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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Adrianneval

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/15/1972

About Me

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Data Entry Operator for a medical laboratory
  • City
    Basking Ridge
  • State
    New Jersey

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  1. Adrianneval


  2. I'm only 3 days out, I had mine on 8/28. I still have bad gas pains, but their not steady. I would have one bad one for about a few seconds then be fine for about a minute before next pain. I'm able to take the hydrocodone, but it seems to give me slight chills and makes me sleepy. It's expensive, so I try to only use it when seems unbearable and I try to save it for when getting ready to goto sleep for the evening. I would just give it time and remind yourself that you just had the surgery and you still need to heal, especially on the insides. Hang in there. I try to hold a blanket or small soft pillow up against where the pain is in chest and by the belly area.
  3. I am very new to this, but I have also just been sleeved on 8/28/14. My encouragement from a newbie would be just remind yourself that you chose to have this surgery to better your health and that this is a tool. It is not a quick fix, but it should help you to eat only when you are physically hungry and stop when you are satisfied. This will take lots of practice. If you are feeling regrets, also think about how your health has been going before the surgery. Maybe like mine, it was a very high risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and even death at a young age due to a heart attack or something else. Also, talk with your nurse or nutritionist. Try to also look for local support groups where you can attend meetings in person. There may be a time some down the road where you may be able to have some steak, but probably in much smaller portions, chewing thoroughly. Talk with those who been through this longer than I have to get a better sense, too. Always listen to what your surgeon and nurse tell you first before others' advice. They know your health best post surgery. Don't give up. Best wishes.
  4. Adrianneval

    when did you go back to work?

    I have mine on 8/28, And I'm taking 4 weeks without work stress to go through some of the food stages. My job has a lot of stress this summer, so it is going to help me to enter this in a comfortable pace.
  5. Adrianneval

    Slower than molasses, but...

    35 lbs. That's great! I can't wait to see myself lose any amount. I'm getting sleeved on 8/28/14. I've great stuff about this. I understand that this will help me in my efforts to become healthier. I would love to get under 200. Best wishes.
  6. My sleeve surgery is on Aug. 28. I'm getting more excited than nervous. I'm ready for the surgery help. I need to change completely.
  7. Adrianneval

    August 4th 2014

    I feel like that, too. My surgery is August 28. Those feelings are normal. Best wishes.
  8. Adrianneval

    August 2014 sleevers? Let's chat!

    My surgery is August 28. (waiting for Cardio clearance and no unusual issues) My biggest concern is having encouraging support. I'm trying to limit who I tell before surgery, then I will gradually tell others later. I'm only telling immediate family and those that need to know, (ej: supervisor, church support group, and just a few) I'm in New Jersey. My surgeon is Dr. Robert Bell of CT, who is now in NJ. Best wishes for a successful hospital experience. :-)
  9. I'm excited to soon be able to dance at any wedding reception with more energy.
  10. Adrianneval

    August Sleevers Check In

    Also, no pre-op diet. Just no food or drink 8 hours before surgery and no aspirin or ibuprofen 1 week prior.
  11. Adrianneval

    August Sleevers Check In

    I had my appointment today, 7/23/14. I have my surgery date for 8/28/14. (99.9%)
  12. Adrianneval

    August Sleevers Check In

    Happy early birthday!!!! By the way, we are twins...kind of. What a great gift! That's my birthday, too. I wish you the best!
  13. Adrianneval

    August Sleevers Check In

    Happy early birthday!!!! By the way, we are twins...kind of. What a great gift! That's my birthday, too. I wish you the best!
  14. Adrianneval

    August Sleevers Check In

    I'm new here, too. I have my appointment with surgeon tomorrow after attending workshop last week.
  15. Adrianneval

    August Sleevers Check In

    I don't know. I hope not. I'm not comfortable being around blown up latex balloons. I know it's silly, but they freak me out. I'll let you know once I have my appointment with my surgeon tomorrow.

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