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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Anita!!! You are the Bomb!!! Congrats!!! :tongue2::huh2::laugh::smile2: I'm so happy for you!!!
  2. Yup Virdi, It is messed up! That's why they made the band adjustable. If they weren't supposed to adjust it, why did they put a port in! Didn't they used to have a band that didn't adjust? The Malone Band was a band that didn't adjust and a lot of people had problems with it. It's not used anymore. Michelle! A good doctor is as good as a good therapist! I have only been to therapy for myself once. I have been to therapy for my marriage many times. When I was in college studying Psyc and Social Work/Counseling (yes, I was a nerd with a triple major) I went to therapy because that was part of the requirement of the B.A. I found it so helpful. I was such a mess at that time. I think I really need to go to therapy again! The weight loss and the ending of my marriage is just a big struggle for me. The ex is trying to reconcile. Thanks for the hug, I needed it!
  3. I just wanted to address something in reference to fills. I didn't have one yesterday because I still feel restriction from swelling due to surgery. BUT when I do need one, I will get it. I talked to a new bander on another site and she was saying how disappointed she will be if she has to have a fill. I may be wrong, but I don't think there is anything wrong with getting fills if you need them. There is nothing to be upset or ashamed of. If we could do it without restriction we would have never gotten the band in the first place. The Band is there to help us and it can't help us if we don't allow it to -- by getting the fills when we need them. This poor girl was banded on the same day as me and her doctor told her her goal is to get NO fills! And she can consider herself a failure if she has to get more than 2 fills. I do not know why this doctor would say this, it makes no sense to me. Am I wrong in my thinking? I'm so thankful that Dr. K is not like other doctors. Many other doctors give me the impression that they say and do things to make all of these poor obese people feel worse about themselves. I'm sad for this girl and others who are mistreated in this way. What does everyone else think? I am going to get as many fills as I need. That's why I have this band in me! Not for any other reason! Thank you Dr. K for not making us feel bad about ourselves! dee~
  4. No reason to be jealous Cara! MY BMI is pretty high, so I most likely still have swelling from surgery. You'll do great too! Initially everyone does really well, then your weight loss slows down. I expect that to happen so I won't be surprised, but I'm going to try my best to stick to the game plan. Am I assuming right that your surgery is in Aurora? If not, I'd consider staying closer to the Parker facility. I stayed at the Fairfield Inn when I first moved there in 2002 and it was nice. But that was almost 6 years ago. Things might have changed. I think LapDancer has stayed at the Best Western. Maybe she can give you more information. When is your surgery? AND Congrats on giving up smoking! That is great! You're going to be a whole new person on your journey to good health!
  5. Yup, you're right Sister!!! Next Thursday is the RR gathering! See you there! Love ya, dee~
  6. Hi Liteweight! I saw that show also! I have found that even a tiny bite of something I've been craving gives me that satisfaction and then I'm fine. I reason I said cheesecake is because I love cheesecake and a tiny bite is heaven! Well, no fill for me! I saw Dr K this morning and he and I talked about how it's been going for me. I have lost 15lbs since my surgery and I really haven't been hungry between meals. I bought these beautiful little red measuring cups from KitchenAide and I fill a 3/4 cup to 1 cup with my food and eat that. Then I've found that I am not hungry again for 4-5 sometimes 6 hours later! Last night, I wasn't hungry for over 6 hours. I'm only allowing myself to eat when I'm hungry. On Sunday, I only had 2 meals. I'm eating my Protein first and adding veggies and a small amt. of good carbs. Also Dr. K said he attended a conference for the Band and they really encouraged patients to measure their food. I do it, because if I am loving the food, I might be tempted to overeat. This way,I prepare my cup fill and that is all that is on my plate. When my nose starts running (my soft stop) I know I'm done and I stop eating! It keeps me on track! Dr. K previously told me that people with high BMI's like myself sometimes have swelling for awhile and don't need a fill right away. *** oh yeah, Paula the NUT is having a Supermarket Tour. When we meet at Red Robin, I'll bring the flyer that Natalie sent me. It looks like fun and a good way to learn! Well, I'm going to the store to buy a new Water bottle! I love water bottles! I found the best 32oz water bottle at Safeway! It's so compact, I can fit it in my "Good Karma Nursing Bag" and take it to work. I gotta have a gimmick! Just like my pretty measuring cups! I know, I'm a nerd-a-zoid! see ya! dee~
  7. Smsmith, I haven't been banded long, but I think it will be totally doable. You don't have to give everything up. You can occasionally have a treat. It's not as strict as the pre-op diet. If you want a tiny chocolate kiss to help with a chocolate craving you can have one. It's eating things in moderation. AND we are all human - there are times when we might indulge in something really yummy. You'll find however, that it feels so good to have control of your eating. I love that part of being banded. If I want a tiny bite of some cheesecake, I can have one. I'm satisfied and I don't have to eat the entire thing. Just think, our lives are going to be so much better! Mine already is! And tomorrow is my 1 month anniversary!
  8. Anita, March 6th is the day I have on my calendar! Hope you can get it worked out so that you can be at Red Robin! We're probably not going to recognize you!!!
  9. Hi Mal!! LapDancer, so if I accidently dropped your husband's toothbrush in the toilet -- would you never kiss him again? Dynamo, I was looking for the cookies too! We could make them with oats, blueberries, walnuts and cranberries, Don't they sound yummy? Anita, You are rocking that band!!! Our poster child for the Banditos! First fill tomorrow, Gang! :Yawn::w00t::w00t::sad2::cryin::woot:
  10. Thanks for the list Mal! I am going to try to get as many of those as possible in my diet. I do love Steel Cut Oatmeal in the crockpot overnight with walnuts and blueberries. I'm hoping I won't be too tight in the morning to eat my oatmeal. Right now, I'm okay and I've been eating my one scrambled egg. It is so good with soft Low fat cream cheese. Lapdancer, how is the exercise routine coming along? I started riding my recumbent bike last Tuesday and has done it two to three times a day. Okay, I admit, I can only do 5 mins at a time, but it's a start! Amazing that before my surgery, I had finally worked up to 30 mins a day! Hopefully, I can get back to 30 mins a day again. dee~
  11. Anita, You poor girl! I have a theory why you might be getting sick, here goes: When did you start working at the school? I remember when I started working in the Pediatrics Office, I was sick every single month. I'd get well and then a week later, I'd be sick again! It lasted for about a year and then I never got sick again. I think that you might be picking up a lot of bugs from the kids at school. These are things that you're being exposed to that your body doesn't have immunity for. Just a thought of mine, because when I was working in Peds, I was sick as a dog! Brocolli Cheddar is my favorite soup! I loved it when I was on my full liquids! In fact, I just bought one for when I get my first fill. I plan to do fulls for a day or two afterwards. Does anyone do liquids the day before a fill? I noticed your ticker moved again! 72!!! Congrats! I wish you felt better!!! Sorry!
  12. Amieru! Congrats on your upcoming surgery! You're going to do great! Look how well you've done with your pre-op diet! WOW! The weather should be nice for you, it might snow lightly on Tuesday. Are you staying close to the Parker Surgicenter? I work at that hospital, but I'll be at Dr. K's on Tuesday having my first fill! What time is your surgery? My appt is at 10am.
  13. Shel, You're too sweet. Sandra touched my life many years ago as a new nurse and one of my preceptees. She was funny and caring. We spent so many nights working in that NCU. I feel so sad for her husband and children. She was a good Mom and her children were so well mannered. I hope I can make a difference in their lives so that the sting of losing their Sweet Mommy will be a little less painful. I think we need more Moms in this world like Sandra. Love, dee~
  14. Tina, your words were so sweet! Thank you. I do feel so lucky to have been part of Sandra's life. I loved watching her become a wonderful nurse and Mother. I couldn't attend the funeral today and I am very sad about that. She touched my life in so many ways. I feel blessed to have had her in my life. I hope I can help her children in some way find comfort. I am going to get a big journal for all of her friends to write their memories of her in -- then we will give it to her children. My other friend who attended the Rosary last night said it was packed with family and friends. So many people love her. I think we can all work together to help her children remember the sweetness of their Mom. Your son is adorable! Love, dee~
  15. Hi Tiny, You will love Dr. K and his staff. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and I have no regrets. I was very pleased with Dr. K.
  16. Thank you Michelle, I decided, I'm going to drive to ABQ for the funeral. I tried calling her last night, but she wasn't feeling well and had gone to bed early. I had a feeling, I needed to talk to her. Her husband said she passed away in her sleep this morning around 7am. I know she's at peace now... no more pain, but I so wanted her to beat this thing, so she could raise her little kids. Part of me is so angry! Her 10 year old and 7 year old will remember her, but her 2 year old won't -- and all of that just makes me angry and very sad. I watched this woman become a wonderful NICU nurse and one of the most caring and loving Moms I have ever known. When I first met her she was fresh out of nursing school, unmarried and no kids. I am so proud of her and what she had become. She had so much grace and sweetness. dee~
  17. I hope you don't get sick Dear! Good hand washing is another good way to avoid illness! I have become obsessed with washing my hands lately. This flu is making me nervous!
  18. Mal, I am so sorry to hear your news. I got some very bad news today also. My very good friend and co-worker passed away this morning. She was 37 years old and died of Breast Cancer that had meta to the Liver and Spine. She left three little children and a husband. I've known Sandra for many years. She was so brave and fought so hard. The last time, we talked, she said, "I'm not going to die, I can't leave my babies." Death is so final. It's so difficult to understand. My heart goes out to your son and his friend's family. I know you will do all you can to help your son and his friends deal with their loss. My heart is so heavy today. You're right, Mal, it is so difficult for an adult to deal with this sadness, I don't know how young kids can. Love, dee~
  19. Bahot and Lite! Thanks so much for the information! I am more relieved now! Initially, I wasn't concerned at all. I remembered the healing process from Nursing school, but after reading about abcesses it just kind of scared me! I had to ask if others had the same. Thanks for responding so quick! dee~ Hey Marcy! How are you feeling?
  20. Michelle, I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with your BP issues! Sounds like your trip to the ER was pretty serious. You're right, you were probably the healthiest person there, but still passing out was pretty scary. Maybe they can lower the dose of your med. I'm trying to find a happy-medium with my Metformin. I don't need it for my sugars. but I do for my periods. I've been off of it for over 1 month and this has been torture. Now I remember why I started it in the first place over 2 years ago. I hope my PCOS improves as I lose weight. I have a questions for you and everyone else who is banded. I have a huge lump just above my biggest incision. I wasn't concerned until I read that someone had had an abcess. I figured it was just part of the swelling from surgery and the port's location. I see Dr. K in a week for my first fill and a check up. Did anyone else have a big lump in that area? My weight loss has stopped, but it's because of that T.O.M. I always gain weight during this time. I think most of my swelling/restriction is gone. I'm not starving, but I am not lasting as long with small meals. I am going to return to my pre-op diet so that I don't gain what I've lost. I'll also stay satiated longer. I put my meals into FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal and found that I was consuming between 900-1100 cals a day. Virid, how are you feeling? Are you sleeping well? I'd love to meet my fellow green-lover in person. Brandy, Enjoying yourself is important. After Thursday, you can get back on track. Anita, Looks like your tracker is moving. That's great! Shel, Nice to hear from you! Come and post, let us help you stay on track! I know I need the assistance that only my fellow banders can offer! Bahot, Thanks for clarifying the names of the new guys! Doug - student, Tom - PA! Got it! Linz, A girl can always dream! Right? Lap, Your pics are beautiful! thanks for sharing with us! Mal, I love my journal. It's perfect for me. AND I esp. love what you wrote inside it. See ya Ladies! dee~
  21. BUT did you have a good time?:confused2:
  22. Hey Anita! I think Doug is his student's name. I'm not sure what his PA's name is. I can't remember right now! He sometimes has PA and Med Students precepting with him. Have a good night! dee~
  23. Virid! I'm so happy to hear that things went well! I'm glad you stayed at the Holiday Inn Select. I think it just makes things so much easier if you don't have to drive so far for the surgery. Also the airport is a straight shot going east off of E470! A piece of cake! Or in your case a nice cold popsicle! Good to have you in Bandlandia! It's a nice place to be! dee~
  24. The band is treating me really well! AND I am using the journal! I love it! I put my pictures in it and all kinds of goodies! AGAIN thank you so much for thinking of me! AND I loved that you visited me in the hospital! Glad to hear you're feeling better! I will be needing new pants too! I can't wear my 5x or 4x anymore! Yippie!!!
  25. Virid, I think her comment came from being uneducated on the Lap Band. I know several people who had Gastric Bypass and have become disabled. They live in the ER and doctor's office. They have been admitted numerous times for malnutrition and other problems. They have to get lab tests done on a monthly basis and give themselves injections daily. If I had that ahead of me, I would have most likely not had surgery. Congrats on your pre-op -- it's hard to stick to it when family is around. If we lived in a bubble, it would be easier! 3 days and you're on the Loser's Bench!!! I'm saving you a seat! dee~

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