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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Lap Dancer, Very well put! We do have to just take that leap of faith and do what we have to do! Paying for my surgery meant I lost my house. They were building it for me and it was the perfect home. But I spent part of my downpayment on my surgery. I do not think about it negatively! Because I wouldn't have enjoyed my new home if I continued to weigh what I did and feel as bad as I did. I feel like Fatwidow too, I hate to be left with no money in case of an emergency, but I know the quality of my life sucked. I'm so sad I don't get to meet you at the picnic! BUT I totally understand! Waiting for that new Grandbaby Girl is where I'd be too, if I were you! AND BEST OF all is your weight loss this week! Congrats! I hope I lose! Fatwidow, I know what it's like to be lonely. I had men look through me and past me for many years. But yesterday at work, this guy whom I think is just the cutest on earth, saw me and he smiled really big and said, "what's up Trouble?" he called me "Trouble." I replied, "Nothing much, what's up with you Trouble to the second power?" I know that was a nerdy thing to say, but I didn't know whatelse to say, besides, "You're hot! I'm hotter! Your place or mine?" Every head turned at the nurses' station and they looked to see who he was flirting with. When they looked, he said, "Did you see every one had to look to see who you were?" I replied in my sexiest, come and get me voice, "Yes Sir, I did!" Oh My Goodness, I needed a cigarette after that! Lap, Can I borrow your velvet handcuffs? Wait, I might have a pair of my own! Sorry! Seriously, I know lonely! But I also know that I have a long way to go before any man would enjoy being with me! BUT I'm on my way and closer than I was 4 months ago! Also know that I haven't felt this good in 20 years. I have so much energy and I can do things I haven't done forever! I'm so happy I got my band! Mini! Great news for your Son! That is wonderful news for all of you. Your Son will benefit from his new surroundings and you and Dad will too. Being able to work 3 - 12's and not be totally exhausted afterwards is the best NSV yet! I can't wait til you have your NSV's! Brandy! You're a Mom and Mom's make the best multi-taskers! I'm so glad you're going to be at Red Robin's! I can't wait to see everyone again! Bahotmamma! I'll stay off the road only because I know you're daughter is going to be so excited driving that new vehicle - she might not pay attention! We got my daughter a new car for Christmas after high school graduation. I was so excited, I couldn't wait for Christmas to give it to her! I had to drive to her friends' house at 10pm the night I got to town to give her the car. The sad thing is we had it parked in some friends' garage and they have two teen-age boys and the poor guys thought it was for them! AND I have to say, you're lucky to have that man of your's chasing you! Enjoy being caught Girlie! Munchkin! You pretty lady, You! I have to tell everyone here, I think you're adorable! I hope I get to see you again sometime! AFTER you get your feeties fixed! Mal! I got to buy new undies last night in a size 20!!! Wow! Can you believe that? did you really want to know that? Probably not! But I had to share! Well Guys, I figured out how many minutes I worked out in the Month of May and it totaled 1207.18 mins! Can you believe that? Me? Working out? NO WAY! Not Ms D. Slowsky! The Slug of Littleton! The Slouth of Colorado! NO WAY Jose! YES WAY!!! AND I rode 207 miles! I could have gone from Littleton to Vail and back again! AMAZING! FREAKING AMAZING! OKay, I gotta go now and dream of Mr. Dreamy! Hugs! dee~
  2. Hey! Does anyone think those pink peeps are Band Friendly? I just wondered! I actually hate those things, but I called you all "Peeps" so I wondered if you are all Band Friendly! Finally, the end of my long day! An extra shift is a BIG NSV for me! Previously, I would never work 3 - 12's in a row and if we were extra busy and I had to go in on call, I made sure it was not backed up against my long stretch on! I would have died! WELL, I just finished working my 3rd - 12 and I'm going back on Saturday to do a 4th this week. It may not sound like much, but last night I was there til 9pm and tonight til 8pm. I get there at 620am. After work tonight, I went to Lane Bryant to get some new undies! A smaller size! Yeah BABY! Hi Fatwidow! I remember you really well! Nice to see you're back. I remember we talked previously about having the Band when your BMI is high? Mine was over 60 when I had my surgery. I have done very well and haven't regretted my choice once. The thing that made me choose the band is because there is no cutting of the stomach. RNY aka Gastric Bypass and the Vertical Gastric Sleeve both have to cut the stomach. IF my band failed, I would try to do it without another surgery. IF I found I couldn't make it on my own, I'd get the sleeve. BUT I would be very afraid of it because of the cutting of the stomach. The risks are higher when your stomach is cut. That is just my opinion. My insurance insisted that the Band wouldn't be a good choice because the weight loss is too slow and I have so much to lose. I have had several friends get RNY. One is totally disabled in a nursing home due to problems related to her surgery. She's 38 years old. Another weighed almost 500lbs and she had her surgery last June. Almost a year ago and she's only lost 90lbs. I can't say that's bad, but it's not necessarily quick! The band is slower, that is usually true, but it's not the case with everyone. Every person is different, regardless of the surgery they choose. It has to be your decision. Go to Obesity Help and read some of the posts on each forum. Ask them questions about their surgery... read about each procedure and the pros and cons. Good Luck! Mini! I think my fill is good. I'll be ready by the 19th of June for my next one, but for now, this one is doing it's job! I don't like to be too tight, I try to listen carefully to my body and stop when I get my runny nose (my soft sign). Mini, did you call and get a good rate at the Holiday Inn Select? Deb! I have stayed at the Holiday Inn Select in Parker several times. I stayed there 3 nights in a row during a blizzard 12/06. I work at the hospital in Parker and they couldn't get nurses in and we couldn't get home, so the hospital paid for us to stay there for 3 nights. They drove us there each evening and picked us up each morning. The beds are ultra comfy and the rooms are lovely and very clean. I then stayed there again during a spring storm and things were just as comfy and nice. I read on here where someone, I am sorry, I can't remember who, stayed at the hotel and they went out of their way to treat her nice. She had lost her pre and post-op meds and needed the enema for the night before surgery and her pain meds for after the surgery. She didn't have a car since she flew in and came by taxi. Someone from the hotel went to Walgreens and got the meds for her. I thought that was so nice! Mal! How's it going Sweety? Anita! Are you going to be at Red Robin's next week? Michelle! Lovegirl! How's life? Don't forget Peeps, Red Robin June 11th, Wednesday @ 7pm at the Red Robin's at Arapahoe and I-25. Hugs to all! dee~
  3. And you know Mini, I am the complete opposite! I want to graze all morning. Yesterday, I'm a work, we were insanely busy, but all morning, I wanted to eat and eat and eat. This was my morning, between 4am and 1400. I had my half protein drink for pre-breakfast before I rode my bike. Showered, dressed and ate a Morningstar Farm Griller with a 1 oz piece of 2% cheese. When I got to work, I felt the head hunger come on, I felt stressed with pending deliveries and just needed something. I ate a handful of Kashi shredded wheat cereal (10 pieces of cereal - 1/2 serving by measurement). An hour later, the head hunger returned. I had a quarter of a Fiber One bar (2 small bites). Later, I had a handful of blueberries and an Activia LF yogurt with 4 large blackberries. Around 1400, I ran to the cafeteria and had one buffalo sausage with a half serving of steamed veggies. The pizza looked better, but I resisted. I ate that and felt fine for the rest of the day. I got home at 2130, my daughter had made dinner. I wasn't hungry so I went to bed. That's how I am everyday, I just feel like eating and eating and eating in the morning. But around 2 in the afternoon, I'm done. I talked to Tom the PA in Dr. K's office and he said it's probably because I don't eat in the evening, that I am so starved by morning. I pack my lunch the night before and it makes me sick to see how much food I take with me. I measure out my cereal, my pistachios, my almonds, blueberries and blackberries, into tiny baggies. It makes me eat something healthy rather than something unhealthy when I have that, I've got to eat something feeling. I know we aren't supposed to graze because that is an easy way to eat around the band. But some days, it's like I am starved. I feel better about it, if it's food that is healthy. Dr. Oz reminds us that Pistachios are your best nut. They are lowest in fat and they will increase your HDL's. So I count out 30 of them and put them in a baggy. When I'm home on my days off, I can resist the grazing. I just find something else to do. But at work, I just feel that stress and everyone else is eating their donuts, pastries, bagels, etc... Mini, you said, Paula wants you to do a Pre-op diet, but it's not the one that Dr. K had suggested? What do you mean? What did she suggest? I'm just curious. LapDancer! Yup you and me having some reversals to do this week! I'm hoping my scale says, what it's supposed to say on Saturday morning! If not, you'll hear some screaming coming from South Denver/Littleton area around 4am! Bahotmamma, Don't ever feel bad about missing your Mom or feeling that empty sadness. It's a part of our grieving experience. It's real and it's where you're at -- you only lost your Mom a year ago. My goodness, such a short time ago. Mal and I lost our parents a longer time, but yet, we still feel that sadness and yearning. I'm glad you talked to your doctor about your feelings. Take care of yourself, Hon. Okay Guys, work awaits me! Love and Hugs, dee~
  4. Dear Shelbi, I wanted to write you and just say, I hope things are going to go well on Thursday. Dealing with our spouses when it comes to their health is such a difficult thing at times. We love them with all of our hearts and souls and we realize they are men and men, often times, are wired so different than we as women are. It's hard not to nag, because we see what should be happening and is not. But I think a push for them in the right direction is all we can do. You moved his appt. up - that is what you could do. You are supporting him with his new eating and exercise, that is invaluable. I know my ex wanted to be healthy and deny that he was aging and having any problems. He ignored things and neglected to share aches or discomforts with me for fear verbalizing them, might make them more real. Men, more so than women, are good at that. My ex is 50 years old this year. He hardly eats, he doesn't ever sleep and he works 80 hour weeks. I still love him a lot, I always will. He was the man I fell in love with when I was 18 years old. We didn't marry until I was 23, but I always loved him. It's hard to be a wife, so I sympathize with your plight. You say, you're good at nagging -- that is what he'll need. Someone who wants the best for his health and someone who can step up and be his advocate. The best job a wife has -- That's why men who are married, live longer. Because the wife says, "oh no, you're not going to ignore that!" I'll be praying for you guys! You're a good wife, Shelbi. He's fortunate to have you in his corner. Love, dee~
  5. Hi Brandy-Girl! Thanks for posting your loss! You BRAT! 4.5 lbs! That's great! Keep up the good work! Hey Miss Dorkable! I love Coldstone, BUT I love my brand new 4 inch purple leather pumps better! AND if I have to give up Coldstone, chips and every other bad food so that I can wear those hot, sexy shoes, then I will! BUT I have to tell you - my daughter comes home from working at Coldstone and she smells like a big cookie! They make their own waffle cones there! Yum! Shelbi! I'll be praying that things work out for you and your husband. How scary! I agree with you about moving that appt. up. The 16th is too far in the future for that kind of problem! What is wrong with people? Mal! I love the name "Tofu!" AND I love Tofu! Brandy is right, South Beach is also a very good diet that you could live on the rest of your life. But it's almost identical to the Weight Watcher's Core Plan. I'm looking into the Zone diet. 30/30/40. 30-Carbs, 30-Fat, 40-Protein. I would tweak it make it 20/30/50. The good thing about the band is now I'll be able to stick to these things because I won't be so starved. Most diets allow such small portions... I could never do them for long before. OK Mini! How are you doing? Bahotmamma, How was the pretty swimsuit and the swimming yesterday? I better get back to work! Love, dee~
  6. I totally believe in the Drs Oz and Roizen! I love that diet! It's perfect for me! AND not difficult to follow, especially with a band! I did it last year around this time, but without the band, I was hungry a lot of the time.
  7. I'm not sure if it's the same book or not, but one of the Body For Life books is full of recipes and menu ideas.
  8. Mal! Is that the Body for Life book that has all those neat recipes in it? I love the pancake recipe made from Oatmeal and Cottage Cheese! Yum and so good for you! I'm not sure you can make the cookies without the splenda. I think the sugar/splenda blend is what helps hold them together. But I don't know that for sure. Maybe Greenie knows since she makes them also. If your band wants cookies and doesn't want healthy chicken, just talk to it, like Lap Dancer talks to her's. But make sure the kidlings are not in the room! ha! Amieru! Congrats on your loss! AND thanks for posting! We weigh in on Saturday morning. I was weighing so frequently - that I had to stop and just do it every morning before my shower. I was bad! 3 maybe 4 times a day! I love fish, but I am so bad about cooking it if I buy it in the raw form! Mini! Thanks! I had a crazy insanely busy day at work! I had to put my prioritizing hat on! I'd rather just wear my delegator hat! BUT it doesn't fit anymore! My head is too big! Don't worry about that "Last Supper" syndrome! We have all been there! I remember going to "The Melting Pot" with my daughter! It was the best! Our waiter asked if we were celebrating anything. I think he wasn't more than 20 years old, so I kept my information to myself! I didn't want have to explain things. (I'm getting a Adjustable Gastric Band placed around the top of my stomach so I can eat less and lose weight... it has to be filled slowly.... yada yada yada!) I have a friend who got the band and she went to every resturant she wanted to the week before surgery, some nights she went to 4! Her husband was furious, I thought it was hilarious! She just got one thing at each place, took a few bites and then went to the next! Lifesaver! Didn't you just love Sex In The City? I loved it! I can't wait to see it again! I never watched it on HBO, but when I joined Netflix I got them all and now I watch them on TV. The uncut versions with Netflix are much better, tho. That Oyster Race sounds like a blast! I'll be happy to be able to do the Walk for the Cure in October! Brandy! The good thing about the Band is IF you have a bad weekend, you can just hop back on that Bandwagon and get back on the road again! Don't you love that? Bahotmamma! I used to swim, lifeguard and teach swimming! I loved it! My tan was lovely and my hair had a gorgeous greenish hue to it! I know how those Oreos go down so well! Cookies, chips all of those things are just smooth as silk! BUT try a leftover piece of chicken and yikes! I do okay, actually with everything else, but leftover dried chicken! No sliming yet, just a little stuck! I have learned I just can't have bad foods in my house, because I can't resist them! If I'm home and having a bad day, I want to just eat! Tortilla chips are my enemy! Whole Foods has these flour tortilla chips that are crispy, thin and seasoned just perfectly! deoregon! Congrats on your Surgery Date of August 20! I love my band! It's the best thing I've ever done for myself! AND I did it just for me! If I'm healthy and happy, I'm a much better Mom and Nurse! It's a tool and you have to put in the work, but it's worth it and totally doable! AND you have found the best surgeon in Town, WAIT in this Country, STOP! In the world!!! Bookholder! You little pill pusher you! Don't worry if your scale didn't move! Mine did! BUT in the wrong direction! Thanks for posting Sweety! Well Banditos and Future Banditos! Sleep Sweet tonight and have a Lovely day tomorrow! It's a new day to re-commit to our goals and to our band! Remember, each day is a fresh start! xxxooo dee~
  9. Bandito Goal 1st wk Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0 Brandy = 25lbs-4.5 Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs Mal = 15lbs +0.0 LA = 23lbs+1.0lb Marcy = 15lbs Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0 Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6 Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb John T = 15lbs bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs So I need weight loss totals for last Saturday for the following peeps: John, Marcy! For our first week, I think we did pretty well! AND those of us who gained WILL do very well next week! I believe in us! Don't forget next Saturday morning, to weigh in and post your total loss! It's getting exciting, isn't it? Less than 9 weeks left! Hugs, dee~
  10. Hey Kidlings! Greetings on this fine Monday afternoon! I can't believe how much activity has occured on this board since I last posted! Yikes! Well, I had a good Sunday. I lost the 4.6lbs of ugly fluid I had gained in one night from the Lettuce Wraps and working! Then John T. and my daughter and me went to see Sex In The City. I loved it! My daughter loved it. She was so cute, she was laughing or crying! Then I was wishing I had a blindfold for her! She still tells me she's never seen the entire movie, Pretty Woman. I used to send her out of the room when I knew the risque stuff was starting! She'll be 21 years old in 20 days, so I guess a little nudity is okay. I guess! Poor John, I think it was boardering on Estrogen Overload for him yesterday. After the movie the three of us had lunch and then we went shopping. Woofay- Did you say, "sheet music?" -- I love sheet music! I used to buy it on eBay. Taynuh! Congrats Woman on reaching Onederland! I'd love to see your toes on that scale - painted toes or not! I bet your feet look amazing next to that 199.8! Thank you for your wise words of wisdom! You're a very smart woman! I appreciate your posts! Greenie! Hey Sister-Lover of the Color Green! Nice to hear from you again! Those Peanut Butter cookies rock! I am afraid to try them with 100% splenda, but the Splenda Blend worked like a charm! I'm going to try your Sweet Potatoe Pizza. It sounds yummy! AND very healthy! Thanks for taking the time to post it! I hope you get to go to Disney World for your honeymoon! AND good luck on losing that weight before your wedding! You're going to be a beautiful bride! Might you be wearing a lovely shade of green? Well Ladies, I'm at work, so I better get moving! I'll write more later. dee~
  11. PrtyAntOvrYt

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Thanks Kelly! I had other ideas but this was my most favorite. On Obesity Help my name is Iam_with_the_Band. Tied2bfit is still my fave. You know you have done very well with your weight loss! You can be very proud of yourself! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on this forum!
  12. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Tax Deduction?

    It is something you can claim on your taxes. BUT it will only help you if it is a certain percentage of your income. I can't remember what the percentage is, however. You can check online with the IRS's website and Medical deductions. I paid $9950.00 for my surgery and it helped with my taxes a lot!
  13. PrtyAntOvrYt

    New Bandster

    That is a bit aggressive! It's surprising to me how everyone does fills differently. I think Jo, the key is how are you feeling? Are you able to eat solid Proteins without PB'g or Sliming? Are you able to get in atleast 1000 to 1200 calories a day plus your 64oz of Water? Are you having any coughing at night while you're in bed asleep? Are you vomiting? If you answered, no to everything, then I'd say you are not too tight and it's okay to have that much in your band. Being too tight is not good. It's when we start having trouble with slipping and erosions. The slipping part happens when we're too tight and we vomit frequently. When your doctor did your fill, were you involved with the amount or was it just here is another 3mls, now be on your way? My doc/PA both do something we call the "drinking method" of fills. They insert the needle with a stop-cock on it, while I"m laying down. Then I sit up with the needle still inside my port. They give me a cc/ml of saline and I drink some water. They ask if I can feel the water pass or does it gurgle back in my throat? If it passes quickly, they give me another cc. If not, they pull some out. My first fill was 3.3 mls, my last one was 0.25mls. I have good restriction, but I'm able to eat solid proteins and I have never slimed or PB'd. I have gotten a tiny stuck episode without sliming of some dry chicken. Don't worry if you're not having symptoms of being too tight. Perhaps your tummy can handle that amount of fluid, that quickly. But if you are having problems, call your doctor asap and ask them to take some out. Don't suffer in silence. Good Luck JO!
  14. Hi Shelbi-Girl, I think that is wonderful that you recognize the need to put your love for your Father first. I have a loved one who puts herself first - and the fact that she refuses to allow anyone to hurt her feelings... so she never attends family gatherings, parties, funerals, or anything else where someone might see her and make a comment. She's only cheated herself and those who truly love her. You asked how a person deals with the comments and hurtful things people say - well, I'm probably the last person who should be responding. I don't do well. It seems I actually do less well now. On Mother's day a comment was made about how much older I look now along with another comment about there was no way I had lost 27.5 inches in 3 months. "You must have not measured yourself right." I hung up the phone and cried. Then about 4 hours later, I get a call from another loved one to inform me that my three month picture was frightening children. Of course,I heard the other comments too "too bad you couldn't lose weight like everyone else." -- "too bad you had to take the easy way out." etc etc etc. And the silly one was, "too bad, you have only lost 67lbs at 3 months. That's not much!" -- "I thought people have surgery to lose weight faster." I took all the comments bad, but the ones about my current photos hurt the most. Now several weeks later. I know that ugly comments will always be made. That's just how some people are. Comments like that are made by people for many different reasons. 1.) They are just flat out rude and they don't stop and engage their minds and hearts before they allow the words to just flow from their mouths. 2.) They know exactly what they are saying and how hurtful it will be, but they just don't care. (I tend to think this one goes right along with #1 - when it comes to my family, because they feel it's important you know how they truly feel about you.) 3.) They just talk to talk and don't realize how hurtful words can be. 4.) They are jealous and hate to see anyone succeed at anything. 5.) It really was a good decision to have WLS, they know it and wish they had the guts to make good, sound, life changing decisions to improve the quality of their lives. Lastly Shelbi, the important thing is your Father and being able to spend these holidays with him. These other people are not of value to you. They are part of your life because they share your DNA and everyone has some Disappointing Dysfunctional DNA in their background. AND as many of us know, they happen to attend all the celebrations just to be present and make ugly comments. But you're there because you love your Father, you deserve to be there and you can hold your head up high knowing you are making good, healthy changes in your life... Just as you mentioned to Mini, there is Lipitor for Cholesterol problems, Metformin for Blood Sugar problems and for some there is a Lap Band for this little thing we've been afflicted with called Overeating Problems. I take Lipitor, I took Metformin and there is no reason, I couldn't get a Lap Band. The goal of all three is to extend my life and to make the quality the best it can be. So my advice is this, if someone perhaps finds out about your WLS or makes a hurtful comment, allow it. But remember that you are above that, you are a Smart Woman, a Mother, a Wife, a Daughter and someone who would be greatly missed - if she were not around. You value your health and the quality of your life. You value your children and husband and you want to be the best you can be to be in their lives. Shelbi, you did what you felt was needed to be there for the ones your value most. You've lost 78lbs and in the end these comments really aren't important. Cry if it helps you get over it, but then wipe your tears and know that you will be the Victor! my 4 cents. It's 320am. I tend to be quite verbose at this hour. Hugs, dee~
  15. Thanks Sidney! Great job on the 4.5 lbs! That's wonderful! Enjoy the quick weight loss that happens initially! It is addictive. Thanks for your words of advice. I have been considering all of my options. I called and talked to the adviser at Regis University. I'd love to get my MSN with an emphasis in education. I think teaching student nurses would be the best! Just think, if we can teach them the right way to do things with the right mind set, we will impact 1000s of lives. You are very correct in saying that! I love precepting new nurses. They are so excited about their profession. And I love seeing the enthusiasm. Admitting a new baby is my favorite thing to teach. Can you imagine what a special moment that is in the lives of these new parents? This is a brand new life... a life they have waited for, for 9 months. When I taught ESL, it was such fun! I had students from China and Mexico in the same class. One girl from china's name was Xin Xin. A mexican student named Jesus was in the same class. One day he said to her, "what kind of a name is X-I-N, X-I-N?" He spelled it. And she said, "What kind of name is Jesus?" Oh boy! I had to separate the two of them! Them were fighting words! The other day, my daughter made the best little cookies! I think they are pretty band friendly. They are called Magical Peanut Butter Cookies. Here is the recipe: 1 cup Peanut Butter, creamy or crunchy 1 cup of baking sugar replacement (splenda is recommended) (my daughter used Splenda Blend and only used 1/2 cup) 1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a large baking sheet. In a mixing bowl, combine peanut butter, splenda, egg and vanilla, stir well with a spoon. Roll the dough into balls the size of walnuts. Place on the baking sheet and with a fork dipped in splenda press a crisscross design on each cookie. Bake for 12 mins, remove from the oven and let cool. No flour and you get the protein from the peanut butter and egg! Yum! Thanks for your post, Sidney! I'm glad you're here with us!
  16. Does your DH have a brother? AND if he does have a brother, does the brother like obese girls with Lap Bands?
  17. Our slow metabolisms -- thus the reason I got the band! I have lost so much weight in my life! I once lost 80lbs from a 30% Low fat diet and swimming everyday. I gained back 80 plus another 30lbs! Nice huh? Once I got all the way to goal -- just to gain it all back and more! I love my band! My little 14ml band! I just love it, I tell ya!
  18. I'm not a lover of protein shakes! Besides the goal was to minimize your carbs to as little as possible and even the low carb protein shakes have some carbs. I was a little afraid of even those carbs. I ate meat and veggies. I roasted chicken, I made turkey in an oven bag, I put beef ribs in the crock pot with red chili and ate them. My first pre-op diet was over Thanksgiving and I lost 14 lbs. My second one was after the New Year started and I lost 13 lbs, but I had gained the 14lbs form the previous one back already! (shhh don't tell anyone!) I would roast a chicken and make a huge salad with all kinds of chopped veggies and put the chicken over the top. It was so good! I had eggs for breakfast, tuna for lunch with real mayo, since Miracle whip has some carbs in it, I had steak for one of my last suppers. The last supper before my surgery - I wasn't hungry, so I shared a chicken breast with my daughter. It's a very simple pre-op diet. I felt so fortunate that Dr. K didn't require the liquid pre-ops that so many other docs do! I had to do it for 14 days since my BMI was so high. You probably have to do it for what 5 days or less? You'll see, it's not hard!
  19. hummm, that is a side effect, I wasn't aware of! Just wait until you start your pre-op diet, the NO carbs really made me stupid! Stupid is as stupid does -- just like my Momma always says!
  20. Sorry! I was messing with you! My sense of humor is a little off sometimes. John T. always looks at me when I'm teasing him -- then he laughs but I know in his head, he's thinking, "this woman is clearly insane!" ha! Maybe!
  21. Have fun at the Doggy Park! AND yes, Dear, it is a new picture! I just wanted to mix it up a bit!
  22. I love it! I love it! AND a little Tom, the PA he'd have to chase them to give them their fills! I was so nervous last time, I felt like I wanted to run! BUT I thought it might be a little embarrassing having him chase me down the halls!
  23. PrtyAntOvrYt

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Great! I think this is a great idea! Thanks!
  24. Yup, we could put the poundage on them! Plump them up! AND there would be a little Dr. K who comes and puts the band on them! Hey, I think we're on to something!
  25. Oh we could force feed them AND then they'd have to get a Lap Band!

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