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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. That is great Mini! Just like Dr. K can be proud when his patients do well, teachers can be proud when their students do well! Especially when they follow in their footsteps and they come from a difficult past! Bravo!
  2. At least we're not chatting about our BM's! Ha! Yuck! BUT I could talk about that, if you'd like! One word for you, "PEARS":crying:
  3. I know! Ha ha! My daughter just passed by the door and said, "oh boy, are you on that Lap Band Forum again?" She knows I need a life! But does she know how much support and encouragement and good information I get from here! I am enjoying my Friday night with you Ms Minidriver!:smile:
  4. Don't forget tomorrow morning is our first of 10 Challenge Weigh Ins. You don't have to post your actual weight, just if you lost or gained or remained the same. Feel free to share your food struggles, questions, concerns or ideas. What did you do that worked, what didn't? Tell us how you moved your body! Remember, we're all in this together! A bunch of Losers with a capital "L"
  5. Thanks Mini! It looks like the one I found too!
  6. I found this online: Underweight: Less than 18.5 BMI Normal: 18.5 to 24.9 Overweight: 25 to 29.9 Obese: 30 to 39.9 Extremely Obese: 40 to 50 (I'm assuming the same as Morbidly Obese) Super Obese: Over 50.0 Now, I gotta figure out what my BMI is now!:confused2:
  7. Lap, or anyone else, who might know. What is the BMI that denotes Super Morbidly Obese, Morbidly Obese and Obese?
  8. Mini! You got it Sister! Just don't forget to tell me what time your surgery is -- okay? I am thrilled to hear that you don't have to give up your NSAIDS! We discussed my thoughts on the subject... so I'm thrilled to hear that Dr. K has the same. Great minds think alike! J/K! I wish I was a Bariatric Surgeon! What a rewarding career! Helping people reach their potential to be the healthiest and happiest! I often think of how cute Dr. K looked in the picture with John when John reached his 100 lbs loss. Dr. K looked so proud. It was a proud moment for John, I know, but it was also a proud moment for Dr. K. I was a scared girl the first time, I went in for surgery, then it was canceled, by the second time, 2 months later, I was just so excited to be there! All my fear was gone!
  9. Hi Everyone! What an interesting day! Well, today started out with me driving to work, crying. I was so emotional today. Today would have been my 23rd anniversary, should I had remained married. I was divorced last June. I was sad. Yesterday, I put an offer down on a home, I absolutely fell in love with. This morning, I got a call from my realtor telling me that he didn't figure the taxes correctly and the offer we made would not be in my budget range.... so he had to withdraw it. He went on to inform me the amount of house, I could afford. Pathetic! I have a credit rating of 798, I make fairly good money and I can't afford a home. So I told my realtor that I would just sign a new lease on my apt. If I go month to month, my rent increases by $500.00 a month! I can't afford it. Around 3pm, I'm at work computer charting my cares and my manager came in and placed her hand on my shoulder and said, she sensed, I wasn't having a good day. I burst into tears and she insisted I go home and take a TLC afternoon. She was so sweet. She hugged me and I gave her report, she took my assignment and I came home - wanting to eat something really fattening and carb-laden! Thank God, I didn't have anything at my house - so I forced myself to ride my bike. I turned my Bryan Adams CD up high and rode as fast as I could. People, I felt 99% better, exhausted, thirsty, sweaty, BUT better! I think I needed a TLC afternoon, I needed a good cry. - when I was down and more likely to eat something bad for me, taking my power back helped my mood. I know from past experiences, if I had eaten something bad for me, I would have felt much worse! I just wanted to share with everyone! Mini, I loved your Lap Dancer Seminar story and your daughter! I bet your husband won't have a problem with you actually taking a class like that -- Just think, it's really quick, they're in and out in about an hour, it's almost painfree, AND the best part is you're really excited! Speaking of head hunger, during my post-op period, I forced myself to only eat when I was hungry. I wanted to listen to my body. I am fortunate to have a 'soft stop' when I'm almost full, my nose starts running... if I stop I am usually satiated for 4 hours or more (when I have proper restriction)... esp. if my meal consists of a good solid protein. It's something we have to learn. But you can do it. Shelbi, I tried to get Wellbutrin once when I was dealing with my divorce AND it wasn't on my formulary with my insurance. The pharmacist said it would be $160.00 a month. I just left it at the store! I have heard good things about Wellbutrin, tho. I'm going to hug you right back! Hugs from people you love, are the best! I love you too! Lap, When I was in Nursing School, I did a huge project on BPD. I had several patients with this diagnosis. You certainly have your hands full and bless you for being so patient and loyal. Everyone should have a Mom like you and Shelbi and Mal. It's not easy being a parent when things are going well, but it's even more of a struggle when things are going bad. Parents don't get instructions when their sweet tiny babies are placed in their arms for the first time. Our hearts are full and our dreams for our babies are bigger than Montana. I have a friend, whom I love with all of my heart, she was my mentor in college. Her daughter has disappointed her many times, but yet she has remained loving, attentive and loyal to her. I told her once, we have our dreams for our children and they have theirs. We as their Mom's wipe our tears, take a deep breath, reach out our arms and embrace our children as they are at that moment -- and in doing so, we are telling them that we value them more than life itself. Our actions speak so loud when it comes to our children. Mal, I understand your husband's point on the Wii. I won't be getting one either... the free pool membership and my bike will have to do. BUT it's going to get us in shape for your run and my walk For the Cure. I can't wait for you to pass me -- I'll eat your dust anytime Dear! Just sit and wait for me at the finish line. K? Lifesaver, What you said about depression and weight loss, really makes so much sense! I am fat for a reason. I've stuffed my heartache for many years, it's time for me to start dealing with these things. Not easy, but time. LA, Adorable Dorkie Girl, I know what you mean about my head not catching up with my tummy size. I still look at menus and think, "that's not much food, I better order a side of something." Then the food arrives and I can't eat half of the side order! But you know Dear, even if you know exactly what to eat and when -- it's still our heads telling us that we would rather eat this or that! AND my head doesn't care what's on that list! Now that I have my fill, I am following the Dr. Oz/Dr. Roizen's You On A Diet, eating plan. It's simple and satisfying. I do love me some handsome Dr. Oz! As far as Ice Cream being crack! Chips/Cheese/Cheetos are my crack! I become diaphoretic and my breathing becomes labored when they are in my presence! I love you Guys! Thank you for the support, the hugs, the words of encouragement and most of all thank you for being part of my journey to good health. These are the times, we will always cherish, remember it's not only about the destination, the trip there is just as valuable! xxxooo, dee~
  10. Mini, That doesn't sound right. I'd call during the week and ask to speak to the Manager. Tell him you're having outpatient surgery at the hospital and was told by other patients that his hotel was the best and they offer a good discount to patients. I stayed there winter before last during the snow storm - 12/06. It was a very comfortable bed! I hated to leave it and return home! So I am assuming you're having your surgery at Parker! GREAT! I am working July 2nd! If you'd like it, I can run downstairs and give you a big hug before you go into surgery! I'd love to meet you in person!
  11. I used to be such a shoe hound! I love shoes! High heels, short heels, anything! I love them! My shoes are getting loose on me now. I can't wait til I can wear some cute shoes. I bought two pairs of leather pumps. One deep purple and one black -- about 4 inch heels. I'm in love with sexy shoes! My days in Haiti made me appreciate my life here in the States. I fell in love with the Haitian people. So patient, so sweet, so grateful for anything and so pleasant! Haiti is a beautiful country and the people are beautiful people! My dream job when I graduated would have been a Woman's Dean. My initial degree is in Social Work/Counseling/Theology (I had a triple major) with an Associates in Psyc. I returned to school 5 years later and got my nursing degree. I always wanted to be a nurse, but didn't think I was smart enough. I was told when I was in the 3rd grade, "you're too dumb to be a nurse, they don't have stupid nurses." I always remembered that. It wasn't until I was 26 years old and had completed 3 Bachelor and 1 Associate degrees that I realized I could do anything I put my mind to. The words we say to our loved ones remain in their memories forever. Words are powerful.
  12. I'm so glad Natalie called you! She's the best! She's the best part of going to Dr. K's office! I do love teaching! I taught a class at the hospital last week and I loved it. I always love it! I went to Haiti as a Missionary when I was 19 years old and taught 1st thru 3rd grade and English as a Second Language. I loved it! I would love to go to a foreign country and teach again. When I graduated in 1985 from college, I was offered a job in Pusan Korea to direct a language school. Instead, I got married and worked as a Juvenile Probation officer. Can you imagine me, as a JPO? Where do you live Mini? I know the hospital where I work has a good scholarship program too, but I'm not sure how much they'd pay for me to get my masters. Tonight, we went to the mall. It was nice to just walk around. I used to never like the mall because my knees and feet hurt so bad. Now, I love it. I think that's a nice NSV - being able to enjoy the mall.
  13. Thanks Mini for your 2 cents. First of all, did you hear from Dr. K's office? I know they've just been crazy busy. I haven't talked to anyone about my depression. I really thought it had something to do with PMS and my weight loss. I see my primary doctor next Friday and I'll talk to him about it. It's really not me. I have never dealt with depression, unless it's been surrounding an event in my life, i.e. my divorce, the death of my father. I'm truly a happy person at my core. I have thought about being a Nurse Educator. I have recently looked into Regis University and their MSN. I'd love to teach. I taught school in Haiti in 1982.
  14. I am so tired of being depressed. I was feeling pretty well yesterday. This morning was okay. But this afternoon, it was all I could do to keep from crying! It seems I am on the verge of tears most of the time lately. I read that it can have something to do with hormones and weight loss. Okay, enough about me! let's talk about something pleasant! Brandy, don't let a little mess up here and there make you upset with yourself. Just climb back on the Bandwagon and get back on track. You can do it. The challenge is at stake. Or Steak! A nice juicy steak! Sorry! Let us know if you find a Wii. I can't believe they have run out already! It must be something really special... just like those "Tickle Me Elmo's":confused2: Mal, Thanks for the clothes! Natalie has saved some things from you, for me! Thanks a lot! And I Love you too! If this depression doesn't stop, I'll be the worst Funeral Director ever! My Goodness, I'd be fired! I looked into the program at ACC. I can go part-time for 6 semesters and get my degree. I love school! I could become a professional student easily. I got a very tiny fill... .25ml. I hope it works! I tried to get extra for you, but my tummy wouldn't do it! Sorry! Shelbi, let us know how your husband's test went.
  15. Thanks Mini for asking. My fill went fine. I think his PA's name is Tom and he was the one who did the fill. He's very gentle and very nice! I only got .25mls and I think it's perfect. We will see. I didn't eat before I went, just had 1/2 of my protein drink with me med and vits this morning before riding my bike, the office was running a little late, so I didn't get out of there unti after 1030. I had to meet my realtor by the airport, so I didn't get to get anything to eat. I was going to get some soup. Anyway, I finally got home around 4 and ate some soup. It was about 1/2 c. and it went down fine. As I mentioned, they were really busy and that might be the reason your call is running late. Good Luck Dear... don't be nervous! He's really nice and he won't bite! AT least not over the phone! Hugs, dee~
  16. Bikini, Do you know where The Medical Center of Aurora is? It's off of Potamac. Near Mississippi and 225.
  17. Mini, I have no idea why I'm nervous. Things went very well last time. I'm just anxious! I need to stop thinking about it. My ankles are still so swollen from working and I had gained 6 lbs from the extra Water weight. Maybe I'm nervous that my weight will go up since I was there last! LA aka Adorkable, I love your new name! And you and your hubby are adorable! NOT adorkable! You always looks so pretty! I'd love for you to stay with me, but I'm not sure if I'll be in the middle of moving to a new place. I'm looking at homes tomorrow and if I find one, I'll give my 60 day notice on the 31st. I hope you get to come! I'd love to meet you!
  18. Hey Mini! You have your pre-op consult tomorrow with Dr. K! I'll be in the office getting my second fill in the morning! Have fun! dee~
  19. Mal, My Dear! IF I could I would give you mine tomorrow! Because I'm so scared! I do not know why, but I am! It's not like it's my first, but I am pretty nervous! So I could just pretend I don't need one and give it to you! I wish... BUT I've got to stop this Plateau Buster's Diet. Today, I went to Whole Foods and had to sample my favorite Tortilla chips and Ginger Snaps! Bad girl, am I!
  20. Yup, a funeral director AND a minister! Funny huh? ACC has one of the few Funeral Director programs in the United States. I might look into it! Would you still be my friend if I was a Funeral Director?
  21. Mini! You're so funny! Eyeballs, Hair and Chins! I have a friend who posted her MVD picture as her before and after! When I got my license after moving here to Colorado, I was sick! It is so ugly! I can't wait to change it!
  22. You Rock Miss Shelbi-Girl!!! Time to Celebrate~ :party::welldone2::clap::waytogo::scales::youcandothis::success1::thumbup::woot::scared2::Banane20:This last banana is just for you!
  23. :thumbup:Woofay - Congrats on your last day of school! School's out for Woofay! I wish school was out for me! Mal - "what to do when I grow up?" "where to live when I grow up?" I am dealing with these questions right now and feeling so stressed! Sometimes, I just sit and cry! I love being an RN, but RN's don't retire well. I used to work with a nurse who was 78 years old! That's going to be me! I hope not, but being single and not having good retirements set up! I'm going to work til I die! Retirement? What's that? I have taken several interest inventory tests... and they all say the same. Ready? Ta Da, I should be a Funeral Director! What?:frown: Me? Bahot - I don't know about Daisy Dukes for me, but I would love to fit into a nice pair of jeans, nice girlie blouse and some sexy strappy sandals! You've got the figure for the Daisy Dukes, I've got a way to go! LOL!:sad: Brandy - I think that would be amazing, awesome, and just plan inspirational if we all met our challenges! So the new Red Robin date is June 11, Wed, 7pm! Arapahoe and I-25! See you guys! dee~
  24. Hey Guys, June 11, Wed. works for me for Red Robin. Does it work for others? So far, we've heard from Denise and Mal. Please post and let us know. Thanks!! dee~
  25. GREAT!!! Dee - 20lbs Bookholder - 15lbs Brandy - 25lbs Woofay - 15lbs Mal - 15lbs LA - 23lbs Marcy - 15lbs Lapdancer - 20lbs Shelbi - 20lbs Amieru - 20lbs Sidann - 20lbs Lifesaver - 20lbs John T - 15lbs bahotmamma - 20 lbs 263 total! Anyone else wanna join us? I hope I didn't forget anyone!

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