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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by brians34

  1. brians34

    Walking after surgery

    OK, that's what I get for not paying close enough attention. I haven't been sleeved yet, have visited surgeon's office and talked with them. This is a good question, something I will have to ask myself on my next visit. I took the message as how much walking should I do, and that's what we were told was to try and get in 10,000 steps/day (of course wouldn't be able to do this right after surgery, but something to work towards in the following weeks, months, etc.). Sorry for reading more into the OP message. :-)
  2. brians34

    Walking after surgery

    I was told to get a pedometer and have goal as 10,000 steps/day
  3. brians34

    sleep apnea

    When I had my sleep study, I had to do 2 of them. The first time I was scheduled, they "glued" electrodes all over my head, had a little piece taped under my nose, and some electrodes on my chest. No mask. This checked for the sleep apnea. Once it was determined I had sleep apnea, I then had to do another sleep study with a mask to check for proper CPAP pressure. Again with all the electrodes. I was told to sleep on my back to get the best results from the test. Some sleep studies do a half and half where they check for the sleep apnea and if it's noticed, they put you on the mask halfway through. Depends on doctor and facility. Doesn't hurt, even taking the electrodes off is painless. The "glue" they attach the electrodes with shampoos out very easily. Just think of it as getting a (I was going to say free, but nothing's free nowadays) head massage. There will be a camera in the room where they monitor you and if you have to get up to go to the restroom, you just contact them (may have a button to push or in my case there was an open intercom to the booth where I just had to say what I needed and they'd show up) so they can unplug the wires and plug you back in when you get back in bed. I remember I needed some air circulation and while laying in bed, I just said could I get the fan turned on, and this hand came through the door and turned the fan on. I could get used to that treatment. :-)
  4. I am still waiting for insurance clearance, but I was wondering if you have surgery scars or if everything healed up completely.
  5. GNC actually has a Paleo Protein http://www.gnc.com/MHP-PALEO-PROTEIN-Triple-Chocolate/product.jsp?productId=19320196&KPID=15195492&mr:trackingCode=C726A28D-1D3C-E311-89F9-BC305BF923E4&mr:referralID=NA&mr:filter=20838275474&mr:ad=49293469994&mr:device=c&mr:match=&CAWELAID=19320196&mr:adType=pla&mr:keyword=&pla=pla_15195492
  6. brians34

    Friend=approved: me= denied

    Sorry to hear about you husband and what you've been through. I haven't had the surgery yet. I still have 2 more doctor visits for weight loss to go through, then it will be the waiting game for approval. Hope your appeal goes through. Best of luck
  7. brians34

    Friend=approved: me= denied

    @@KSTUZ do you mind me asking what the reason was that Aetna turned you down? As for your coworker, just tell her that you can feel she seems to be pulling away from you. Tell her that you really value your friendship with her and don't want her to feel uncomfortable because she was accepted and you weren't. Kind of make light of the fact that she got accepted and you didn't. Tell her you are going to appeal and will be even more determined to get insurance acceptance when you notice her getting skinny. Tell her that you are going to watch her blaze forward and when you finally get approved and have your turn, she will be able to provide you with helpful advise.
  8. Try looking at the Alive Multivitamin Adult Gummies
  9. brians34

    Hunger Hormone

    I'm not there yet, but this is what I keep reading and I've seen people saying Maalox helped them
  10. So I know we're not supposed to take NSAIDs with the VSG, but what does a doctor prescribe if someone has arthritis or develops arthritis in the future? I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis in my early 20s. I generally take 3 Advil each night (haven't been sleeved yet). I haven't had pain events for about 20 years, so may not need the Advil any longer, but I am just curious if I get off the Advil and start having pain again, what can I expect to get for the pain. Acetaminophen wouldn't be good for long term due to possible hepatotoxicity. Just curious. I went in for my monthly insurance required doctor weight plan visit and meant to ask, but forgot. Thought my bariatric pals might be able to help.
  11. i don't know what size your husband is, but if he's a bit overweight maybe you can get him to go it with you. This video was posted on one of the posts in the "Guy's Room" and it makes me laugh. After he sees what's at the 0:32 area, maybe he'll be thinking about it too or he might want to try wearing spandex.
  12. Were you told why you needed to eat dense Protein first during your meals? Did you ever wonder why you don't want to drink anything for at least 30 minutes after you eat? Here is a good read about the pyloric valve and how it works. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/vsg/4508494/Frisco-Pyloric-Valve-Basics-101-re-post/
  13. brians34

    VSG and the Pyloric Valve

    You're welcom. I knew it helped me with understanding after I read it. Thought it might help others.
  14. brians34

    Arthritis and no NSAIDs

    Kindle has a great post about the use of NSAIDs post #67 in this thread http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/306621-medical-bracelets-for-sleevers/page-9
  15. brians34

    Arthritis and no NSAIDs

    Linda, I was reading through the internet about possibilities other than NSAIDs and saw Tumeric. This sounds like a wonderful herb and what I would try if I began feeling pain again. I checked out the Vitamin section in Walmart yesterday and found them in capsule form there for $6.98 for 90 capsules. Suggested dose is 1 per day. This sounds like it's a great alternative. Looks like I will be looking more at herbal for the future. From what I read on tumeric, says it can take up to a week for results to be felt. Of course that's what it took for the NSAIDs also. Worth a shot.
  16. brians34

    Arthritis and no NSAIDs

    I do plan on speaking with my doctor on my next visit. @momohime, did you voice concerns to your doctor about the arthritis running in the family? I was wondering what you might have been told to ease your mind with having the surgery. Thanks for all the helpful replies.
  17. I'm thinking this is going to be a low amount of replies if any, but thought I'd see if there are any. I write this every time I post, but my wife and I are still in the pre-VSG phase trying to get through the insurance hurdles. We have a twelve year old that is also highly overweight and I was wondering if having gone through the WLS and started losing weight if their eating habits changed along with your eating habits. Do you still buy the junk stuff for the youngster or how do they make it through the transition?
  18. brians34

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    Yes, thanks Kindle. Very helpful.
  19. I'm looking forward to the change in habits/lifestyle. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
  20. brians34

    I need sleever buddies.....

    I'm hoping for late Sept to early October.
  21. brians34

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    Still in waiting stages for VSG, but for NSAIDS, just don't won't to take NSAIDS by mouth correct? Wouldn't it be better to say "No NSAIDS PO" ?
  22. My wife and I are looking into WLS and both of us were more interested in the sleeve rather than RNY. My wife's boss told her that she also wanted to do the sleeve procedure, but doctor said she'd do better with the RNY due to her diabetes. My wife has Type 2 diabetes and I'm just wondering if anyone has had success with having their diabetes go into remission with the sleeve. My wife's mom has diabetes mellitis.
  23. brians34

    Anyone in Diabetes Remission?

    Thanks so much for all the information you have given me here and congrats to all of you that have come to have a better life with no diabetes or reduced needs with diabetes. This is very helpful.
  24. @@brians34 I actually had already begun a supervised weight loss program before I went in for my consultation with the surgeon. As far as my failed attempts, I just wrote a letter discussing my weight struggles and all failed attempts of weight loss, including fad diets and professionally supervised diets. I then just had my doctors office give me a copy of my paperwork from each visit I had over the past 2 years (to show my weight). One thing that I did not do and it yelled my approval up several days, was get documentation from my primary doctor, saying that I had not been treated for alcohol or substance abuse in the last year. Except for that minor delay, BCBS Federal was very quick with my approval. The surgeons office sent my info over on Thursday May 22, and I had a response Tuesday May 27. The 26th was a holiday, so it only took 2 Business days. I didn't get to fax in the missing documents until June 3 bc my primary doctors office took forever to get it to me..but I was officially approved on June 4!! Thanks SweeTEA
  25. Who'd have thunk that getting an appointment for a bariatric psych eval would be so difficult? Called 6 different places and was told, "We don't do those anymore." 7th was the charm. My wife and I are both looking at the surgery and I called her immediately and told her this was the only one I could find still doing them. Make an appointment quick before they decide not to do them anymore.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
