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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. I got my reading from the trainer at 24 hour fitness. I wouldn't have known other than the caliper test.
  2. Jaime, I haven't read the rest of the posts, but I believe that there are three different bone or frame sizes. I am a large boned person. I know that because even when I weighed 120 lbs, I had very large wrists, no fat on them - just large bones. My daughter is very small boned. Her wrists are extremely small regardless of what she weighs. It's just my own theory.
  3. Brandy, How is your port feeling? Do you think that happened while you were do some lifting for your abs? Any solution to this problem? How is your Hubby doing? I am so glad things turned out well with the test results!
  4. I agree! A bite is usually what does it for me! If I can just have a taste of something, I'm usually good and the craving is gone. I've purchased an entire piece of cheesecake - taken one bite and drown the rest in the sink!
  5. So in other words, I should weight around 199. You're pretty smart Mini! I have a feeling that you got the Math gene!!! I figured out my daughter's too! Her fat % is 32%. She's almost there!
  6. I can't figure it all out either Mini! It's frustrating! I started the BFL last week and just lost that .8 lbs. Then this morning I lost 3 lbs. Today is my free day and I'm trying to not overeat. With the band, you can't, but I'm trying to make better choices. I ate 1/2 burger at cheeburger cheeburger and a few onion rings, then came home and had 2 bites of cherry pie, 1 bite of a chocolate brownie. for dinner tonight, I had 2 small pieces of fish and about 5 fries. I am stuffed. Oh, I also had a few bites of ice cream from Cold Stone. My fave is the German Choc Cake. I hope I don't gain tomorrow. I know it was supposed to be a free day from working out, but I hired a trainer! Yes me! A personal trainer for 5 sessions. I couldn't meet her until Wednesday so I decided to meet her today. She is so tiny! She probably weighs 70lbs and she's like 4-10 or shorter. But she's mighty! She did the caliper test and I am 43% fat! ARGH! I wonder what I was before I lost the 105lbs! Can you imagine? Acceptable range is 31%. I've got a way to go.
  7. George Carlin used to say, "Americans are strange, while they are out buying more stuff, someone breaks into their home and steals the stuff they already have!" -- "It's all about their stuff." I hate stuff too! My plan, as you know I always have a plan, is to go from room to room and throw a lot of stuff in a big box for the ARC people. I vow to never move this stuff again! EVER! I'd love to travel and have thought of it many times. I did do an assignment once and it was okay. People, okay, nurses, if they aren't nice will dump on their travelers! It sucks! I'd love to do what you do! I forgot you were a L&D nurse! Sorry!! Did you like it? That was always one of my dreams. But I got into the NICU and just couldn't leave my babes! I did however, leave them once and worked Ped's Triage and Walk In Clinic. Then I did telephone triage every weekend over a year! Great money! Damn, it was all overtime, 48 hours of overtime a week, and I didn't it from home! I wish I could do that job now! Then for 16 months I was a Diabetic Educator. But once more I missed my Babes and had to return! So here I am feeling a little antsy and wanting to try the PACU or L&D. Tomorrow is my free day! I am sore too! But I've already lost .5 inch in my waist. I can't wait for my free day!
  8. Oh Boy!!! the bananas getting their groove on! Even they are getting more action than me!!! WAH WAH WAH!!! I've never heard of the Blue Dolphin! Hmmm, is it blue? Is it shaped like a Dolphin? Christmas in September??? Wow! I am truly excited now!! AND IN A GOOD WAY! Okay Peeps! Multiquote Lesson 101! Do you see the place on the bottom right of each post? The middle one says "multiquote" click on it. Then go to the next quote you want to respond to, click on it too. Each one you click on, will become muted or change in color. You know you clicked it. After you've clicked on all the ones you want to respond to, click on "NEW REPLY" and voila! Remember to only write your response after the or it won't appear correctly! Try it now! Everyone together! Your daughter is adorable! You're so cute Marcy posting this! it's true! This is what truly matters in this life -- the innocence and sweetness of our loved ones. I hope she had a party that only a princess deserves! GRAND! When I worked Nights, I could sleep anywhere at anytime! I was such a slug! I gained all my weight during those night shift years! I was hideous! I only wanted to sleep and eat! I was just like a preemie! Yeah! I figured PACU or Labor and Delivery! but L&D is always known for their primadonna nurses! Congrats!!! That's great! AND please don't avoid us when you're being bad! That is when we're here 10 fold! WE all have our bad days and weeks and months! Hopefully, not years! BUT we're human, afterall! Enjoy Girls day out! My Trapeze were really sore! Plus my glutes! I want a sweet tight little hiney! I've got to get buff so I can have all the sex I want! My goodness, I've got to get ahold of myself! Oops! OR some sweet Man! We have a paperless system and I'm a superuser of it! ARGH! BUT listen to this, we had to transport a really sick baby the other day to another facility and we had to print her chart. She was less than 3 days old and it printed 408 sheets of charting from the computer! YIKES!!! We killed a bunch of trees that day! In the old days, you chart on paper and just walk over to the copy machine and copy them! 408 pages! I have turned into the PUFF Heavy DD! I lost .8 lbs! WAH WAH WAH! WAIT, remember Marcy's daughter's face! I see it! Okay, I'm okay! Did you say Carrot? Dangling in front of me? Carrot? Oh my!!!:tt2::tt1::biggrin:
  9. I remember waking up every 30 mins and checking to see if the phone was still working! It is hideous! I hate it too! One night, I worked all night, came home and decided I didn't want to sleep, I wanted to play with my friends, it was 2000 and I was ready to finally sleep, I put my jamas on and was brushing my teeth and the phone rang!! I was on call and had forgotten to write it on my schedule! That sucked! AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY! I cried all the way to work, I was so tired! The things we do! Lucky for me, I was called in to do admits and we didn't get any!!
  10. Jaime! I forgot to tell you, I love your new Avatar! You're just adorable! BUT you'll have to change your title or they will think you're doing the Pee Pee dance! I guess, I got so aroused by your Nasty Banana that I forgot what I was going to post to you!!!
  11. Brutus is so lucky to have you for his Mom! AND you're so lucky to have him as your son! I'm glad it all worked out so well!
  12. So you're sitting at home "census'd managed?" I used to hate that! You couldn't go and work anywhere else because you're on call, plus you couldn't go to a movie or out with your friends AND you certainly couldn't have a drink! All for $5.00 an hour!
  13. How funny! I am interviewing for a PACU position too! I would love to try another area of nursing. Do you have PACU experience? I don't, but I hope they would be willing to give me a change. The job I'm interviewing is full time with call requirement!
  14. Yup! I would have never recognized you!!! I'm going to show your new pic to "Marty" she'll be so proud of you! She asks about you all of the time! She's doing well too!
  15. Deb, Just stick with it! You'll do fine. I am now using it first thing in the morning to plan my meals for the day. My goal is the 20/40/40. It's a lot harder than it seems! ARGH! AND I am so sore from doing the BFL lifting of my arms! Yikes! You're smart, I wouldn't take the chance, either! I'm so sorry Mal! It's not that hard, it's doable and my daughter has joined me! She's already lost 2lbs! She's so devoted! I hope your fill is good too! Don't forget to ask if you have a 10cc band or a 10cm band. Honey! I wouldn't have ever recognized you!!! You are absolutely beautiful! You looks young and fresh and hot and sexy and gorgeous! I love your tat! The poem is so nice! You're a brave brave soul! Okay Girlfriend, plan our October date! Give us a couple of dates and we can figure out what works for us! I am looking forward to the FREE DAY! Sunday for me too! I've had my 4 meals today and I am done! Yes Maam, 7pm at the Red Robin at Arapahoe and I-25 on November 4th Cool Beans! You'll be there!! Easy Breezy Girl! The Ensenada Chicken Platter is what we all get, order it with regular dressing and no tortilla strips on the salad. Go to their website and you can check everything out. They have several meals you can eat on Low Carb. Happy Happy Bandiversary Shelbi! You're the BEST! AND MY BFL BUDDY! Ouch!!! That's horrible! I bet that hurts! I always fear that I'll flip my port! What is the solution? AND I don't want to be always remembered when someone has GAS!!! Bandster Hell WILL pass and you'll be feeling much better in no time! When is your first fill? Reminds me of me when I'm swimming -- elderly men with walkers are walking faster than I'm swimming! My daughter always says, I'm a 13 year old boy!!! That's bad! I hate the OGTT! We created a breakfast for our pregant moms at the Village Inn across from the hospital (years ago in Albuquerque) -- they had to eat a certain breakfast and there were just enough carbs in it to do the test! AND not one ever vomited! When testing our Mom's for gestational DM, they often vomited after having to drink that glucola. The breakfast is more realistic. Who is going to go around drinking glucola? NO one! I think that is a grand idea! Let's do it!! Yippee! The best news I've heard all day!! Yes, it's getting ugly Munchi!!! Der Wienerschnitzel is such a turn on!!
  16. The sad part Jaime is that I can't say I'm not aroused by him! STOP ME!! Somebody!!
  17. We missed you like crazy! It just didn't seem right to not have you partake in our conversation. BUT we understood! Because we love you!
  18. Yup, You got it Sister! Puff Daddy and Heavy D! :wink2:
  19. Oh I forgot, You're 80 Talking Boobies formerly known as Princess, formerly known as Munchkin! I'm such a doofus! Love ya!
  20. Well, Princess formerly known as Munchkin, I better get to sleep. Or try at least. I have to get up early and swim or else, Shelbi will kick my soon to be skinny arse! Good Night John-boy! Love, mary ellen~
  21. She's fortunate we love her, or we'd ban her from our Band! BUT she's Puff Mama and how could we do that to Puffy? She's probably tired -- she also has a hubby! If I did, I'd be in bed too! ARGH!
  22. I actually can't believe Puff Mama left us! How could she leave Heavy DD and Princess the artist formerly known as Munchkin!
  23. I have to wonder if it is all connected. It's possible. Our bodies are like that. AND about our TMI posts, they will just realize it's Dee and Munchie, if Mini was here, she'd be with us!
  24. And it makes me wonder if it has something to do with your breast pain. Is your pain localized or general?
  25. Oh, I see. That doesn't sound right. Do you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? Have you talked to the doctor about your lack of interest? I'm sure you have. You shouldn't be having so many problems with your cycle. You're way too young for that! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to minimize your situation.

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