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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Ta DA!!! That's great! I know what you're saying! In the last 25 years, I've allowed myself to gain ~10lbs a year -- for an ugly total of WAY TOO MUCH! A year with no gains, only losses is a reason to Celebrate! Good Job!!! :party::cheers2::hurray::clap::waytogo::sleep::confused_smile::drool::scared2::tt2:(this is me playing the piano and Mal dancing!)
  2. Shelby, that is pretty good news! I am like you -- almost stupid when it comes to Cardiac Health. You're not stupid, but I am... almost! Well, I can talk about Patent Ductus Arteriosis! Is your hubby open to assistance in getting his life in order when it comes to exercise and eating? Was the doctor able to date the approximate time of the MI? I am just curious, maybe Munchkin can answer that. I know a CT scan can date the approximate date of a ventricular hemorrhage with our preemies. Not exact dates, but approximates. I think it's wonderful that he gets a chance to make things better. I'm glad you have your band because I'm sure you'll be able to help him a lot! bless you, I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. love, dee~
  3. You know Mini! I have a confession for you! I started my first pre-op diet November 15. I lost 17 lbs, if I remember correctly. My surgery was cancelled... just prior to rolling me into the OR. IV in, meds on board, prayers said and boom! I returned home without a band. Scheduled the surgery for 3 more dates, 2 of which were cancelled due to problems with staffing. My heart sank. I ate and ate and ate. I gained in a matter of 2 months -- the 17 lbs back plus more! Much more! I had to start my second pre-op on the 15th of January. Instead I started it a week earlier -- According to Dr K, I lost 13 lbs with that one. But in reality, I lost 33lbs! I had gained 33lbs in a very very short time. Why? Because I lost myself - I was sad and scared that I would never get my Band. So that makes a tremendous amount of sense, doesn't it? Me, with a BMI over 60 - fearing not getting the band, ate like there was no tomorrow! It was stupid, BUT it was human, it was the behavior of a food addict. I knew what Dr. K's first consult weight was so I knew I had to get that extra weight off AND I had to lose more -- or he'd think I had not followed my pre-op diet. I've never told anyone that! It was between me and me. If you have to move your ticker, it's okay. <---- You move it -- you follow your pre-op, you lose and you have to move it again ----->. Then you get your Band and Honey, you'll be moving that baby again! AND this time in the right direction! The band brought me back to reality! It hit me over the head. AND yet I still mess up, but I know what I need to do and what I can do to get back on that Bandwagon. The band is there for us. We need it. It needs us. AND we need one another. thank you for being here... you make this little forum a much better place to be! Love, dee~ the pre-op diet is totally doable! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Your journey starts tomorrow! I AM So excited! (I'm sending you lots of oxytocin!)
  4. Sidann, Brandy is right. There is not one Bandster out there who is perfect!! I am certainly not perfect. I lost less than one pound last month! After being on target for 3 months - I allowed my addiction to take over. We can't beat ourselves up when we are human. We have to support ourselves. For too many years, we have strived for perfection. And when we've fallen short of the mark, we've allowed our addiction to soothe us. It's time we accept our imperfections. Accept our human-ness and accept that this is a lifestyle change. got it Missy? be good to yourself! It's not easy, I know. But you deserve to be loved by You. dee~
  5. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Dr. Eldo Frezza

    No Fills Maybe it's not the same doctor! I hope it's not, because that would really suck!
  6. thank you so much LapDancer! I needed that today! My addiction was so bad this last month. I'm ashamed of myself! I'm going to go and weigh myself. I know TOM is coming, so I kind of want to see what's happening with the scale!
  7. Congrats on your 2 lbs loss! And thanks -- I was much younger and thinner than! Just a younger Squirrel!
  8. Good Luck with your Documentary! I think it's great!
  9. thanks I've never been a MILF before!!! a girl can always dream...
  10. Greenie! Nice to see you're posting again! I missed you! My bestfriend is going to have the surgery soon and she was told NO bread, NO steaks EVER again! I have absolutely no problem with bread of any kind. I admit I haven't tried soft white bread because I'm scared, but whole grain breads, even soft ones go fine! I've always been the whole grain girl, anyway! I'm not sure why doctors say these things. Each person is so individual. Left over chicken breasts give me problems. Yesterday grapes gave me difficulty. BUT bread and I are good friends! AND there is nothing better than a great filet mignon! Just like butter.... Isn't it sad when we think of our younger and thinner days and we remember feeling so fat when we were not. Your BMI was totally normal at that weight! You were perfect! I remember striving to weigh 120. I'd fast for 2 days in a row twice a week -- drinking only water! And I'd jog miles every night and swim every day! I wish I had just been happy with my 190!
  11. Believe it or not, but I weighed 190lbs in this picture. I"m 5-10, so I could take a little more weight. I remember the weight exactly because I was dating this guy who weighed the same and he and I were doing this contest to see who could lose 20lbs fastest. This was taken Christmas morning! My hair is a mess! Of course, I won the contest! I went on this insane Fresh Carrot juice and steamed veggie diet. I lost 30lbs in 15days. I had to drink 64oz of fresh juiced carrot juice with celery and apple, twice a day. I also turned orange! Does any one else want to share a picture of themselves when they were younger. 190 is my current goal! It will give me a BMI of 27. The sad thing about this picture is -- that even at that time, I thought I was huge! I felt so fat! AND I remember constantly dieting!
  12. Hey Munchkin! So tell me why seeing Dave Matthews was even better 40 lbs lighter? What naughty things were you doing at that concert anyway!? So do you think I shouldn't indulge in any adult beverages in Vegas? Well about college. I graduated from HS when I was 15 almost 16. I have a summer birthday. I was a nerd and skipped two grades. I had no life. But I loved making out with anyone who would! I was really into kissing! I loved it! I knew this guy in school liked me and I liked him, but I didn't see him much at school -- anyway, the summer after school was out, I was at the mall with my grandparents and I ventured away to JC Pennys or Sears AND I saw this dude. He was so cute. Brown curly hair, dark brown eyes and really hot lips! Before I knew it, I was sitting on a bench in the middle of the mall, kissing! AND kissing and kissing! I heard someone clearing their throat and I stopped, it was my grandpa! OOPS! That was the second time he caught me kissing some guy! Anyway, during the summer, I was doing some home care for this friend of my mom's who had cancer. I slept at her home every night and prepared her meals etc... Well, it was a very hot NM morning, when I looked out the window to see this tall, hot looking, young man -- wearing absolutely NO shirt and tight demin shorts! TADA! The naughty girl in me, couldn't resist! "Who is that cute guy in your backyard?" She said, "his name is Scott" I asked all about him and she knew nothing. she thought he was a student at the University. Well, I thought he looked thirsty! I offered him a cold lemonade and the rest was history! My Goodness, that boy could kiss! Needless to say, that was a great summer! And I think he liked me too! He wrote me snail mail once a week for almost a year when I returned to school. I wonder what he's like now! AND I wonder if those lips are still just as soft! Oh! I better go to bed now! It's late and I'm out of control! Can you say, "Addiction transference?" c-ya, dee~
  13. did you have your surgery by Dr. Frezza?

  14. Mine usually says something like, "Hey Baby, Come ride me!" As I mentioned previously, IT is too bad, that it's my stupid recumbent cycle that is calling my name!
  15. Wow! that is quite the compliment! Is he cute? Or will he be cute when he gets older? I was bad in college. I dated a 15 year old, when I was 17. He was a Sophomore in HS and I was a Sophomore in College. When his Mom found out, she claimed, I lied about my age and she forbid him to see me! It was all so taboo! Why did I tell you that story?
  16. Can someone please tell me what GILF and MILF means?
  17. A shot works for me! I haven't drank any alcohol since surgery! Has anyone had problems with it?
  18. No My Dear Lifesaver! I think it's because I'm stupid! I am packing my MIX1 Protein drinks however, since I do those after a fill. I'm a scarety cat!
  19. Oh My Goodness Mini! I'm sorry to hear that! This is true, it can go bad if the person you're writing to decides to not take the letter in the way it was meant! That's unfortunate, but her loss Mini! If you were my daughter, I'd be thrilled. You're such a good person!
  20. PrtyAntOvrYt

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    I totally understand. I am so glad, however, I had Dr. Kirshenbaum. He's experience with Lap Surgeries made a big difference I'm sure when it came to putting mine on. Poor guy! I gave him a challenge!
  21. Thanks Lifesaver! I hate dating! It always stressed me too! I recently joined eHarmony again! I have been communicating with 2 really nice guys! Do you do the online dating scene? I have had some really ugly situations -- so I wonder why I continue, BUT I do. I think I'm a Hopeful Romantic! I'm sorry about your Dad. I think the suggestion that someone wrote earlier about writing a letter is a good one. And would be a good suggestion for you. I think when we verbalize our thoughts, the other person is listening with their own agenda and not really hearing our words, plus it isn't always easy to say what we need to say. I love my Mom but she and I have had some rough times. In college, I wrote her a letter about some things that bothered me and it made a big difference. I'm thinking it's time to write another one. My Mom is a good person and she means well, she just sometimes says things that are so hurtful. I honestly do not think she does it on purpose. Have you thought of writing you Dad a letter? I'd love to join you all at Olive Garden, BUT I'll be getting a fill and then driving to Vegas! Have fun! dee~
  22. Can you drink one for me? Pretty Please?
  23. Yes you should and when you get a chance, ask John about his Beer confusion and Dr. K's response. It wasn't pretty! My answer is just don't do it during your pre-op diet! Do it now! with some really good dry roasted peanuts! OH! I wish I could have a Smirnoff Ice (sp?) NOW I'm thirsty Brandy!
  24. Isn't it great! I had a rather lengthy discussion with someone on OH about a lady who's weight was 4.4lbs under the required weight to get approval for the Band. The approval BMI was 40, regardless of any co-morbidities or anything else. Everyone was telling this woman to eat a big meal, drink a bunch of water or wear weights in her bra before going for the final weigh in. She had been sick and that's why she lost the 4.4 lbs. Anyway, this other person thought that was the most unethical thing she ever heard of. This other person and I discussesd this and I informed her that insurances don't always look at all angles. They make rules and there is no grey areas. I added that I paid for my surgery AND now off all of my meds -- 4 months later -- and now the insurance will be saving $4800.00 a year in med costs and lab fees etc... I did that favor for my insurance, the same insurance that refused to pay for my Band surgery! My savings every year will be about $2000. Not to mention all of the other benefits to me!!!! The Lap Band is well worth the money!
  25. PrtyAntOvrYt

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Nice to meet you! I think it's vital to have an experienced surgeon OVER having the surgery at a Center of Excellence. It's even more vital since your BMI is higher. My surgery was pretty difficult due to my high BMI. My liver was in good shape because I followed my pre-op diet to the letter! Good Luck Dear! AND welcome!

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