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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Mini, The exact thing happened to me. I remember gaining when I started softs and I cried. I thought to myself, "what have I done to myself?" I used to eat 3 or 4 x the amount of food and not gain -- then I get a band, lose weight and go back to eating less than a 1000 cals a day and gain 3lbs! I was sick! It's normal. Your body is adjusting. It sucks! But it will get better! I promise!
  2. Yup! It was hilarious! I lived in a 3 bedroom house with 7 other american girls. None of us knew one another. We all came from different colleges. It was quite the experience. We made $1.00 a day and had to pool our money to buy food each month and buy propane to cook the food. Yes, Shelbi, I even cheated. I'd sit on my cards and say UNO really fast... then they'd make everyone stand up and I'd always get found out! Others would hide their cards under the tablecloth or in their shirts. We all tried to be the first one to get rid of our cards AND not in the way we were supposed to. Despite getting malaria, Haiti was 12 months of a really good adventure. What kind of nursing do you do where you get to be on your arse for 12 hours?
  3. Thanks! Great minds think a like! OR we had the same A&P instructor! I am glad you didn't have to deal with the power outage too long! I remember in Haiti, we were lucky to have power for 2 hours a day! We lived by candlelight! Makes cheating with UNO really easy! We all cheated... none of us trusted one another! It was part of the game! AND we'd laugh so hard, we could hardly stand it! good memories~
  4. Mini! I think she's adorable! AND I love the name Gracie May! It's perfect for her!
  5. Hi Michelle, You'll get liquid pain meds, liquid antibiotics and dissolve in your mouth anti-nausea meds. Dr. K was insistant that I NEVER EVER take my pills whole again. I asked if I could just cut them into smaller pieces and he insisted they will need to be crushed. I crush them! I know of a bander who didn't do that and one of her pills got stuck for 2 days. She was in agony and had to have a total unfill and go on liquids for days to allow her stomach to heal. Luckily for me, all of the blood tests have come out normal now -- and I don't have to take pills anymore. I do take a chewable multi-vit, chewable calcium and chewable Omega-3. The time will go quickly and before you know it you'll be banded!
  6. My nose runs every time! As soon as I have the appropriate amount of food, I get a runny nose. When this happens, I know it's time for me to put my fork down and stop eating! It's hard sometimes, because the food is good or I'm feeling my head hunger. But it's a difficult sign to ignore! AND I wouldn't because I did once and I got so full and incomfortable! It was the first and last time. Does anyone else have a soft sign? Sometimes, I also get this strange squeeky burp/hiccup too. It's loud and kind of embarrassing! Just ask my daughter! That comes after my runny nose!
  7. I believe it's the vagus nerve that is causing your yawning. Yawning, sneezing, a runny nose and an involuntary sigh are some soft signs and they are related to the vagus nerve and the band. Your yawning should decrease after your swelling goes down. This is just my opinion from somethings I have read.
  8. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Colorado Anyone

    Hi Sarah! I saw that you posted on the other thread and then it was gone! Don't disappear! I post mainly on Dr. Kirshenbaum's threads... he was my surgeon. I've been banded since 1/29/08 and have lost 87lbs. I didn't have hunger pangs until about 8 weeks out, but my BMI was extremely high and I think the empty band gave me some restriction. I'm sorry to hear you've had a hard time! We meet each month at Red Robin's. It's not about eating, it's about meeting and supporting one another. You're welcome to join us! There are a lot of good people out there who have been banded and they can support you. Don't be afraid to ask anything! dee~
  9. Hi Greenie! Thanks for posting! Yes that ticket agent has her's coming some day! Karma is a witch with a capital B! I was a vegetarian for over 10 years. I recently adopted that lifestyle again! Actually very recently! The Oats/No Red/Movin' challenge with Shelbi pushed me down that path! Now it seems like I have to be so cognizant of getting my protein in - previously I didn't seem to notice. Legumes are going to be my friend. Not to mention Tofu! I love the Morningstar Farms foods, so that won't be a problem. My freezer is always full of them. I also make a mean homemade veggie burger! Most of my family are vegetarians.
  10. Marcy! You're so funny! When I saw your title of the post, I thought of a horror movie! Slaughterhouse 5! With all of our weight bobbing, we could make bobble heads of us!
  11. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Deb! Oh my! I just saw this post! I'm sorry! I have no idea why you're having a hard time getting to the Considering Dr. K thread! That just makes no sense! Mini gave you a good snapshot of what's happening over there. When you are able to get over there you'll see a pic of some of us at Red Robin. No rush for that, we are just the same ole folks! A little smaller, however! Less than a month for your surgery. Are you all set? do you have all your ducks in a row? What are your plans?
  12. Hey Peeps, I just got home from Cheyenne! We had a great time! I had so much energy and was able to do anything I wanted. I got our tickets for the concert last December, and still our seats were pretty far up on the top bleechers. (sp?) I could take those stairs like everyone else! Up and down was not a struggle like it would have been previously! One of the ticket agents was rude to me and she said, "I hope you have some oxygen, you have a long way to go." My daughter was pretty offended by that comment! People can be so ugly when they see you're overweight! BUT I didn't have any problems! For me stairs have been very hard, not because of my weight, but because of my accident... I ruptured my achilles tendon in 2005. It was misdiagnosed for 5 weeks and didn't heal properly. I couldn't have surgery to fix it because of the misdiagnosis and the fact that it had curled back on itself, so I do have a problem with the "push off" with that muscle. The concert was amazing! Rascal Flats are just so hot!!! AND my daughter and I took our picture in one of the booths and had it put on a key chain AND I actually look pretty cute! I'm loving my band!!!
  13. The gas is totally normal and believe me you want it out! AS soon as possible! The DH will have to just deal with it! I don't remember having gas at all, actually. I expected it, but it never came. Odd, huh? I do remember really bad port pain. I remember wishing the same, that I'd have someone who could tell me what I was feeling and when. The little twings and pokes were scary... when you have no idea what they are! Now is not the time to worry about calories... just drinking your fluids and working to not allow yourself to get dehydrated is the best thing you can do. Isopure clears were my best friend. When I started fulls, I loved the Safeway brand soups! I'd have 1/4 cup and feel stuffed for hours and hours! Isn't it an odd sensation. Not the normal 'full' feeling. I remember eating an entire popsicle at one sitting and feeling like I had had a Thanksgiving feast. I was a little scared I had overeaten! Dr. K told me on my consult back in October -- this will be an entirely new "norm" -- I've always remembered that. After so many years of being obese, I needed a new "norm" -- I hope our three new banditos are doing well! Hugs, dee~
  14. Oh no! I didn't have that problem. I'm glad you're going to be seen. Are you still on the antibiotics from Dr. K?
  15. Bella, I'm so happy to hear you're home and safe. I loved meeting you and spending time with Kacie! You were not a pest! I can't imagine how difficult it was for you to be here in a foreign city - without a car - having surgery. I'm glad that everything turned out well on Friday night. I was here at home praying and waiting to hear from you guys. I was relieved when I found out everything was okay. Renee aka Lifesaver was so sweet to get your flight figured out! Do you still have the papers Paula gave you about the eating plan post-operatively? She gives you ranges of days - how long to be on each stage. The ranges leave it up to you and how you're doing. She can also email it to you - if you can't find it. I'm not sure I still have it in my computer.
  16. That makes me want to cry! I remember when we were kids, we adopted this doberman that was being severly abused. Her name was Nina. We absolutely loved her. She was the best dog ever! She was loyal and such a good, loving animal. She had so many scars from her life of abuse. It made us sad thinking of what she had been through. I don't trust people who feel they must abuse animals. Something is just not right in their heads or hearts. It's truly a pre-cursor to more serious crimes -- like murder. Nina would have done anything for us. She understood how we valued her and she valued us. Dogs are so smart!
  17. Yeah, I've heard about those ICU nurses! I used to work with a NICU nurse who used to say the same thing! She'd say, "give me a vented baby anytime!" She hated the crying. But Babies cry! That's the way they communicate with us. It really doesn't bother me! Give me a feeder/grower anyday over a vented baby! It just makes my heart sad to see a tiny baby vented! I'd love it if you could slip me a little lasix IV! It might just do the trick! I remember while in nursing school, the Lasix and other diuretics were locked in the narc drawers because the nurses were taking them. I had never heard of such a thing! We had to sign them out with dual control.
  18. Thanks Greenie! I was happy to be available in order to help Bella. It was really nice meeting her and her daughter, Kacie! Congrats on your fill! I hope mine will be a good one. I'm getting it this coming Thursday. I, also, cannot imagine a fill of 0.05 being of any value, BUT my friend says it is! My last fill was 0.25 and it made a huge difference! Teeny Tiny amounts!
  19. Sorry it took so long to get this picture posted! Lifesaver, Kacie, Bella, Dee, Bookholder, Trish Taken 7-16-08
  20. Kidlings who plan to attend the BBQ --:wink2: Please don't forget to RSVP ASAP to Natalie.:smile: They need a head count so that they can order the food!:scared2:
  21. Well, I gained 7.6lbs! Darn TOM and water weight! I actually had gained 10.8, but I started getting rid of some of it this morning! I'm trying to not let myself get discouraged. We're about to head out to Cheyenne for Frontier Days! We're going to see Rascal Flats and Taylor Swift in concert. Shelbi, I'm still with the program, even if you wouldn't know that by looking at my huge gain! The Oats/NO Red/Moving my Body is going well. Don't feel bad about not losing this week, you didn't gain. I've missed you a lot! I'm glad you're feeling better. Mal, Did you get the email to register for the Susan G Komen 5K? I did, but I haven't sent it in yet. My new guy is great! He left this morning for the UK on business and won't be back til the 1st. He travels a lot for work.... India, Vietnam, Germany, through out the UK. We have been talking daily - several times a day. Every night we talk before falling asleep. I learn something new to love about him every day. He's very engaging and just a sweet soul. I hope things work out well for the two of us. I have to remember patience patience patience! Amieru, Congrats on the loss! Sorry about the Belly Dancing class. I know you were looking forward to it. Congrats on that cave in Silver City. We took my daughter's 3rd grade class there and I didn't do the cave because of how narrow it was and all of the steps. I appauld you for being able to do it! Mini, Thanks for being my support!! I hope you know how much I value you! Dork, I'm glad they figured out it was your gallbladder! I'm glad you have a doctor you can trust. Is he the one with the band? I was going to tell you that your situation with your DH is the same as mine with my new guy. He certainly wouldn't have been interested in me, had we not met online. I don't blame him for that. I think that happens a lot, but I think the good thing is that he is open to being with me now because he is putting the value on my personality and not my appearance. Sunshine, I remember the 3rd day was my worst. I never really had any gas pains. My port hurt and I had a hard time getting comfortable to sleep since I don't have a recliner. I'm also a tummy sleeper and just couldn't get in the right position. I survived and now I can sleep in any position except for on my tummy/left side... it just feels strange. Maybe I'm pressing on my port or something. I have no idea. You will feel better soon. Just take it slow with the food. Stick to the full liquids for a bit. They give your tummy time to heal and allow that band to remain where it's meant to be. Brandy, how is your FIL now that he's home? How are you Dear? Are you going to the BBQ? Greenie, I am hoping good things for your 4th fill. I'll be getting my 3rd next week. My friend just got a teeny tiny fill of 0.05. Can you imagine that is about 3 drops! She says she can tell it's there! Wow! I can't imagine how some docs charge so much for a fill. It's becoming a racket! Very sad! Lifesaver, Thanks for working the airplane flight out for Bella and Kacie! I'm sure that made a world of difference for them and it was so sweet of you to go out of your way to help them! Anita, did your company leave yet? I'm glad you're going to the picnic! Anyone else here in town going to be there? Lap! Are you a Grandma yet? We're waiting! Hugs Everyone! Love, dee~
  22. BTW Adork! I think you have a beautiful face! I love the pictures! You are such a sweet natural beauty!
  23. I just love old people like that! Cute as a button, funny as all get out and just full of great stories! I hope to be one of those guys one day! OH, I mean girls! Yikes! That was a scary thought! We are very much alike! AND I love it! Hey, I had some NSV's this week! Things only women would appreciate! Can't share here, cuz we are on a G rated forum, but I think you all can figure them out if you wanna! Hugs Twinie! dee
  24. Honey!!! You are looking great! I see a huge difference! You have a jaw line! I can't wait to have a jaw line! AND I am a happy girl now! The blue tongue has returned! :thumbdown:
  25. Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week-5th week-6th week - 7th week - 8th week Dee = 20lbs +4.6-7.0-1.0+0.0+4.2-6.6-5.0+7.6:tongue_smilie: Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0+0.0+0.0+2.0-2.0 Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7+2.0-1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0 Woofay = 15lbs+4.0-4.0+1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:tt1: Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8-2.0-1.4+1.0+0.0-1.2-0.8:tongue_smilie: LA = 23lbs+1.0-1.0-3.0-1.0-2.0+1.0-1.0-4.0:tongue_smilie: Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0+1.5-0.5-1.0+3.0-4.5:rolleyes: Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0-5.4-1.7+0.0-3.0-3.0:tt1: Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5-3.0-1.0-2.0+3.0+0.0:tongue_smilie: Amieru = 20lbs-2-5.0+2.0-5.0-1.0+0.0+0.0-3.0:tongue_smilie: Sidann = 20lbs-4.5+1.5-3.0-3.0+2.0-1.0 Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0-1.5-2.0+1.0-4.0-1.5-2.0 John T = 15lbs-2.0+0.0+0.0-3.0-2.0-1.0-1.0:rolleyes: bahotmamma = 20lbs-1.5-1.0-2.0-4.0-2.0-1.0 Munchkin=--------------------0.0+0.0-3.0-1.0 Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Week Three Losses 18.2lbs Week Four Losses 18.9lbs Week Five Lossses 21.0lbs Week Six Losses 20.1 :thumbup: Week Seven Losses Week Eight Losses :wub: Only 2 weeks left!!!

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