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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. I'm home AND Banded! Ta Da!!! I'm in a lot less pain today. Thank Goodness! My surgery took 80 mins. Dr K said my liver looked great. But with all of that ugly fat in the way, it was a challenge. However, he said I wasn't the worst case he'd ever seen. (he didn't say ugly fat, I did) When I woke up in recovery I had been dreaming. I didn't know you could dream under anesthesia. I'm so glad I had to stay the night. I was zapped and so nauseated. Morphine and Fentenyl didn't touch my pain much but IV Toradol helped. While in the recovery room, as my nurse was pushing one Fentenyl dose after another -- all I could think of was something that was on nursing boards. "Don't push it too fast or your patient will get chest wall rigidity." Knowing too much! Yikes! Fatwidow, I believe the way you do about obstacles and things not meant to happen. I had hurdles everywhere since October, surgery cancelled and rescheduled, other problems at work made me want to change my mind, BUT, I could see myself many years from now, bigger and more incapacited than I am now. So I kept looking into ways to make this happen. And I'm glad I did! You guys! I'm so happy to be a Bandito!! Dr. K and his staff worked hard to make it happen! Now dammit I wish I had a recliner! Sleeping in my bed sucks! but I'll tell you nothing tastes as good as a cherry popsicle!! thanks for all your well wishes! love ya, dee! a special thanks to Mal and John for visiting me in the hospital. sorry about my bedhead hair don't and my less than fresh breath!!!:frown:
  2. You Go Girl! Good for you!!! I am so proud of you! I think you needed to do that! I still can't believe she did what she did to you! I hope you scared the pee out of her when she saw you were working there! You had the last word! Hugs, dee~
  3. Wow Guys! Thank you so much for all of the well-wishes! 15 hours and I'll be getting 'tied to be fit' My band will be placed around my tummy! AND my new birthday will begin! I am so excited AND so scared at the same time! Thanks Munchkin for calling me tonight, You're adorable! :tt1:We're having a big group hug! Thank you Thank you Thank you! Mal, I know you've had a bad couple of days. If you can't drop by the hospital I understand. BUT if you can, I would love it! :frown: Thanks Shelbi for the healing vibes, I'll take them! Anita, yes, I am freaking excited and freaking nervous, my Mom, bless her heart, asked me if I had my 'affairs in order' -- yikes! but by the end of the conversation she was very supportive and very sweet! That's just my Mom! Michelle, Thanks! A big Kiss and hug back at ya! Amieru, Thanks! You're really working out hard! Good for you! Lap, Thanks for all the smilies! I love you guys! Brandy, are we still going to meet you at Red Robin? Thanks!!! Peeps, you've seen me through one of the worst disappointments of my life. You have sent your love through your posts. I think you all are absolutely wonderful. I needed your support in November and you were all there. I so appreciate being part of this group. It was a true blessed gift when I came upon this site. Thanks! Love and Kisses, dee~
  4. LA is right, they do require someone to pick you up and care for you after surgery, BUT with that being said, "munchkin' came from Illinois and I picked her up from the surgicenter and took her to the hotel. She flew home the next day! I'm not sure what she told the surgicenter, but I know she gave them my name and phone number. Dr. K called me when the surgery was over and let me know she was fine and was in recovery. I don't mind helping you out, but I am working on that day. I don't get off work til after 1900. If you were at Parker and stayed at the hotel nearby, I might be able to figure something out. I do know you have to sign a paper saying you have a ride home and that there will be someone there to care for you for 24 hrs. You also have to write the person's name and number on that paper.
  5. Where will you be banded and where are you staying while you're here? I'm having my surgery on the 29th and I have an appt at Parker on the 27th for my return to work exam with the Occ Med nurse. I am working on the 28th at Parker, so I could drive you to the hotel, but if you are getting banded at Parker, there is a hotel extremely close. Let me know the time of your surgery and where you're staying and where you're having your surgery and I'll see if I can help. I'll be at Dr. K's on the 26th for my first fill. My name is Stephanie, but my nickname is Dee.
  6. Banditos -- Doritos! Sorry! I was just dreaming of some salty carb friends! Well, I am so glad you're feeling a bit better! Morphine is your friend! I can understand that! I've never had kidney stones or shingles, but my bff had shingles and they looked so painful. I hope you feel better! Much better soon! Love, dee~
  7. Dr. K doesn't require his patients to stay overnight. He is only doing my surgery in the Main OR and I'm only staying overnight because Anesthesiology requires it due to my family history of Malignant Hyperthermia. (an allergy to specific anesthetic agents that can cause death :eek:even up to 24 hrs post op) The overnight stay is going to be considered 23 hrs of Observation and the hospital is charging me a self-pay charge of $1500.00. I will pay it the morning of surgery. They take check, credit card, debt card and cash! So many choices! What shall I do?:cursing: How are you feeling lately? My knees and hips have been killing me. Since I can't take any NSAIDS 1 week pre-op, I have been limping along. My bestfriend came and worked 4 hours of my shift yesterday! She saved my life! I would have died if I had to do another 12!
  8. Mal, I'm so sorry! I have never had Kidney Stones, but I've heard that when a man gets them -- that is the closest to the pains of child birth that he'll ever get. I have heard it is horrible painful! AND Mal, shingles are really bad too! That's the worst! Kidney Stones and Shingles at the same time!!! That's really bad! I am so sorry!!! Take care of yourself Mal, Your kids will understand about their day being cut short -- they love you. dee~
  9. If you're having your surgery at Parker, the Holiday Inn Select is within sight of the hospital. There is also a Hampton Inn. I work at the hospital and stayed there during the Blizzard of 2006 and it was so comfortable. If you tell them you're having surgery at Parker Adventist Hospital, surgicenter, they do offer a discount. I'm sorry, I don't know the cost. Good Luck! dee~
  10. Hey Guys! Last night before I left work I got an email from the finance dept. of the hospital. I had requested they check to see who and when I needed to pay my money to for the overnight stay -- I asked them to send me an email when they got the information. The email subject was: Gastric Bypass patient 1/29/08. Gastric Bypass? What? Who? Me? NOT! I responded back that it was not Gastric Bypass. I'm just glad that Dr. K knows what kind of surgery I'm having! Talk about a 'time out prior to procedure' If I had any doubt I'd have to take a big sharpy and write on my tummy: NO GASTRIC BYPASS LAP BAND PLEASE!!!:hurray::eek::frown::eek::redface::eek::wink2::eek::eek:
  11. Oh! I know Cankles really well! I have a problem with dependent edema after working my 12 hours at the hospital. I can easily gain 10lbs after working all day and it goes ALL to my ankles!
  12. Thanks! It's the thought that matters most! You're a Sweetpea!
  13. Brandy, you're so cute! The Mommy Lift! Hey, I'll need that and more! Boobs, Thighs, Ankles, Knees, Back, Butt, Tummy -- a Full Body Lift. I'll be lifted so much that my ankles will be where my knees are, my knees will be where my thighs are, and my thighs will be up with the girls! Oh NOT pretty! AND then on the top of my head they can just clip off all the excess skin and send me on my way!
  14. Oh yes! I also get TB, "Tired Butt" -- Isn't the V.I.P. suite usually filled with Roses, Candles and Band friendly Clear liquids?
  15. Mal! It be great if you wanted to stop in and visit me after my surgery. I will be staying the night! I hope they give me the V.I.P. suite... ha!!! Anita! Great job with the new job! I have recently considered returning to school, NOT to be a Physician Assistant as I had originally planned and studied for, but to be an Elementary School Teacher. Teachers aren't paid much, but they have great retirement plans. Nurses have horrible retirement plans. If I remain a Nurse, I'll be working til I'm in my 80's. Actually, I used to work with a nurse who was 78 years old. She only worked 8 or 6 hour shifts, but can you imagine? That's going to be me. Even as a PA, I don't think my retirement will be that remarkable. I think I'm young enough to pursue another career... don't you? Always dreaming! No wonder my poor daughter keeps changing her major! She's just like her Mom! Let's see, a Social Worker for 5 years, An RN for 18 years and now I could be a teacher for another 20 years. (can you think of any career I'm missed?) I went to my bestfriend's retirement party last week and after 35 years as a nurse, she's going to barely make her bills. :rolleyes2: It's sad. Anita, I think I'm just going to go cold turkey with my big girl outfits. They already look like rags! So it's not like I'm getting rid of anything of value. I do, however, plan to keep one gigantic tent-sized pair of pants and shirt -- so that I can always remember how big I WAS! I should just make my ex a bedspread with them. He used to tease me about them being big enough to cover our California King size bed! Michelle! Thanks! It was great seeing you. I loved when I looked up - across the room and saw you coming out of Dr. K's exam room! Bright eyed and cheery! Brandy! I am glad you were able to drag your 'fluffy' butt to the gym. My 'fluffy' butt has been hitting the recumbent bike everyday. It's going to be a saggy butt soon! But just think, my butt will match my boobs! I'm afraid the girls are already going south! AND I don't even have my band yet! Help!! I think you need help too! Your home is full of sickies! Poor you! Wash your hands every time you think of it! Sorry to hear about your family! Going to the gym was probably a treat! You did a lot at the gym, actually. I remember the first time I rode my bike. I couldn't go longer than 3 mins. and at that, I was a total ball of sweat! But now, I'm going 30-40 mins at a time! One day at a time my 'Dear Soon to be Formerly Fluffy Friends!' One day at a time --- Look to the horizon, I see a group of beautiful stick figures! It's US!! Love you all, dee~
  16. Yup! You're like me, it's the complex carbs that are my weakness! I can do without the sugars, but I sured missed the bread! I gave up white stuff, bread, rice, Pasta about a year ago when I found out I was pre-diabetic. But I do love whole wheat pasta, ww bread and brown rice! YUM! I got a sample in the mail of a Protein Drink that I just love. I usually hate all the thick ones! They make me gag! I'll try to get the name and send you the link. I was sent the link from another friend, went right to it and requested my sample. Have you tried the Slim-fast, Low Carb drinks? They actually have more protein than the High Protein version of Slim-fast and I think they taste better if they are super chilled!
  17. I am so sorry to hear about your losses. I can't imagine how strong you have to be to get through such a sadness. I know it's time to start taking care of yourself, so that you can be there for your children. I work at Parker Adventist Hospital and that is where the Surgicenter is located. It's a beautiful hosptial. Everyone has been so happy with the care, they've had there. I'll be having my surgery there also, but upstairs in the Main OR. Talking about the importance of touch and missing it -- it's something we don't appreciate until it's gone.
  18. Welcome Fatwidow! I hate calling you Fat! Fluffy is a better name! I've always hated the words Obese and Fat! Anyway! You're not going to be fat for long! I'm so glad you're going to be banded by Dr. K. He's great and everyone is so satisfied with his care! I know he's been very good to me! You asked where to stay, I think it depends on where your surgery is going to be. If you're going to have your surgery at Parker, you should stay at one of the hotels near there. There is a Hampton Inn and a Holiday Inn Select. I stayed at the Holiday Inn Select during the big blizzard of 2006 and it was ultra comfy. Also there was a person on here, who stayed there and the hotel staff went out of their way to help her with everything, including going to the Walgreens for her stool softner the night before. These hotels are so close you can see the hospital from your hotel room! If you're having your surgery at Aurora, I think the Marriott Fairfield isn't too far. I know I stayed there when I first moved to Denver and it was pretty close to The Medical Center of Aurora, where I eventually started working! Do you plan to rent a car?
  19. Virid~ Hi! I read what you said about the pre-op diet. You are so right. It's not a difficult diet, it's just hard to do it for a long period of time. I tried to start early several times, but realized I couldn't until I really HAD to! Those first 4 or 5 days, I am always so exhausted and craving something with carbs. After that, I'm home free! The weight drops quickly and I'm never hungry and I have no cravings. We are so fortunate that Dr. K doesn't require one of those restrictive clear liquid diets for 2 weeks, like so many other docs! I know what you mean about being giddy! I just started feeling that yesterday after my pre-op! Now, I'm thrilled AND I just can't wait!
  20. Thanks Mal! I'll take that hug and any other hugs, anyone wants to give me!!! Human touch is so important, I guess, I never realized how important it was to me until recently. I went to lunch with a friend of mine and her Mom. Her Mom was so cute. She had to drop her at the door and then go and park her car. I helped her into the building, holding her hand. Later, I thought, how nice it felt to hold her warm little soft hand. Touch is so important!
  21. Did everyone see the nice news casts on the Lap Band and Diabetes? I was so proud! 22 out of 30 Lap Band patients after two years had their Diabetes resolved! Only 7 out of 30 on traditional diet and exercise had resolved their DM. I hope my Mom saw the news!
  22. I can't wait til I have my band and can join all of you in BandLand! Bandsters! Bandits! Can we think of more ways of refering to ourselves?
  23. Thanks LA!!! I was pretty surprised this morning to step on his scale. I've been using mine at home, but I know it's his that we all go by when we have our appts. So I was pleased that his showed a good loss in 9 days! YEAH! I made sure I wore my lightest weight blouse, bra and pants! I didn't want anything to weigh me down! I've got enough of that on my own!

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