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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Good Morning Mal! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! How's Christopher doing? I just wanted to post my meal plan for the day! Our first day together on the Plateau Buster's diet! Let's rock this thing!!! S- 1/2 Low Carb Slim Fast Protein Drink (only drank it because I had to work out and take my meds!) B- 1 egg, 1 Morningstar Farms Breakfast Sausage S-1/2 cup cottage cheese L- 3 oz of Turkey patty S-1 scrambled egg with Low fat Cream Cheese (I love eggs!) D- 3 oz chicken S- SF Jello (yum! - if I crave something good) 35 mins of Recumbent Cycling PLAN/Intention! Drink my 96 oz of water (some with crystal light) I weighed this morning so I have a starting point.
  2. Lapdancer! You're such a Hot Mama! I knew that the first time I saw your "Username" -- You're Hot at any weight, I know that! You're just going to get Hotter! You make me laugh! Thank you for your honesty and all your assistance and support here! Silly girl! dee~
  3. I wish you lived closer too! I'd share my protein bullets with you so you could taste them. Woofay was so sweet to share with me. Protein drinks are so individual. Some are just yucky to some people, while others love them. My friend bought a huge bag of powdered protein mix from Cost Co. She shared some with me and I almost barfed! She loves it! I can't imagine drinking it! YUCK! I have heard others say the same about the drinks that I prefer. I don't do protein drinks often. I know I have to co-exist in this world with real food, so it's time for me to learn how to moderate myself and live in the real world. I fear if I lived on protein drinks just to get to my goal weight, once there, I'd gain weight if I started eating real food again. If I can get my protein in with solids, I'm happy and I lose better. You'll find it's a huge debate on some Obesity WLS sites. I insist that people do what works for them. It's your life and you have to find the best way for you to live with your band, lose weight and be healthy. Just my 2 cents -- for free! dee~
  4. HI! I know a woman who is 78 years old and she just got banded. She's a young 78, but she is 78 nonetheless. She's doing great! Good Luck!!! dee~
  5. Sidney, Have you tried the clear protein drinks, like the New Whey Bullets or the Isopure Clears? I love them! Anita turned me on to these, she gave me some she had left over and I pour them over crushed ice and they're a treat! I drank them a lot during the first week or so. Some have 42gr of protein and some 27gr. The Isopures are good too, they are excellent over ice and with a splash of splenda cranjuice. You can get these at GNC. do you have someone else at your home to help you while you heal? Also, if the antibiotic makes you throw up, you really need to see if you can take a different one. Throwing up is not good with the band. Diarrhea is pretty normal during this period, then you'll have the opposite problem and wish you could have some diarrhea! Sorry if that is too much information! Take care! dee~
  6. Shelbi, I love New Balance shoes! Standing on my feet for hours, I have found that New Balance shoes are really the best. They also have a wider toe box. Has anyone noticed if their shoes are getting bigger? Mine are!!! I'm sorry for your loss. I know my family is the same way, but we don't always celebrate births the way we should. We never see some relatives until someone dies! I come from a Latin background on my Mom's side, so the food is abundant and lots of hugs and kisses. Hugs Shelbi, dee~
  7. Yup Mal! You can eat 3oz of anything on that list of proteins and as much as you want of the other stuff. Yesterday, I had an egg, 3oz of cheese, 3 oz of chicken, 3oz of turkey, a SF cherry jello, and for dinner I had some cottage cheese with a little tuna. It was really good. The chicken was a little dry, however.... I had to chew it really well. Today, When I don't work, I have a harder time getting my water in! I also sleep in, so it's harder to get all of my meals in. I had 3 oz of turkey for breakfast. I'm sure I'll get the rest of my turket breast later, some cottage cheese, but I'll stay clear of that dry chicken! It's left overs, so I have a feeling it's done being band friendly! Good luck tomorrow! Have fun today! Eat something yummy for me! Come back and post to let us know how Chris' knee is doing! Poor Dude! Love, dee~
  8. Hey! You're here just in time to join us on the Loser's Bench! Welcome!! I'm so glad the surgery went well! I'm sorry to hear about the antibiotic problems. There are many different antibiotics. Perhaps, Dr. K can give you a different script. It's a good idea if you can take some type of Antibiotic. I really don't remember how long the swelling lasted. I didn't have gas pains, but I remember trying my old jeans on and they were so tight, I couldn't wear them for almost a month. Take care Dear! Sip Sip Sip your Water and walk when you can! Hugs, dee~
  9. Hope it works! Mal, Lifesaver, Denise Bookholder, Tied2bfit AND Mal's hubby hiding in the back! What a Goofy guy! smaller banders.bmp
  10. Yes! I saw him in the picture! Isn't that funny? What a funny guy your husband is! I'll try to resize the picture when I get home tonight. Sorry it's so big! When we post our meals, exercise and water consumption, if you have questions just post them. I think it's a good variety, considering it's so much protein.
  11. Do you have clothes that just don't fit right, now that you've lost those ugly pounds?:w00t: Come to Dr. Kirshenbaum's office:sneaky: May 21st @ 6pm to 7:30pm:tongue_smilie: and swap them with other successful Banders!:thumbup: Please email Natalie if you plan to attend! ncardenas@lapbandrockies.com Thanks!!!
  12. Today is the first day of my Plataeu Buster's Diet! I wanted to post my eating plan if anyone wants to join me. S- Low Carb Slim Fast Protein shake (20 gr. protein) B- 2 eggs (13 gr. protein) S- 2oz of Morningstar Farms Breakfast Sausage (20gr. protein) L-3oz of grilled chicken (leftover from RR) (25gr. protein) S-Activia Yogurt Lowfat/splenda (5 gr. protein) D-3oz of ground turkey patty (23 gr. protein) S-dandilion tea w/lemon and splenda cranjuice Total protein: 106 grams! 94oz of water planned Rode my recumbent bike for 35 mins this morning! (thus the reason, I couldn't figure out how to resize the RR picture!) Thanks Shelbi! Aren't we just lovely? I love all of our faces! It was so nice to see Mal, Bookholder, Lifesaver and it was great to meet Denise! I hope Anita and Michelle and Marilyn can come next time!!! If anyone, can capture my picture and resize it and then repost it, I'd love you forever!!!:thumbup::w00t:
  13. When I get home tonight, I'll resize my picture! Sorry! Gotta get to work now! See ya, dee~
  14. Good for you Sister! I am so proud of you! That's a huge step! I can't say I would do the same, I hate being told to do something. I think it's from my childhood, when I had to wash dishes and clean bathrooms! :thumbup: See ya, dee~:w00t:
  15. Hey Mal! I loved seeing you last night! Listen Sister, if you're interested let's do that Plateau Buster's Diet together. We can start it on the same day and post each day as to what we're eating, exercise and water. This way, we might be more accountable to ourselves and one another. Anyone else what to join us? Just let me know! I've got your back!!! Love, dee~
  16. Sorry Shelbi! I have the picture, it's at home in my camera AND my dear daughter will upload it when she gets home tonight. When I got home last evening from RR, she, my darling daughter was uploading songs on to my new I-POD, that she got me for Mother's Day!!! What a sweetiepea, she is! Sorry for the delay! hey! I just read your post! You're almost to Onederland! I'm so jealous! Evious! Absolutely Green with Envy! AND believe me, it isn't easy being GREEN! But I am! I'd love to be going to Onederland! dee~
  17. Do you have clothes that just don't fit right, now that you've lost those ugly pounds?:hurray: Come to Dr. Kirshenbaum's office:sneaky: May 21st @ 6pm to 7:30pm:tongue_smilie: and swap them with other successful Banders!:cry_smile:
  18. Greetings and Welcome KCGirlieGirl! Shelbi and I will have the Loser's Bench all warmed up for you! Join all of us there as you start your journey! This is a great place for support! My name is Dee, I was banded 14 weeks ago and my only regret is that I didn't do it earlier! Like 10 years ago!
  19. How to break a plateau #1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau #2 - Drink 2 quarts of Water a day #3 - You must have 45 grams of Protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day #4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day beef pork chicken turkey lamb fish eggs low fat cheese cottage cheese plain yogurt or artificially sweetened (?) Peanut Butter beans/legumes You may also have: sugar free popsicles tea or coffee sugar free soda sugar free Jello broths/bullion (sp?) crystal light drinks #5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!! #6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily
  20. Brandy, where are you? We missed you last night at Red Robin's. I hope I didn't say something to offend you! I know you had confessed to a bad day... we've all been there, Dear. I was there big time this last weekend! Yesterday, it seemed, I struggled all day, my emotions were on a roller coaster and I was either nauseous because I was upset or I was stuffing food in my mouth. PMS sucks! Families suck! Mean people suck! Cookies don't suck! or do they? I love you Brandy-girl and missed you last night!:cry_smile: dee~
  21. Yes, Honey! Today is a new day! I had a horrible bad ugly terrible weekend! I beat myself up about it - then I finally realized it's not worth it. I'm PMS'g so right now I could eat a horse, a squirrel and a small dog. I'm not sure they're all band friendly, but I'd try!:cry_smile: Take care, dee~
  22. I don't know about others here, but let me tell you my situation. I weighed over 400lbs when I went to see Dr. K the first time. My BMI was extremely high. I feared, I weighed too much for the surgery, but he assured me that he would be able to place a band. I also had mild hypertension, polycystic ovarian syndrome, pre-diabetes, and high cholesterol. I was on Metformin for my PCOS and pre-diabetes, I was on Lisinipril for my HTN and Lipitor for my cholesterol. If you looked at the full picture, I was a very bad candidate for any type of surgery requiring general anesthesia. Today, I am off the Metformin and I'll take my blood test in June to see if I can stop taking the Lipitor. My BP's are normal now. My blood sugars are totally normal and I can't wait to see what my A1C is now. My A1C has never been higher than 5.8, but I had fastings that were in the 110's - now my fastings are all in the 90's. Getting the band was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Don't worry until you talk to Dr. K. Things will be okay. You want to be safe too and if he thinks the surgery wouldn't be a good option for you, he'll tell you. Trust that he will have your best interest and safety in mind. Okay? Good Luck Dear! dee~
  23. Don't forget Red Robin tonight! I-25 and Arapahoe 7pm! Tonight, Wednesday, May 14! Can't wait to see everyone!
  24. thanks Liteweight!!! i hope i never have to have one!
  25. brandy go to my blog and read, "the naughty chair" --- www.tiedtobefit.com. don't beat yourself up anymore -- start fresh Honey!

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