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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Congrats!!! Thanks for popping in! I'm glad you're doing pretty well! Yup, that larger incision can give a little discomfort! I do remember that well! But by day 4 you'll be feeling much better! Take it slow, sip your water, walk as you can tolerate and enjoy knowing you're on your way to being a healthier person!!! The Loser's Bench is happy to have you! Take Care Fellow Bandito!:thumbup::smile::cool2: dee~
  2. Gas from Ice Cream? Oh no!!! Are you a little lactose intolerant? I loved that Ice Cream! My daughter works at Cold Stone and she can bring home a small container after each shift. She brought me home my treat for my BFL free day. It's tomorrow! Yeah BABY!
  3. People who work out without even thinking about it, they aren't human! I think they are from another world... not this one!
  4. Thanks Marcy! That sounds like a great recipe! I have to try it! I got an ice cream maker for my birthday from a friend of mine! Nice gift!
  5. I found the same thing Lotza! If I weigh after pee'g immediately after rising, I am higher than if I wait and weigh just before eating breakfast or drinking my protein shake prior to working out. Odd isn't it? Congrats on that 20lbs! Doesn't it feel good?
  6. I don't have much gas UNLESS I use a straw! Then it's insane! I drank my fave Starbucks, Passion Lemonade Tea (sans the sugar syrup) with a straw the other day and I was dying! Then I did it again and sure enough - it's the straw!
  7. Boy do I know this Mini! For me, I do great until I miss a day! One stinking day and it's like pulling a huge molar to make me return! I worked 4 and I wanted to sleep longer yesterday morning, so I didn't ride my bike (it was supposed to be an aerobic day), so here I am fighting with my self to get to the pool and swim. I think of those people who do it as second nature. I long to be one of them! I wonder if it's just me and my personality - or is it in my genes? What kind of people work out without even thinking? Are they superhuman?
  8. A good way of being able to indulge occasionally is to be active. Ride a bike, take a walk, swim a lap -- introducing regular activity daily will help you be able to eat something yummy once in awhile. I just checked my 2 hour pp after breakfast - it was 91. I check mine once a day, just so that I don't miss something -- that and I am a nerdazoid!
  9. I know, it's that amazing?? Hey Girlie! 37 days!!! Enjoy your last week of Last Suppers! Welcome to the Loser's Bench! Move over everyone!!! The good thing about the band is that as we lose, our butts get smaller thus making more room on the Bench to Welcome More Losers! You're a Bandito Now! I remember having a strange feeling in my stomach, but it improves rather quickly! I noticed recently that I can cough and not feel that odd port discomfort. I don't even know I have a band -- until I eat some really dry leftover chicken!! Good Luck Sleeping -- that was my hard part after banding. I am a tummy sleeper. I slept reclined on the sofa for a week or more! I'm addicted to Celery with the Whole Foods Natural chunky 365 Peanut Butter. It is so good! A perfect snack! I hate TOM!!! BUT yes! He can do the surgery! You'll do fine! It might even happen earlier for you. Others say that weight loss and stress changes your cycle a little. I know mine has changed. Maybe you'll lose some weight with your pre-op and you'll get it earlier than expected! A girl can dream, you know! That would be great! I wish my sister would get a band. Tracy, I've seen your posts before on other forums. Nice to see you here! You know it Girl! The Band is a miracle! I have been struggling with my PMS -- "The PMS that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend!" -- yuck! BUT I weigh every morning and graph my weight. I noticed this morning that my weight trend is continuing in the right direction with lots of ups and downs... but trending down. The Band is doing it! Hey Deb!!! shout out to you!!! AND Tucker! I'm glad that little guy is eating and enjoying life again! You're a good Mom! Shelbi!!! Oh Where Oh Where is My Shelbi? Lifesaver? Are you there? Let's plan a date for our RR group in October. Mal! 6 days to our 5K! Brandy!! Are you ready? My daughter and I are so excited! I am walking for my Grandma and for my friend Sandra! I missed them and think of them often!!! Woofay?? Where the heck are you, Woman!!!??? Lap, I know you're taking your time, I miss you and pray you're doing well. Love you Woman!! Munchie, Did your check ever get there on Friday? I hope you're sleeping right now! You worked last night, didn't you? Marcy! I'm sorry, but I must ask you this -- can you see Russia from your house? (just a question, I'm so confused!) Bahotmamma! Have you had our - "Willie Nelson's Peach Cobbler" ice cream lately? Bella, how's it going? You have had your band now for 71 days! AMAZING! Can you imagine how fast time flies? Dorkable! If you do come to hang out with Denvergirl in the Hot Tub, can I join you? NSV for me, I worked 4 in a row, Busy Busy Busy 4 - 12's and I walked out of that hospital last night feeling human! I am so blessed with this band and with a new lease on life! Guys remind me of this often! We all need to remember how blessed we are to be on this journey to good health! I'm sorry if I forgot anyone! I'm human and I do make mistakes frequently!:sad: Hey!!! I just realized today is my 8 Month Bandiversary!!!
  10. Hi My Sweetness Mini-girl! Thanks for posting those pics! #5 is absolutely beautiful! I love it! Do you mind if I steal it and share it with others? I heard Zion is lovely! I've always wanted to go there! I did leave you a message, I was sorry I didn't read your post until you were gone! Sorry! I hope things are okay. Only 6 days til my first 5k! I am so proud of myself! Can you imagine, me, the fat girl is going to do a 5K!????:thumbup::eek::thumbup::eek:
  11. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Chewing & Spitting

    I agree with you RestlessMonkey! There are hundreds of things that make me happy, but several will get me arrest! HA!! So it's best to do what makes you healthy and safe!
  12. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Chewing & Spitting

    I think we have all done that once or twice. What we are talking about is people, banded or otherwise who purposely take that bite of whatever food with the intention of not swallowing it. They chew it and then spit it out. It's something that is done on purpose, not just because they take a bite and realize it isn't a band friendly food.
  13. PrtyAntOvrYt

    PCOS with Clomid rule, I am shocked!

    Stephanie, Many things are dictated by health insurance companies. If that is a specific rule of your own insurance, then I would get the band first and lose some weight to get to a BMI of 30. You can do it. My BMI was 63 just 8 months ago, now it is 48. That's 15pts in 8 months. The poster that advised not getting pregnant if you are newly banded - is right. Many surgeons will ask that question when you go for your consult. It doesn't make sense to get the band and then get pregnant before you reach goal. However, if it happens, it happens AND the best thing about the band is that you can always get back on track and lose that baby weight after you've delivered. I have PCOS too and losing over 100lbs has made a big difference for me! Good Luck and You should do fine! You seem like a very smart cookie!
  14. Have you tried the Ricotta (sp?) cheese and Spaghetti Sauce yet? It has good protein and it's really good. Sprinkle a little cheese on the top and back in the oven in a small ramikin. Yum!
  15. Cassy! That's a great idea! I've never thought of adding the Simply Fruit to my yogurt or oatmeal! Thanks for that great idea! Do you know what I have been loving? The Low Fat Laughing Cow Cheese - herb and garlic -- 35 calories, 2 gms fat, 1 gm carb, 2.5 gms of protein. It's really good on some really hearty whole grain crackers! Have you laughed today?
  16. The Banana Split is one of my faves too!
  17. I have to admit, I also found that particular greek yogurt, rather tasteless. I finally added some fruit in it with granola and was able to finish it, but it upped the calories greatly! The granola was the yummy nutty stuff that I make homemade!
  18. Oh I forgot about Diet Gingerale. I also forgot about Diet Squirt and Diet Mountain Dew and Smirnoff Ice!
  19. Jaime, I think the pre-op low carb diet is pretty easy! Think of it! All the meat you want -- along with all the cheese! Yikes! Ahh - the mind wobbles!
  20. Wow! 3 for $10.00? I'd have a hard time passing up that sale! I think it was bahotmamma who loved the "Willie Nelson Peach Cobbler" flavor of B&J. I tried it and it was absolutely yummy!!!
  21. Oh please drink some Diet Pepsi, Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke and Diet Rootbeer for me! I miss those guys! You're a brave soul! I can't say I did the same... true! Listen Chickie, don't forget to take those before pics before you start your pre-op -- and remember to do all of your measurements. I measured everything. It helps when the scale isn't moving or you look in the mirror and it looks like nothing has changed. Be safe and enjoy!
  22. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Any New Mexico Banders?

    Anyone considering this doctor needs to check with the medical board and see what information they have on him. It's not good. We need to be our own advocates and listen to what other banders can say about their own doctors. Be careful. I lived in ABQ until 2006. Moved to Littleton at that time and was lucky enough to be banded by Dr. Kirshenbaum. He, however doesn't take insurance. His self pay cost is $9,950.00 total and that includes everything - plus first three months of fills. He's in Aurora. It's about 450 miles from ABQ. Check out his website www.lapbandrockies.com. He's the best! I know, he saved my life!
  23. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Chewing & Spitting

    Yes, I totally agree with the other responders. This is bordering on an eating disorder. I know for a fact that your insulin kicks in with your first bite of food. When your food enters your mouth - your insulin is released. Whether you swallow or not, you're harming your body. If this is an issue you're dealing with, I'd advise talking to your doctor and perhaps, talking to a therapist. Overeating is an addiction, we all have it... sad, but true. Sometimes therapy can help us deal with these issues - so that we are successful with our bands and we learn good and healthy habits. My fear would be - if I do this, I'm not learning good eating habits. Not everyone keeps their bands forever, this is also sad, but true. As long as I have my band, it is my goal to use it to teach me to respect food, make good choices and eat properly, so that I can live at a healthy weight for the rest of my life - with or without my band. I'm not a perfect bander, but I have worked hard at it. I do enjoy a treat now and then, but it's only on occasion. I keep my band very loose, so that I can eat 1 to 1 1/2 cup of food each meal and two fruit snacks. I've lost 105 lbs in 8 months and don't feel deprived of anything. I work out 7 days a week - this has been the most difficult for me, as I started at a very high BMI. The life of a Bander is not easy, but we have to be diligent with getting the assistance we need - whether it's another fill or some time spent with a therapist. Take care and Good Luck!
  24. At the risk of continuing this ugliness, I am going to respond. I have no intention of starting a war of words, however, I must say that I have known Munchkin since she was banded. I met her in person and she is not snobish at all. She has never been rude to anyone on this site. That's all I have to say to you. Good luck with your journey to good health and happiness. p.s. I responded the last time you posted here, in a very nice manner and you had nothing more to say. I would appreciate it greatly if this would be the case - this time, also. thank you.
  25. Did your ticker move? AND where is your pretty Avatar?

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