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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. If you like Meat and Veggies, you should be okay. Just enjoy being able to eat whatever Meat you want without fearing they will stick. Mini had a great salad when we met for her last supper! I think most places have lots to choose from when you're on the pre-op.
  2. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Thanks Lifesaver!!! Yup RR is on the 16th! I hope you can make it!!
  3. :tt1:Week 6 of BBQ Weight Loss Challenge~ Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week-5th week-6th week Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs-1.0lb+0.0+4.2lbs-6.6lbs:tt1: Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0+0.0+0.0+2.0lbs:tt1: Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs+2.0-1.0-1.0 Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs+1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:tt1: (just to even it out Anita! and bring you up to date) Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs-2.0lbs-1.4lbs+1.0lbs+0.0:tt1: LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb-3.0-1.0-2.0+1.0:tt1: Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs+1.5lbs-0.5-1.0+3.0lbs:tt1: Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs-1.7lbs+0.0-3.0-3.0:tt1: Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5lbs-3.0lbs-1.0lbs-2.0:tt1: Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs+2.0-5.0-1.0+0.0:tt1: Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs-3.0lbs-3.0lbs+2.0 Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs-2.0+1.0-4.0-1.5:tt1: John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs+0.0-3.0-2.0-1.0:tt1: bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs-2.0-4.0-2.0:tt1: Munchkin=---------------------------0.0+0.0-3.0:tt1: Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Week Three Losses 18.2lbs Week Four Losses 18.9lbs :wink2: Week Five Lossses 21.0lbs Week Six Losses 20.1 :wink: __________________
  4. Jilly! Hi! I'm sorry you're getting nervous, BUT it's totally normal! Let me tell you what I ate on the pre-op and maybe you can get some ideas. I had to be on it twice, once before Thanksgiving and then again after the New Year. I learned that I had to plan my meals a head of time and have them partially prepared so that I wouldn't be tempted to grab something bad for me. I've carried that habit on to my banding life too and it works! Breakfast: Eggs, any type of meat is fine Lunch: Chicken, Fish, Turkey -- veggies are great! Dinner: Burgers sans the bun, more veggies. Breakfast for me was almost always eggs. I love eggs and they were easy. I also had some turkey sausage. Of course, no toast. Lunch, I'd have a taco salad, no tortilla bowl. A huge salad with everything you can think of, except the croutons. I also had Chicken and turkey a lot during this time. Grilled fish. I would go to Toyko Joes and get the chicken and veggies with the sugar free sauce. Dinner, for me a lot of time was a stew in the crockpot without the potatoes. I made steaks, brisket, roasted chicken from Cost Co was perfect -- I made a chicken salad and ate it wrapped in lettuce. I loved it. I made a red chili in the crockpot with meat only and tiny chopped up veggies. We ate a lot at Cheeburger Cheeburger - I'd get mine on top of a salad. We also ate at Boston Market. You can have all the veggies you want, no potatoes. All the salad and all the meat. We went to the Tomato Cafe and had salad. Eat things you love, just make sure they have no carbs in them. Remember some BBQ sauces and Ketchups have a lot of carbs. Maybe someone else can give you some more breakfast ideas. I'm pretty simple when it comes to eating.
  5. Your Baby is adorable! I think she looks just like you! Cute as a button! I love the roof! It's so you!!! I saw your ticker move! Yeah!!!
  6. Hi Deb! Yup, the Steel Cuts Oats is for cholesterol and fiber! We need to make sure we're getting good fiber. I fear at times when I decrease my carbs, I'm not getting in the healthy stuff, I need. Dr. Oz calls Steel Cut Oats, "little scrub brushes" that go through your body getting rid of all the bad stuff! He says they are the best for you to help prevent colon cancer too. The scale I have is the Tanta scale. I got it online and it's excellent and extremely accurate! I can weigh, walk away and come back and weigh exactly the same down to the tenth of a pound! I think it was $40.00 or something.
  7. Mini! I have to tell you when I went downstairs at Parker the day of your surgery to see you, I had no idea what your last name was. I told the receptionist, "I'm here to see my friend who is having surgery!" I knew your first name, but not your last. I told her, your first and she looked at me waiting for your last. I said, "I am sorry I don't know her last name, but she spells her first name like this...." I know she thought, "AND she's your friend?" It's great, I love this board and all of the support. I am constantly now thinking about Lap being in Texas while she waits for her new Grandbaby! I pray things will work out very well! It's like she's my sister or something! All of you guys are so special to me! I miss you when I can't log on! And Mini about your tummy being distented. I had that too! I felt like I was 9 months pregnant! I couldn't wear some of my pants for about 3 weeks! It does get better!
  8. Great Shelbi! I think I might have some tuna tomorrow! That sounds good! Well, I came home and my daughter had cooked this great meal. I was hungry even though I had no intention of eating, I had 1/4 cup of whole grain angel hair Pasta and 2oz of chicken breast and a few grape tomatoes. She's so thoughtful. My fats stayed down, I didn't eat Red meat and I ate my oats. I actually love my oats! I'm proud of us Shelbi! You're a good egg! Don't you love that Greek Yogurt? Yum!
  9. Wow! I've lost 10 human heads and one Chihuahua! 10 Human Heads and one Chihuahua! What a visual that is!!! HA! the steel cuts are great! They do need to cook longer and they are more nutty than other oats. I hope you like that. cook them overnight in the crockpot -- I add dried fruit when I cook them, but I think the recipe Shelbi gave us said to add it after. I do add nuts, pecans or walnuts after they are done and I use honey instead of brown sugar! Yum!!!
  10. Thanks Mini! I looked at my little pie chart and realized it was almost perfect! Since that is the only pie I'll be admiring, I thought, I'd brag a little! I just hope the scale keeps moving in the right direction!
  11. Welcome Back Shesha! You are also the mother of this thread! AND for that I want to personally thank you! I have found so much support, love and enjoyment from all those who gather here. Thank you for taking the time to start this thread -- giving us, Dr. K banditos a place to meet. You're the Best thread starter on the internet! Just look at our stats! Hugs to you! AND congrats on that new Baby Owen and being only 10lbs from your pre-preggers weight! dee~
  12. Wow GBear! You're almost there! Fatwidow is being banded on the 17th. So three of you will be banded in two days.
  13. Well, the second day of striving to decrease my fat intake is almost over. I just ate my last meal for the day. If I'm hungry when I get home, I'll eat some cherries. Anyway, my percentages came out fairly good. Fat 33% Carbs 27% Protein 40% I'd still like to get the fats down to 30%, but I think that was a good try! I had my steel cut oatmeal this morning, chicken breast for lunch with veggies and just had several pieces of turkey with green chilies. (i know, strange!) - and I rode my cycle this morning for 35mins. Shelbi, how did you do with your first day of Oats/No Red/Moving your body?
  14. I do crave a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
  15. I know can you believe it Mini, I lost 12 lbs in 4 days! it was all water weight I'm sure or atleast 7lbs of it. I chart on my calendar and from my lowest - I am 7lbs down. I'm glad you're doing better! Remember when I ate that entire popsicle and I felt like I had eaten an entire Thanksgiving Dinner? Then another time, I drank half of a slim fast and I was stuffed! Are you loving your band, yet?
  16. Miss Greenie, We are missing you here too! You contribute a lot to all of us on this site. I know I was off track for about a month. I had fallen into old habits of not measuring my food and eating the wrong things at the wrong times. Last week, I decided, I better get back in line or I'll never get this weight off! I know we're not in a race, but I would love to get to goal by 2 years and just be on maintenance for the rest of my life. This is not the easy way out and if we could just watch our intake, portions and exercise on our own without getting the needed fills, we wouldn't have needed the band in the first place. Even if you can't hang out here much, return when you can so that we can support each other! Take Care Dear, Bigs Hug, dee~
  17. Yup Brandy, The problems seems worse for me today. I found sometimes just hiting the back browser will work and sometimes it won't. Nothing is worse than writing a nice long thoughtful post and then you get logged off! That has happened twice to me in the past few days!
  18. :thumbup::frown::eek::thumbup::clap::eek::biggrin::thumbup: :Banane57:AND It's especially time for me to play the piano and Mal to do her little dance! Go Mal! :thumbup::thumbup::woot::eek::eek::eek: Lap you have no idea how thrilled I am for you! Oh my Goodness! This is such great news! I feel like it's happening to me! You and I started at higher BMI's -- so I have always looked to you for my inspiration! Honey! Grandma to be! You enjoy that time with your daughter and that new baby! Write us when you can! I'll be praying for an easy labor, a pink screaming baby girl and a Grandma who gets lots of sweet baby kisses! Heck, the Party Aint Over Yet! It's only just begun!!! Love and Hugs, dee~
  19. I love families like that! They are the best AND you are very fortunate! Enjoy your Monday too! I'll be working! Hugs!
  20. Shelbi, We could call it our Oatmeal/No Red/Move our bodies Challenge! 12 weeks from today? Or from tomorrow?
  21. Deb, I hope your father's recovery is complete. He and you both need each other. My father died before seeing me make good changes. That makes me sad. I remember your other post about your parents, I think you have very supportive and sweet parents. You're a lucky Daughter!
  22. Shelbi, Could I join you on your 12 weeks of no red meat, eating oatmeal and exercising? I'll need my tests redone at that time too. I am off all of my meds. My doctor didn't want me to go too long without re-testing.
  23. Steel Cut Oats is the same as Irish Oatmeal. You have to use more water and cook longer. It's less mushy than regular oatmeal and more fiberous. It's excellent for decreasing your LDL's and Triglycerides. You can now get it in the regular grocery store.
  24. That's how I make my Steel Cut Oats every morning or rather every night. I have this tiny crock pot. I add dried apricots and cranberries. Then in the morning I add the Walnuts and a little honey! It's so good. I actually, think I am now eating more protein than previous and I wanted to check my kidney function to make sure I'm not taxing it. I think your results are great!
  25. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    That's great! I can't wait to meet you!!! I'll be there too! Congrats on that 16lbs loss!

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