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About Withoutwax

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  1. Withoutwax

    Falling into old habits

    Thanks for all the replies everyone - it's helpful to know I'm not the only one that struggles and I appreciate the advised for resisting temptation. Abrad - it is certainly hard to find motivation especially right after surgery - it took me a full month until I had the energy to really want to do anything but sleep and lie on the couch. A lot of that is just recovering from major surgery. But as the weight starts falling off it's much easier to be motivated - I certainly have way more energy now than I did. It's funny - I found myself getting home from work and wondering what on earth I was going to do for a few hours. I used to get home, eat, and get ready for bed having little energy for anything else - but it became necessary for me to find something to fill the time now that I have more energy. The trick is to fill it with something active and productive and not just tv. And counseling is definitely an important thing - this is a major life change - it's important to have a lot of support from friends, family, and counselors.
  2. Withoutwax


    Before surgery I loved diet coke! I drank it every day and any time I gave it up I just ended up drinking more tea and juice which had even more sugar and calories than diet coke.... frustrating! It's been 5 months since my surgery and it's still something I really miss. However, I learned to drink Water or crystal light with very few calories (my trick is to put a glass in the freezer until it's really cold and coated with ice....makes water taste better in my mind) And I found that my tastes did change some and I don't like overly sugary drinks anymore. I drink juice but have to water it down. I've tried some diet coke since surgery but the carbonation makes me sick most of the time.... and flat coke is gross.... so that helps, but the cravings are still there. It does get easier.... but there are a ton of challenges that go along with this surgery - they're all mental and everyone deals with them differently. Good luck!!
  3. Hi - I'm completely new to this site but thought I'd give it a try. I'm 5 months post op and have lost 95lbs (that 100lb goal is so close I can taste it!) Up until now I've been trying to eat healthy, but I'm eating so little that I was losing weight without really trying. So if I ate something full of calories it didn't "really" matter because I could only eat a few bites anyway. But I'm getting to the point, I think, where I need to start really watching what I'm eating to continue to lose weight at the rate I have been. And each day I find myself falling into old habits. I eat out too much, I like to buy sugary coffees in the morning, I hate wasting food so I weight a few minutes and eat more than I should just because it's there..... and sweets - God help me and my love of chocolate..... I keep saying the surgery should have been done on my brain and not my stomach..... how do you guys combat those old habits when they start to creep back in? Thanks for any responses! And good luck to everyone on this crazy journey :-)

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