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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. BTW Deb, I'd appreciate you not mentioning my Gas problem! It's something I am very shy about! BECAUSE I know you all cannot relate. Please don't cry! Even if you had stunk the place up, we all still love you!!:scared2:
  2. Mini, I forgot to tell you, I didn't get the Math Gene, so I didn't understand your half way comment, but I do now! I got the Obese gene from my parents, not the math gene! It sucks!!! Denvergirl, Sounds like you're doing great! I also remember being totally exhausted. Mini is right, it is a surgical procedure, general anesthesia and an invasive procedure. Take care of yourself and don't push it! Hugs to you all! Love, me~
  3. Hey! I'll meet you! What time would be best and what date? I'd love to meet you! WE could have soup or just drinks! I am a big time Huskers' Fan! I went to UNL and graduated in 1985! I was there during the big Osborne era!!! GO Huskers!! Yup, that is how I feel when I have eaten too much! It's not a good feeling!!! I am a Water Bottle addict! I love all kinds of water bottles! I love your glasses! I just got a new pair also! I was going for that, "Hot for Teacher" look!!! I think you're right about not getting a fill. I'm in the same spot. AND it scares me to mess up a good thing. Even a tiny fill can ruin a your green zone and having an unfill can really mess things up! Sometimes it takes longer to get to the green zone after having an unfill. Tom and I discuss this everytime I go in. I made my next appt. for 6 weeks instead of 4. Congrats on all of those NSV's!!:thumbup: That is so scary! AND so close to your home! I hate when that happens. Even tho you know it's an isolated case and most likely not a random crime, it still is unnerving! I'm so happy to hear about Tucker-Baby! That's great news! There is an Atlanta Bread Company not far from Dr. K's office, we could get some soup OR we could hit those places off of Pena and Tower area if you want -- that would be closer to the airport and closer to Brandy-girl. I confess, I love Popcorn! The AMC theater near my home has this great little package deal. 8oz of popcorn (smaller than the kids size) an 8oz drink and candy. Or any combo! I usually get the popcorn and two water bottles. I know it's bad! BUT I really don't care! I sacrifice all of the time, if I want a tiny popcorn when I go to the movies, I think that's okay. Okay Guys, as some of you know I served a year in Haiti as a student missionary. I loved it there! More than anything, I absolutely loved the people! They are really struggling with the recent hurricanes. Please take a moment and say a prayer for the people of Haiti and all the others who have suffered from the bad weather. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Their lives are hard enough and a disaster like this is devastating.
  4. Yeah, but unfortunately, that would be my second goal, not my final goal. I'm only 1/3 from my final goal. I have such a long way to go... sometimes, it's overwhelming to me. I'm having one of those "woe is me" days - probably because I'm PMS'g.
  5. Mini, I don't think I'm that good at the chewing and concentration thing, but I keep my band rather loose. I prefer to not have to vomit and PB - if I can. I also like to eat healthier foods and if I were too tight, I'd be afraid I couldn't. I know people who can't eat steak, chicken, fresh veggies -- That would be sad!
  6. I have some great chewable multi vits from Vitamin Cottage. I just love them! Vitamin Cottage allows you to sample all of their chewables. One day, I did just that... I sampled 4 different ones THEN it hit me - "what was I thinking? I had just taken 4 multivits!" don't follow my example, but if you live near a Vitamin Cottage - you might venture down there. Taking a whole multi-vit might be okay now, but once you get really good restriction, you might have problems.
  7. It was my second post op visit when I asked Dr. K when I could start just cutting my pills into small pieces. He was adamant that I NEVER take my pills whole or cut into small pieces, but I must crush them! In his defense, I have a good friend who was banded about a year ago. She had to take a rather large pill and called her own doc (not Dr. K) and asked if she had to crush it. The MA who answered the call - told her no, she could take it whole. She did and it got stuck. She was in pain for over 12 hours, she tried vomiting and couldn't - eventually she had to go to the ER to have an unfill. She was so swollen and irritated she had to stay on warm liquids for a week. I do think there is something about not taking pills whole. Who will have a problem and who will not, we can't know. I've decided I'll crush forever, because I might just be one who has a problem. Just my 2 cents on the subject...
  8. I've had my band for 7 months and have never slimed or PB'd. I have had a little difficulty with left over chicken breast, but I just slow down and it's not a problem. I've never vomited either.
  9. This morning, I am going to the dermatologist's office. My first reward for getting to my first big goal is to have the tiny red spots on my upper lip removed. I hope it can be done. I've had them since I was pregnant with my daughter 21 years ago. They have just gotten bigger. Have a Beautiful Day! Hugs Everyone! AND Denvergirl, don't forget to come back and post when you're feeling like yourself! We will all be sending good thoughts your way! You're making a huge step in the right direction to good health. Your new birthday will be tomorrow! dee~
  10. Bella, I think the key is really learning what to eat so that you are satiated longer. I have been doing this detox diet now for a week and I have to tell you, when I eat a meal and it's not primarily Protein, I am starved in 3 hours. So I've really had to watch my intake to make sure protein is the major part of each and every meal. Carbs just don't keep you satiated. Pasta, rice, even oatmeal, bread, veggies and fruit do not keep me satiated as long. For example this is what I ate before starting the vegan diet. Breakfast: Scrambled egg, Turkey sausage, half of a whole wheat toast. Snack (only if I'm hungry): half of a banana and a tsp. of Peanut Butter Lunch: 4 oz of turkey breast, 4 oz of 2% cheese Snack (only if I'm hungry): Apple with string cheese Dinner: chicken or tuna salad, mixed veggies Snack: 3/4 cup of strawberries with 15 pistachios. It's all about making good choices, chewing very very very well after taking tiny bites. Good Luck Dear and my advice is not to have any more fills until you've got the PB's down to a minimum. Just my opinion. I totally agree with the interval training! I had to kick it up a notch with my swimming - Tucker is so strong! What a brave Boy! I'm glad he's out of surgery. I will continue to pray that he recovers from the pneumonia. Denvergirl!! I'm just thrilled for you! Please sit by me on the Bench! I can share my fresh peaches with you - once you're able to eat solids! I remember the morning of my surgery. I was so anxious, I went and filled the car with gas, washed the Highlander and went to the grocery store. I had so much energy! Thanks Lady!!! Hey Brandy-girl, where have you been? I've missed you!! Have fun at your work out!!!
  11. I hope little Tucker is going to be okay. I know you're so worried. Let us know how he's doing. Poor Baby he's been through so much.
  12. Rene! Thanks! I will need some help, I"m sure with the workout stuff! I have several friends who have done it and one who currently just started it with her husband, but I'd love to call you and you can talk me through any problems I may have. Did you have a problem with returning to the eating plan after your "free day?" We can start it on the 17th or we can start it earlier. I'm okay with just doing 14 days of detox. That would mean we could start on the 10th. Is the 10th good for you? Shelbi, is the 10th good for you? Anyone else, who might want to join us - will the 10th work for you all? If the 10th is good for everyone, let's say, we'll start on the 10th. I am working 6 hours on that day and can go and work out after work. Thanks Rene! I love that you're an expert with the BFL! I appreciate it! I'm going to go to the library and get that book. Love ya, dee~
  13. Shelbi, I totally agree with you on this one! I am very interested, but I really do not want to spend anymore money on diet related stuff. I printed the journals and trackings sheets from the website. I log in my food now on www.fitday.com so I'll just continue that. The work out schedule was an important part of this program for me. My friend is absolutely hot now. She used to be so flabby and now she's got a major six pack! Her back is gorgeous. I think I can do anything for 12 weeks. So to answer your question, I think you can do it without spending any extra money. My concern is that I don't think I can do the 'free day' and then return to the program the next day. I might just do a 'free meal'.
  14. Adorkable!!! Congrats on making it to Twoterville!!! :cheers2::hurray::party::clap::waytogo::welldone::smile::smile::w00t::thumbup::smile::smile::woot::smile::Banane30::Banane41::Banane52::Banane31::tt2::tt2:
  15. I agree with Rene! That head is scary! I couldn't sleep last night, I was so afraid!!!:tt2::eek::thumbup::eek:
  16. Yup Lotza! That's what I love about my band... if you fall off the Band wagon, you can just get up, dust your 'baggy butt jeans" off (all my pants are now baggy butt pants) and climb back aboard. Everyday is a new start -- and every fill gives us a new opportunity! Hey you're still in Twoterville!:smile: Hugs, dee~:frown:
  17. Patty! You're so cute!!! You can come and see me on your Medical Mystery Tour!! I'll promise to keep the toxins out of the way! Sugar is bad for me, BUT those crunchy enemies are the worst! Corn Chips, Tortilla chips, Breads!!! Evil, Just plain and simple EVIL!!! This has been such a learning experience for me. I am struggling and yet finding victory when I least expect it. I had a bad experience with WW too. I had lost too much in one week. I really dealt with dependent edema at the time and it was all water weight. The facilitator yelled at me and told me if I lost that much one more time, they wouldn't allow me back in the program! Hateful woman! What do they want from us? She said it was obvious I was doing my own thing! I love all of my Banditos here. Thank you for coming on my journey with me and inviting me along on yours!
  18. You Rock Mini!!! Thanks! I'll join! Hmmm, 8 weeks -- let me see --- (thinking, thinking, thinking!) put me down for 28lbs. Maybe I better hop on the scale so that I know how much I weigh before the challenge starts and I can see how I did with this ending challenge... shall I?
  19. I'll be done with my Detox (sounds like I'm a drug addict in a locked facility) on the 16th of September. If you want to start before that, I'm okay with cutting Detox short! Anyone else?? Wanna join us? Thanks Mini-girl! I'm interested in a Halloween Challenge... how many weeks would that be? Wanna be our fearful leader? Adorkable did a great job!!! TOM is the same with me! I have mentioned it previously, I have to be extra diligent to chew to liquid and not take big bites during that time. I also hardly get in 300 calories during those days and often times have to resort to protein drinks. It only lasts 3 days for me, but I take it super slow! Fear not! It's normal for most women who still have that dreaded TOM!
  20. Shelbi, My heart goes out to you. I can totally understand why you had the Rocky Road. I would have been stuffing all kinds of things in my mouth. Families can be so overwhelming at times. My family put took the fun out of dysfunctional. I love them with all my heart and soul, but they can absolutely drive me crazy. I can't imagine the pain your Mom went through when she lost her son to suicide. Bless her for struggling through that hardship in her life. Mini, I think that advice is worth more than 2 cents. I agree with you. I have done that many times in the last 7 months. I can easily slip into old habits. I love Cookies and ice cream, but more than that I love my carbs. I need structure and planning or I end up failing. Deb, I'm praying for little Tucker and for you too. I know how much you love that little guy and how hard it is for you to watch him suffer. He sounds like such a sweet baby. Let us know how things go. Greenie, you're my inspiration too. I love your blog! I'm picking up extra shifts this weekend. We've been pretty slow lately and I've lost some shifts, so I'm doing what I can to get back on track financially. I hope everyone has a good holiday. I'm still doing the Detox diet. Adorkable, I'm not going to weigh until after the 21 days, but before I start the Body 4 Life, I'll weigh. Sorry! Just count me for total loss of 11.2. Didn't make the 20lb goal, but I'm okay with that. I gotta get back to work! Prayers and good thoughts to you Lap - stay safe and warm!
  21. Rene, I'd love for you to join me on the BFL challenge. I have read through all the material and I am pretty confident it is totally doable with the Band. I have a friend who was on it for 3 - 12 week sessions and she is so buff and beautiful. She just had her tummy tuck and breastlift done. The girl went from a regular housewife to Miss Fitness! I'd love to be Miss Fitness, but I'll be happy to be toned!
  22. Sure Sister! Just click on Multiquote for each quote and then click on NEW REPLY and voila!
  23. Denver, You're so sweet to say, "Yet!" In reference to our kids, I think you and I are pretty fortunate. I have a really good friend who is obese and her kids are just downright hateful to her. They are always asking her why she's so fat! She cried a lot. I can't believe it when I hear them talk to her that way. Once I corrected her son and told him how hurtful he was being. He just rolled his eyes at me. Patty! You guys are goofs! Were you drinking something other than water? I can't believe the differences in your faces! Mal! Anita, Michelle! and You! I've been praying for all of you over there in Gustov's way. Let us know how it's going! I hope Hanna doesn't give too many problems. I Love Your Tat!!! That is so sweet and loving of you to remember your parents that way! Good for you! You know Mal, I think, I'm still in my honeymoon phase. I'm on the Detox diet now and doing well, but I refuse to weight until the 21 days is over! I've lost 1 inch from my waist and I've only been on it 6 days! I have been looking into Body4Life. I need to start using weights and being more diligent about that! I'm good with my cycling and swimming, but it's time to mix it up a bit! I think your son is right about getting your friend a CD of his fav band. It's a great idea, actually and I would say go for it. Maybe several CD's. Sister Michelle!! I'm so happy to know your heart is happy! It makes me smile! You're missed every month at RR and every day here online! You guys were my rock when I first got banded. You embraced me into your group and gave me the encouragement during a very rough time! I will forever be grateful! before being banded, I took Naproxen regularly... always with food. I do think it's a good drug and it really worked well for me. Believe me, I needed all the help I could get to make it through my 12 hours shifts! don't be afraid to take it if you need to. It was great seeing you too! Rene! You're my hero! I am so proud of you! You must be in better shape than you think! That's quite a feat! Congrats, Girlie! Are you going to venture out to another 14er?
  24. Hi Denver! I can imagine my feelings would be a little hurt too. My daughter is 21 y/o. She is very supportive, but initially, she wasn't very happy with my decision. My BMI, however, was pretty high and I knew I'd be dead in a very short time, IF I didn't do something about it. She scolded me saying that she didn't want me to have the surgery and I could do it on my own. I have many times in the past lost huge amounts of weight. 100's of pounds at one time, but gained it back and more. When she and I spoke more about it, I realized she had great fear I would die during the procedure. I told her, I was certain she had been ashamed to be called my daughter. I told her, I'd be healthy and slim and she would never have to be embarrassed again. With a strong voice she stated, "I have never one time been ashamed of you!" "Not once in my life have I been embarrassed to call you my Mother." I got a huge lump in my throat when I heard her words. She said she loved me the way I am. How could that be? I thought to myself. What a sweet girl. No one knew the agony of living and working full time at the weight I was at -- my knees and feet hurt me constantly. Walking into the hospital at 620 each morning - thinking how much my feet hurt and dreading the long day ahead of me. It was the worst life! I think your daughter might be a little worried, also, she may feel you're wonderful the way you are. It's difficult for people who have never been overweight to understand our plight. They don't realize how our joints hurt and how our hearts hurt with the disapproving glances of others. Who is going to take you to the hospital and pick you up? Do you have other support people? I know they cannot replace the support of your daughter, but hopefully, she'll come around. BTW, I think you're lovely. I can't imagine you after you have lost weight. I truly believe Dr. K's patients are so beautiful. It's a pre-req!
  25. Lap, I'm always so sad when I hear about your back problems. You've suffered so long. You're such a good soul and have taken on this journey one day at a time -- you're honest and open with your struggles and I am honored by your words and presence on this site. I agree with you. How many times do we go to the Doctors' page of this site and find that "considering Dr. Kirshenbaum" is the first on the list? I find that amazing! The peeps here are simply the best people on this earth. They are true and caring, kind and loving folks. We are blessed with having found Dr. K and by finding him, finding better health and the sweetness of friendship here. My good friend speaks highly of the Westin and their Heavenly Bed. I don't have personal experience with this bed. I'd love if we could all meet when you're here. All of us! I wish everyone could be here!

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