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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Mini! The surgery usually takes 45 mines. Mine, however took 80 mins! He said it was long and difficult, BUT it wasn't his more difficult or longest! Poor guy!
  2. Deb, I love that story! How sweet! Nothing quite as special as a Father who loves his daughter and takes the time to tend to her needs. Those are some sweet memories! You're a blessed woman! I have to admit my ex was a good father. He always took extra special care to make sure his daughter was taken care of in a really sweet manner!
  3. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Dr. Eldo Frezza

    You probably already know this, but your Dr. Frezza is no longer doing fills or follow care for Lap Banders. I think this is something that should be reported here on LBT, so that no one else allows him to do their surgery! IF you now have no follow-up care and no fills, how will you use the tool you have? This is not good! My friends who have had him as their surgeon are now searching for a new doctor who will take over their care AND hoping their insurance covers the new doc! The only reason they went with Dr. Frezza in the first place is because of their stupid insurance coverage! I feel so sorry for his patients!
  4. Bandito Goal ----1st week--2nd week--3rd Week Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs-1.0lb:wub:(16.6) Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0:wub:(14.0) Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs+2.0:wub:(16.8) Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs+1.0:wub:(15.0) Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs-2.0lbs:wub:(10.2) LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb-3.0:wub:(18.0) Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs+1.5lbs:wub:(11.5) Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs-1.7lbs:wub:(16.9) Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5lbs:wub:(16.9) Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs+2.0:wub:(15.0) Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs-3.0lbs:wub:(14.0) Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs-2.0:wub:(15.5) John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs+0.0:wub:(13.0) bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs-2.0:wub:(15.5) Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Week Three Losses 18.2lbs Every one did great! Don't worry if you gained a little, it happens - we gain water weight sometimes, but it will come down next week. Stick with the basics, stay away from the enemies like, Mr. Tortilla Chips, Miss Cherry Pepsi, Mr. M&M's -- (the chips are my enemies!) Remember this is a lifestyle change.... a lifelong journey. You're not alone!
  5. Thanks Amieru! Don't worry about the gain. You lost 5lbs that one week and 2 lbs the next. Sometimes, we gain water weight.
  6. I tried it and found it difficult to follow. Later, I read that it's for RNY patients. I found that returning to my pre-op diet was the best way to get back on track. It's virtually no carbs. I did lose with the pouch-test diet, but I only did it for 3 days, because it was so hard to stick to. Good Luck Brandy! Anything to get us back on track is worth trying! I think after TOM you'll get back to losing.
  7. Denise, I'm sorry about your losses. I think writing letters to those who have passed on is a good way for me to express my thoughts, my memories and my love. I used to write a letter to my Dad in the newspaper on the anniversary of his death. I miss being able to visit his grave in ABQ. We have a tradition of placing - luminarios (paper bags with dirt in the bottom of them and candles) around our loved one's graves on New Year's Eve. It's beautiful and most people in ABQ do it. It was something my brother and I would do together to honor our Dad's memory. I know we do those things for us, but it's a way of helping us remember. I bet you had a great time yesterday at the Lake. I love Chatfield!
  8. Thanks Brandy! I have a lot of fond memories of him! Fathers can be so special in the daughter's lives.
  9. Thanks Mini! My Dad was the cutest guy! He was about 6-4, 225 and just a big bear! He gave the best hugs! I used to live about 4 blocks from the hospital and when it would snow, he'd call me at 6am and tell me he was driving 15miles to drive me to work! 4 blocks! He didn't trust me on the icy roads! I love him a lot!
  10. Oh! I am so sorry! If you had to curl into a ball and cry, I'd be right there beside you with a hug and the tissues. That picture is gorgeous! Wow! One time years ago, when I was a kid growing up in NM, I remember seeing a rainbow cloud in the sky. I remember showing it to my Grandma. We both wondered what it was. I wonder if it was the same thing. Thanks!!!
  11. Hi Folks, I worked all day today and when I came out of the hospital, I found a lovely day! The breeze was cool and fresh. I wanted to just find a place on the grass and just sit and enjoy the weather. This has been a difficult Father's Day for me. Some years are not so bad, but this year, I had a hard time. Thanks everyone for your updates on your weigh in. Brandy, I hate TOM too! You'll lose that extra weight next week. Woofay, I have no idea why we gain when we are on our best behavior and lose when we are being human! Bookholder and Dorkable, good job going in the right direction! Marilyn! I am so sorry to hear about your sweet baby. Don't ever feel it was your fault. You loved your baby with all your heart, you would have never done anything like that. I've missed you. Please don't go away so long! We need you here, Mare! If you need a special RR meeting - I'm with Anita! Let's do it! Munchkin! My heart just goes out to everyone in Iowa. How sad! Graduating from a school in Lincoln, I traveled many times for Spring Break to Cedar Rapids. My Bestfriend's parents lived there. I pray they are okay. It reminded me of Katrina! Horrible! Adorkable, I love your pictures! I never heard of a Heat Rainbow! I do love PHX tho. You're so cute with your FIL! What a nice guy! I'm sorry to hear about you losing your father to cancer. Woofay! Thanks so much for all the clothes. There are many that I can use! I appreciate you thinking of me! Thank you Thank you Thank you! Deb! I hope I can meet you when you come for your surgery. Are you having surgery at Parker? I'm sorry if you answered this already! I might be in Lincoln Nebraska that week, but I'm not sure! Mini! Hi Sweetness! Thanks for being such a consistent support of all of us here! I can't wait til you're banded on sitting next to me on the Loser's Bench! You're going to be such a BIG LOSER! I love you all! dee~
  12. I posted this on my site, tiedtobefit.com. I wanted to share it with all of you. Dear Daddy, Life goes on… without you. But a day doesn’t pass without you entering my thoughts. I miss you terribly. I miss the way you used to tease me, your Big Bear Hugs and your deep deep voice. I miss picking up the phone and hearing your voice say, “Steph?” You’d be so proud of your first Grand-daughter. She’s a wonderful young lady and she remembers you fondly. We buried you on her first day of Kindergarten and she lost her other Grandpa on her last day of high school. She still speaks often of her Grandpas. She remembers when you used to steal her little snoopy and hide him in your shirt pocket. Snoopy’s head sticking out the top and you thanking her for him. I remember the way she would giggle and you’d laugh. Thank you for being there the day she was born. I remember everyone guessing her weight and no one was close, but you! How did you do that? Thank you for starting her little bank account the day she was born. I loved that you thought of her and was so consistent with your giving. You were always such a tease. You were always making me laugh! Rodney and Roger do the same thing and there are times, I look at them and I see you. It makes me miss you more, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. They are just a little piece of you and I love that! I loved the way you and I become so close just a year before you passed away suddenly in that accident. We will never understand what happened and perhaps, it’s not for us to know. I loved the way you and I would run our errands together. The time we went all over town looking for a baby crib to rent. You were so silly going to that lawn mower rental place and when I told you, “Daddy, they aren’t going to rent cribs here.” — the way you looked at me with that silly smirk. I still think you did that just to mess with me.Daddy, you would be so proud of me. I remember the time you talked to me about my weight and how worried you were about me. I remember you mentioning weight loss surgery. I was hurt by your words of concern. As you know, I felt I could do it on my own. Well, I took your advice, 17 years after you gave it to me - and I’ve lost almost 75lbs. Of all my memories, my most special was the time, I came out of my apartment at 7am to go to work and found you waiting by my truck. Grandma had died and you wanted to tell me in person. I loved that you knew how much Grandma meant to me and hearing that news on the phone would have been so difficult. Thanks for co-signing on my first truck. Thanks for being there when I needed to you drive me home after Grandma’s funeral and thank you for all of your hugs, kisses and love!I miss you Daddy always, your second daughter, me~
  13. Dr. K is the best out there! He doesn't take insurances because he wants to keep his prices affordable for people who do not have WLS coverage! IF it wasn't for Dr. Kirshenbaum, I wouldn't have a Lap Band and I wouldn't be on my way to good health! Every other doctor out there charged $17K or $23K. I paid cash and wouldn't have had the money to pay that! It's not easy to deal with insurance companies. Doctor's do not always get paid properly AFTER they have done the procedure! I'd say IF you have insurance that will cover the Band, use it and good luck! As far as I am concerned and 100's of other Band patients who have been blessed with Dr. Kirshenbaum -- feel he is a God send!
  14. Congrats, Mal, Shelbi, Sidann, Lapdancer! Wow Ladies!! And Ms Marcy, YOU will lose next week! Just try to stay clear of those enemies - Mr. M&M's and Miss Cherry Pepsi! Go Marcy Go Marcy Go Marcy!!! I, myself, might be in a little trouble! My daughter and I are leaving on Thursday AFTER my fill for Vegas! Yup! It's true! AND my ex is flying in on Saturday. He wants to be there when his Babygirl turns 21! It was at 1841 on the Monday after Father's day - almost 21 years ago. He was a young 29 y/o man -- and when the doctor asked him a week later, if having a baby was everything he expected, he told her, in his broken english and strong french accent, "I expected a boy!" Silly Man! Anyway, I'll be on my best behavior! On all counts IF you get my drift! Have a Great Saturday Special Peeps o'mine! dee~
  15. Congrats Sister! 1.7 is great! I don't think that is a lesser amount! It's going in the right direction AND that my Darling Patty is the BEST! Have a great weekend! Love, dee~
  16. Thanks Deb! I'm just a simple squirrel! I love this site too! Everyone is so wonderful here! I love knowing that I am not alone out there in this journey to good health! I hope we can meet also! I always love meeting the Banditos from out of town! What day is your surgery again?
  17. Bandito Goal ----1st week--2nd week--3rd Week Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs-1.0lb:wub:(16.6) Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0:wub:(14.0) Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs+2.0:wub:(16.8) Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs+1.0:wub:(15.0) Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs-2.0lbs:wub:(10.2) LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb-3.0:wub:(18.0) Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs+1.5lbs:wub:(11.5) Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs-1.7lbs:wub:(16.9) Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5lbs:wub:(16.9) Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs+2.0:wub:(15.0) Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs-3.0lbs:wub:(14.0) Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs:thumbup: John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs:thumbup: bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs-2.0:wub:(15.5) Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%)
  18. Fatwidow! I talked to Bookholder at Red Robin and she'd like to pick you up from the hospital on the day of your surgery, since she's going to stay the night with you. I'd like to come over in the morning. If you don't mind. I can take you where ever you need to go and if you need to go to the airport I can take you there. Or I can take you to see Dr. K if you have to see him before you leave town. I'm going to Cheyenne on the 19th. But I'll be free on the 18th.
  19. Fatwidow! Your words to Mini made me cry! I am so sorry to read your situation with your hubby. I know each of us deal with things like that differently. Men deal with things totally different than women do. They are just wired differently. It's unfortunate, I have to admit. My father was so hard headed. He fought for so long before admitting that he had done wrong and his bad behavior when we were kids affected us so negatively. It wasn't until he was in his mid 50's that he finally stopped and apologized. My father wasn't a faithful husband. He had so many affairs while I was growing up. We found him in other women's homes when he was supposed to be at work. All kinds of things! I could write a book. But he was my Dad and I loved him a lot. Just as your husband dealt with his life ending differently than you would have --you will deal with your life as a widow differently than your Mom did. Don't feel bad about dating - when you feel you're ready. Sweety, if anyone was a food addict, I was. I still find myself with the urge to stuff everything and anything in my mouth. On the anniversary of my marriage, I was mourning the loss of my marriage and I just wanted to eat! Eat Eat Eat! Just like LapDancer speaks to her head hunger, I had to do the same. I had to say outloud, "NO! I deserve better than that!" I do think it's possible to be successful with the band. It's not easy, because you're fighting a lifetime of an addiction to food. I've used it to Celebrate, to comfort, to soothe, and to stuff those sad feelings deep inside me. My personality is changing -- I'm having to deal with those feelings. The feelings of losing my babies before they were born, the feelings of hating myself, the feelings of losing my marriage -- on and on... But allowing myself to mourn these things, cry and then go on with my life, is helping a lot. I have some really good friends and I am able to talk to them when I'm feeling down. I'm admitting that I'm human and these loved ones in my life are there because they actually love me and it is okay for me to be weak and vunerable to them. It's okay for me to ask for help and support. I'm accepting the help of others. Something I never did before. Keep going in the direction of getting that Band, Girl! Make those reservations -- you have your date -- keep going... make your plan and follow thru. We're here for you, Honey! Use us! Love and Hugs, dee~ BTW, you better come here for your surgery! I want to meet you!!! Missy!!!
  20. Thanks Sweetness! Now, you're spoiling me!
  21. Yup, he asked me the same question! He said, "one a scale from one to ten, how beautiful are you?" My reply was, "A 12! Of course!" He then said, "say no more, I'll be happy to Band you!" :smile:
  22. Ms Brandy! The Weather Man! Thanks for bring up that lovely memory! I think I'm going to go and PB now!:smile:
  23. Hey! I'm not even gone 24 hours and look at your guys!!! I'll never catch up with my replies! First of all, don't forget to weigh in the AM and post your loss! This is the end of the 3rd week Weigh In! I think I lost, I hope I did! I've been really good! I have returned to the basics of the Band lifestyle and I haven't deviated once since Monday! I had a very bad weekend with lots of eating out and bad choices! Anyway, don't forget Peeps! Mini! A big hug to you! That's great news about your Dad! Wonderful news! Give that man a big Hug!!! You lucky Girl, You! I loved my Father with all my heart, but things weren't good growing up. They improved when he got older and started regretting his behavior -- he apologized to me and I felt like I finally had the Father, I always wanted. He died 2 years later in a car accident. I felt so cheated! BUT I thanked God for those two years! He had become a loving and sweet man! He actually wanted to spend time with me and I loved that! Michelle, Lover Girl! So good to hear from you! You're so happy! AND I am so pleased for you! Happy Father's Day to you my Dear friend! I know you have been your Sons' Mommy and Daddy! Enjoy your new Love -- He sounds dreamy! I went about 2 weeks being a very bad bander! I had no control over my food choices and I was so ashamed of myself! I have tried really hard this week to get back on that Bandwagon! Munchkin, But the real question for you is this -- when you do get a goat in the backyard and an Otter in your bathtub, ARE you going to tell us about it? Because I think you're right, it will be time for that intervention! I saw the news tonight about the flooding in Iowa! Have they initiated the Disaster protocol yet? I can't imagine having to evacuate a hospital. The other day, we had a tornado watch in Parker and the admin came in and told us to initiate the Tornado Watch protocol. Moving all patients to the inner halls! WHAT? 900gramers on Vents and CPAP? Are you kidding me? :smile: Thankfully it ended pretty quickly. Okay! I love the new name IamAHotMamma! But my name is going to be Iam4U2Dsre! Boy, do I need a boyfriend!!! Hugs! Love, dee~ btw, I want to be everyone's friend!
  24. Mini, My Sweet Friend Sandra was like that too... she wouldn't admit that it was time to go. She had three little children and a wonderful husband, loving parents and sister. Some of her friends got angry with her denial, I took solace in her sweet attitude, but I felt that was what she needed to get through each and every day of her tortured life. I still hold her words in my heart, "I'm not leaving my children." One night in February, she closed her eyes and went to sleep. God gave her peace and He's helping those who loved her, help her children find their understanding. I think that speaks volumes about the type of man your Father is, what a special person. You can be so proud of him for his strength and his positive nature. What none of us know is how they truly feel inside their hearts, at night when they are alone and trying to find their sleep... in those moments when it's just them and their Maker. He may see things differently, but feel it's best to hold an optimistic view to the ones he loves most. Tell him how much you love him and how proud you are to be his daughter. That his life is a gift to you and all who knew him. Hold his hand and just listen to the love between a Father and his daughter. Know that you are truly blessed to have such a loving man in your life and he is blessed to have you as his daughter.

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