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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Oh Sweet Patty! Your Baby Boy is Beautiful! AND your photography is amazing! Honey, you've been through a lot since you left our little group here. We have missed you so much! I am so thankful you were there to intervene and protect your daughter and baby. You're a good Mom and a good Grandmother. They are so blessed to have you in their corner.
  2. Yup Michelle Obama is going to be in Boulder at the University to get people registered. I'm going to go! This is such an exciting time in our country. We are struggling with the economy, the war and the health care crisis. It's important everyone does there part and vote! It's an honor for us to have that opportunity in this country! I loved that movie, Mommie Dearest! It's so horrible! BE on the look out for Comet! Speaking of Comet, I need to clean my bathroom floor! "Hurry strap yourself into bed." That woman was insane! BFL is very hard! Sorry to admit that! I'm doing well with the eating! It's the working out that is hard! I'm still doing my cycling and swimming and trying to stay on track with my lifting, but I missed a day with work and now I am dreading it! Yikes! Rene', you are an ANIMAL! That's amazing! 4-14'ers in 1 day? Oh my goodness! You have so much to be proud of! Wow! How's your tummy feeling now? Yesterday, I thought I had my plastic surgery consult appt. BUT when I got there, I found out it is today! ARGH! AND you wouldn't believe what I had to do to get there! Crazy Stuff! I do love Biggest Loser! It's so motivating! I love it! I am disturbed by her too! Your sister must be thinking, "What on earth?" Why would she text that? Makes no sense! Yup Bluegas! BUT I blame Mini for this! She always gets me going! I'm so innocent! Thanks for clarifying that Russia thing! I was pretty confused! AND pretty dumb about that! I've wondered where Anita is too! The last time we heard from her, her SIL was visiting! Hmmm, I wonder! The BFL eating isn't hard, working out 6 days a week, lifting and aerobics is hard. The swimming and cycle isn't hard for me, but the lifting is hard work! That's why I got a personal trainer. I missed a day for work and now I'm having a hard time getting back on track with the lifting portion! I haven't ever heard of drinkables. I'll check the website out. I'm so excited about Sunday. You can walk and run or just walk. You're making the committment to be there and that is the biggest part of it!
  3. One more suggestion Bella, you say you were overeating before your last fill. I suggest after getting a slight unfill to measure 1 cup of food. Eat it. Then when you get hungry again eat another cup of food. Maybe you'll be eating every 2 hours or so. But that is okay. Just make sure that you are choosing high protein meals and food that edifies your body. You'll be okay. Try to eat slowly and work on that portion of the Band Lifestyle. It's not easy. I know! But use this time to form some good new habits that will work to your advantage when you do have restriction. Take Care Missy~
  4. Okay Bella! Lap Band Buddy!! I've been pretty concerned at your fills since your last one. If I read your signature right, you've had 3 fills in 5 weeks. It's so surprising to me that your fill doctor would allow this aggressive management of your band. You and I both know how wonderful it is to lose fast, but we also both know we didn't gain this weight in a year! AT least I know I didn't. This is a new lifestyle. It's not a race. We have to protect our bands and more than that, we have to protect our stomachs. Our stomachs are part of our bodies, they are vital for life and if we squeeze them super tight to restrict us from feeding and edifying our bodies properly so that we lose fast, we are robbing our bodies of great nutrients and we can do severe damage to a vital organ. It's scary to think that you threw up for an hour. Think of what that was doing to your poor stomach. I trust our doctors to tell us when we are asking for something that is not healthy, but I also trust us to be the advocate of our own health. Bella, you're a single mom, you have three sweet children and they need you to be healthy. Slow down a moment, get a slight unfil and take some time to learn the Band Lifestyle. This is not easy. We are fighting habits of a lifetime. I gobble my food, I inhale it! It's a task that is not easy for me to eat slower. I care for you and your well-being and this is why I say these things... not to be bossy or hurtful. Be good to yourself! You deserve it and so do your children! Take care of your band. It can be easily lost from a slip or an erosion. IN my mind losing my band would be bad, but doing permanent damage to my stomach would be much worse. Love, dee~
  5. This kind of support is priceless! It's worth millions of dollars! AND just think, it's free!
  6. You're my best bud, Mini! I feel so close to all of you guys! You're sharing in a part of my life that is so important! It's a time when we are all changing and becoming the beautiful butterflies we were always meant to be! We see the sweetness of each person and that is so vital!
  7. I'm watching it too! I shouldn't be watching this in my condition! All these hot sexy men are making me crazy!
  8. Applesauce might work, grape juice maybe too. I couldn't do the grape juice during that time because of my blood sugars. But if you don't have Blood sugar problems - it might do the trick.
  9. Oh My Goodness!!! Have you seen Ms Leachman dance on Dancing with the Stars? She's 82 years old and just adorable! She had her leg all the way up on her partners shoulder! Damn! I can't do that now! She's hilarious! I'm going to vote for that Sister!
  10. NO kidding! I remember working at a hospital once that used those old mercury thermometers and we had an entire Mercury Clean up team! They had uniforms that said - "Mercury Clean Up Team" I wondered when I read that those light bulbs have mercury in them, what would happen if they broke at your home.
  11. Mdargen! NOT TMI! We've all been there and NOT done that! Unfortunately, I purchased every OTC softener available to man and woman! AND not one worked. AT one time, I was putting miralax in prune juice three times a day. Nothing! It was bad! Then I sent Natalie an email and she said to try a piece of fruit. I did and it worked! An apple, pear, grapes, anything like that works for me! So now, I try to eat a piece of ripe fruit everyday... sometimes, if I'm hungry twice a day. I also upped my fiber! I eat high fiber crackers and bread (toasted). Good luck but know it's normal. You're not eating much!
  12. Speaking of Al Gore, did you hear about that woman who broke one of those new light bulbs? They are filled with mercury. Anyway, she called 911 and they told her to call a Mercury Hazmat Team to clean up the mercury. She did and they did and she got a bill for $5000.00. Nice, huh?
  13. I did! Wow! I had no idea it was that close! That's amazing! How did I ever NOT know that? Being the Cliff Claven, that I am, I should have known that trivia! I love Tina and Amy! Did you see, "My Baby Mama?" It was so funny!!!
  14. Eat half and fill it with tuna or egg salad. I put it in the oven and make it like a cracker, then cover it with pizza sauce, turkey sausage, veggies and 2% cheese. It's a little pizza! So good! The carbs are pretty low and if you eat 1/2 of it, you should do okay. You truly should be able to eat 20 grams to 30 grams each meal and 15 grams each snack.
  15. Yummy!!! I wanted to share with you one of my current addictions. Flatout Bread! I am absolutely in love with it! 100 calories for the entire Multi-grain wrap, 2.5 grams of fat, 17 grams of carbs, 9 grams of protein AND 5 grams of FIBER! It is so good! I make pizza with it, breakfast burritos, veggie wraps, or I just put some almond butter and bananas on it and eat it! OH! I love it! I can’t eat the entire wrap, it’s too big, but every bite is so fulfilling! Check out their website - then venture over to Cost Co and try it out! YUM YUM YUM! www.flatoutbread.com. I copied this from my website. If you want to visit it, just click on the "yummy.":thumbup:
  16. You mean like 'folk music?' Or "fart music?" "Bluegrass" OR "Bluegas?"
  17. Oh boy! Just something more to look forward to! Hurry Jaime, get that Band, so you can join the Band on the Loser's Bench and make Puff Mama's musical dreams come true!
  18. I don't know about Jaime, but I have absolutely NO rhythm! (did i spell that word right?) Seriously, it's embarrassing! If I didn't have a metronome I could have never learned to play the piano!
  19. Finally someone who will love me and appreciate me for all of my stinkiness!
  20. Yeah! Thanks to Shelbi EVERYONE is well aware of my gas issues! Maybe no one wants to sit next to me - I'm just the old Stinky Pete!
  21. I am living through you! I'm thrilled that you're just 37 days from being banded! I'm also thrilled that you are sharing your time and journey with us! You're a sweetie and I look forward to being there with you - every step of the way! You know the Bandwagon is what we use to go places when we're not on the bench! (I know, I'm a goof!)
  22. OH OH OH!!! Which flavor are you entertaining tonight Jaime? AND thanks for the mushies! I do have to get some insulin now, but I did love the sweetness!
  23. She's very cool, but you'll have to wear your Depends! IF not, you'll be wetting your pants! She always makes you laugh so hard!
  24. Okay, just for you! I'll save your place next to Shelbi! You'll regret it after you've been poked and pinched so much - you want to scream!!! But Munchi is mine! Sorry! 80 Talking Boobies-Girl is sitting next to me and Puff Mama! Sorry!
  25. Hey! If I scoot over, I'll have to sit next to Shelbi! AND I don't want to! She's a meanie! I think she should spend some time on the naughty chair!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
