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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Hi Everyone! thank you for missing me! I've been working a lot trying to get my time in due to my vacation and I've been dealing with some depression. The time in Vegas with the ex did a real number on my emotions. AND I'm so frustrated with my dependent edema! My ankles were huge when I returned from Vegas and I had gained. I then worked the last 3 days and they are even bigger and I've gained even more weight! Anyway, I have 6 more shifts until I'm off for 4 in a row. I wonder how much I'll have to lose before I get some relief from the edema. I know it has improved about 50%, but after working and being up all day on my feet, the edema is massive. Last evening while I was giving report, I had 3+ pitting edema! Bad! Mini, thanks for your sweetness! I appreciate it! AND I can't believe your surgery date is almost here! I'll pop down to see you on Wednesday! Should I bring my camera for a pre-op goofy picture? Brandy, I'm glad to hear that you're doing better! I hope the med and slight unfil does the trick! thanks for the protein list! I am so addicted to www.fitday.com. It helps me make sure I'm getting my protein in. Dork, let us know how your US comes out. I hope it's your Gallbladder and you can get in there and get that baby out! Mal! I bought a Wii last night from another Lap Bander who bought three of them to share with others who couldn't find them. She is so cute! She called me and it is on it's way! I know I exceed the weight limit, but by the end of fall, I should be able to use it! I love your Buster! He's so cute! Munchkin, I'm here! Lap, I need to get in and get my arms and knees done. The lower stomach causes my lower back to hurt a lot when I work. It's funny, the pain in other areas have improved since losing, but it's now other discomforts. My arms are the worst, I've ever seen anywhere. I consulted with a surgeon and he said if the insurance didn't cover my arms now, he'd just charge me $4K. I hope your insurance comes through for you! they should! YOU paid for your Band! They can now pay for your PS. Fatwidow, did you find a hotel? Let me check on my way home tomorrow night. I don't think there is anything on Parker except those near the hospital. Holiday Inn Select and Hampton Inn. Are you renting a car? What is the date of your surgery again? Hi Shelbi! I just wanted to say HI AND I love your new Avatar! Bye for now, dee~
  2. Post Date: 6/27/08 10:38 am This was posted on another LapBand site. I think it's important for us to be aware of how the overweight of our society are being treated! One of the ladies on the lap band board suggested I put this out there for everyone. Here is my experience....after you read it, if you feel compelled, please write or call and make a complaint. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone and I think that is appalling!! Southwest Airlines is tauting it's greatness on their website because they aren't charging passengers for bags or snacks or other amenities like other airlines are doing---however, the don't mention what they ARE doing is much worse! I was sitting in the airport with my husband and kids waiting for our flight to NY. We were all playing games on our cell phones, my daughter was coloring, when a woman from Southwest walks up and asks if I'm flying out that day? I said yes. She said, "can you come with me for just a moment?" I went, thinking stupidly maybe this was a survey or something. NOT! When we got to the counter she said, "I'm going to have to ask you to purchase another ticket today." Just like that. I said "what??!" She handed me a piece of paper--mind you, this is all being done "quietly," she's almost whispering--which said basically that "Customers of Size" maybe be asked to purchase another ticket for the "safety and comfort of themselves and those around them." When I explained I bought an ENTIRE row of tickets (3) and another one so I would not be "encroaching" on anyone's space but my 38 pound 5-year-old, she said, "it doesn't matter, if you can't fit comfortably in the seat without encroaching on others you have to pay for an additional fare." I told her we just flew in December and I fit fine, snuggly, but fine. I said, "I've even lost 30 pounds since then!" When I continued to argue that I would NOT pay a fee, she said we could pre-board and she could "see if I fit." As we are standing waiting to "pre-board" while others are disembarking the plane, she says to me, "it's a pretty full flight, if it winds up that it is completely full we will refund your ticket fare." Now let me get this straight, your policy is to make fat people pay for another ticket so as not to cause "discomfort" for them, but if there aren't enough seats and you can sell one more stinking ticket then you don't care about their comfort?? TELL ME HOW THIS IS NOT ABOUT MONEY!!!!! We went to pre-board, mind you there are still people on the plane who were traveling to our first stop--17 to be exact. Several of those, and the crew WATCHED her HUMILIATE me and measure to see if I fit. When I did, again, snuggly, she said "well you are still a little over the armrest there." Again I said, "and it makes no difference to ANYONE else because my daughter and husband will be sitting here next to me!!!!!! She said (very condesendingly) "I'm going to go ahead and make an exception this time but just know in the future that this is our policy. I want to congratulate you on your weight loss." I stopped her mid sentence actually, saying, "you know what? You aren't making an exception, you've done enough to humiliate me and ruin my trip so if we're done here I don't want to hear your "congratulations" just leave me alone." Then, get this, she said, "well, I can take your credit card if you like." SHE'S THREATENING ME BECAUSE I DIDN'T TAKE HER CONDESENDING CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I said, "is that a threat? Because if it is, I won't stop at just this ticket, I'll have your job before it's over with. Everyone of these people, who you've just humiliated me in front of heard you say we were done and there would be no fee. Now because I don't bow down and take your crappy, insincere congratulations you're threatening me? (turning to another gentleman standing there) Sir, can you write you name down for me so I can report this to her supervisor?" She said, "that won't be necessary, I said it was fine." And left. Meanwhile, everyone is finally able to board--including my family who she stopped at the gate--and I start to BAWL like a BABY!!!! If you knew me, you'd know I'm not generally a cryer. I'm pretty tough, especially when dealing with people about my weight, but I totally LOST it. I cried most of the trip and we've been here two days and I'm actually having nightmares about having to go back to the airport and dealing with this **** again!!! Anyone who thinks airlines are not trying to stick it to "customers of size" are full of it! They can say all they want how they aren't charging extra for things--no, just people. Is this the last acceptable form of discrimination??? Here is the customer relations line to call and complain about their policy for "Customers of Size" (214) 792-4223 or their address is: Gary C. Kelly, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Southwest Airlines, P.O. Box 36647 1CR, Dallas, TX 75235-1647 We CAN make a difference and even though we are losing, we shouldn't let that deter us from doing something for others who might face this in the future! Thanks!
  3. Don't forget to get your head to toe measurements. I measured everything... AND I do mean everything!
  4. Good Mini! We're leaving it in your hands! I know you're more than able! Don't forget PEEPS send your contact info (if you want) to our Pal Mini! Thanks Mini for being my cheerleader tonight! I appreciate your support and your love! always, dee~
  5. Well you little Blade Roller! Good Night! I'm going to sleep too! I'm working tomorrow and the next day, so I better get back in the worker bee mode! I hope I wake up tomorrow and see a good reply from Our Brandy Girl! Hugs, dee~
  6. I know Munchkin has mine and I have hers. But I don't have anyone elses'. I'll PM mine to you --
  7. Bummer Dude! We have got to remedy this situation! Let's all exchange our phone numbers! Is Dr. K back in town? I'll send Natalie an email. I know she can't discuss Brandy with me because of HIPPA but she can maybe email Brandy and let her know we are worried about her... AND Miss Adorkable! When are you having your US? Don't keep us waiting and worried! Too many Moms here!
  8. Does anyone have Brandy's phone number? Even her last name? We could call 411 and see if we could call her before it gets too late. Just PM me. Or call her.
  9. The fruit drinks are my fave! I wonder what the shipping would cost.
  10. St. Vincent's East Surgical Weight Loss check these banders out, esp. Tami Tilkin!
  11. Yes Brandy!! Come and let us know you're okay!!! All your Moms here are waiting to hear from you!
  12. In charge of my own neurons! That is GREAT! I also love Low Carb Slim Fast. I get it at Sam's club and it's one of the only ones I like. I'll bring a Protein bullet to the hospital when I see you before your surgery. You can try it. Some like it, some don't. Do you have a GNC nearby? I drank the Clear Isopure Protein drinks post-op during my clear liquid phase. I poured them over crushed ice and added a splash of cranberry juice cocktail (with splenda) Woofay is the one who introduced me to these! I get my chewable Vits from The Vitamin Cottage. One day I was there and I sampled 4 different chewables. Then it hit me, that they were vitamins! Yikes! The one I take tastes pretty good. Like a Vitamin C. I also get my chewable Calcium from GNC, they aren't gritty... my doctor said I should eat them one at a time through out the day. So if I feel like a treat, I eat one. The other protein drinks, I like are the Atkins Low Carb vanilla and the Mix1 Fruit Drinks. I hope I can continue to lose weight, so that next year - I'll be closer to goal! So far, so good, but I know it can slow down after the initial 6 months. Do you have rewards for yourself when you've reached tiny goals?
  13. Yes and I know that is a big part of the Mental/Emotional work, I have to do now! I need to get through the emotional part of being obese and allowing myself to get to the place that I ever needed a Band. It's a tough journey, isn't it? Your surgery is just around the corner! Are you ready? Have you been looking at Protein drinks, broths, chewable Vitamins and other things for after your surgery?
  14. No, your sentiment came through loud and clear! You're totally right! I'm not sure why I have settled for so many years! I'm not sure why I still care about him and his well being. Why don't I value myself more? I know I deserve better. Sometimes, I think I am as big as I am today because of living in a love less marriage for so long and feeling so unloved.
  15. No Mini! I could never be mad at your for being honest with me. I agree. I don't owe him anything. He had a marriage, a damned good marriage. I never cheated on him -- and not just because I was fat and no one would have had me, when I was first married to him, I met a man at the bank where I worked. He used to come and flirt with me a lot, it was during the time, when my ex had his first affair with someone whom I was very close to! I felt betrayed by the woman and by him. BUT I never strayed. I kept myself faithful to him! So I agree with you, he had it all -- and he threw it away!!! I don't usually eat when I'm depressed, stressed yes, depressed no. It makes my tummy feel like it's in knots.
  16. Lap, I think you and me have scale problems. I had gained a lot when I weighed this morning. I was really good with my choices in Vegas and I walked and walked and walked. I was exhausted! BUT my ankles and feet are huge. The edema was the worst last night and only slighly improved this morning. We have 6 weeks left, Dear! We will get our scales moving again next week!
  17. Thanks Mini, My ex and I talk several times a day. Actually, he is the one who calls me. We get along very well - as friends. We have always gotten along very well. While my other married friends fought over money and how to raise the kids, my ex and I never fought about those things. We actually never fought about anything other than his affairs. I've been crying all day and I return to work tomorrow. I need to get a hold of myself! Thanks for the hugs, kisses and tissues! I needed them!
  18. Hi Everyone! Brandy, please post as soon as you come back from Dr. K's office. I hope everything will be okay. Adorkable, I am so sorry you're having trouble again! I hope they can figure out what is going on! It's horrible! Mini, Congrats on your weight loss with your pre-op. Do you find it difficult to follow? I didn't. I think we're so lucky that we didn't have to do a liquid pre-op diet. Some docs order their patients do the most restrictive liquid pre-op diets. I feel so sorry for them. Some can't even work during that time because they are so weak and dizzy. That's so funny we were in Cedar City at the same time! We stayed at the Comfort Inn & Suites right off I-15(I think it was 15) Mal, Shelbi, Amieru, Marcy! You're losing weight! That's great! I didn't get to weigh on Saturday, so I put that I didn't lose any. Munchkin, do you have a goal for the next 6 weeks? Well, I'm back from Vegas. We had a wonderful time. I returned however, with a lot of mixed feelings. I invited my ex to come with us -- mostly because I felt my daughter would appreciate having her father there to celebrate her milestone birthday, secondly because our past vacations as a family, weren't always that enjoyable. I wanted my daughter to have one good memory of a family vacation. I can now say, this was a good vacation for her. For that I am very happy. I, however, have had a very difficult time since returning. I need to stop torturing myself. Allowing my ex to continue communcating with me regularly is something I need to stop. I will always love him but it's time for me to move on and let go of my marriage and the hope I have of having him in my life. He's a good man, he's the father of my daughter and the man I was married to for over 22 years, but he doesn't love me - I honestly doubt he ever did. I think he was close to me for many reasons, but loving me in a romantic, affectionate way, I don't think he ever did. Don't forget to give me your weigh in totals. We have 6 weeks left!
  19. Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs-1.0lb+0.0 Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0:wub:(14.0) Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs+2.0:wub:(16.8) Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs+1.0:wub:(15.0) Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs-2.0lbs-1.4lbs:laugh: LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb-3.0-1.0:laugh: Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs+1.5lbs-0.5:laugh: Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs-1.7lbs+0.0:laugh: Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5lbs-3.0lbs:laugh: Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs+2.0-5.0:laugh: Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs-3.0lbs:wub:(14.0) Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs-2.0+1.0:laugh: John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs+0.0-3.0:laugh: bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs-2.0:wub:(15.5) Munchkin=---------------------------0.0:laugh: Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Week Three Losses 18.2lbs
  20. I'm praying for you right now Brandy. Everything will be okay. How are you feeling tonight? Big Hugs, dee!
  21. Hey Kidlings! I just logged on here a the hotel while I wait my daughter to finish showering. I slept like a log! I don't think I moved once! Mal! I felt the same way you did about the Sleeve. I always felt if I ever had to choose a different WLS, I'd choose the Sleeve too. But after what that woman told me yesterday, I'd have to say NO. She said that she had to do liquids for 4 weeks while her sutures healed and if she eats any larger than a pencil head bite or doesn't chew to liquid forms she vomits. She feels Bulemic. And the doctor told her that is perfectly normal. I felt really sorry for her. The funny thing is the Gastric Girls were thrilled and doing really well, but they all had episodes of vomiting and dumping. I'm so happy with choosing the Band. It gives you time to get used to eating properly -- And it's forgiving. I love my Band. MAL! We could have torn Vegas up!!! Lap! I know what you mean. I'm still having problems with my heel pain. It's a little better, but I think I might be like Munchkin. I hope you haven't injured yourself from exercising. I pray you will find relief from your doctor. Maybe some type of injection or other alternative method. I feel for you! One thing that has improved from riding my bike is my "Charlie horses" I used to get them every evening after working -- I haven't had one since losing weight. They used to be sustained spasms in my left calf. Since rupturing my achilles tendon and having that disability there -- the muscle isn't the same. Munchkin! Good luck with your recommitment! I think my fill has kicked in too! Okay, so Monday - Wednesday, I was feeling more restricted and wondering if I should get a fill or not because it had been three weeks. So I measured 1 cup at each meal and noted my time in writing, so I could see how long I was satiated. Then I ate some grapes between a meal on tuesday and they just sat there for about 3 hours. On my way for my fill, I had my other 1/2 of my Mix1 drink with some ice, it was pretty thin, I took a big gulp and I felt it just sit in my throat, going down slowly! That was it! Maybe it was T.O.M. or something else. Then get this, on our way out of town, we ate at Qdobe's -- we shared a naked burrito, no rice, only chicken and veggies. I ate maybe 1/3rd and I was stuffed - I thought maybe it was driving at 10,000 feet - through the mountains and the high elevations. So I guess, it's true. Some people's fill doesn't kick in for awhile! Mine kicked in! What a lovely time, I'll have in Vegas, my period, my fill! BUT at least I found some Spanx that fit AND a sexy pair of strappy sandals for free! YEAH! Mal! I need you in Vegas with me! Munchkin dear, just weigh in the AM and post your goal and what you've lost. Okay Peeps, we're on the road again!!! "Can't wait to get on the road again." Talk to you tomorrow from HOT HOT HOT Vegas! It's going to be 107 in St. George Utah today AND that's not even Vegas! Thank Goodness for A/C! Love ya, dee~
  22. Mini! Are you really in Southern Utah? So am I! I'm in Cedar City. We are staying the night. We left Denver around 1230, after I had my appt with Tom and ran by Catherine's to get a new package of Spanx! We are about 125 miles from Vegas. The drive took a lot longer than it did last time, since we sat in traffic just before the Eisenhower Tunnel for over an hour! Then we stopped for Starbucks in Fruita and I ended up going to the Kohls and Lane Bryant there. Catherines didnt have the Spanx I wanted and I didn't have time, so when I saw the Lane Bryants, I stopped! The girl was so sweet, she gave me a free pair of sandals when I bought pair of Spanx, plus 2 dollars off the Spanx. Anyway, Ladies, I have to tell you, I didn't get a fill. Tom was wonderful! He is always so encouraging. I ended up crying! I lost 7lbs in the last 20 days. Anyway, like I said above, I left there and went to Catherine's -- I was looking at their sale rack and this lady was buying all kinds of stuff. She mentioned I should get more items since everything was like $9.00 an item. Cute Cute blouses! I even bought the most adorable dress for $19.00. I told her, I can't buy too much since I'm kind of losing weight. She said, "me too! I just got a Vertical Sleeve in January." I said, "I just got a Lap Band in January." Then she said, "My Mom -who was standing next to her got a Lap Band in December." This lady across the store heard us and she said, "I got Gastric last month." Then this other lady was around by the purses and she said, "I have Gastric too." OH My Goodness! 7 people in the store, 5 of us had WLS! We all started comparing our experiences. The girl with the sleeve had the worst experience! She said that she vomits about 4 times a day. She can't eat anything but cheese and protein drinks. She said they told her that she will vomit for the first 6 months and that is normal! She can't eat eggs or yogurt or any kind of meat. Her Mom said she isn't doing so well with the Band. The others with RNY were losing fast, but both were vomiting too. I was the only one who has not vomited since surgery. They were shocked! It was pretty fun! Isn't that incredible! Well, I guess, I better get some sleep! Wait, I have to tell you -- you know how I weigh everyday, sometimes, three times a day? I weighed this morning at home, then at Dr. K's office and when we stopped at the truck stop in Fruita, they had one of those scales in the bathroom -- I paid the quarter and weighed again! What a nerd! Hugs Everyone! Thanks for wishing me luck! Remember if you need to use my Naughty Chair, feel free while I'm gone! LOL! Bahotmamma, What exactly won't you do? I am just checking so I won't do it! :crying: Jillypoo! Welcome! Dr. K is a little more aggressive than Tom, but both are very mindful of the fact that being too restricted or too tight is when you can have problems with eroding and vomiting which can lead to other issues. I think personally, they are perfect. Some docs have a protocol they follow and it's something like 0.5/1.0/1.0/1.5 And they won't give fills for 8 weeks at a time. My friend has a doctor like that and she has no restriction -- it's been torture for her! Others tell her that is pretty normal procedure! We're so lucky Dr. K and Tom do the "drinking" method for fills! Brandy, If I win some -- I'll win some for you too!!!:confused_smile: Munchkin and Greenie -- I do believe that I need to start saving my pennies for my Boob Job! Definitely a lift and perhaps a little augmentation is in order! Lap, I love Suzi O. I think she has such good advice for people! Don't forget to weigh on Saturday and stop by to post your loss! I won't know mine, unless I come across another Truckstop with a scale!! HA!!!:eek: Love ya, dee~
  23. First let me say, Bahotmamma! You're looking great! I love the picture with your daughter. I must say that you were always attractive, but now with your skinnier bod, you're very attractive! Brandy, I wish I had been your babies' nurse also. It's funny, but there are certain babies that I just fall madly in love with. And I miss them when they go home. One day I was at Dr. K's office and as I was leaving, I heard someone call my name. It was a Mom of a baby we had in our unit for over a month. She came running down that dark hall by the entrance. She said, "Remember me? -- we pray for you everynight!" I think there is no better compliment. Jlck98, Welcome to the Loser's Bench! Bandster Hell will be over soon! It's so common and you're fortunate to know about it while it is happening. So few docs tell their patients about it. I feel sorry for new bandsters who haven't been informed. It is a frustrating time if you're not expecting it. You have a great attitude. You're going to do very well with your Band. I go today for my fill. I am not sure when my next one will be, but if I'm in the area, I'd love to meet you too. Mal! I do remember your dancing Banana! Don't I look cute playing the piano with you dancing on top? I'm still so rotund, however! Is little Buster back to his old self? Munchkin! I'm so confused! I want a tiny fill, BUT my friend visited this morning unexpectantly (that T.O.M) -- Wouldn't you guess it would arrive just before I leave for Vegas? I'm feeling a little restriction - actually enough of it that I can stay satiated for 4 hours. I tested it Monday thru Wednesday this week. Measured one cup of protein, ate it and wrote down the time to see how long it took to get hungry. I might forego the fill. Well Ladies, I had an interesting NSV yesterday. I had my mammogram done -- it's not the most fun event a woman can endure, BUT I think since losing 75lbs, my girls can be manipulated so much easier, in other words flattened to the size of a turker platter! Oh MY Goodness! Prior to this weight loss, I had fairly nice looking girlies... fuller at least and didn't point south constantly! I think the mammogram works better for the girls who are deflated. I guess you could call that an NSV!:thumbup: Well, I better start my day! Hugs to you all! Wish me luck with my fill, if I decide to get one -- AND wish me luck in Vegas! I'm not taking my Naughty Chair with me -- so I have to be on my best behavior! If any of you all need my Naughty Chair you're welcome to use it!:rolleyes2: Love ya Chickies! dee~!
  24. Hey Silly Munchkin Girl~ I wanted to tell you that after working in the NICU/L&D/Nursery areas of the hospital and still having to attend many deliveries each month, I STILL CRY WHEN A BABY IS BORN! Talk about pathetic! Oh my goodness! I get so embarrassed with myself! But I can't help it when the Mom sees her baby for the first time or hears that first cry! I just start tearing up! Thanks for the compliment! After finding that picture and knowing that my weight was my current goal weight, I am so angry at myself! I cannot believe that I allowed myself to get so dang fat! I hate what I've done to my poor body! My boobs will never be the same! I will need major plastics to be ready to even be naked in front of myself! Wow Girl, it sounds like you really have restriction right now! That's pretty tight! Are you getting in enough calories every day? Last Monday - before our time at RR, I decided I was going to recommit to the bander rules. I've done really well. I lost another 2lbs this morning. I'm getting in about 1000 calories a day. Trying really hard to make good choices and only eat when I'm hungry. Take care My Sweet Friend, Love, dee~

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