is not a big drinker I would like to add my 2 cents. If the thought of my partner drinking or not drinking is enough to put a strain on my relationship, then it might be worth it to talk to a counselor about 1) the relationship, and 2) the alcohol. Any substance or activity (food, drug, behavior, etc.) that has that much power over either of you has too much control over your life in my opinion. I am not saying that you should or shouldn't drink, but if any change is enough to cause issues then you may need help dealing with that change.
  3. Excellent article. (As an aside, I am surprised Biggest Loser would allow such a research study,)
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Loving the new me!

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process. We all experience stalls, and almost everyone experiences their first stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Track your food. Make sure you are reaching your protein target every day. Drink at least 64 oz of fluid. Avoid added sugars, starches, and fried foods. Take your vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Loving the new me!

    Congratulations, this is awesome!
  6. I just scoop, that is why they give you one.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Lost 100 pounds!

  8. Inner Surfer Girl


    None. I couldn't be happier with my surgery experience, recovery, and progress so far. It was my first surgery ever so I had no idea what to expect. The worst part of the whole experience was the pre-op uncertainty. My advice? Do everything you are asked to do by your team (pre- and post-op) even if you think you can't or think it is silly. Everything you are asked to do is for your benefit and to minimize risks and complications.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    2nd attempt

    Welcome and congratulations on the new baby! I have no answer about the breastfeeding question but there may be someone who has some insight. Best of luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  10. Question: What do you think about the availability of psych eval "templates" online now? Anyone facing an upcoming eval for WLS can go online and review hundreds of questions asked by evaluators all over the country. What are your thoughts??? I think that anytime you are less than candid and honest with anyone on your medical team, your psych eval included, you are only hurting yourself.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl


    I wouldn't be able to get in my 100 grams of protein a day without snacking.
  12. Set short term goals. For instance: 4 oz when you get up in the morning, another 4 oz when you brush your teeth, etc. Keep a Water bottle and or other Fluid with you at all times and sip frequently,
  13. If you plan on having 600-800 calories a day post-op for the long term you are going to have even worse than a super slow metabolism. Why 600-800 calories? Where did that number come from? Your NUT? Post-op, your primary focus needs to be getting enough protein and fluids, not minimizing calories. As to what is possible? Anything is possible if you are realistic and focus on doing your part and being healthy.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    WLS and Eating Disorders

    I would like to hear what @@Alex Brecher thinks about her opinion on online weight loss surgery support sites.
  15. It sounds like she truly believed the surgery would "solve all her problems". The results of immaturity, abuse, trauma, addiction, and mental illness is not going be "solved" by anything let alone weight loss surgery. Without surgery she would have certainly continued to abuse food and still may have turned to alcohol, drugs, and sex anyway. Blaming the surgery for her issues doesn't sound very healthy to me. What would her life been like without it? You can't compare apples to oranges. If she was unwilling to seek counseling before bariatric surgery should she have been denied? I don't know. A lot of folks of all ages go into this process blindly. Some actually learn and grow through the process. Some do not. Some people have the capacity for personal growth. Some do not. If she was a poor candidate for WLS she still might have been able to learn from the experience. If she had been a great candidate for surgery, she still might have wound up where she is today. I just don't think there is necessarily cause and effect at work here. This is much more complex than she or the article seem to acknowledge. Yes, I think there needs to be many more mental health resources both pre- and post-op for anyone who is obese. There certainly are not enough affordable mental health resources in the US period.
  16. I like GNC Lean shake 25 (orange cream), Syntrax nectar (fuzzy navel), and premier Protein. I recently tried the Quest salted caramel and really liked it, too. What have you tried?
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Faith without works?

    Just take the next step. The one in front of you. Pray and keep exploring, and asking questions. It is a journey. You do not have to have all the answers. For me, if I pray and seek truly seek God's will, things will work out.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    4 months post sleeve

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Learning to manage stress (both good and bad) is a major life skill I think that most of us have struggled with. I HIGHLY recommend getting a massage!
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    "That's on your diet!"

    My Dad knows I had surgery and still asks how my "diet" is going. I tell him I'm not on a diet. Mom "gets" it but he is still confused. I try to explain but just accept that he is well meaning and move on.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Surgery tomorrow and very worried

    I think that what you are experiencing is very common. The pre-surgery jitters and anxiety was the worst part of the whole process as far as I am concerned. You are taking a leap of faith into the unknown. As to something happening after surgery that you may be unprepared for. Life happens. Sometimes we are thrown a curve ball. These things may happen whether or not you have surgery. I would much rather have to deal with something healthy than unhealthy. Learning to deal with life on life's terms instead of relying on food is a miracle of this process. If you need help doing so (therapy, counseling, support groups, recovery groups), then be sure and look for someone to help you through it. That would be something I would advise whether or not you had surgery anyway. You can do this!
  21. Inner Surfer Girl


    I am currently listening to an episode of the TED Radio Hour called "Press Play." It's about the importance of play in our lives. One example is a game called "Super Better". Super Better actually sounds like a great game for anyone who is struggling. Has anyone played it? How do you incorporate play into your daily life? http://www.npr.org/programs/ted-radio-hour/390249044
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stretch Marks

    I think keeping our skin moist and staying hydrated is a good practice at any time. It may not "fix" current stretch marks, but it will help with future ones.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    Thanks for sharing this. They mentioned it in the story but I hadn't yet looked it up. "Playing SuperBetter for 30 days improves mood, reduces symptoms of anxiety & depression and increases belief in the ability to successfully achieve goals." One thing I found sobering was the section on the research on violent criminals: how many of them were never allowed to play as children. Also, how important play is for all humans, even adults!
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Packing for Surgery...

    I hope you meant biotene!
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Figuring out food

    Always eat your Protein first. At 5 weeks post-op that is about all you will have room for anyway. Instead of aiming to feel "full", my goal is to feel satisfied. Eat slowly, take small bites, and chew thoroughly. You will start to figure out the difference between satisfied and one bite too many. 42 grams of protein seems like an extremely low target. Mine is 100 grams, and most targets I have heard are at least 80 grams.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
