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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Anita, Thanks for posting the pictures! The one of the group is really good! I notice my double chin is a tiny tiny bit smaller! Too bad the one with John and I looks like I have half a brain! Okay, I admit it -- I have half a brain and I had to ride the little bus as a kid. (actually, it was a little bus!):thumbup: Get some sleep tonight, Girlie! Thanks again for the purrty pictures! dee~
  2. LA, Can you give me the 'hook-up' to post my comments on Dr. K? please and thank you!!!
  3. Tomorrow is a new day Brandy! You can start fresh and make a new committment! Good Luck! Atleast you didn't slime or PB in front of your friends! That's a positive! BTW did the Buffalo Burger have bread with it? (sorry, I had to ask!)
  4. Wow Amieru! That's great! You've lost so much already! The weight is going to melt off of you when you start your pre-op and get your band. I am loving it! I know I have about 230lbs to lose, so I'll initially lose really fast and then I'll slow way down. I am just going to keep trying to stay on track! I just ate some refried Beans with ff sour cream and it was absolutely the most delicious meal!!! Like I said before, I have to separate my portion out because it's too difficult to not eat more than I should. I have learned to only eat when I'm hungry and to listen to my soft signs. I think only eating when you're hungry is a huge thing for someone who is obese. Last night when I got home from RR, I was just feeling like eating something, I wasn't hungry one bit, but I just wanted something. That head hunger was mean!!! I drank some Water and went to bed. I hope I'm as victorious next time and every other time, but I'm human, so I know it is going to be a struggle! My daughter is so cute! She's lost weight since my surgery - only because she doesn't want to eat in front of me. So she's eating the stuff - I can eat. She's not even overweight! BUT what a sweetie! I wish you lived hear too! RR is really fun! :thumbup:
  5. HoneyBunny Brandy!!! Thanks!!! Looks great to me! :tongue2:
  6. Darling Mal! I missed you last night! I hope you feel better very very soon! Take extra special care of yourself - because you're extra special to many many people. I Love You, dee~
  7. Michelle, that was so cute, when you said to Brandy, "you deserve a little R and R." (Red Robin!) thanks everyone for changing the date so that I could attend! Michelle, I think you're just adorable and love our nights out! Brandy, You Rock! I'm going to go to GNC today and beg and plead and cry for them to take my powdered vits back! I won't try them again, or I'll vomit! OH NO! DON'T VOMIT!!! NO!:drool: It was so nice last night at RR. Brandy you are just gorgeous! I'm so glad we met you! Thanks for coming out! AND You Miss Anita-girl! Poor Baby! You should have come home with me! I am so sorry for that drive home! I know how that is. I drove home one night from work and I literally could NOT see the hood of my own car it was such a blizzard, but I was on E-470 and not one place to pull over. AND I was scared to death of driving off the side of the road... I couldn't find the side of the road! Thank you thank you thank you for risking life and limb to join us! I worried about you all evening! Thanks for posting this morning! Mr. John! Thanks for bringing all your maleness to our group. I'm glad you joined us! Have a great day and just keep "choppin that Brocolli" --:tongue2: Well, I better get my "steph-a-dee you have a big hiney, just like my Dad" butt in gear and get my errands done! Love and Hugs,:wub: dee dee eyes~ (my mom used to call me that!)
  8. Michelle, It was great seeing you tonight! You're looking great! I checked my schedule and I'm working on the 13th. Can we change it to the 6th of March? I'm not working that night! Thanks! dee~
  9. Thanks LA! Well, you can move to regular food anytime you feel comfortable with it. I tend to try to eat too much too, so I've learned to separate my food before I ever put it on my plate and then put my fork down between each bite. It's a difficult thing to learn, believe me! I do love mushies tho! And I don't get so scared about 'em getting stuck. I love your new picture! How cute you look! I asked Dr. K about working out and he said, "NO SWIMMING or AQUAFITNESS until atleast one month." But at three weeks you could do a recumbant bike if you wanted. That's all I asked about. You could send an email to Natalie and ask her.
  10. HEY MISS ANITA~ Well, I'm doing great! I haven't been nauseated at all except for the first 24 hours or so. But Tuesday morning I woke up a little nauseated, but as soon as I ate something I felt okay. I think I was just so low on calories that my body was saying, "feed me" -- after I drank some protein, I felt much better and no more nausea. I haven't vomited and I'm happy about that. I'm taking things pretty slow and trying to listen to my 'soft stops' -- I noticed that my nose starts running or I get the hiccups when I'm close to being full. I stop myself and so far that has worked well. I'm eating/drinking so slow now, it's amazing! I got the best soup from Safeway. The Brocollli Cheddar is so good. I can eat about 1/2 cup and then my nose starts running... I stop and stay satiated for about 4-5 hours. It's a good time for me to learn what things feel like. I'm so glad I took the time off of work. I don't have to rush my meals and eat things that will hurt me. Plus, I'm still tired. I can't wait to sleep on my tummy! Liteweight! Pardon my poor manners! Welcome to our board! I hope you post and stay around - make our board your board. Everyone here is so nice and have been so supportive with me and my journey. If you live in Denver, join us at Red Robins. It's fun!! See ya Chickies! dee~
  11. Yup, the key to success is NOT VOMITING!
  12. When I first went, I had no idea who I was meeting. I told the hostess, I don't know what they look like and I only know their online names. The Marilyn saw a lost fat girl standing at the door and she came and rescued me! We all usually order something to eat. I'll tell the hostess that if anyone comes in for Dee, she/he can direct them to our table. BUT usually we are all hanging around the front door for a bit before 7. Can't wait to see you! dee~
  13. Kidlings! Greetings! Good Morning to you!!! Can you tell, I'm in a good mood? I love my band! My swelling is decreasing and I am able to drink more and more often. I have learned that I have to measure smaller portions out so that I don't drink too much too fast. I had some blended tomato soup and it was so yummy! I bought some cute little measuring cups. I love a gimmick. :cursing: Anyway, this morning, I am down 21lbs. My fasting blood sugars for the last 2 weeks have been 90 or less, I'm totally off the Metformin. I'm a happy camper. See you tonight! ARGH! I need some suggests on what I can eat tonight at RR. I can't do the French Onion soup because I'm trying to keep my sodium intake low.:eek: Love, dee~
  14. Well, I will miss you, but I understand! :eek:
  15. I'm doing great! Feeling much better today than yesterday. I'd love to help Smsmith out, but I'm working on the day that she's banded and I'll be working in Parker. dee~
  16. What do you mean, he moved you to no restrictions really fast? He usually tells all his patients to follow what they can tolerate. You should be okay as long as you don't have any problems with PB's or sliming. That's my understanding anyway. Maybe some others who have been banded can answer better. When did everyone here go to eating a regular diet after being banded? I was banded on the 29th of Jan, 08. I'm still on fulls, but tomorrow I'm going to softs, but to me softs are mashed potatoes with extra soy milk and creamier soups. I'm only going to add one soft a day and I'm not going to add meat until I'm two weeks out. It's just me and my paranoia.
  17. Wow Brandy! You're doing so much activity! That's great! I'm sorry to hear about not being able to get in for a fill. When I was in the office yesterday, they told me that they are booked solid. I'm glad I made my first fill appt. early. I think Dr. K is becoming extremely popular! That's our faults! We need to stop telling people how happy we are with him! LOL! I'm just kidding! BUT there is no joking about needing a fill and not being able to get one. Did you make your appt for sometime in March?
  18. Virid, What a great way to Be Your Valentine! Getting the Band! Wow! That's great! GREEN is my absolute favorite color too! I have always loved green! I know what you mean about parents being uneducated. The funny thing is that I was raised in a very healthy environment as far as food was concerned. It was extremely dysfunctional in a 100 different ways, but we were taught how to eat healthy. Even as an obese person, I ate healthy. I never exercised and I ate at the wrong time and larger than normal amts, but I ate well. There was a show on TV last week sometime. I'm not sure if it was Dateline or 20/20, but it was about a 5 year old girl who weighs 105lbs. It was very sad, but what was the saddest to me was the fact that no one had educated this Mom on healthy eating. In her basket at the store, she had white bread, boxed mac and cheese, and all kinds of junk food. Supposedly, they are trying to work with this family to help her, but she needed someone to help her understand healthy eating. She has an older son and he is allowed to snack on junk in front of the 5 year old and the 5 year old throws tantrums until the grandmother who lives in the home gives in. She also sneaks food in the middle of the night. Of course she does... she's 5 years old. I think Dr. Oz needs to go through her home and do some major education and throw out all of the bad stuff. There has to be some major changes there. I felt sorry for the Mom, she's trying her best with the knowledge she has, but everyone in that home has to make changes, not just the 5 year old. And if she refuses to eat the good things, as her Mom says she refuses to eat salads with non-fat dressing on it, (I refuse it too!) BUT if she refuses other things that are good for her, then let her go without eating. She'll get hungry enough and eat the better choices if that is all that is offered and available. Just my opinion~
  19. Good Morning Brandy! That's a good question. I have to say it was a last resort for me. I always denied the need or desire for WLS. Not once in the previous years did I ever imagine myself with WLS... until... last March. I went to my OB/GYN and she mentioned it in a not so gentle manner. She said, "You're in your 40's, you have pre-diabetes, high choloesterol and arthritis in your knees. And she was horrified with my swollen ankles resulting from dependent edema. My response to her was, "I've been this way for 17 years." Those words haunted me for weeks after. My words, not hers. 17 years - I've tortured my poor body this way? That doesn't mean that for 17 years, I haven't tried Weight Watchers 5 different times - losing over 80lbs at one time. I had tried every other diet out there, South Beach, You on a Diet, Low Fat, Vegan etc etc etc. So the end of March, I started another diet. I lost weight, a good amount of weight, I then went on vacation in July and strayed from my diet gaining my weight back and not being able to get back on track. October was the cut-off for me. If I didn't lose and maintain by October, I decided I would research WLS. The Lap Band sounded the best for me. My fasting blood sugars have been less than 90 every morning since starting my pre-op diet, I've stopped my Metformin (my periods will suffer, I'm sure!) My knee is killing me, but I'm hoping that will improve with weight loss. My bestfriend has severe arthritis and was told by her Orthopod that if she had WLS (she's about 80lbs overweight) she would improve. He told her that 70% of people who need a joint replacement, can totally avoid it and resolve many of their symptoms by losing a significant amount of weight. She's impressed by those stats. Good Luck Brandy, how are your knees doing now? Can't wait to see you tomorrow night at RR. Take care, dee~
  20. Virid, What does your name mean? I just thought, I'd ask. Congrats on sticking to the pre-op diet yesterday! I know from experience how difficult that must have been. I have to tell you, I was supposed to go to a luncheon at my work for employees. They do them every quarter as a way to communicate changes and get feedback from employees. It's a nice idea and they always serve the best lunch. Well, I was reserved to attend one day during my pre-op diet. I went and saw what they were serving and I left. There was no way, I'd be able to stick to my diet and sit in that luncheon while everyone enjoyed Cheesy Lasgna and garlic bread. I just didn't feel strong enough that day. You know how some days you feel stronger than others! So I appauld you!!! 8 Days Left! Wow! So you'll be banded next Thursday? The time will fly! I can't believe I'm already 8 days past my surgery! I didn't watch that show you're talking about, but my daughter did and she was telling me about it. She was disgusted! Why do you think that parents feel it is okay to allow their children to overeat? In fact, so many of them encourage that behavior not by modeling, but by condoning it. I see it all of the time. Especially here in Highlands Ranch. There are these absolutely stunning Mom's, slim, and very attractive with these little obese children. The Mom is eating a small side salad and the kids are eating huge platters of food. Is it people just not being aware of how quickly bad habits can happen and once they do happen how difficult overeating is to change? Or is it that parents just want to please their kids nowdays and just can't say, "no...?" Then you see the other side of the coin. We were at Jamba Juice yesterday and there was a Mom, her very tall and skinny athletic looking teen-age daughter and her daughter's friend. The daughter ordered a small smoothie and asked for a protein scoop. The Mom in a very loud voice said, "oh no! you are not eating more protein today! do you want to be fat? you are going to be fat if you eat more protein today!" She continued to belittle the girl and say things about gaining weight and getting fat. She then said, "get an energizer if you want to add somthing" Then a man behind me said, "Ma'am, I hate to interupt, but too much energizer isn't good for her health." I wanted so bad to say, "Excuse me, but you remind me of my Mom, that's exactly how she treated me on a daily basis when I was a teen-ager too - and look at me now." But I figured she'd say something like, "well obviously you didn't listen to your mom." Life goes on.... I'm so glad I'm not a teen-ager anymore! see ya, dee~
  21. Hey Marcy! I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I had mono about 7 years ago. It started with the worst sore and swollen throat of my life. I have never had such a swollen and sore throat. I was drooling, my throat was so swollen. The doctor suspected Mono immediately when she saw my throat. I remember having to sleep sitting up because my airway was decreased drastically. I hope you feel better soon and you DON'T have mono! I saw the show on Oprah too. I agree with you. I am so tired of people thinking that WLS is the easy way out. It's not! AND it should be the last resort for anyone. I know for me, it was the last resort. AT one time, I weighed over 480lbs. I have lost weight hundreds of times, but I also gained it back and more. This is my attempt to lose and not gain it back. I need to be a healthy size. On the Oprah show, I heard the one doctor say that they give the child a chance to consent to the surgery. As the show said, the band is not FDA approved for anyone under 18 years of age. I think RNY or any other shouldn't be approved either. Can you imagine being 13 years old, bellied at school due to your weight and not feeling good about yourself and then having someone tell you that WLS is the way out? How could you not consent to it? I felt sorry for the young girl who had the addiction transfer. I'm just starting this journey, who knows what the future holds for me. This is not an easy task by any means. I haven't been hungry once since surgery a week ago, but the head hunger hit hard tonight. I was on the phone with a man I met on eHarmony. He and I had a disagreement. It upset me. When we ended out conversation, I felt lost and really sad. In the old days, I would have gone and gotten a slice of bread and eaten it. Don't ask me, but when I used to get depressed, bread was my 'go to' food. Some days during my marriage when things were really bad, I'd go all day on one slice of bread, for some reason, that's all I wanted. My tummy was upset and sad and bread was comfort. Overeating for me came during times of joy and happiness. To look at me, you'd think I've had a lot of joy in my life -- not true, but I have to say, I have enjoyed pretty much every bite I've indulged in! I'm rambling. Sorry! Good night ladies and John! Sleep sweet Marcy and Get WELL soon! Love, dee~
  22. I know when others compliment me, it makes me embarrassed. Please let me and others, if you'd like, know what your therapist says. Well, as for me, I'm doing okay. I think I'm still pretty swollen, so my focus is getting my water in and not worrying about my calories. I think I'm only able to get in about 200 cals a day. I haven't been hungry at all. I have to force myself to drink my water and I've just been doing protein drinks, since I'm only able to take such small amts. I stopped taking the broths and soups because of the high sodium content and I'm still retaining fluids from surgery. The bullets that Anita gave me and some Isopure that Mal gave me have been good, but I'm only able to take about 2 oz at a time. My water is still gurgling up in my throat, an hour after I drink my protein. Yesterday, I had to set my timer to get in my water. I see Dr. K today, so I'll talk to him about it. See you on Thursday. Love, dee~
  23. Michelle, I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Do you think it's something about 'not being invisible' anymore? I know as an obese person, I feel invisible to most people, esp. men. I guess, in some ways that feels good, esp. if I'm feeling sad or depressed, it's good to feel like I'm not the focus of others. Do you think now that you've lost weight and others are noticing, you are becoming less invisible. You are beautiful Michelle and people are going to notice you. They are going to notice your face and how pretty it is and how tiny and petite you are becoming. You're very attractive and I thought that the first time I met you at RR. Are you uncomfortable with the compliments? Do you feel unworthy of their praise? I'm sorry if I'm totally off base with this. Forgive me, but I wanted to comment. Thanks Honey, Love you, dee~
  24. thanks Michelle, the ice is helping a lot!
  25. Red Robin - Feb. 7 (please copy and paste) Michelle Brandy Mal Woofay Bookholder dee~ michelle, i'll be there. today i've had a lot of pain in my port area. did you remember that?

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