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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. OH my Goodness Tina is right Shelbi, you're doing GREAT!!! Look at your ticker!!
  2. Well, I'm sorry to inform you Brandy, but we aren't FUN people! Just kidding! BUT look at you!!! 50lbs lost!!! and you have 50 to go? :thumbdown: You've lost 50% of your excess weight!!!
  3. You're welcome Marcy! My daughter loves Jelly Belly Jellybeans and she bought a bag at Target. I had to have her put them in her backpack and zip it up -- they were calling my name, "Dee, we want you to eat us."
  4. Ms Greenie! I am so sorry to hear about the mix up! I'm not sure why things happen sometimes. But I think it's something we all need to be cognizant of -- how we deal with a mess up and how the other person perceives it. I have always believed that recognizing the other person's burden and frustration caused by the mess up - And apologize profusely will make a big difference in how the person relates the incident later. I know that I can be very upset and frustrated, but if the other party takes the time to validate my frustration - it makes all the difference in the world. I'm sorry you had to deal with that frustration. I was in his office at 1600 and I would have loved to have met you! A fellow Green Lover like yourself would have made my day! Love ya, dee~
  5. Marcy! I'm here to support you! I have used several online diet journals and found that very good. FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople What I love about them is I can log all of my food, see how much protein I ate and adjust my dinner accordingly. I think Sparkpeople is my favorite one, because it also allows me to log in my exercise and gives me how much calories I've burned. You might already know about these sites, forgive me for repeating this information, but I just think it's helped me a lot. Another thing to consider is doing a plateau busting diet -- which is basically meat and veggies, very much like our pre-op diet. I have some friends who have done it and it's gotten them moving again. If you're interested I can try to find it for you. Good Luck Dear! :wink2: hugs, dee~
  6. Cara! That's not like him or his office staff! Call first thing in the morning and ask them if you can talk to him. I am so sorry! I know you were really looking forward to talking to him. Things happen sometimes that can't be avoided. Don't give up! Please. dee~
  7. Hi TracyinKS, I take it your name is Tracy and you live in Kansas? Ha! Your Mom is making a great choice! As I'm sure you've read here, we love Dr. K and his office staff! The band has changed my life and I will be forever grateful to Dr. K for making this surgery possible for me!
  8. That's great! 80lbs is a lot of weight! You must feel so much lighter! Why are your old friends PB back? I'd be happy to never meet those friends! Ugly! Just Ugly, I say! I can't wait to see the Biggest Loser of Lapbandtalk! YOU! You ole skinny minny!:tt2:
  9. Good News! Dr. Kirshenbaum has no intention of retiring! I talked to Natalie today and she said he received lots of really nice Birthday cards AND even though he is now 65 years old, he has NO intention of retiring! Sigh! Big Sigh of Relief!
  10. Thanks Amieru! I got my first fill this afternoon! He gave me 3.3mls. I had some clear soup for dinner and everything went down okay. My throat kind of feels like there is a lump there, but I am not having trouble drinking or eating clears. I'll see how things go in the morning when I eat some softies.
  11. Yup! I think you're right Tina!!! HA!!!
  12. An anabuse for overeaters would be good! Maybe we should put our heads together and invent one! I am voting for RR on the 9th. I'm working the 10th,11th and 12th that week. That's my vote and my 2 cents! Well, tomorrow is my first fill! I'm getting really nervous about it. BUT excited too! Thanks Michelle! dee~
  13. I just wanted congratulate everyone for reaching Onederland! I celebrate your success!:party::clap::waytogo::smile::biggrin: I hope Onederland is everything it's advertised to be! Lovely new clothes! Chairs that fit your lovely smaller butt! Shoes that aren't too tight! Feet that don't ache anymore! Meds that don't have to be purchased! It sounds like a place I want to visit, purchase some land and live forever! Your future Neighbor, dee~
  14. Yup Green has always been my favorite color! My first car as an adult was green, my house had green carpet and I just loved it! I should have been born in the 50's so I could have an avocado kitchen! NOT! Don't you love PMS'g? Since I stopped taking my PCOS med after surgery, I am dealing with prolonged PMS events. Makes me want to restart it! Actually my doctor put me on Metformin for my periods and my pre-diabetes. My fasting blood sugars are all under 90. So I stopped taking it, I didn't want to hit a low at night while I was sleeping. Maybe if I take that original dose and separate it out into 4 administration times. I'll get the PCOS benefit but not have to worry about the low blood sugars. I have to crush it anyway. I'll cut it into 4's. The mind wobbles! See ya, dee~
  15. Mal! I'm so sorry you're sick! That's horrible! My ex has the flu too! He called for medical advice last night! Men! they think they should take every cold remedy they have in their cabinet! NOT! Scary! I was so glad that I'm 444 miles away! Bad of me, true! I hope you feel better soon! Maybe you could tell your friends and family that St. Pat's day was really on the 22nd and you'll have to postpone til next weekend! Congrats on the lbs lost! If you're dealing with shortness of breath, I wonder what you're oxygen satuation is. Are you nail beds pink? Hugs Dear, dee~
  16. Hey Dudes! I hit the 30 min work out! I did it! All at once! Yeah!!! Instead of finding that horse and dipping him in chocolate and eating him! I decided I'd ride my recumbent bike. AND I rode it for 30 mins! I know that sounds like a tiny success BUT it is huge! HUGE, I say!!! I started 3 weeks ago at 3 mins! A ball of sweat, out of breath and feeling like I was dying! NOW three weeks later, I am at 30 mins! Not sweating! AND just breathing normally! I'm so excited!!! AND did you all notice that in all of Fergie's songs, she spells? My bike has a Music Port and my daughter's MP3 player was attached, so I listened to her music. G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S! Do you think she spells so much in her songs, to prove that she can? I also learned that Nickelback's songs can be quite graphic! Yikes!
  17. Congrats on your weight loss Michelle! I've gained! Of course it could be my huge cankles! I think they weigh 10 lbs a piece, not to mention lovely PMS! I had to work my call shift on Monday so I'm trying to get rid of that extra swelling in my ankles, but then I had to work again yesterday and tomorrow too! By Sunday I'm sure I'll be back up to my pre-op weight! Just one giant, PMS/Cankle Swelling Girl! What a lovely visual! I have to admit I am loving the exercise routine! I am finally at 20 mins in the morning and 10 in the evening. If my foot didn't hurt so bad, I could do the full 30 in the morning. But ever since I ruptured my achilles tendon, my left foot kills me! You should have seen my riding my cycle -- bright pink, muppet socks and flip flops! It's the best solution for comfort I've found. My tennis shoes are just not comfortable and too big to fit in the straps on the peddles! I'll be glad to be normal for once in my life!
  18. Hey Sister Green! I love GREEN!!! What time is your fill and what day next week? Mine is on Tuesday! We can support one another after our first fills! I am finally feeling like I could eat the house! A horse and a small cow! Sorry! I remember once at work, a Father came in to visit his child and I said, "you're here just in time, I just finished eating your baby!" His face was so expressive! I imagine he sees this SMO nurse standing there admiting that she just ate his child! I realized what I said and then retracted, "no no no! I mean feeding your baby!" -- "come here! look she has all her arms and legs!" Oh my goodness! All my co-workers burst into laughter -- it wasn't funny! the Dad would tease me about it later! Another time, during my vegetarian phase -- I had 3 premies, get this - their last names were "Baby Girl Pinto, Baby Girl Bean and Baby Boy Brito" My assignment that night was a Pinto Bean Burrito! YUM! We also had a Baby Boy Riblet, BUT I had to refuse that assignment -- I was a vegetarian afterall! Okay, enough sick jokes! or worse yet, enough real life sick stories from the NICU! Love you all, dee~ I am HUNGRY AND PMS'g!!! Where did I put that Horse?
  19. Hi Julie! Congrats on your decision to get surgery from Dr. K! He's the greatest! I think I can answer some of your questions: 1. I didn't have to wait that long the first time around. It's a long story, but my first scheduled surgery was cancelled. I think I waited 4 weeks or less. You'd have to ask Marilyn (she's Dr. K's receptionist) she is the only one can tell you how long you'd have to wait. He's pretty busy so it might be a longer wait now. 2. There is a girl from the Springs on the main Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum forum. You might want to ask her. Her name is Anita. Post over there and ask that question. If it would me and I'd have that long of a drive, I might consider staying the night, BUT there is nothing like your own bed! 3. The pills are a big 'no no' -- I specifically asked Dr. K about my meds on my first post op visit. I told him, the bp med is fine, I could chew it if I had to, the Biotin for my hair and nails isn't a problem, but the Lipitor is horrible! I asked if I had to continue crushing it and when I could just cut it into smaller pieces. He said, I'd have to crush it forever. I was sad, but I understand the reason. You really don't want to get your meds stuck or you don't want them just sitting there in your pouch, causing ulcers in your stomach. I got everything in liquid and what I don't have in liquid, I'm crushing and taking with apple sauce. The most difficulty I've had has been with my multi-vits. I am now taking a chewable I got at Vitamin Cottage. 4. Sorry, I don't have experience with that. Good Luck Julie! AND welcome!!! dee~
  20. Wow! Three dress sizes? That's great! It does feel good to be in control of my eating! And to be working out every morning makes me feel better. How are you doing with that - with your ankle?
  21. Well Thank You Brandymom! We missed you at Red Robin! I hope things settle at your house. I figured you missed because of the weather or your daughter or you. See, lots of reasons! We did save you a space.
  22. Thanks! I can see it and I'm measuring my waist for when my weight stalls. Or I have to deal with the dependent edema in my ankles. I do feel thrilled! It's an exciting time in my life! AND no, we didn't get any bad weather -- not a drop! I hate that! We missed you for nothing!
  23. Thanks Brandy! You're too nice! I think when you have over 200lbs to lose, it takes a while before others notice. Not one person, other than some Band Buddies have said a word about my weight loss.
  24. Congrats Bookholder! Wow! Onederland! You've got a pretty naughty banana there! Yikes! We missed you at RR!
  25. Thanks Marcy! I hope it worked! I sent it to GC and she said she'd post it, but I wanted to try and see if I could get it work! BTW, If I was good with the computer, I would have cropped myself! You'd see a pic with John and Michelle and a floating Dee Head! See ya!

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