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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Amie! That's great! BTW, I love the way your Mom spelled your name! I love names with an "ie" - I think it's so feminine. I think going to see Paula is a great idea. I have worked really hard on trying to get my diet in order. I do not want to "diet" per se, I want to live this way. Before being banded it was my goal to eat a balanced and healthy way, but I was always hungry and I'd end up eating too much. I have found that with the band, it is much easier to eat healthy. Because the band lends it's help to keep me from being so hungry between meals. I love planning my meals and putting them together. Counting the grams of protein and logging them in the computer. I'm a nerd! Are you going to stay for a couple of days while you're here Amie? You must be doing something right, Girl! Look at how much you're lost! Congrats!!!
  2. Oh I know what you man about being UBER BIG! Today, I was talking to someone and I thougt, "Wow, I still have about 166 lbs to go!" -- We were talking about sex! One of my favorite topics! Anyway, 166 lbs and major plastics before any man would be attracted to me! ARGH! No wonder I get so depressed sometimes! DAMNIT! (positive attitude Dee, positive attitude!) I'm trying! dee~
  3. Thanks LapDancer!!! I hate my "Low Flow Shower Head" Hair! My daughter and I laughed when I posted the picture because she said, "You look like Jerry Seinfeld from the Low Flow Shower episode." Yup, I do! And Yes, I am a lot happier! Happier to have found the band! Thanks for our support and encouragement! How are you doing with your new fill? I'm supposed to get one tomorrow, but I averaged a loss of 2.33 a week since my last fill, so I'm not sure if I'll get one.
  4. Thanks LA! How are you doing with your Band? Everything fixed and back working for you? I think pics can help you see the difference. I didn't think I saw one until I posted my pictures here -- the one from my first Red Robin meeting and my 3 month anniversary pic. We'd love to see your Before and During Pics! Share!! Please!
  5. I can see the difference too Taynuh! I think it's great when you can actually see the difference. Thanks for posting your pictures! And Congrats!!!
  6. Shelbi, Thanks! I don't see the difference... but thank you. I know it will happen. I still have over 200 lbs to go -- so it's a long way off. Can you imagine what I'll look like then? Brandy, I wish we all lived close to one another! I have a feeling you would not let any of us NOT work out! You're so motivated! Thanks for the compliment! Here is the first picture taken at Red Robins -- the very first time I met with the Banditos, Mal, Michelle, Marilyn I think it's pretty scary!
  7. Nurse, I know that is what is recommended by some other doctors. Dr. K doesn't recommend liquids for a few days after your fill. Give Natalie a call and she can let you know what his recommendations are. Your question is very valid! AND somthing that needs to be clarified. Thank you for posting it. Maybe there are others who can address it better than me, since I've only had 1 fill. dee~
  8. My 3 month picture~ After working all day AND I have no makeup on! What was I thinking, posting this picture? Sorry it's so big! I couldn't get it to shrink!
  9. Yup, I know how the negative feelings can be. I try to be upbeat and I think in my head, "Wow, I've lost a lot of weight already, I should be looking really good!" Then I see a picture of myself and I feel like crying, I look just like before. The weight I've lost hasn't made one bit of difference in my appearance. My face is still huge. People tell me I look different, but I think they are just trying to be encouraging. BECAUSE there is another person, I know who was banded a while before me, she's lost half of her excess weight and not one person has noticed, but she also hasn't told anyone about her surgery. So I wonder if I hadn't shared my surgery with others, IF they would ever notice. I guess, I need to think more positively. I'll try today!
  10. Do you have clothes that just don't fit right, now that you've lost those ugly pounds? Come to Dr. Kirshenbaum's office:sneaky: May 21st @ 6pm to 7:30pm:tongue_smilie: and swap them with other successful Banders!:blushing:
  11. Mal, Things are good right now. It's a novelty yet. I hope the sweetness doesn't wear off! I'm motivated! But I'm also a pretty compliant person. That's just my personality. I know, I'm a freak! Glad to hear that your last fill is working well.
  12. Actually Liteweight, I was a freak long before I got my Band!
  13. Do you have clothes that just don't fit right, now that you've lost those ugly pounds?:w00t: Come to Dr. Kirshenbaum's office:sneaky: May 21st @ 6pm to 7:30pm:tongue_smilie: and swap them with other successful Banders!
  14. Yup, he is going to be in trouble! LOL!
  15. I used to give my daughter the choice, she could clean her bedroom or the bathroom. If she chose the bathroom, then I cleaned her bedroom and a lot of unfortunate children got a lot of nice toys that week! She learned quickly it was to her benefit to clean her room. I know, I'm mean!
  16. Brandy: Work out 4 days week/lose 12 pounds by Memorial day! Dee: Get at least 7 hours of sleep everynight! Continue Interval Training, Lose 39lbs by my 6 month anniversary! 7/29/08 (2 days after my 45th birthday)
  17. It's funny! I'm craving my workouts now! Sometimes in the evening, I hear my cycle calling my name, "Dee come to me! Ride me, you Hot Mamma!" Too bad it's my cycle saying those things! HA!!! LOL!
  18. You're so cute Shelbi! I loved reading why you edited your post! I had to edit mine last week because I kept pushing the wrong buttons! Did your son enjoy the walk?
  19. You Rock Brandy! Good for you!!! You're such a workout Mamma!
  20. I woke up this morning, my 3 Month Bandiversary and stepped on the scale!!! I lost 7 lbs this week! I've lost 44 total since surgery, 64lbs since my highest weight! I started Interval Training last Monday. I think that and the fact that I gave up all Simple Carbs made me get over the plateau. The week before I did the pleateau buster diet and maybe the scale waited to move until this week. I have no idea, but something worked! The Interval Training is kicking my hiney! My muscles are sore! My life has changed so much in the last 3 months. I'm more energetic and I'm happier - I do admit that I'm getting that dreaded Turkey Gobbler neck and I now have a marionette face - looks like I'm now a puppet on a string! Thanks for being with me during the pre-op days - the surgery - and the last 3 months. It's been quite the ride and having you all there along has made it that much sweeter! I love you Guys!:w00t::w00t::coolgleamA::thumbup::cool2: dee~
  21. Hi Brandy! Thanks! That is sweet of you! I hate to be so verbose sometimes! I know that what works for me doesn't work for everyone. There are a lot of factors that make things hard at times. Work, children, husbands etc etc. can all make following the rules difficult. Love you too, dee~
  22. That is great news! I'm so happy for you!!!
  23. Thanks Green Sister! I hesitated to post what I did. I don't want people to think it is okay to not follow Dr. K's NUT's instructions, BUT with that being said, I truly believe that Paula meant that we should drink the protein drinks between meals so that we got our protein in and we were still able to eat a variety of foods. In fact, that is exactly what she said when I spoke with her. I feel if I can eat my protein - in form of my solid food meals, it's best. I tried the drinks and it just didn't work for me. AND if I drink protein in place of meals, I end up really hungry in about 2 hours and then I'm searching for food. I've had to do that at work when I'm just crazy busy and not able to eat a sit down meal. It's a tough call, but I believe you have to experiment with several different things and find the one that works for you. Our goals are all the same, to get our protein in, to lose weight and to feel satiated longer. dee~
  24. Good Job Lapdancer! I'm the same way, if I don't plan for my week's meals, I end up failing! I can't rely on Protein Drinks,I have to eat my protein or I feel really deprived and I don't lose as well. I love planning my food, the protein, the whole grain carbs and veggies. It's like a puzzle for me. Each Tuesday morning, I weigh and then I graph it on my excel spreadsheet. So each Tuesday morning, I've decided I'm going to make a new challenge for myself. Last weeks was NO SIMPLE SUGARS! Next week is going to be to get my 7 hours of sleep each night! I'm failing drastically at that! Good Luck Dear! Looks like you're doing great! I loved your Food Porn description. I am just like you! I am an addict! There is no other way to say it! Hugs, dee~
  25. Hi Nurse, My first fill was 3.3mls. Dr. K is going to give you what you need. You don't want to be too tight. That's where you get into problems. You have to trust that he'll do what is right for you. One more thing too, the fill works for a specific amount of time. You get the fill, feel good restriction and then as you lose weight the fill gets looser. You start with your sweet spot and then you'll eventually lose it. That is how I've found things work. When you lose your sweet spot, you have to do it on your own. That's why building good habits during your good restriction times, helps when your restriction wanes. This week, I lost 5 lbs. I weigh every Tuesday as that is my weekly anniversary -- but my pants were so huge on Saturday that I weighed yesterday morning. I was down 4 lbs on Sunday morning then this morning another pound. I am scheduled for a fill on the 5th of May. I hope I can make it! When my fill leaves and I start to fall into bad habits, I force myself to return to my pre-op diet. I have to be really strict with myself, because afterall, I'm a recovering addict! RECOVERING being the important part of that statement! Good luck! dee~

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