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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Oh Mal! I am so sorry to hear about your son's friend. I just got online and read the posts to catch up! Your sons have been through so much in the past year and you have been right there with them. I will be praying for them and you and especially for you son's friend. Craig is the best place for him. Please come back here and let us know how things are going. Love you lots Sweetie, dee~
  2. I just weighed! Oh My Goodness! I have lost 23.6 lbs since starting the challenge and this week I lost 11.8 lbs. True loss is only 4.2, since I had gained that 7.6 lbs last week from TOM and Water weight. I told my boyfriend that I am living on Love! Seriously, I think it's the new vegetarian lifestyle I've adopted. Tofu!!! I now can see how I get so depressed. My weight fluctuates so much! I hope it stays down! I am 10 lbs from 100! AND I have 3 days til my 6 month Bandiversary! AND tomorrow is my Birthday! I'll be 45! Only 5 years til I'm 50! I just lost my high! I'm sad now! 5 years!!! Someone tell me to stop!:thumbup: Okay, I'm outta here!
  3. :driving:On the road again! Can't wait to get on the road again... Willie Nelson won't be with us! BTW! I wanted to touch base with my Peeps! Weigh in everyone, please. We are missing some from last week and the week before. Brandy, where are you Baby? Anita, did you get rid of your guests yet? Bookholder, how are you doing? Where are you? :crying: Marcy, I couldn't figure out if you gave me a weight for last week or not. How are the chickens doing? I do miss chicken now that I've become a vegetarian! Lifesaver, how are you, My Dear! I loved your face in our RR picture, You are just adorable! Deb, I'm so glad Tucker-baby is home with you and DH! Munchkin, how was your night floating? I floated to an adult ICU once and I threw up! :wink2: Sorry, but I was doing trach care and it was more than I could handle! Give me Meconium anyday!! Denver, there is not one thing I do not like about my band. Honestly, I cannot think of one thing. I'll be 6 months out next Tuesday and I have NOT (knock on wood) vomited once, no sliming issues and I can eat anything if I chew it well and take small bites! I love my band! Dork, a blue icee! I love icee's! I stopped at the 7-11 yesterday to get a splenda slurpee, but they were out! We've had 13 days straight of 90 degree or greater weather! I know for a PHX girl like you, that's nothing, but it's hot for us Denver Babies! Sunshine, how are you feeling? I'm sorry if I was hard on you! It's not my place to admonish anyone. I just was worried about you doing too much too soon. Besides, how often do we have a legitimate excuse for taking care of ourselves!? BRB - I'm going to weigh now! Hugs to all my Banditos! All of the newbies! :thumbup: AND all of the more seasoned Losers! Love ya, dee~
  4. Dr. K's BBQ 10 week Weight Loss Challenge - Week 9 Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week-5th week-6th week - 7th week - 8th week - 9th week Dee = 20lbs +4.6-7.0-1.0+0.0+4.2-6.6-5.0+7.6-11.8:wub: Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0+0.0+0.0+2.0-2.0 Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7+2.0-1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0 Woofay = 15lbs+4.0-4.0+1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:tt1: Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8-2.0-1.4+1.0+0.0-1.2-0.8:tongue_smilie: Dork = 23lbs+1.0-1.0-3.0-1.0-2.0+1.0-1.0-4.0-2.0:wub: Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0+1.5-0.5-1.0+3.0-4.5 Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0-5.4-1.7+0.0-3.0-3.0:tt1: Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5-3.0-1.0-2.0+3.0+0.0:tongue_smilie: Amieru = 20lbs-2-5.0+2.0-5.0-1.0+0.0+0.0-3.0:tongue_smilie: Sidann = 20lbs-4.5+1.5-3.0-3.0+2.0-1.0-1.0:tongue_smilie: Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0-1.5-2.0+1.0-4.0-1.5-2.0 John T = 15lbs-2.0+0.0+0.0-3.0-2.0-1.0-1.0-2.0-:thumbup: bahotmamma = 20lbs-1.5-1.0-2.0-4.0-2.0-1.0-2.0:tongue_smilie: Munchkin=--------------------0.0+0.0-3.0-1.0-2.0-1.0:wub: Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Week Three Losses 18.2lbs Week Four Losses 18.9lbs Week Five Lossses 21.0lbs Week Six Losses 20.1 :biggrin: Week Seven Losses Week Eight Losses :crying: Week Nine Losses :wink2: Only 1 week left Peeps. We have kept up the good fight! Let's not give up now!
  5. So I talked to Tom yesterday about what my final goal weight should be. He said a normal BMI for my height would be 170. So I am almost 1/3 of the way to my final goal! I think that is pretty cool since I am almost at my 6 month Bandiversary!
  6. Okay You Sexy Hot Grandma! Congrats on that Sweet New Baby Boy! I loved your story, but I couldn't get your pics to work. I am wondering if there is a problem, because I can't get your before and during slideshow to work either -- but previously I could! AND my ticker isn't working either. I had to make a new one to change it! I love New Babies! I always tell my friends when they are pregnant that it's best to not plan out how you want things to happen, because it never happens that way. Sometimes, Moms will come in with Birth Plans and things just never go as planned. Then they are disappointed. It's more fun and realistic to just be prepared to enjoy the ride! How's Grandpa with the new Baby Boy? I bet he's thrilled! Was it hard for them to come up with a Boy's name quickly or had they chosen one already? I love his name! Big Hugs Sexy Grandma! Love, dee~
  7. I love Brutus! He's so cute! He'd be one of the babies who you'd just want to hug all of the time! And your tatoo is great! I think you're so brave! Lap's suggests were good. She has a great eye for art.
  8. Bella, I'm sorry to hear about your losses! Funerals are so sad. But to me they are so needed to memorialize the person's life. Glad you're starting to feel better. Are you still yawning a lot?
  9. No fill for me! I've lost 12 lbs! Tom and I think we're in my green zone! We were talking about T.O.M. with Natalie and he was there. I told him that he caused me to gain over 7lbs last week! He laughed! I need to hear the story behind your blue tongue! Are you at a fair or carnival?
  10. I'm happy I have a boyfriend too! We are so funny together. We giggle and laugh at everything. He called me this morning from Saigon and we talked for over 2 hours. My daughter comes in and rolls her eyes! She said, it's like I'm 13 years old. AND the funny thing is that he had just said the same thing to me! That he felt we were regressing back to our teen years! I love laughing and it's just been such a joy getting to know him!
  11. WE missed you at RR too! I was in the office yesterday and I promised them to wear a different shirt to the BBQ. I also wear one shirt when I go for my appts. It's fun to put it on and see how big it's getting! I love that!
  12. Shelbi! I just adore you! I saw all the edit comments! You're a kick! Oh I know! I make my little veggie burgers! Yumm! I've lost the water weight and now the scale is moving downward! I cannot wait until I don't have any further problems with the dependent edema! I love the Hot Air Balloon Festival. I grew up right next to the Balloon field and there were times when the balloons would land in our backyard. Happened all of the time! My brother in law is a zebra. That's what they call the chasers and field guys! Even tho, I no longer live in ABQ, I still am reminded daily of the Hot Air Balloons! My head is the size of a Hot Air Balloon floating over the city! LOL! True Story!!!
  13. Oh My Goodness, Poor Tucker! I am so sorry to read these words. I know your heart is breaking for your sweet baby. I am so sad for you and Tucker. My prayers will be said that he will heal quickly and be able to be with you. I'm sending you a big Hug.
  14. I'm sorry! I just now found this message! I was banded on Jan 29, 2008!

    I think you're doing great! You'll get there!

  15. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Help! Need advise on son's band.

    Does he like any kind of juice? I poured the Isopure Fruit Punch over crushed ice with some cranberry juice. It helped the taste and texture. Some people just can't stand that texture. (oops, I didn't notice that he will drink the isopure! That's good! It's good Protein and he really doesn't need anything else at this point.) Have you tried some of the slimfast Low Carbs drinks or the Atkins? I'd take him to the store and tell him to find stuff that he'll drink. Allow him to drink anything he wants. At this point, the important thing is that he heals and allows the band to set properly around his stomach. Tell him that calories don't matter at this point, because they truly do not. It's more important to stick with the liquids and allow healing. He's 19 years old and he is now banded. He's going to have to start being responsible for himself and his nutrition. With some guidance from you, I think it will work. But you might have to push him to get serious about finding and trying some other things. Good Luck!
  16. hey sister!

    did you find us?

    join us!

  17. Oh My Goodness Sunshine! Please take it easy. You're not even 2 weeks out! Remember your weight limit for lifting. I know someone who had an internal bleed because he did too much too soon and his port pulled away from his muscle. I know how it is to see a messy house and want to clean it, but try really hard not to do too much too soon. I don't say this to scare you, but I want you to be careful. Take care of yourself. You deserve to rest and relax a little. You just had surgery, Dear.
  18. I hope my new Beau thinks my squeeky/burp/hiccup is cute!
  19. Hey Sister Dork! I think I was posting when you were posting! Congrats on that good restriction! I'm getting my 3rd fill tomorrow! My 6 month bandiversary is next week! I think when I get these ankles down to a normal size, I might have come pretty darn close to my goal! When are they removing that pesky GB? I love your Sophie! She's so cute! Give her a big hug for me!
  20. Brandy! Where are you? Mal! Where are you? Dorkable, when are you having that GB out? Anita, did your guests leave yet? Lifesaver, How's life? Michelle, I hope you're still basking in the sweetness of Love! My life is good right now. I'm having my third fill tomorrow. I think I'm ready for a tiny one! I haven't gotten rid of all the water weight, which, I'm sad about. I hate weighing in with so much edema -- I know I weigh less! We're leaving for ABQ on Saturday. I hope my Mom doesn't say how old I look and how I haven't changed much! It will make me cry! My boyfriend (I love saying that!) is doing great! He's such a Sweetpea! I miss you Peeps -- don't be gone from us for so long! New Banditos -- I hope the aches and pains are disappearing with each new day! Shelbi, are you still doing the Oats/No Red/Movin' challenge? I am! AND I think it's working -- I can feel the cholesterol just leaving my body! I visualize my LDL's decreasing hourly!
  21. Congrats on the 2 pound loss! I used to love Sweet Tomatoes, but I haven't been there since banding. When I went to Vegas, it was sad to eat at the buffet. My daughter and ex wanted to go there -- he paid and I ate my tiny amount. I was okay with what I could eat, but I felt bad that he had to pay full price.
  22. Yup, the nose running can be gross. AND my daughter always notices when I pick up my napkin. Sometimes, she says, "you hardly ate anything." I didn't know they made a chewable BC pill. That's interesting! My port is below the bra line -- a little to the left. I have 6 incisions. He needed one extra to get the job done!
  23. You're right about the Liquid Adult Tylenol. And you can also get the Liquid Adult Motrin. But you do have to ask for it in the Pharmacy. They put it behind the counter to keep parents from accidently picking it up. I didn't know that until recently and I've been taking the children's. If you've now taken on Shelbi's role of the Loser's Bench Pest, we may have to get a hold of Munchkin so she can restrain you too! Silly Girl~
  24. Wow! That sounds like a great job! I have been in the NICU for 18 years with a year in the Ped's Clinic, doing triage. I then did Ped's triage from my home for about 3 years on the weekend. I picked up all the calls for a very busy 20 provider clinic from 2000 on Friday til 0800 on Monday. They paid my full hourly wage -- whether I had 1 call or 80 a day. The winter time sucked! BUT the summers were a breeze! Then I missed my babies and returned to the NICU to be permanent charge. In 2005, I worked 16 months as a Care Manager managing Diabetic Patients... new and established. I loved that job! I love being a nurse. There are so many things you can do with it.
  25. Dr. K's BBQ 10 week Weight Loss Challenge - Week 8 Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week-5th week-6th week - 7th week - 8th week Dee = 20lbs +4.6-7.0-1.0+0.0+4.2-6.6-5.0+7.6:tongue_smilie: Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0+0.0+0.0+2.0-2.0 Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7+2.0-1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0 Woofay = 15lbs+4.0-4.0+1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:tt1: Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8-2.0-1.4+1.0+0.0-1.2-0.8:tongue_smilie: LA = 23lbs+1.0-1.0-3.0-1.0-2.0+1.0-1.0-4.0:tongue_smilie: Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0+1.5-0.5-1.0+3.0-4.5 Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0-5.4-1.7+0.0-3.0-3.0:tt1: Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5-3.0-1.0-2.0+3.0+0.0:tongue_smilie: Amieru = 20lbs-2-5.0+2.0-5.0-1.0+0.0+0.0-3.0:tongue_smilie: Sidann = 20lbs-4.5+1.5-3.0-3.0+2.0-1.0-1.0:tongue_smilie: Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0-1.5-2.0+1.0-4.0-1.5-2.0:rolleyes: John T = 15lbs-2.0+0.0+0.0-3.0-2.0-1.0-1.0-2.0-:thumbup: bahotmamma = 20lbs-1.5-1.0-2.0-4.0-2.0-1.0-2.0:tongue_smilie: Munchkin=--------------------0.0+0.0-3.0-1.0-2.0:tongue_smilie: Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%) Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%) Week Three Losses 18.2lbs Week Four Losses 18.9lbs Week Five Lossses 21.0lbs Week Six Losses 20.1 :scared2: Week Seven Losses Week Eight Losses Only 2 weeks left!!!

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