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Everything posted by Draz

  1. In talking with others about this election I have been frankly shocked at the level of vitriol expressed by virtually everyone about Hillary. The sentiment seems to range from mild distaste ("She's not my cup of tea") to outright outrage/hatred (I'd vote for Jeffrey Dahmer before I'd vote for Hillary"). What shocks me the most is that the most strident comments seem to emanate from women. Anyway, with McCain seeming to have locked up the Re-puke-lican nomination, I fear that he's a formidable opponent who Hillary probably can't beat in a general election. I think Obama makes a much more compelling candidate but I really doubt the backroom Democratic bigwigs will allow him to get the nod. What's really sad is that the faux populist "I'm one of the people" scummy personal injury lawyer, Edwards would probably have the best chance against McCain but [thankfully] he'll never get the nomination. McCain's biggest negatives will be his stances on the Iraq war and immigration. One wonders if he can overcome those negatives. And, of course, his age and health will also be big factors. The Re-pukes better watch carefully who his VP nominee is. There's a good chance we'd see him in the Oval Office before the end of McCain's term in the unhappy event that he'd be elected. I guess what I'm trying to say is here we have an election that the Repukes basically gave to the Dems and it looks to me like we blew it. I'm very disheartened.
  2. ...But conveniently duck behind the "free will" bullshit anytime anyone asks about why six million Jews were slaughtered by the nazi's? Or why a perfectly innocent baby is allowed to get murdered by it's drugged out/psychotic/sadistic parents? If I hear one more brain dead turd thanking "god" for their accomplishments at an award show I think I'm going to vomit. Perhaps the saddest part of all is that these brain, dead poor excuses of protoplasm have the right to vote. Ughhhhhh
  3. ...And now they're in the SB. What a great team. All guts and teamwork. They played the Pats almost dead even the last game of the season, who says they can't beat them in the SB?
  4. Read the bible, huh? Just what I thought. You really are clinically retarded. Here, check this out for a yuck or two. http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/inconsistencies.html
  5. In a word, no. I do, however, wish that he'd get the nomination because I see him as being pretty easily beatable.
  6. Tell me exactly what "god" does and what you pray for. Then I'll decide what to call you.
  7. Draz

    I'm Boycotting the Super Bowl!

    Are you kidding me? The Giants played them almost dead even the last game of the season. I think they have a real chance in the SB. Should be an awesome game one way or the other.

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