Hi StartingOver,
I am five days post op from having my band removed due to intractable problems just like you have described. My obstruction was total just like yours so I had surgery 3 weeks ago to remove adhesions and scar tissue that the surgeon thought was causing the problem. Sadly it made no difference and nothing would go through, even though the band was well positioned.
As my problems have escalated over several months and I was at a very low ebb by then we decided it was best to take the band out. So far so good as I have been slowly increasing fluids and am now on to Soups and milk which have all gone down. Just as well as I was without any calories or nutrition at all for 2 weeks during which I lost about 20 pounds, by starvation, and often dehydrated to the point of needing IV fluids.
I have lost about 90 pounds plus in total but would have liked to lose another 20 pounds. Now my challenge will be not to increase my weight again, but I simply could not have gone on any longer as I was.
Like you I had frequent PBs which must have significantly contributed to the problem. My advice to you is to avoid PBs at all costs even if it means staying on fluids for longer.
I wish you all the luck in the world.