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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Actually, Kasie and I went to Target twice! My daughter loves Target too, esp. Super Target! I tried to remember we were there for Kasie to pick up her stuff, but of course, I always find stuff that I want! I got some Burt's Bee's chapstick! Yum! When I got home, my daughter said, "You went to Super Target without me?" I said, "Twice!" Nothing like a sympathetic Mom! I thought of you yesterday when I was back there in recovery. My friend Marty asks about you all of the time! She dropped in to see Bella too and I told her that your doctor wants you to lose 30 more pounds! She was so happy for you! She's doing great! The nurses are already getting used to me there in the Surgicenter! They served a free lunch at the hospital for associates and families and Kasie was my daughter for the afternoon! It was fun. There weren't many tables vacant outside so when we found one, we invited this little elderly man to join us. He was so cute! It was just one big happy pretend family. Mom, grandpa and daughter! I know, I'm sick! I probably need some meds or something!! Love you! dee~
  2. Hey! If you think the Teal Hat was tacky, you should have seen my yellow shoes and purple purse! I taste good, I do not have good taste! HA! Hey what happened to your blue tongue Avatar? I loved that Avatar! It always made me laugh! love, dee~
  3. Yum! Mini? Did you say "pie?" I am so PMS'g right now!
  4. Happy 6 Month Bandiversary Dorkable! YOU have really done so well with your band! Congrats on your 4 pound loss this morning! :party:I'm the one in the middle, red outfit, holding the balloon!
  5. Hi Everyone, Before I drift off to dream, I wanted to let you all know that Bella is banded and doing well. Her Sweet Daughter, Kasie and I spent a very long day together. And little Bella did very well. We finally got to the hotel around 640 this evening. Kasie and I had some errands to run - so we hit the Target and the Safeway. Bella, is so fortunate, she has an absolutely lovely little daughter. She's smart and thoughtful and funny. We both were so pleased to get Dr. K's call when the surgery was completed and Bella was in recovery. It was a long day and I pray they are resting well tonight. I have to say, it was such a blessing for me to have been given the opportunity to meet Bella and Kasie. God gave me a gift in granting me new friendships today and in keeping Bella safe and protected during surgery. Sleep Sweet Banditos, Love, dee~
  6. Sunshine and Gbear! Welcome Welcome Welcome! There is plenty of room on the Loser's Bench for everyone! Remember with the Loser's Bench, the all of the Loser's are losing, so our formerly larger sized hiney's continue to get smaller and smaller -- thus making room for all of the newbies! Who in turn will start their journeys -- and they will soon be making room for all the others to join us! (I know, I'm a goof!) The only thing you have to watch out for on the Bench is Shelbi! She tends to poke and pinch and tease the ones who sit next to her! She means well, it's her way of welcoming you! BUT don't worry, she's been on her best behavior lately and she hasn't poked Mini once! Right Mini? I'm about to get in the shower to head out the door to pick up Bella (don't you all love her new name?) If you believe in a higher power, please say a prayer -- for a blessing on her today during her surgery. When I know someone is being banded, I offer a prayer on their behalf and for Dr. K. Hugs to the Newbies! Hugs to the Oldies! Love to you all, dee~
  7. Hey Deb! I have to tell you, my knees and feet hurt so bad before my surgery, I couldn't stand it. I'd work my shifts and could hardly walk to the parking lot. My knees just screamed with pain. I have a lot of arthritis in my left knee. Since losing weight, my pain is 100% gone in the knees and my feet have improved about 80%. My heel pain is still there if I stand for hours, but it's about 75% improved. For me, I'm just waiting to lose enough weight to not have to deal with my dependent edema. I have a good friend who has had a total hip replacement. She's close to having her knees replaced. Her orthopod told her of a study they did in the UK that proved 89% of the patients who were on their way for total joint replacements -- after losing weight to a normal BMI -- avoided the surgery completely. I think this is significant, don't you?
  8. Good Morning Everyone! It's a beautiful day here in Parker Colorado! I'm at work for my third day. I had such a day on Sunday, I told my manager, "Thanks! I think I now have Varicose Veins!" I stood up at my baby's bedside from 615am to 1530. It was insane! I was so happy that I am lighter, because I know I would not have been able to do that 6 months ago! My knees thank Dr. K! You all know my philosophy with life... one small bite at a time! Well, I am finding it difficult taking tiny bites when it comes to this new man in my life. I am ready to just jump in with both feet and wade in the sweetness of being adored by someone! I honestly, don't think I've ever enjoyed this feeling before. It's difficult to not let my self doubt take over, but I'm trying to stay confident and say, "let me enjoy this moment of my life! let me live today and not worry about tomorrow!" Tina, I'm a Leo too. So I know how we can be. I appreciate your thoughtful responses to me. You're a wise woman who has been where I am and I accept your advice because I know it is coming from your heart. Thank you! Shelbi, how are things going with the Oats/No Red/Moving challenge? I bet you were just beaming when you're PCP complimented you! You have done so well! Be proud and give yourself a big pat on the back, but be careful not to hurt yourself. Maybe you should ask hubby to help with that! Lap, I love your pictures! They are beautiful. Your daughter is so blessed to have you in her life and to have a man like her man, who is patient and loving! I bet you're just sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for that sweet baby girl! Lifesaver, Are you going to be at Red Robin tomorrow night? I can't wait to see you all! Be there or be square! Love, me~
  9. Tina, You're so sweet! I totally agree with you about faking it! I never faked it in my marriage. My ex knew exactly how I felt. I am a big communicator. I did however, fake it at work and when I was out in public. I tend to be pretty private, believe it or not, and working as the permanent night charge, I had to put on my happy face every night when I arrived at work. I had to fake that I was happy, even though my heart was breaking. I knew that no one wanted to see me crying my eyes out, every night at work! In reference to my new man, he readily admits that the 'weight issue' would have easily been a deal breaker with anyone else. But he says that he realizes that I am someone he wants a relationship with and will do all he can to be with me. He admits that he doesn't want to say or do anything to hurt me - he accepts me. He has never dated or been with anyone who was obese. It's all new to him and to me. I haven't felt loved or appreciated in a very long time. I know I need to love myself first and foremost. And I believe, I'm getting there, one day at a time. You're very kind for addressing my needs... and you can jump up on that soap box anytime! BTW, sexually, I never faked it! I never had to -- :confused_smile: Reaching that Brass Ring is just too enjoyable for me! Hugs, dee!
  10. Sweetie! I want to give you a big hug and tell you that things will work out somehow. First of all, you are doing exactly what you should be doing. You're coming here, venting and seeking support from those you know understand how it feels to want to eat everything and anything during highly emotional times. Secondly, look how you made your list of things to do instead of eat. That in itself is a victory! My Goodness, Rene, you are so much happening right now and you are in the right mind to list 4 different and totally doable things to keep your mind off of food. That is a triumph! I am so sorry about your situation with your estranged father. Family problems suck! I do not know why some parents are not parental and they become toxic beings in our lives. The very people who were meant to be our biggest support. Bless you for having to endure that. Honey, do you think that you could talk to a financial adviser who could help you organize your finances? Maybe they could work out a plan for you. I don't know, but I feel it is not something you should feel ashamed of. You had no control over your increase in taxes. $400.00 is a tremendous amount of money! As far as your ex-boyfriend is concerned... I know how you're feeling. But Sweetie, if he was abusive to you, you need to try to move on. You are too good of a person to be with someone who doesn't appreciate you. Don't allow him, if he did or will, to ever abuse you, mentally or emotionally. You're working hard on becoming a healthy and happy person. Lastly, is there someone you can talk to at your work, whom you trust and who has the power to make changes? Is there a way you can step down from the promotion? It doesn't seem fair that the worst trainwreck ended up in your lap and you are now responsible. I hated reading that. It made me angry! I am so proud of you for coming here with your needs. We need you often and when you need all of us, we are here for you. Don't forget it! AND if there is anything I can do, please let me know. A Big Hug! dee~
  11. Well, Mini My Dear! I am loving that ticker of yours! It's the guy, I mentioned previously -- good things are happening AND I am falling head over heels in love! I know, I know, my daughter has already lectured me! I'm trying to settle down, take a deep breath and act like an adult and not a 13 year old girl, giggly all of the time! BUT I do have to tell you all that "falling in love" is a great motivator for weight loss!
  12. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    He performed my surgery, but I do know that he will see someone who has had surgery done elsewhere. He charges more for the fill, I think. Call the office and ask Natalie. Here is the number # 303-695-1304.
  13. Tina, When it comes to situations like yours, I think the biggest part is recognizing your emotions and anger. Using something to help you isn't a bad thing. I give you a tremendous amount of credit for working on this. I am excited that we get to meet you at the BBQ! I can't wait to see those sweet babies of yours!
  14. Shelbi, "Fake it til you make it!" I have learned to live that way! When I was married, I spent my life faking it! But I realized over time that forcing myself to 'smile' when I didn't feel like it was actually helping me see things more positively and in the long run, helped me survive. If there is anything, I can do to help, let me know! The Oats, No Red and Moving is going well. I saw a big drop this week. I also think that the NO White Carbs and 30% Fats are helping too! Well, guys, I have a nice little love story to tell you about. That guy that I met a month ago and I are still in contact and things are actually going extremely well. He insisted certain things and it made me feel I wasn't the right person for him, but we continued talking. We celebrated our One Month Anniversary on Saturday. He knows about the Band. I confessed and he wrote me the move loving and supportive letter. In my eyes, he's perfect for me. We plan to meet in October. I'm excited, anxious and just hoping no one wakes me from this sweet dream! Brandy, are you going to be at Red Robin's on Wednesday? I'd love to do a NO White Carb challenge with you and anyone else interested. Doing the little challenge with Brandy has helped. I was really low on my carbs and my weight stalled, when I upped my whole grain carbs/fruit/veggies and decreased my total fats, the scale moved! And so far it's kept moving. I actually had hit a wall where my weight didn't budge for almost 4 weeks. I hope to see all the "in area" banditos at Red Robin! Hugs, stephie~
  15. Hey! I'm tired of calling you Fat too! It's a negative reinforcement and you need something postive... think of something good and dreamy to name yourself! No more FAT!!! Go to "edit profile" and on the left side, all the way to the bottom of the list, you'll see the words, "change name" -- click on that, they have to approve it, and it takes a day at least. Good Luck Skinny Widow! hugs, dee~
  16. Well, there is no other odd bird, I'd rather bond with more than you!!! :mad:
  17. FW, I know that Dr. K can explain it much better, but he will choose which band will fit you best once he gets your surgery started and sees your stomach. The best way to live well with your lap band is to not have it too tight. If you have it too tight, you can easily have problems with frequent vomiting, which in turn could cause a slip or an erosion. Healthy banding life is not meant to be a band so tight that you cannot eat healthy balanced meals. Keeping your band at an adequate restriction is best. Remember it's a journey and it does take some time to reach our destination. I'm sure he would be happy to explain it to you.
  18. Shelbi, I'm sorry about your gain! I hope you can get that fill soon! I wish I were rich! Rich! Rich! Rich! I'd pay for Sidann to stay in a nice hotel or better than that, I'd have a lovely home with an extra bedroom and she could stay with me! I'd pay for you to get your fills on time HERE in Aurora with our Sweet Dr. K! I'd pay for FW to get Medical Insurance so she wouldn't have to have that worry! I'd pay for Munchkin to be able to come with her supervisor to be with her when she gets banded!! I'd do it all! Ahhh, yes Shelbi, a girl can dream! I have a tiny unsolicited idea about something you could try while you're waiting for your fill. I know I did this because I know myself all too well. I returned to my pre-op diet... except I allowed myself fruit. I measured my meals to 1 cup and if I was hungry in an hour, I allowed myself another 1/2 cup of the same food. I bought all kinds of fresh veggies and washed them. I had them cut and ready in the fridge along with fresh fruit for Snacks. I knew I could do this until I was able to get in for a fill. For me the delay was my schedule with work. It's just an idea! You can tell me to take my ideas and hit the highway! and my Dear, I will. I love you Girl! I know you might be eating larger portions, but sticking with the Oats/NO Red/Moving our Hot Bodies will help too! Right? Big Hug, dee~
  19. Happy Birthday to you, Brandy-Girl! Happy Birthday to Woofay aka Anita-Squirrel! AND Happy Saturday to everyone!!! Hey my birthday is in 15 days -- then 2 days later is my Bandiversary for 6 months!
  20. Brandy! I've been praying for your FIL! I hope things continue to go well. Honey, you have had a lot on your plate lately -- AND absolutely no pun intended -- with your slight unfil and your FIL, there is nothing to be upset about. If you want to do a Mini-challenge (no pun intended again! sorry Mini!) with the NO white carbs, I am doing that on my own right now. I'm finding it totally doeable, as long as the evil Cold Stone Creamery ice cream doesn't enter my freezer! (my DD works at Cold Stone and she often brings home tiniest of containers for us to share) Just let me know! It's been fun doing the Oats/NO Red/Moving our Hot Body challenge with Shelbi! Anyway I can help you, let me know! You're my inspiration, Girlie! Love, dee~
  21. Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week-5th week-6th week - 7th week Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs-1.0lb+0.0+4.2lbs-6.6lbs-5.0:rolleyes: Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0+0.0+0.0+2.0-2.0:rolleyes: Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs+2.0-1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:rolleyes: Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs+1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:tt1: Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs-2.0lbs-1.4lbs+1.0lbs+0.0-1.2:rolleyes: LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb-3.0-1.0-2.0+1.0-1.0:rolleyes: Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs+1.5lbs-0.5-1.0+3.0lbs-4.5lbs:rolleyes: (-6.5 total loss) Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs-1.7lbs+0.0-3.0-3.0:tt1: Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5lbs-3.0lbs-1.0lbs-2.0+3.0:rolleyes: Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs+2.0-5.0-1.0+0.0:tt1: Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs-3.0lbs-3.0lbs+2.0-1.0:rolleyes: Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs-2.0+1.0-4.0-1.5-2.0:rolleyes: John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs+0.0-3.0-2.0-1.0:tt1: bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs-2.0-4.0-2.0-1.0:rolleyes: Munchkin=---------------------------0.0+0.0-3.0-1.0:rolleyes: Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Week Three Losses 18.2lbs :thumbup: Week Four Losses 18.9lbs Week Five Lossses 21.0lbs Week Six Losses 20.1 :smile2: Week Seven Losses :cool: Thanks for the early weigh ins! I haven't ventured over to my scale yet, but I will in a bit! I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone's doing! Thank you Peeps for keeping up with this! I know how hard it is when we have to see a + sign next to our totals. But this is a journey and it has ups and downs... let's celebrate the downs and support the ups! Love you guys! dee~
  22. What did I just read??? You're not going to be at RR? OH NO! That is totally unacceptable!!! well, alright, but I'll miss you!!! And Missy, this better be the last time!!!
  23. Yup, my goal is to not ever be the fatest one in the room AGAIN!!!
  24. Fatwidow! It's truly only the carbs that you need to restrict! You can eat as much as you want of anything else. The Liver is where glycogen is stored from our consumed carbs. They need to be emptied back into our systems. It would seriously take months to do this completely, but 2 weeks can help and every little bit makes it easier to manipulate that liver during surgery! Well, the time is coming closer! I can't wait to meet you and your daughter!
  25. That's Catch Up! NOT Ketchup!!! This hasn't been easy so I know I've forgotten people and issues and for that I am truly sorry! I'll post the updates to our weigh loss totals! Shelbi! Shelbi! Shelbi!! WE are rocking this tiny challenge of ours! The Oats, No Red, Move your hot body is working! I haven't weighed yet, but I can see the difference! I am so very proud of you! I hope one day to meet you in real life person -- It would be my honor to give you a hug! You've been such an inspiration and support here to all of us! Work kicked my hiney last week! I'm exhausted (and not in a good way!) I missed you guys! Hugs, dee~

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