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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Thanks Mini! I wasn't scared the second time in that chair, 'been there, done that!" just get me in and get that band placed! I was ecstatic! Afterall, it was my BIRTHDAY! My new Birthday!
  2. Oh Mini! I am so sorry to hear about your Father! I am very sad for you! I can't imagine how heavy your heart is. I do know that Ovarian CA is one that is more prominent in the obese. My OB/GYN reminds me of this every chance she gets. One reason, I considered WLS. I had an abnormal pap in 2007 and it scared me! I love both of my grandma's to Breast CA. I scheduled my mammogram for next Wednesday. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you! I know I'm limited due to my distance, but if you need to chat or cry or yell or vent! I'm here, Honey!
  3. this is me waiting for my surgery!
  4. hey! That's too bad! Do you think they'd change their wedding date for you? Probably not! I can't wait to meet you on the 2nd! You're going to be so cute -- waiting for your surgery! I was a big goof ball!
  5. Mal, I'm so happy to hear that Buster is doing better!!!
  6. I would love to meet you! I can't wait!!!
  7. Our Lap-Band Summer-Family Barbecue Please Join Us Saturday, August 2, 2008 Chatfield Reservoir 11am–3:00pm Fox Run Picnic Area RSVP by Friday, June 25th to Natalie with # of guests @ ncardenas@lapbandrockies.com There is a $7.00 cost per vehicle for a park pass. Horseshoes, Volleyball, Horseback Riding, Boating & Lot of Fun!
  8. Brandy! Oh My Goodness! I love your before and after pictues! You have done so well! You're such an inspiration to me and to so many!!! You've always been Gorgeous!!!
  9. we are going to find out at the BBQ that Dr. K only has banded Beautiful people! Everyone I've ever met that is a patient of his - is gorgeous! Our faces ARE glowing (you're right Mal) and our smiles are huge and lovely! Dr. K's Bander Beauties~
  10. I can never find that page, how do I get there? My friend and I used to look at it at work, but she had to find it each time. I was usually busy doing my work! HA!
  11. Brandy, if you right click on it you can save it to your computer. I do that every month and I'm saving them in a folder!
  12. Anita, The pictures are so cool! The way you can click on them to view them bigger! Awesome! Wasn't I right? Aren't we the prettiest girls on the Internet? Thanks for posting! Brandy! Happy Bandiversary! You have done great! If I were you, I'd post that picture on my fridge! I bet your hubby loves the new You! Love, dee~
  13. Slowing down, Eating Less? What a novel idea! Someone should have thought of that earlier!!!
  14. Thanks for that information Woofay! I wonder why when you go to RR you are tighter - since it's obviously not the elevation. Do we make you nervous? Is it because we are so lovely and arrogant? And don't forget judgemental? Just teasing! We are lovely, but there is nothing arrogant or judgemental about us!!!
  15. Anita! I checked last night from my cell phone to see if you got home. I can check my email on my cell. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you got home safely! I always worry about your driving so far at night! Thank you so much for driving so far to spend your evening with us! I loved seeing you again!
  16. I just got home from Red Robin's. I have to say, everyone is even more pretty than they were last time I saw them! Brandy, Bookholder, Bahotmamma, Woofay all are looking great! I can see they are tinier and prettier than ever! Woofay will post the pics! She got the best ones. We had a good time. Some day I hope we can all get together! Whether it's for the BBQ or just during a visit to the area! Hugs Peeps! dee~
  17. Anita! Congrats! I have a bag in the corner of my bedroom and when I wear something and find it's huge on me, I mark it with a sharpy and then wash it, when it's clean, it goes into the bag! My sizes are pretty large! BUT if anyone wears 5xl or 4xl, let me know! I have lots to give! I can't wait to see you tonight AND it doesn't matter what you're wearing! GOT IT CHICKIE? hugs, dee~
  18. Mal, I'm so excited to hear that Buster is feeling better! Prayers Work! And lots of love and a drink or two from an Atkins shake! I was at work today interviewing some new nurses and as I was walking through the lobby, I looked over and saw Dr. K! He waved and I just had to go over and say HI! I told him, I'd be giving some of his out of town patients rides back to their hotels. He said, "thanks!" He's so cute! I call him, "The Fat Whisperer" -- He's our Super Hero! When all else has failed for us Mini -- he gives us the tool, we need to succeed! Nice segway --- Mini, I believe, truly with all my heart that I will never be fat again! I have a long way to go, but I am learning daily what I need to - to be a powerful advocate for a healthier me! I'm learning the value of working out daily. Dr. K asked if I was feeling well and I said, "YES!" I do feel well. I feel great! I got my bi-annual fasting blood test results yesterday from my primary and after 4.5 months with the band -- my cholesterol was 150, LDL- 80, HDL -48, Trig. - 78!!! These are perfect results! AND my fasting glucose was 92! unbelievable!!! I spoke with my primary and asked him to make sure that the diagnosis of Diabetes was not on my chart! I was pre-diabetic, but getting the band reversed that and I never converted to full blown DM. I am thrilled with my results! I thank God for Dr. K and for the Lap Band! I'm not perfect, it's not always easy, but it's possible! AND for the first time in my life, I don't feel out of control when it comes to food. Brandy! You're sweet Hannah Faith is adorable! What a strong Baby Girl! I'm sure you are so proud of her. I have recently started looking at adopting a child with a special need, i.e. cleft lip/palate, aminotic banding, club feet. These children in some foreign countries are viewed as cursed. I'd love to adopt a sibling set or a singleton from a foreign country. Hannah is lucky to have such a wonderful Mom! I can't wait to see you tonight! Deb! You're right about pets! I love animals! I can't imagine my life without them! I am a cat and a dog person! We had the sweetest Doberman named Nina. As my daughter was growing up, we had cats. She named them all -- Pouffy, Pepper, Pumpkin, Pretty boy (can you tell she liked names that started with P's?) Our last cat was Buddy! Buddy was my most favorite cat in the entire world! He would go upstairs when we left for work and find that special stuffed animal and then come downstairs and fall asleep on it. What a Sweetie! Well, I'm going to get ready for Red Robin's! I hope to see you all there! I will miss you Mal! But I know spending time with your Baby is very important! Hugs! dee~
  19. I just have one question Deb, when she's playing UNO and she gets a DRAW FOUR card, does she get angry and try to reverse the game so that she can pass the favor back? I love UNO and if I had a dog who played it with me, I'd be one happy girl!
  20. Bless You Mini! You and your husband have been through a lot with your Son. My heart goes out to parents who have to deal with children who have problems like your Son's. I'm sure it takes a lot of patience and love. I'm also sure you're pushed to your limits many times. He's lucky to have you in his corner. I hope you know how valuable you are to him. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
  21. Hey Anita! I can't wait to see you! I can use the 3xl's.... if you wanna share! Or else, I think Mini will come and get you! It sounds like she's pretty Anti-fat clothes! I'm a little scared!
  22. Mal, I think the big picture is best, because you can see his sweet little eyes! He's an adorable Baby and I can see why you love him so much! thanks for sharing his picture! Love, dee~
  23. Bandito Goal ----1st week--2nd week Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs:thumbup: Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0:thumbup: Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs:thumbup: Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs:thumbup: Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs:thumbup: LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb:thumbup: Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs:thumbup: Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs:thumbup: Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0:thumbup: Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs:thumbup: Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs:thumbup: Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs:thumbup: John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs:thumbup: bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs:thumbup: Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Hey Guys, We're going in the right direction! Our losses have increased. I am so proud of all of you! I don't count the pounds that were gained last week and then lost this week. I'm only counting the pounds that will be subtracted from our initial goal! This is good news! Stick with it Ladies and J.T.! Remember what matters most is what is on the inside, our hearts, our souls, our core -- for it's what is on the inside that is reflected daily on the outside. Hugs! dee~
  24. Poor Buster! That's horrible! I hope he gets well soon Mal! I know he's just one of your kidlings and you love him with all your heart! I'll say a prayer for Buster. Let us know how he's doing.
  25. Hi Everyone! Good Morning! Wow, Lap, bless you! You have a lot going on in your life right now. What is Clara's gestation now? 33weeks? It's a good thing your daughter is getting the care she needs now. Kidney infections can often kick Moms into premature labor, so I'm glad that didn't happen. I'm glad you had a nice dinner with your sister. My family can be toxic too. I know that they are going to act the way they always do, I have to react differently. I know exactly what you mean about not being willing to take other's crap anymore. I have been long suffering my entire life. And that's not always a bad thing, but it is when we allow others to abuse us. I know, I have to learn to step up and take care of myself for once. We are shedding the armour of our bigger outer bodies, we need to make our souls stronger too. Adorkable! I know what you mean about being frustrated at times. It's not my portions that are out of control, but the choices I make. We ate out a lot this last weekend. AND I do fear overeating so much that I do not do that, but I am not always good about choosing the healthier options when we eat out. I'm getting another fill next week. I weigh myself everyday too, Dear. I need to for myself. I went 20 years without weighing myself and I ended up gaining consistently without realizing it. I know that makes me sound like an idiot, but once you pass a certain weight -- you can continually get bigger without having to get bigger sized clothing. Those ugly elastic waisted pants just keep stretching. I thought the Pre-op diet was totally doable! I lost 13 lbs and didn't feel hungry at all. I do it when I need to get back on track. As you start your journey Newbies, you'll learn that you have to make your own eating plans. What works for me or someone else may not work for you. But there are some Bander Rules that can't be ignored. These are the ones I feel are most vital to follow: 1. Eating your Protein first at every meal. (getting 60-80grams per day) 2. Eating when you're hungry and not when you're not hungry. (just because it's noon, doesn't mean you have to eat lunch) 3. NOT drinking with your meals and waiting 30-60 mins after your last bite. 4. Taking a Multivitamin. 5. Eating three meals a day, including Breakfast -- which needs to be eaten or drank (some can't eat that early in the morning, they are tighter, so they drink a protein drink) within an hour of waking. 6. Taking smaller bites and chewing at least 30 times, putting your fork down and waiting 9 seconds before your next bite. 7. Move your body in some way every day. 8. Drink 64oz of Water daily. 9. Do not take any meds in whole form - crush your pills. Some things I do personally are: Something I forgot to mention is that I measure my food out in a 1 cup serving. I learned early on, IF I don't, then I want to everything esp. when it tastes really good. Sometimes, I can't eat a cup full, but I try hard to not eat more than that. Eating balanced meals, Proteins, Veggies, Good Carbs - i.e. whole grains, steel cut oats - whole grain Pasta and brown rice Eat fruit and walnuts everyday Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime Take my 1000mg of Calcium chewables through out the day I need to remember for myself, this is not a race - it's a new lifestyle and something I will have to do the rest of my life. I need to find a way to live with my band, to make food my friend and to co-exist with food in my everyday life. Hey Vet Banders -- any good ideas of your own that you can share with the others?

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